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Peacemaker Might Be A Bit Op


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To be absolutely clear on her power




And here is everything i had on






Mediocre gun build and half build frame (She was lvl 15 when i entered the mission and needs 2 more forma before shes finished)


With a max build the bombards (lvl 35-40) dont get the time to land hit like you see in this video and thats with near no ally CC (There was a zephyr tornadoing i think)

Oh I'm supposed to hide from the enemies where they can't get to me and let my teammates be bullet sponges!

Seriously try this in an open room. You'll get wrecked. A ultimate power shouldn't be so situational that I can only use it in a place where enemies peak out one at a time before they can shoot me.

Give her like a .5% life steal and she'll be fine.

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Oh I'm supposed to hide from the enemies where they can't get to me and let my teammates be bullet sponges!

Seriously try this in an open room. You'll get wrecked. A ultimate power shouldn't be so situational that I can only use it in a place where enemies peak out one at a time before they can shoot me.

Give her like a .5% life steal and she'll be fine.

Out in the open its worse


She gets way more DPS easily


Without allies there she still easily kills enemies before they can get close


I dont know if you saw everything being one hit killed as they came into range and the enemies not stopping just because allies were there


Im not sure if youre watching but shes literally killing them as they come and keep in mind this is a half build


Allies or not theres no way enemies were creeping up on me without a bombard blasting first and thats only because the build was short....


And of course ive tried it in open rooms on the same level even


Its even better because she can shoot and kill more so energy becomes less of an issue


life steal would be nice but theres no denying this power might be on the border


Im still looking into finishing her up and putting her to the test so dont get your panties all bunched up assuming things for me




And by the way


I wasnt hiding


I just choose a spot where i could see both hallways and both of the doors behind the terminal so nothing could get close


And nothing got close


Did you see how much damage was done for the 200? energy spent in that video?


Start at the 30 second mark where trinitys E vamp isnt hitting me anymore

Edited by Azawarau
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I took off topic discussion about infinite scaling to a PM to avoid a larger derail.

Back to Mesa.

For my build ive made everything she has even out with efficiency being the only thing thats maxed

Only issue im havinf is choosing an aura

Rejuvenation seems like the best since i can use her 3 and 4 and rely on it to heal me for the very scrapes i get at a distance

Though without rage it almost feels like a waste

I see.

And what is your general strategy to keep her squishy self alive and how is it working against level 30 to 40 enemies?


As a mostly solo player myself-

So far I've generally got the "kill them before they can shoot at me" strategy to work verses corpus and grineer.

Up close her 2 automatically disarms enemies long enough for me to kill them.

At long range I can hit them with either regular attacks or her 4 before they do much if any damage to me.

Whether the fights take place at closer or longer ranges changes largely based on what tileset I'm on.


I try to keep her 1 charged up in case a heavy pops up but I do that mostly because I like the way it feels to one shot the heavy with a pistol..lol More for the style than the substance you know. 


Her 3 seems bugged to me. Like it's only resisting around 1 percent of what comes at me. Which aint jack. 

Confirmed- bug.

There is a bug at play here that will be fixed in the next Hotfix.

Edited by Ronyn
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Out in the open its worse


She gets way more DPS easily


Without allies there she still easily kills enemies before they can get close


I dont know if you saw everything being one hit killed as they came into range and the enemies not stopping just because allies were there


Im not sure if youre watching but shes literally killing them as they come and keep in mind this is a half build


Allies or not theres no way enemies were creeping up on me without a bombard blasting first and thats only because the build was short....


And of course ive tried it in open rooms on the same level even


Its even better because she can shoot and kill more so energy becomes less of an issue


life steal would be nice but theres no denying this power might be on the border


Im still looking into finishing her up and putting her to the test so dont get your panties all bunched up assuming things for me




And by the way


I wasnt hiding


I just choose a spot where i could see both hallways and both of the doors behind the terminal so nothing could get close


And nothing got close


Did you see how much damage was done for the 200? energy spent in that video?


Start at the 30 second mark where trinitys E vamp isnt hitting me anymore

Compared to most nukes this is nothing. This requires a line of sight all it has is range. You might get more dps when you're against enemies who aren't behind cover, but they will be able to shoot back. This looks good because they peak out a few at a time, against enemies who are all out and shooting at you, you'll go down very fast. The way you're using it is far from OP. Compared to even blade storm or hysteria, non-nuke attacks it's actually bad.

The only ults it beats are the ones that are just god awful and even though have CC if they aren't damage based.

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I can do exactly the same but with more range and no LOS with Excal


and Rhino, and Saryn and volt.....and ash

Peacemaker has WAY more range than most abilities.

I'm not complaining about that but make no mistake you aren't going to reach nearly as far with something like Stomp, Miasma or Radial javelin.

Edited by Ronyn
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I took off topic discussion about infinite scaling to a PM to avoid a larger derail.

Back to Mesa.

I see.

And what is your general strategy to keep her squishy self alive and how is it working against level 30 to 40 enemies?


As a mostly solo player myself-

So far I've generally got the "kill them before they can shoot at me" strategy to work verses corpus and grineer.

Up close her 2 automatically disarms enemies long enough for me to kill them.

At long range I can hit them with either regular attacks or her 4 before they do much if any damage to me.

Whether the fights take place at closer or longer ranges changes largely based on what tileset I'm on.


I try to keep her 1 charged up in case a heavy pops up but I do that mostly because I like the way it feels to one shot the heavy with a pistol..lol More for the style than the substance you know. 


Her 3 seems bugged to me. Like it's only resisting around 1 percent of what comes at me. Which aint jack. 

Confirmed- bug.

Stay somewhat distant and set up 4 for crowds


For run and gun just spam 2 and 3 and go at it


When theres a group ill flip over them and hit 4 to wipe them out or stay back and catch them early


Hiding behind things and letting them come to you is very safe and efficient since you can shoot hairs


Life strike fr heals if needed


Compared to most nukes this is nothing. This requires a line of sight all it has is range. You might get more dps when you're against enemies who aren't behind cover, but they will be able to shoot back. This looks good because they peak out a few at a time, against enemies who are all out and shooting at you, you'll go down very fast. The way you're using it is far from OP. Compared to even blade storm or hysteria, non-nuke attacks it's actually bad.

The only ults it beats are the ones that are just god awful and even though have CC if they aren't damage based.

Most nukes use much more energy than she does and cant quite keep the enemy so far away


Especially grineer


You have to run from side to side hitting 4 and most powers fall to their armor


Not to mention ease of use


I can do exactly the same but with more range and no LOS with Excal


and Rhino, and Saryn and volt.....and ash

Ash ill believe


Rhino and excal on lvl 35 grineer is a trip. Id actually like to see it


Saryns 4 even starts to lose power if you overextend it... unless youre using blind rage but that eats more energy than peacemaker


Peacemaker has WAY more range than most abilities.

I'm not complaining about that but make no mistake you aren't going to reach nearly as far with something like Stomp, Miasma or Radial javelin.

The range is honestly what makes it viable


Someone earlier said give it life still which would be a great trade for range


Perhaps even add damage or fire speed to help comp for the added danger


Though this is before knowing how the bug fixes will go

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I think that she should be viable for t4.


If you nerf her she wont be.

Yeah shes op agenst infested, and stuff from the star system, but in the towers her damage falls flat


If you nerf that she'll just be a trophy you use for mastery. Id perfer she stay useful.


And yes, if you work that hard for something, it usualy deserves a reward.

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This is lvl 0 with blind rage and fleeting


The damage at the lowest level is fairly high and theres no range drawback to balance it...


Havnt tried it at higher ranks so i cant say for sure but the first impression makes it seem like its got alot of power to it




Link for those who cant see^

there is a range limit to it which is buffed with range mods (I think)


damage is well balanced for later levels. especially against those damn achents with their 90% DR from the healers. you wont be doing much to them if they have their buff going...


my biggest issue with the ability is the lack of targeting... and no I'm not talking about accuracy. for example I can be attacked by 2 enemies in melee and have the ability prioritize at least 6+ enemies that are no where near me so I get mauled to death because my ability doesnt target them until it decides to for whatever reason. 


in my opinion the ability should prioritize enemies  CLOSEST to you above anything else. or at least a higher priority to those closest to you so that way enemies like infested who do nothing BUT swarm you are less likely to re-colour the floor with your warframe. 


you already are unable to move with the ability and you cant really choose targets on what your skill aims at when you pull the trigger... (at least I have not noticed any target priority change depending on where your crosshair is.) perhaps if it can priorities enemies in the general area of your crosshair or something similar it may help your overall survivability  

Edited by Fartbake
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I think that she should be viable for t4.


If you nerf her she wont be.

Yeah shes op agenst infested, and stuff from the star system, but in the towers her damage falls flat


If you nerf that she'll just be a trophy you use for mastery. Id perfer she stay useful.


And yes, if you work that hard for something, it usualy deserves a reward.

Grineer ar tankier than void enemies and they fall flat


I actually have run T 4 defense and she destroys easily there


there is a range limit to it which is buffed with range mods (I think)


damage is well balanced for later levels. especially against those damn achents with their 90% DR from the healers. you wont be doing much to them if they have their buff going...


my biggest issue with the ability is the lack of targeting... and no I'm not talking about accuracy. for example I can be attacked by 2 enemies in melee and have the ability prioritize at least 6+ enemies that are no where near me so I get mauled to death because my ability doesnt target them until it decides to for whatever reason. 


in my opinion the ability should prioritize enemies  CLOSEST to you above anything else. or at least a higher priority to those closest to you so that way enemies like infested who do nothing BUT swarm you are less likely to re-colour the floor with your warframe. 


you already are unable to move with the ability and you cant really choose targets on what your skill aims at when you pull the trigger... (at least I have not noticed any target priority change depending on where your crosshair is.) perhaps if it can priorities enemies in the general area of your crosshair or something similar it may help your overall survivability  

Im surprised it doesnt target the closest as well


At the same time


Once you get started that doesnt matter much


Im using a min range build and the range seems to not change at all so im assuming its unaffected by mods or bugged

Edited by Haldos
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Except corrupted are harder than greneer.


So sure, go do a hour long t4 survival, and show me proof of you one shotting lv 95s with your 900 damage ult and taking lol no damage from all the projectiles flying around. If you can do that, then she may be a bit op.

Edited by Sakatchi
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Except corrupted are harder than greneer.


So sure, go do a hour long t4 survival, and show me proof of you one shotting lv 95s with your 900 damage ult and taking lol no damage from all the projectiles flying around. If you can do that, then she may be a bit op.

Lvl 95 nemies are entirely irrelevant


Grineer have more armor than corrupted so they take much more damage than corrupted so if you can kill a grineer at a certain level chances are a corrupted unit will die


The damage they deal is also irrelevant when you consider her huge range and DR from her 3 meaning enemies will die before they get a chance to shoot you and even if they do they wont deal much damage


Max energy efficiency still gets a 30 second 3 and iirc 45 seconds on 2 and your 4 is as cheap as it could be

Edited by Haldos
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Grineer dont scale like corrputed do, so they will get out scaled around the 30 min mark.

A lot of rewards required for syndicates require you to hit or go past the 30 min mark, such as prime peaces.

Corrputed on top of stupid armor also have sheilds to worry about, and gain a stacking multiplyer to damage as well

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This is lvl 0 with blind rage and fleeting


The damage at the lowest level is fairly high and theres no range drawback to balance it...


Havnt tried it at higher ranks so i cant say for sure but the first impression makes it seem like its got alot of power to it




Link for those who cant see^

Whole lot of nothing I'm seeing, on either end.


Either way, I don't think the damage is that high. It'll be stuck as a low end nuker, like most frames.

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I think Peacemaker needs a buff (or a rework) if anything. Stationary abilities that leave you vulnerable to damage are terrible

From what I understand you can un-channel the ability whenever you please. All you have to do is combine it with your third ability(which has been fixed and I heard it's effective.) and un-chnnel when your third ability goes down.

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I ended up using Shatter Shield and the Atterax more than her ult on level 40ish grineer in a syndicate mobile defense mission. Armor makes the shots kind of weak. Would a 100% chance to proc corrosive on every shot be a good idea? Or maybe have it transfer elemental effects from your active weapon? It just seemed kind of silly that I ended up relying on my melee instead of her ult for taking out groups of enemies. As it is, I guess I might try using a corrosive Grakata to try and spam shots off before using her ult.

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Grineer dont scale like corrputed do, so they will get out scaled around the 30 min mark.

A lot of rewards required for syndicates require you to hit or go past the 30 min mark, such as prime peaces.

Corrputed on top of stupid armor also have sheilds to worry about, and gain a stacking multiplyer to damage as well.


You sound like youre hell bent on showing people that she needs a nerf, so go ahead and show me her doing a hour + survival solo.

Corrupted only have one unit with armor comparable to the tougher grineer and thats the heavy gunner


Under the assumption corrupted heavy gunners have more armor than grineer heavy gunners theyre still soft compared to the bombards,napallms and possibly eviscerators


Not to mention that 30 minutes in is pushing the level range of enemies and headed into infinite content which simply is not balanced on


Corrupted units have EITHER ARMOR OR SHIELDS


There are very few enemies that have both and most are bosses


Shielded enemies are much softer than armored ones and thats a known fact that you cannot argue


My OP was giving a first impression


A few posts after i said she was mostly fine


After the change to her 3 ive posted that shes going to need a balance check


Whole lot of nothing I'm seeing, on either end.


Either way, I don't think the damage is that high. It'll be stuck as a low end nuker, like most frames.

Keep in mind im doing 3k crits left and right at lvl 0 in that first video


Ive dropped blind rage since and still crit something like 4-5k with a fairly high fire rate and perfect accuracy at 45-50 meters


And this is with max efficiency,vitality and redirection, and 45ish/30 seconds on her 2/3


Shes a little too powerful without having to lose anything


I think Peacemaker needs a buff (or a rework) if anything. Stationary abilities that leave you vulnerable to damage are terrible



As a panic it stinks


As a preemptive power and sometimes control power it is very powerful


From what I understand you can un-channel the ability whenever you please. All you have to do is combine it with your third ability(which has been fixed and I heard it's effective.) and un-chnnel when your third ability goes down.



I ended up using Shatter Shield and the Atterax more than her ult on level 40ish grineer in a syndicate mobile defense mission. Armor makes the shots kind of weak. Would a 100% chance to proc corrosive on every shot be a good idea? Or maybe have it transfer elemental effects from your active weapon? It just seemed kind of silly that I ended up relying on my melee instead of her ult for taking out groups of enemies. As it is, I guess I might try using a corrosive Grakata to try and spam shots off before using her ult.

Her ult can definitely take those enemies out but theres really no reason to...


You can melee practically forever


I didnt enjoy the 32 minute grineer run i did with a friend at all


It just felt too easy

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Id like to add it seems to ignore LoS entirely


Its been passing walls and boxes and pillars for me


It doesnt pass line of sight. Only hits enemys she can see. Though sometimes only through very narrow cracks between tons of obsticles. The shot is still possibly but only for a sharpshooter on steriods which she is. AND I LOVE THIS DONT NERF IT PLEASE.


And please for the love of god make there be a way to scale her Peacemaker via secondary. Mabye x2 crit chance and x1.5 crit damaqge and x2 overall base damage

Edited by Gear-hart
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I feel like its a good thing it uses our guns damage.


Warframe is already rather weirdly designed in that the majority of damage-dealing abilities quickly lose their flavor in higher level planets.

Almost no damage powers are % based either which causes them to suffer.

Meaning in higher tier planets, utility abilities become the only ones people use.


Loki's disarm

Vauban's Everything

Rhino's Stomp

Oberon's Reckoning

Excal's Blind

Saryn's Miasma

Frost's Snowglobe


If anything we should be ENCOURAGING Digital Extremes to make more scalable powers like Peacemaker.

Where frames can use their killing spells at any difficulty and not be a detriment to their team.

Alot of this game's magic dies when everyone is quickly reduced to soldiers firing their guns down their hallway and ignoring most of their wizard spells.


Let the ability stay as it is and be the new quality bar set for how to do a damage-based ability that doesnt go into the toilet once enemies start getting even moderately tanky.

I'm all for scale-able powers, I am just not sure if multiplying a weapons base damage to make a power scale-able is the right way to do it. You'd be locked to the Brakk or Marelok if you want to stay competitive, giving you little room for options when playing this particular frame. Then again the damage does seem pretty decent even with an average side-arm so it probably doesn't matter too much. 

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Now youre just making things up


Corrupted only have one unit with armor comparable to the tougher grineer and thats the heavy gunner


Under the assumption corrupted heavy gunners have more armor than grineer heavy gunners theyre still soft compared to the bombards,napallms and possibly eviscerators

According to codex stats(at least as far as the wiki updates, but hearing no changes I'm assuming they're still accurate) Corrupted heavy gunners have equal armor to both regular heavy gunners, and bombards/napalms. But have the highest health pool out of all of them, and a few extra levels in their scaling formula which has always seemed to compound the problem(Basic Crewman being bulkier than Elites because they have fourteen extra levels in the scaling formula, despite having 2/3 as much total hit points at respective base levels). 

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