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Would You Sign Up For A Monthly Subscription For Warframe?


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Like maybe MAYBE if Warframe had some giant open world that the Tenno could run about in like an actual mmorpg.


Or maybe MAYBE if the PVP was like Planetside where its just giant space battles with tanks and planes and lisets and stuff.


But it's not.

At it's core, Warframe is a co-op shooter with very light RPG elements.

It's not Destiny where you have vehicles and a world to drive around in.

It's not World of Warcraft or Guild Wars 2 where it takes hours to travel from one area to another.
It's not an mmorpg designed around 'adventure'.


Everything in Warframe is fast and instant.

Edited by Kruglov
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I'm curious if people are actually reading this.

I'm not saying make warframe a game where you have to pay to play every month with a subscription, I am suggesting a membership style thing that people can pay to have some small perks, think Planetside 2 subscription.

I think that a monthly subscription for like ten bucks a month would be a pretty good idea for the devs to bring in some extra cash every month. I know I would certainly sign up for it.

this subscription could give bonuses like:

extra affinity/credit gain (not as much as the boosters maybe 50% bonus or so?)

a free item every couple of months like a syandana or a sugatra, maybe a weapon skin?

a special sigil that you can only wear if you have an active subscription

a few bucks worth of plat every month. (100p maybe?)

a subscription owner's forum, it could have special concept art or something a few days early from the dev streams? not like the DC or anything, that is still reserved for the DC members.

reduced wait time for crafting things in the foundry (50%?)

that's just my ideas for this, is there anything you guys would add to this list?

also if this is in the wrong section, please move it, but it is supposed to be a discussion so I think I have it in the right place.

I don't want to add anything that would make it unfair to other players who dont want to sign up for this. so no weapons or anything can be released unless they want to have the old useless weapons vault open for us earlier than they would for other players.

and I wouldn't want this advertised in game, only on the website. we don't need to pull a planetside 2 with this.

i like this. i wanted the same few days ago.

i will add all boosters with 50% chance and half plat you can buy with same money every month.


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I already know that your idea isn't suggesting being forced to pay, unlike everyone else who is making radical assumptions and typing before they think.


As to the topic, I wouldn't mind paying for this as long as it wasn't exorbitant.


Problem is that what the OP is suggesting wouldn't really be a monthly fee but a 'package'.


30 days of various boosters, some plats, bonus items. Basically a smaller Prime Access.


But by then the topic should be called: "Would you like a smaller Prime Access with different stuff on it each month?"

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I can say simply that I wouldn't pay a monthly subscription because my most important point: I don't have the money to pay a monthly subscription for a game. 

I understand the point of one, it could allow developers to work closer with players and provide a steady source of income. A monthly subscription not matter how small, ie $1 or how big $ 100 does not give me incentive to buy. I feel that when free to play goes it means the game it means the game has met its end.

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I can say simply that I wouldn't pay a monthly subscription because my most important point: I don't have the money to pay a monthly subscription for a game. 

I understand the point of one, it could allow developers to work closer with players and provide a steady source of income. A monthly subscription not matter how small, ie $1 or how big $ 100 does not give me incentive to buy. I feel that when free to play goes it means the game it means the game has met its end.


Actually it's the opposite...


Bringing a F2P game to P2P means that the developers are feeling confident enough that the players will continue to play even with the 'disincentive' of the subscription...


While on the opposite P2P games that are meeting their end, sometimes go on a 'fake' F2P mode, where you're almost forced to pay for a subscription rather than playing the 'trial' version.


Example above all, Star Wars: the Old Republic.

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I vowed to never again pay a monthly fee for any game. This is why I no longer console, because they want a monthly fee to connect to online gaming. After a few monthly fee games I do not feel like i get "bang for my buck", paying for a game when I'm not playing, feeling like I need to pay or my character will be wiped..... I love love love my warframe, but if it ever went to a monthly fee I would have to let it go.

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I'm curious if people are actually reading this.

I'm not saying make warframe a game where you have to pay to play every month with a subscription, I am suggesting a membership style thing that people can pay to have some small perks, think Planetside 2 subscription.

I think that a monthly subscription for like ten bucks a month would be a pretty good idea for the devs to bring in some extra cash every month. I know I would certainly sign up for it.

this subscription could give bonuses like:

extra affinity/credit gain (not as much as the boosters maybe 50% bonus or so?)

a free item every couple of months like a syandana or a sugatra, maybe a weapon skin?

a special sigil that you can only wear if you have an active subscription

a few bucks worth of plat every month. (100p maybe?)

a subscription owner's forum, it could have special concept art or something a few days early from the dev streams? not like the DC or anything, that is still reserved for the DC members.

reduced wait time for crafting things in the foundry (50%?)

that's just my ideas for this, is there anything you guys would add to this list?

also if this is in the wrong section, please move it, but it is supposed to be a discussion so I think I have it in the right place.

I don't want to add anything that would make it unfair to other players who dont want to sign up for this. so no weapons or anything can be released unless they want to have the old useless weapons vault open for us earlier than they would for other players.

and I wouldn't want this advertised in game, only on the website. we don't need to pull a planetside 2 with this.

That would just about make this game pay to win. Horrible idea. That would seperate the people who don't pay from the people who do insanely and ridiculously. If this became a thing, the people who have the subscription would be acquiring things 3x as fast as other people. 

I mean, if you look at it the extra affinity allows them to level things faster, allowing them to move on to other things faster and the extra credits would remove the hinderance of any deficit, the extra plat, even just 50p a month, would allow them to buy more things like catalysts, reactors, frames, weapons, sugatras, and formas among other things much faster than others. And then a special forum all to themselves? For what? They don't deserve that AND that would just further seperate the playerbase even more. It's already in three groups, PC, PS, and Xbox. We don't need three more. And having a reduced build time would multiply previous effects. They would be able to move on to new frames twice as fast and level them up twice as fast and get new weapons twice as fast and level them twice as fast. Then they'd never really need to rush anything again, since the most they'd have to wait for anything is twelve hours unless they're doing a frame which would be 36 hours, so they'd be sitting on fat stacks of plat. They'd probably get other things faster, because after a while, they won't have anything to do but farm for mats or rares to sell them and collect, so they'd just be filling themselves with plat after a month or two of having this sub because there'd be nothing left for them to do in the game that isn't labourious and boring. It'd ruin this game. 

Edit: I understand that Prime Access already does this and it even buys you the new prime frame but it costs a lot more money and not as many people do it as they would with this. 

Edited by (PS4)theelix
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I wouldn't mind paying a sub, it's much cheaper alternative. Prime access and plat cost far too much, throwing $140-$200 all at once is too much for me to afford, I mean seriously that's a year subscription for a pretty frame and accessories, possibly powerful weapons,and small amount of plat, yes small I can go through 4k plat like it was nothing. I prefer payments to be spread out not paying a massive lonesome which is my biggest problem with this game.

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