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Is This What Odd Has Come To?


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This is why I fight infested battles solo now. Frost's snowglobe slows them down more than enough, and as long as I remember the golden rule of "the ancients die first", I can make it 15 or 20 by myself.


I can't tell you how sick I am of the artillery mentality. Either it's an Excalibur spamming radial Javelin over and over again, or some one standing up where the infested can't get at them with a grenade launcher. Well, let me rephrase that. Sick of the artillery mentality who thinks they can dictate how I play, as if all of my Warframe successes hinge on their approval.


Here's an idea. Give the infested some kind of firearms. Something to discourage this. Give the Chargers and Leapers a jumping tackle move. Heck, you could add a height check to Ancients and anyone above a certain height, they get priority when determining who to pull down with their tendrils.

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Here's an idea. Give the infested some kind of firearms. Something to discourage this. Give the Chargers and Leapers a jumping tackle move. Heck, you could add a height check to Ancients and anyone above a certain height, they get priority when determining who to pull down with their tendrils.


Sometimes I think the Ancients actually have that behavior; I'll be happily plinking away at something high up on a ledge, when suddenly I'm yanked &#!-first into a small mosh pit of Volatile Runners who promptly blow my face clean off of my skull.

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I usually only hit ODD to level up a new frame or weapon, if I want to just level it fast and move on. But I usually only do that with friends. Besides, what do they even care about what Trinity is doing? If they are used to ODD runs, they shouldn't really be getting hurt or running out of energy.


-equip rocket launcher. Kill everything for 60-70 waves.


Even duo, it doesn't even become hard until waves 50+, unless they have changed it since the last time I was there (it has been a month or 2 since I went to ODD). I wouldn't care at all if you are down meleeing, or whatever. My rocket launcher takes care of most enemies, and then I use Nova's number 4 if they aren't dying fast enough. Granted, there are some new infested types that make ODD slightly less predictable, but it's still pretty easy for the first 50 waves. If they were concerned by wave 10, then...well...I would have left them anyway.

Edited by nefrai
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I don't get your answer man... I just posted that pic to express the fact that people tend to grind/farm stuff instead of enjying a videogame.


Do I miss something?

MMOs and RPGs tend to have segments where fun is set aside to achieve something greater. It's just how the games are designed, and it is part of the reason people like the genre.
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MMOs and RPGs tend to have segments where fun is set aside to achieve something greater. It's just how the games are designed, and it is part of the reason people like the genre.



Players set aside fun,not the game. I have easily done 50+ ODD waves having marvellous laughs in PUGs, i have also had extremely quit groups who make it very boring.

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thats a sad story and then there are the complet opposite that don't give a da** about exp i am there with my old vauban looking at people killing stuff.


But i must said i see more and more people asking for a fix frame (nyx) at lvl 30 with this kind of weapon or a specific status.


Even when i am playing with my own key there are people that ask for those kind of thing wich i never lisent since its my god da** key if i see that 5 min in a t4 sur is enought well be glad its not your key

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Also present throughout MMOs are people joining meta groups and then getting angry when told to play meta. If you don't want to do it farmway don't join a farm group, or at the very least don't be surprised when you get booted for it. It's just as easy to craft your own key and post "hosting ODD fun run"


Basically, you joined a group of people who wanted to play a certain way and signaled your intent to play differently, their wishes be damned. That is what sounds selfish in this story.

This. I'm not saying OP shouldn't have fun, but go have fun with groups who also want to have the same fun as you. 

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Im kinda mixed on this one since i can see the value in both points here. I honestly dont like the playstyle of standing somewhere high to avoid the infested while spamming your powers/shooting them but its true that its effective.


For me it depends on the host. I perfer remaining on the ground and being on the move while actually having risk to myself because its the only way i can have fun after this long of playing Warframe. However if the host wants me to remain somewhere high ill do it since i go by the rule: their key, their rules. I still perfer playing my own way if the host allows but if not then ill obey.

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I used to play a little odd, part for the reward part for the xp but i don't get tryharding odd, the key is free rewards are meh at best, with the recent change to T4 voids, i have access to two types of keys, t4d and t4e and i play them pretty freely, leveling frames while most others who stick around are just happy to get a free run.


Going for long t4s or t4d run is fun and rewarding but not necessary, but odd simply just doesn't worth it, for resources oda is better too.


Ultimately why not, if that's how they want to play go for it, it's your choice to sign up or not.

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OP at fault here. The host had the full right to pull the plug. If you act against the 'setup' then you're justifiably unwelcome.


Here's an example:

In Monster Hunter, the way you attack the monster matters. If the group aimed for cutting off its tail (for the specific loot) then you 100% stick to your role and plan. Breaking off its horns because you thought "extra loot yay" have a high chance of ruining the group's goal because the monster has limited HP. Granted, Monster Hunter has a much higher dependency on teamwork than Warframe. Still, breaking this 'trust' that you'll do your part the way expected from you is equivalent to breaking the bro code. You're as uncool as one can get.


I actually dislike people who do this. Selfish people who value their way and 'fun' over others. If you sign up for a group with a specific setup your priority shifts from self to group interest. The group's goal becomes yours. If you do this nonsense with me then forget ever being included by me. If you've ever been in raids or other types of team-oriented gaming you would understand why.


Edit: Read through the entire thread. [.....] gets a free blacklist ticket and the Online Gaming Seal of Disapproval.

Edited by MaverickZero
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OP at fault here. The host had the full right to pull the plug. If you act against the 'setup' then you're justifiably unwelcome.


Here's an example:

In Monster Hunter, the way you attack the monster matters. If the group aimed for cutting off its tail (for the specific loot) then you 100% stick to your role and plan. Breaking off its horns because you thought "extra loot yay" have a high chance of ruining the group's goal because the monster has limited HP. Granted, Monster Hunter has a much higher dependency on teamwork than Warframe. Still, breaking this 'trust' that you'll do your part the way expected from you is equivalent to breaking the bro code. You're as uncool as one can get.


I actually dislike people who do this. Selfish people who value their way and 'fun' over others. If you sign up for a group with a specific setup your priority shifts from self to group interest. The group's goal becomes yours. If you do this nonsense with me then forget ever being included by me. If you've ever been in raids or other types of team-oriented gaming you would understand why.


Edit: Read through the entire thread. [.....] gets a free blacklist ticket and the Online Gaming Seal of Disapproval.


Now wait just a seco-- Oh, I see you have your Seal, very well, you may pass.

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