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Speed Runners Make Me Hate Playing This Game With Public Matchmaking


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I can understand trying to punish afk players by not giving them the final reward, but the way it is now is just beyond ridiculous.


Just did the 10k credits allert on Eris (the hive alert). I was on public setting so i joined up with the team of 3 other players. We did the mission (I destroyed 3 hives - the 3 others took down one hive). After all 4 hives were destroyed we all headed to the extraction, but i was considerably further away from it than the rest of the team. Of course the 3 of them get to the extraction and started the extracting countdown. Since it's the infested node, the map can be a bit hard to manouver on, so of course I didn't manage to get to the extraction point on time.


Just imagine how unpleasant it was for me to see on the mission success summary that I, as a person who did most of the work in that mission, DIDN'T get even 1 credit from the allert reward (just some standard 997 credits).


It is just beyond rediculous that such a system is still present here.


I believe that this is the part that makes Warframe the only MMO game that i rather play alone, than go into a mission with some random people that i don't know  and get screwed up by them forcibly extracting before i reach the extraction point.

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I don't get why ppl complain about rushers, don't you get tired of doing exterminate, spy, sabotage, over and over again?

Non-linear missions are so plain repetitive, that they are usually something for me to hurry, so I can return to the good old endless missions types, and I obviously only play non-endless when it's alerts/invasions/syndicate etc.



But in the case you speak off, you aren't being completely correct, I assume that you were separated from your team mattes, and the hive you did, might have been the furthest from the extraction, so you took more time trying to get there.

The fact that you didn't receive the alert credits, sounds like a bug.

Edited by 7grims
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I am pretty sure it just didn't display properly.  I have personally never noticed this happening, but I usually don't pay any attention to the mission results screen until I am back in the Liset.  The results screen back in the Liset is more 'accurate' in displaying what you actually got.  As far as I know there is no punishment for not being in the extraction zone. 

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So the OP is what? Annoyed that he lost some credits or annoyed at runners?


I can sit on the objective on Earth for 5 minutes in a defense mission, and read a book while my Sentinel wipes the map for me and occasionally press 4 and make more credits. A single 5 wave run on Sachura will get what, 4000 credits?


Tested: Rhino on Sachura, 5.05 minutes, 14200 credits. And I was standing on the Crypod, not lobbing Penta nades from afar.


Did you get your mods? Yes. So what the hell is the problem.


If anything lets convince DE to allow Host Migration to go to "stranded players" and if it works, they can run to the exit. But if they DIE, then they get nothing, no Mods, no credits.


Right now one live team member can extract the whole team and you get your damn mods. Do you REALLY want DE to make it more "realistic" still? Think not.

Edited by DSpite
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3 steps to fix your problem:


1.  Build a Nova


2.  Add, Rush, Quick Rest, and maximize range and efficiency with whatever you have available.


3.  Use wormhole and mash that sprint button


Congrats, you win the race!


Seriously though, you probably just had a bug there.  And on a side note, there is a helluva good time to be had actually racing somebody through a level.  XTREME PLATFORMFRAME TO THE MAX!

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For me, the only reason I join a public game is if I want to do a speed run or farm. More guns means faster killing of enemies and more spawns on defense games. If I want to take my time or just enjoy the game, I play solo or with friends. 


You should try to learn your way around the map, and make use of flip slides and coptering or air melee to go faster. Equip mods that boost your stamina and sprint speed if you need to until you learn each map. 

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I don't get why ppl complain about rushers, don't you get tired of doing exterminate, spy, sabotage, over and over again?

Non-linear missions are so plain repetitive, that they are usually something for me to hurry, so I can return to the good old endless missions types, and I obviously only play non-endless when it's alerts/invasions/syndicate etc.



But in the case you speak off, you aren't being completely correct, I assume that you were separated from your team mattes, and the hive you did, might have been the furthest from the extraction, so you took more time trying to get there.

The fact that you didn't receive the alert credits, sounds like a bug.

Just because you're tired of a mission-type is not a reason to be an immense jerk to other players,  especially if the other player did almost all the work in the mission.  


To the OP, unfortunately the only way to avoid people like this is to play alone, or with friends.



Complainers make me hate playing this game in public matchmaking.

And Hypocrites make me hate discussing certain things.  I guess neither of us are happy.

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Just because you're tired of a mission-type is not a reason to be an immense jerk to other players,  especially if the other player did almost all the work in the mission.  


To the OP, unfortunately the only way to avoid people like this is to play alone, or with friends.



And Hypocrites make me hate discussing certain things.  I guess neither of us are happy.


Ahahaha glad someone understood that. That was to prove a point to OP.

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Well i see you summed up all i was going to say in return to the feedback.


As to clarify the situation:

1. It didn't display on neither of the 2 mission summary.

2. 4 hives - i went towards 3 of them - the rest went for 1. I destroyed all 3 while they managed to do with only one.

3. I do have Dual Zorens (not that i want to run them every mission).

4. If i wanted to speedrush i'd go with Volt+rush mod and some fast attacking melee weapon like karyst or sth.

5. Guess i can't expect this getting fixed in this decade...

Edited by Durothil
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Sorry OP,


When I started playing this game almost two years ago it was common for people to take their time exploring and killing enemies in hallway missions. There was less disparity in player power levels and endless mission types hadn't been released yet. It was a fun time. But nowadays it's just not possible to balance the matchmaking experience on hallway missions. And especially in alerts you can expect people to bring some high level gear to just faceroll and finish the mission.


The good news with Spy 2.0 being released it seems DE is working on way to adjust and vary the different mission types so that they take a little more forethought on the players parts. But if the comments on this thread are any indication, always be ready to deal with players who are kind of lame.

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Go fast or go solo.

If I could minus one this I would.  I rush, often, and I see it as the other way around, rushers (including me) should either play solo, or in private squads, If I play with a public squad, I'll rush if everyone else does, but I'm not going to be a total dooshnugget and go way ahead of people, even if only one person is behind.  But hey, no-one will care even the slightest bit about my opinion on the matter, rushers will keep rushing.


Sorry OP,


When I started playing this game almost two years ago it was common for people to take their time exploring and killing enemies in hallway missions. There was less disparity in player power levels and endless mission types hadn't been released yet. It was a fun time. But nowadays it's just not possible to balance the matchmaking experience on hallway missions. And especially in alerts you can expect people to bring some high level gear to just faceroll and finish the mission.


The good news with Spy 2.0 being released it seems DE is working on way to adjust and vary the different mission types so that they take a little more forethought on the players parts. But if the comments on this thread are any indication, always be ready to deal with players who are kind of lame.

Ahh those were the days.  Used to be players didn't mind waiting for the others at extraction unless they were just moronically slow (which was uncommon).  Spy 2.0 may be intended to provoke forethought, but it won't.

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The only thing I will agree on the "rushing" thing, is that really, missions should not warrant it. I mean, seriously, I would prefer shorter, more compact, harder firefight class missions over the standard "hey look at this cool long empty corridors that you can speed vault while shooting in your sleep".


If I had more missions where I hardly ever remove my finger from the trigger, or I'm constantly moving around trying to get angles or reach new spots to shoot from, then I'm pretty sure I would not be memorizing tiles to such an extent that I can practically land anywhere FROM anywhere just by glancing at a tile as I open a door.


The only time we get a similar effect now is from Survival missions, and I wish we could get more variations on that theme of spawns. Huge empty tiles with a handful of enemies that can be mowed down fast will always turn into rush gameplay, eventually.


We have Void powered super suits. Hard to say, drop us into a ruined city and expect us to crawl around like an episode of The Walking Dead, when they could rush us by the hundreds and we would just M.Prime/Radial Javelin/<add 4 here> into oblivion.


Hudson: Is this gonna be a standup fight, sir, or another bughunt?


Hicks: It's a bughunt.



Remove coptoring and make all slide attacks behave similarly to the Kogake.


Problem solved.  You no longer have speed runners.


Yea, mutilate an existing game mechanic just because you have a problem with it.

Edited by DSpite
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Yea, mutilate an existing game mechanic just because you have a problem with it.


As I've already said countless times in multiple threads, coptoring does nothing beneficial to the game.  It allows you to ignore gameplay mechanics, ignore map interaction mechancs, and clear entire maps and obstacles by just hitting two buttons.  It ruins parkour mechanics and melee mechanics, both of which are core elements of the game, and can be spammed in any situation with no cost other than maybe your intelligence if you decide to coptor into a corner or off the map.


I would be all for coptoring if it didn't just make entire sections of the game completely useless.  But it needs to go.  The community only wants it because "look at me! I'm flying across the map with my Rhino Prime! I'm so MLG Pro!", which is not a good reason to keep it... like at all...


I play mostly speed-based builds in Warframe.  So unless you can find good justification for this "coptoring mechanic", it needs to go because it is currently poisoning the game by doing nothing beneficial and eclipsing all other core elements of the gameplay.

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Some of the decent runner frames will still be able to rush past everything without a problem. Coptoring being removed won't stop us at all.


You can get tremendous boost from wall running if you just release the jump button the moment you touch the wall. Nova can just portal herself through the map once she get good enough energy.

Map interactions are boring and limited. Most can be ignored with just normal wall running too.


The Devs have stated that they are going to keep coptoring in the game as it's a unique feature like bunny hopping and rocket jump.


For topic starter. Sorry but alerts and such are not worth being bothered with so the quicker the better.

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As I've already said countless times in multiple threads, coptoring does nothing beneficial to the game.  It allows you to ignore gameplay mechanics, ignore map interaction mechancs, and clear entire maps and obstacles by just hitting two buttons.  It ruins parkour mechanics and melee mechanics, both of which are core elements of the game, and can be spammed in any situation with no cost other than maybe your intelligence if you decide to coptor into a corner or off the map.


I would be all for coptoring if it didn't just make entire sections of the game completely useless.  But it needs to go.  The community only wants it because "look at me! I'm flying across the map with my Rhino Prime! I'm so MLG Pro!", which is not a good reason to keep it... like at all...


I play mostly speed-based builds in Warframe.  So unless you can find good justification for this "coptoring mechanic", it needs to go because it is currently poisoning the game by doing nothing beneficial and eclipsing all other core elements of the gameplay.

With all due respect, it is one of the more fun elements in the game. At present, and in my opinion, the game needs "more" not "less" fun or it will soon have a very limited player base. Maybe you just need to find a new game where all the mechanics are balanced more to your liking?  

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When I first started playing, and when I first started getting to new areas, I was frustrated by this as well.  After you've become familiar with the maps you gain the ability to pretty much fly through them if you gear up properly (buying an Amphis and modding it with Fury will let you keep up with almost anyone).  It's pretty much because mission rewards dwarf locker loot--if you run two missions in ten minutes, you'll end up with more money than if you had stayed in one and opened up all of the lockers, at least when it comes to Void missions.


Things might change a bit, however--DE threw some "rare barrels" in around Halloween, which can give you fully-built forma, 30 minute boosters, and a good amount of credits.  They also require 50 codex scans.  I've certainly been taking a little extra time checking out nooks and crannies, and I think a lot of others will as well.

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