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Veterans: How Many Still Play?


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...just only hundreds of hours and some hundred bucks??

I have thousand of games in Steam to play, including many of new games recently and have pre-orderded some more and will continue with many more new games coming out. But WF has been and is still on top of my list. I play at least two hours a day, everyday, with already thousand plus hours and thousands of dollars have been spent and I'm still having a blast everyday.

Edited by ndantony
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i play still. but im currently burned out for the moment so i'll probably stay off for a bit only coming on to get the reactor/catalyst after dev streams for a couple weeks. should be back maybe around 15.5-8? 


edit: closed beta for life! lmao jk that would be a nightmare o.o

Edited by Llelouche
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I'm mr17 and I still do play it. My main activity is farming/crafting/or if I'm not in the mood then trading new weapons, frames, etc, and ranking them up. I kinda have fun with Syndicates, now I go back re-craft and forma my older favourite weapons like the Hek.

Also from time to time I go to Earth search for a Kubrow egg and do some random breeding. 


The maps I usually play are : 


Eris - Xini

Ceres - Kiste

Pluto - Sechura


Have fun everyone out there, the game is still being awesome. Can't wait for water tileset.

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I've been playing since 7.5, over 1500 hours X_X


I was happy enough doing dailies for syndicate rank but after seeing how everyone farmed like crazy for Syndicate XP on that one interception level, I've stepped away from it a whole lot.  I even let the daily reward expire back down to day one, which I haven't let happen in months.


Maybe when they either add a bunch of new weapons, or have some missions where go from foot to archwing or archwing back on foot, or more to do with archwing in general, or another Warframe I'll come back.

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The advocacy or existence of an elite as a dominating element in a system or society.
The attitude or behavior of a person or group who regard themselves as belonging to an elite.


In this game, being a veteran means you've been here longer than anyone else has and experienced its growth like no other. 

This isn't anyone being elitist, because we don't dominate anything. Tons of Warframe vets are around here who are the exact same as everyone else. 


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In this game, being a veteran means you've been here longer than anyone else has and experienced its growth like no other. 



Being a veteran means that you've "had long service or experience in an occupation, office, or the like" (To quote the exact definition). It does NOT mean that you've been here longer than anyone else and/or experienced its growth like no other, not even "in this game".

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I play a lot lesser than I previously did, I mean, I only accumulated 150 hours of game time this year, compared to 500 from last. I can't play for more than an hour or two a day before the stupid grind gets to me. So I usually end up farming mats, making forma, and trying to min/max my favourite gear to make them "viable" for meta content. 

Aside from that, I play and record missions for my fanfics. I pick the same sort of loadout and playstyle of one of my characters and RP them in-game, and that's my primary use for the game right now. I'm sure I'll get back into it after a massive hiatus, but I haven't been able to get to that hiatus yet XD.

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Downloading Dota 2 now.... havent seen the point of doing so before, but playing Warframe all the time, and with Planetside 2 becoming more and more laggy (6 months ago I could go to ANY large scale battles, after the last updates the FPS has been.... 5-10), I will maybe go back to CS:GO or try TF2 and keep things fresh, I need to keep my options open.

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Not sure if I'm a vet, but I was a closed beta tester.  I mostly now pop online to play and help friends. Though there was a period of seven months or so where I didn't touch the game at all.  It was really refreshing to see the changes when I came back.

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Who are those veterans you speak of? 


Either way, i still play casually, coz time.



Not sure if I'm a vet, but I was a closed beta tester.  I mostly now pop online to play and help friends. Though there was a period of seven months or so where I didn't touch the game at all.  It was really refreshing to see the changes when I came back.



Are you sure it wasn't open beta?

Edited by Relickable
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Can't be bothered to. The last great betrayal for me was the removal of single-mod builds. I nearly lit my founder swag on fire literally (still might).


Here's a link to one of my screecap's in which I solo'd an ODD to Wave 95 (note the Level 1300 mob).  



This required a HIGHLY specialized bastille build.  I could not repeat this now even if I wanted to.


My clan basically vacated with the damage 2.0 abomination. RNG has been utterly broken since at least U8 and probably as far back as U6.


I haven't yet uninstalled it but every day I'm leaning closer and closer.  The original vision is gone.  Space ninja's has become space birds/pirates/magicians/gundam/bobbleheads/mustache's (ffs... mustaches!?).


Joke's on me I guess.

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Been playing exclusively since January. I have been getting bored as I've done pretty much everything mastery related. I now just started on a break from the game since DA:I came out, but will definitely be back after I finish a playthrough or two on that. I'm looking forward to the new content on the consoles that I have yet to experience, like U15. 

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I play regularly.  Been playing since...




... since JUST before Update 8 dropped back in May 2013.  Took a long break in early 2014 because of job transitions but I love shooter games like this so much I always come back.  I worked my &#! off to get Frost Prime, and I remember being one of the first few to get their hands on him.  Felt good, man.  Having a Frost Prime back then was a badge of honor.

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Syndicates and the weapons I haven't got yet are holding my attention. Archwing held it for a couple days, then I realised "Wow, farming interception is going to get boring really fast". It did, so I'm switching between this, chivalry, CS:GO, and Planetside 2. Also school ^-^

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I don't know if I'm considered a veteran? I mean, it's been a year since I started playing. But yeah, I'm playing less and less each day. The only reason why I'm still going is either syndicate and my ultimate quest to breed a Lotus kubrow, just because. I already got all frames I wanted, all weapons, all sentinels, all mods... I become much more active when there's events/tactical alert, but these I usually tend to end in an hour or so on the first day and that's about it.


I'm also starting to become bored of Archwing, sadly... While it was very fun in the first days, now it's just a bore, since the low leveled missions barely give exp for my stuff and the high leveled kills me in a few minutes, and I really don't want to spend plat on affinity boosters.


I really wish there were more events, ones that really make you occupied, and not just get some high leveled people and you get the ultimate prize in 20 minutes.

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