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Female Frame?


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But here's the thing: There really isn't a body in the frames...the frames ARE the body.

We're just the "essence" inside the suit...The lifeforce that moves an already living thing we inhabit.

That is why you can switch between male and female frames with ease.....

Why would you make frames of all body types? You wouldn't.

You would build the suits to be the pinnacle of your tech,and only for the best specimens to inhabit.

Edited by Chaosyn
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We see all female frames has the "similar characteristics" of being shapely, having bewbs and asses, some of which ladies would die for while some are left much to be desired (I'm looking at you zephyr).


Why can't we have a female frame which is bulky/tanky like rhino with huge, heavy armours with tough, muscular physique underneath.


I believe Warframe is one of the extremely few platforms among the entire gaming industries which are able to break the stereotypes of having most/all females characters in the game to be of somewhat having to meet the "sex appeal expectation".


Hey. Zephyr looks fine. She actually has a very womanly figure; except that she also has alot of "armor" sitting on top of it.


That said, I don't mind seeing a bulky-ish female as long as they're still..well, female. One of my favorite races in Tera is Amani, and they're definitely the tallest, bulkiest, and most muscular race in the game female-wise. If DE can make a female frame with the same (or at least, close to) figure as them, I'd be all for it.

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But here's the thing: There really isn't a body in the frames...the frames ARE the body.

We're just the "essence" inside the suit...The lifeforce that moves an already living thing we inhabit.

That is why you can switch between male and female frames with ease.....

Why would you make frames of all body types? You wouldn't.

You would build the suits to be the pinnacle of your tech,and only for the best specimens to inhabit.


This is incorrect. There ARE bodies within the suits. The only thing that says otherwise is what Vor stated, and it's already been concluded that he was not talking in a literal sense. The rest of the lore points towards actual bodies. Infact, it's starting to point toward Tenno being Infested.


The one thing we don't know is how exactly do they change warframes.

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But here's the thing: There really isn't a body in the frames...the frames ARE the body.

We're just the "essence" inside the suit...The lifeforce that moves an already living thing we inhabit.

That is why you can switch between male and female frames with ease.....

Why would you make frames of all body types? You wouldn't.

You would build the suits to be the pinnacle of your tech,and only for the best specimens to inhabit.

So... Limbo has the body of a best specimen?... dude, this is not about having "fatty" frames so we don't discriminate, this is about "the more the merrier"... 


And what you are saying is borderline discrimination propaganda.


Original frames were not "built" around the "best specimens" the original suits were designed for those that traveled to the void and came back changed.

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Don't forget it is still a suit....sometimes it might look like one...sometimes it might be you get a Lobster tail or even a duck bill...

As for best specimens. I mean mentally as far as the actual person goes,the Frames are made as an aesthetic containment suit.

They figured when Limbo came back he exibited magic like powers....Gave him a Wizard suit.



And yes, I fully believe that the Stalker came back and faked being sane enough to be a candidate....only to be put in Cryo,woken up later with no amnesia and just decided to be that guy...and murder his brothers and sisters.

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And yes, I fully believe that the Stalker came back and faked being sane enough to be a candidate....only to be put in Cryo,woken up later with no amnesia and just decided to be that guy...and murder his brothers and sisters.


Stalker is not a Tenno. At least not in the sense that the playable ones are. He was there as something called a "Guardian" which was likely a lower ranked guard soldier. He was there at the ceremony when the Tenno began their purging of the Orokin.


The most likely scenario is that he threw himself into the void and ripped a warframe off of a sleeping Excalibur.

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But here's the thing: There really isn't a body in the frames...the frames ARE the body.

We're just the "essence" inside the suit...The lifeforce that moves an already living thing we inhabit.

That is why you can switch between male and female frames with ease.....

Why would you make frames of all body types? You wouldn't.

You would build the suits to be the pinnacle of your tech,and only for the best specimens to inhabit.


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How 'bout we leave it to the artist(s) to decide what Warframes will look like.  Does it matter we have all kinds of shape?  I mean all the Warframes, whatever their gender look sufficiently different.  Their body shape (whether it is their fitness level, or sexual appeal level, or whatever) doesn't matter.  I think Ember has quite the curve, does it matter?  No.  The moment you try to have some kind of disparity, you're doing it for the sake of it. 


I would have a problem if all 22 Warframes are the standard white male with some sort of buzz cut Male Sheppard look.  Because that is very clearly dull and lack variations.  But Warframe don't have that problem.  So please just leave it and move on. 

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But here's the thing: There really isn't a body in the frames...the frames ARE the body.

We're just the "essence" inside the suit...The lifeforce that moves an already living thing we inhabit.

That is why you can switch between male and female frames with ease.....

Why would you make frames of all body types? You wouldn't.

You would build the suits to be the pinnacle of your tech,and only for the best specimens to inhabit.


No. As little as we know about the Tenno, that is certainly one of the things we KNOW to be false.

Ember's codex entry refers to her and other Tenno once appearing as normal children. We know that the frames are conduits for the Tenno's power, but are themselves a second skin/armor. Lech Kril refers to the Tenno as having a fleshy body beneath their frames and the Tenno squirt blood when injured in different ways. Being deprived of oxygen also weakens the Tenno severely, something that would have no effect on some "essence" inside the frame. DE originally planned to have two versions of each frame, one for each gender; but this was scrapped very early on. However, this once intended feature is probably why the switching between male and female frames for one Tenno is such a lore loophole. The fact is, there probably is no reason why you can go from playing Rhino to Ember in terms of lore. It's just a meta thing that would be tedious to try and explain. I just wish DE would come out and say it so all these "the tenno are energy!" theories could be put to rest.

Edited by likeitsillegal
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We see all female frames has the "similar characteristics" of being shapely, having bewbs and asses, some of which ladies would die for while some are left much to be desired (I'm looking at you zephyr).


Why can't we have a female frame which is bulky/tanky like rhino with huge, heavy armours with tough, muscular physique underneath.


I believe Warframe is one of the extremely few platforms among the entire gaming industries which are able to break the stereotypes of having most/all females characters in the game to be of somewhat having to meet the "sex appeal expectation".

don't bring your fetishes here please

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What's funny, too, is that if they introduced opposite "gender" styled frames in the future, they'd all look weird, because we're used to seeing the "default gender."  Female Ash might look cool, male Nyx might look weird, and what about a female Oberon?


I prefer to think of it not as "Male and Female," but as "Masculine and Feminine."  Applying a sex or gender to these frames brings in all kinds of weird questions that I'd really rather not ask or have answered.  Masculine and feminine, conversely simply means "These frames have traits commonly seen in human anatomy that denote their shape one way or another," without saying "Nyx is a girl, Saryn is a girl, and I have the strangest boner right now."

Edited by (PS4)IkariWarrior83
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