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Prime Jingle


Slash Dashing Excalibur
through all infested here
With Kubrow of green fur,
Laughing all the way!
Blind all for a while,
making everything bright
What fun it is to laugh and sing
A slaughtering song tonight

Oh, Latron Prime, Paris prime
Prime weapons all the way
Oh, what fun it is to shoot
All of these Grineer
Boar prime, Braton prime
Prime weapons all the way
Oh, what fun it is to shoot
All of infested

A day or two ago,
I thought I'd take a ride,
And soon Miss Valkyre
Was seated by my side;
The Liset was green and black
Fortune seemed her lot
We got into a Derelict,
And then we got upsot.


Now the ground is infested
Start it while we're young
I think we all rested
Let’s start the slaughtering song
Just get a Kubrow here
with a Scavange mod
Incite him to open all cabinets there
And crack! Profit on the spot



Original song:

Edited by BlackCrusaderX
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Silent Knight,
Holy Knight,
Oberon's Calm,
Oberon smite.
Earth and grineer, planet defiled

But with Oberon, earth reconsiled

Sweep in earthly peace

Sweep in earlthy peace


Silent knight

Holy knight!

Warframes quake at the sight

Glorious renewal from afar

Earthly Tenno sing Paladinia

Smite, the mission is done

Smite, the mission is done


Silent knight

Holy knight

Son of earth, end Hek's blight

Hallowed Ground on thy holy place

With the dawn of reckoning space

Paladin Druid of Earth

Paladin Druid of Earth

Edited by Shadowkiin
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Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer


You know Saryn and Ember and Mesa and Vauban,

you know Loki and Limbo and Rhino and Nova,

But do you recall?

The most famous warframe of all?


Valkry the Red-Girl Warframe

Has a very angry face

And if you ever saw her

You would even say she is Red.

All of the other Warframe

Used to fight and call her names

They never let poor Valkry

Join in any Warframe squad

Then one Danngerous gustrag three ,

Lotus came to say,

Valkry with your hysteria so Strong,

Won't you fight the Gustrag three?


Then all the Warframe's loved him,

As they shouted out with glee,

Valkry the red-Girl Warframe

You'll go down in history!

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Oh the weather on pluto is frightful

But the fire mods are so delightful
And since we've the dojo to go
Let It Snow! Let It snow globe 
Let It Snow!!

Oh, it doesn't show signs of stopping
And I've brought some mods for ranking
The lights are turned way down low
Let It Snow! Let It Snow globe! Let It Snow!

When we finally duel its goodnight
How I'll hate going out in the storm!
But if you'll really mod me correctly
All the way home I'll be warm

The fire is slowly dying
And my dear we're still level-ing
But as long as you love me so
Let It Snow! Let It Snowglobe! Let It snow

Oh, it doesn't show signs of stopping
And I've brought some platinum for modding
Since the lights are turned way down low
Let It Snow! Let It Snow globe! Let It Snow!

When we finally say goodnight
How I'll hate going out in the pluto!
But if you'll really mod me right
All the way home I'll be warm

The fire is slowly dying
And my dear we're still level-ing
But as long as you love me so
Let It Snow! Let It Snow globe! Let It Snow!


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jingle bells....vay heks smells.... lokis troll eveyday...stalker comes slash dash spam,syndicate assassins HEY!!...revenge time,icy night,killing vay hek today...FAIL!...revenge time killed syndicate...next time is emo...DIE!!..emo stalker got murdered by my~ frost...YAY!! returned to ordis just got trashed talk to me *rage* hey!!

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The Christmas Song 


Infested roasting on an open fire,

John Prodman scratching his nose,

Unintelligible curses by corpus,

And tenno dressed up like Eximus.


Everybody knows a Limbo or two

Help to make the season bright.

Cataclysm bubbles all over you

Will make it hard to sleep tonight.


"Tenno, Grineer are on their way",

 Vor throwing Janus keys from his sleigh,

 Vay Hek signing autographs, peace everywhere

 Except for poor Stalker, unemployed and afraid.


And so I offer this simple soma,

To Tenno who know a thing or two,

Whatever you do don't add forma,

There will be no Christmas for you!




See original here - - http://www.carols.org.uk/the_christmas_song_chestnuts_roasting.htm

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"Platinum" ---


Based on the original 'Jingle Bells'.


This is a story about how the Grineer got so powerfull. :P





Verse 1:
Logging in today,
For my bonus all the way.
The rewards are strolling by,
My hopes are O so high.
My eyes could not believe,
The discount's in the pouch.
Got some of that shiny snow,
That fills my heart with joy.
OH, Platinum, Platinum, shiny white as snow.
Buy some Mods, get some slots,
or trade it all away,HEY.
Platinum, Platinum, shining ever bright.
Buy some gear, shed a tear,
My plat won't fade away.
Verse 2:
The great mighty Grineer,
Run all away in fear.
My new frames strolling by,
Kicking ! so fly.
Their eyes could not believe,
My new gear shining bright.
They're retreating because the-ey know,
They cant beat shiny snow.
OH, Platinum, Platinum, shiny white as snow.
Buy some bling, no waiting,
just rush it all away,HEY.
Platinum, Platinum, shining ever bright.
Color packs, fancy hats
My plat's fading away.
Verse 3:
The Grineer keep talking 'bout.
Hacking my account.
They want all my snow,
Revenge they will bestow.
I relogged without fear,
But they stole all my gear,
Sargas ruk now laughs at me,,
The grineer blinged out shiny.
OH, Platinum, Platinum, shiny white as snow.
The grineer, have no fear,
They know my secret now,HEY.
Platinum, Platinum, shining ever bright,
Lost it all, crying now,
The grineer will reign supreme.


              - THE END - 

Edited by Belgian-Hero
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You're A Mean One Mr. Stalker


You're a mean one, Mr. Stalker.

You really are a creep.

You're as cuddly as an ancient,

You're as charming as Grineer,

Mr. Stalker.

You're a bad moa with some sticky green tar.


You're a monster, Mr. Stalker.

Your heart's an empty void.

Your brain is full of crawlers.

You've got toxin in your soul, Mr. Stalker.

I wouldn't touch you with a

Maxed reach Bo.


You're a vile one, Mr. Stalker.

You have maggots in your smile,

You have all the tender sweetness of a Corrupted Heavy Gunner,

Mr. Stalker.

Given the choice between the two of you,

I'd take the Corrupted Heavy Gunner.


You're a foul one, Mr. Stalker.

You're a nasty, exploding boiler.

Your heart is full of swarms.

Your soul is full of tar,

Mr. Stalker.


The three words that best describe you,

Are as follows, and I quote


Slash Dash!



You're infested, Mr. Stalker.

You're the king of sinful bosses.

Your hearts a dead charger squashed with boiler spawn pods,

Mr. Stalker.


Your soul is an appalling infested hive

Overflowing with the most disgusting

Assortment of CC spam imaginable,

Mangled up in swarms and tar.


You nauseate me, Mr. Stalker.

With a noxious toxin gas.

You're a crooked volatile runner and,

You drive a crooked leaper,

Mr. Stalker!


You're a one shot Dread

And Despair sandwich,

With Hate sauce!



Edited by Jakro
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I saw Lotus kissing Alad V
Underneath the player hub last night.
She didn't see me creep
down the stairs to have a peep;
She thought that I was tucked
up in my space ship fast asleep.

Then, I saw Lotus tickle Alad V
Underneath his goo so very bright;
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If Ordis had only seen
Lotus kissing Alad V last night



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Deck the Halls because why not!


Deck the hall with Vor's dead body,

Fa la la la la - la la la la

Nevermind, that just looks gaudy,

Fa la la la la - la la la la

Don we now our festive liset

Fa la la - la la la - la la la

Troll the ancients with gift arrow

Fa la la la la - la la la la

<Musical Interlude>

See the blazing fool before us

Fa la la la la - la la la la

Strike the heart and join the Corpus

Fa la la la la - la la la la

Follow me in Orokin Derelict

Fa la la - la la la - la la la

While I tell of great mod treasures

Fa la la la la - la la la la

<Musical interlude>

Fast away the old gear passes

Fa la la la la - la la la la

Heed Kris vor, newb lads and lasses,

Fa la la la la - la la la la

Sing we tenno, all together

Fa la la -la la la - la la la

Heedless of the RNG and Farmfest

Fa la la la la - la la la la

Fa la la la la - la la la la!

Edited by KrazyKillaCat
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Hola esta es mi canción Canteen con esta Melodía https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBfZqr6Ym6M  Asta el minuto 3:00


   Con nuestros warframes a que celebrar 
   con nuestros kubrow a que celebrar 
   la navidas llego a que celebrar
   La esperanza de la navidad nos ayudara
   a terminar con el mal .todos los males
   se quemaran en nuestras chimeneas.
   con nuestro amigo PAPA NOEL PRIME
    Los Corpus los Griner no nos detendran
    acabaremos con este mal 
    Viendo a VOR sufrir es mi deseo 
    de navidad
    Bajo la chimenea en esperanza de soñar
    que este mundo de tennos logremos nuestros sueños 
Edited by PapiTrollinPOP
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White Corpusmas: 

Original Song: 


I'm selling a profitable Corpusmas,

Just like the ones I used to buy

Where the Osprey's glisten

and Moa's listen

To hear supra's in the snow


I'm selling a profitable Corpusmas

With every package I sell

May your coffers be vast and endless

And may all your Corpusmases turn profit

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Im doing jingle bells song

Vor is hire ,vor is hire, vor is ower hire

Come in void and kill him quick an u

Will be awarded.


So Lotus come , lotus com, lotus come in hire

And birng us all the christmas year

And a lot and lot of new guns and gear


I hope u like it and happy hollidays

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DECK LISET [deck the halls - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyIqaw1lycY ] 


Deck liset with Capt. Vor noggle, captain captain Vor, Vor captain Vor

Tis Zanuka to be jolly, Alad V V V, V V V V


Kill we now the Grineer inbound, Hek vay Hek, Hek vay Hek, Hek vay Hek

Troll with Limbo fellow tenno, TROLOLOLOLO, LOLOLOLO


See the archwing out the window, archwing wing archwing, wing archwing

Strike the Red Veil join the Hexis, Arbiters of Hexis, arbiters


Follow me into the dojo, clan tech clan, clan tech clan, clan tech clan

While i tell of the void treasure, prime prime prime prime prime, prime prime prime prime


Fast away the old war passes, ordis seems to have, misplaced it

Hail the mutalist empire, both infested and the corpus too



nice contest it was a lot of fun


IGN - fluffy_YOLO

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Edit: Forgot the song link http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=9T4WB2zfmps

Silent Void, Holy Void

All is gold, all is bright

Round yon Tenno, Lotus and Primed

Holy Warframe, so flashy and styled

Sleep in the orokin void,

Sleep in the orokin void.

Silent Void, Holy Void

Son of Them, Death orb's light

Radiant beams on the Tenno's face

With the dawn of reviving grace

Corrupt, Lord at thine traps

Corrupt, Lord at thine traps

Silent Void, Holy Void

Tenno quake, at the Primes

Platinum streams forom the Void above

Heavenly, Hosts sing "Hosting T4"

Thus trading chat was born

Thus trading chat was born

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[12 Days of Warframe]


On the first day of Christmas
Lotus gave to me:
A Potato'd Loki Prime
On the second day of Christmas
Lotus gave to me:
Two Ammo Drums
And Potatoed Loki Prime
On the third day of Christmas
Lotus gave to me:
Three Plastids,
Two AmmoDrums,
And Potato'd Loki Prime
On the Fourth day of Christmas
Lotus gave to me:
Four Scindo Blades
Three Plastids
Two Ammo Drums
And potato'd Loki Prime
On the fifth day of Christmas
Lotus gave to me:
Five T4 Keys
Four Scindo Blades
Three Plastids
Two Ammo Drums
And potato'd Loki Prime
On the sixth day of Christmas
Lotus gave to me:
Six Cosmic Spectres
Five T4 Keys
Four Scindo Blades
Three Plastids
Two Ammo Drums
And potato'd Loki Prime
On the seventh day of Christmas
Lotus gave to me:
Seven Argon Crystals
Six Cosmic Spectres
Five T4 Keys
Four Scindo Blades
Three Plastids
Two Ammo Drums
And potato'd Loki Prime
On the eighth day of Christmas
Lotus gave to me:
Eight Infested Chargers
Seven Argon Crystals
Six Cosmic Spectres
Five T4 Keys
Four Scindo Blades
Three Plastids
Two Ammo Drums
And potato'd Loki Prime
On the ninth day of Christmas
Lotus gave to me:
Nine Corruped Crewmen
Eight Infested Chargers
Seven Argon Crystals
Six Cosmic Spectres
Five T4 Keys
Four Scindo Blades
Three Plastids
Two Ammo Drums
And potato'd Loki Prime
On the tenth day of Christmas
Lotus gave to me:
Ten Corpus MOAs
Nine Corruped Crewmen
Eight Infested Chargers
Seven Argon Crystals
Six Cosmic Spectres
Five T4 Keys
Four Scindo Blades
Three Plastids
Two Ammo Drums
And potato'd Loki Prime
On the eleventh day of Christmas
Lotus gave to me:
Eleven Grineer Lancers
Ten Corpus MOAs
Nine Corruped Crewmen
Eight Infested Chargers
Seven Argon Crystals
Six Cosmic Spectres
Five T4 Keys
Four Scindo Blades
Three Plastids
Two Ammo Drums
And potato'd Loki Prime
On the twelfth day of Christmas
Lotus gave to me:
Twelve Ancient Healers
Eleven Grineer Lancers
Ten Corpus MOAs
Nine Corruped Crewmen
Eight Infested Chargers
Seven Argon Crystals
Six Cosmic Spectres
Five T4 Keys
Four Scindo Blades
Three Plastids
Two Ammo Drums
And potato'd Loki Prime
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Just a note: My original carol has been heavily puri...modified and it is now considered complete.  (i mean, more complete than the first version)



The post, for lazy clickers.

Note, the song is more religious than cheerful,but still full of holiday spirit, and was modified as such.


"Mutalists from the realm of glory" -Revision H (true final)


Tenno, from the void of glory.

Archwing o'er all of space;

Ye who sang the Lotus's story,

Now proclaim Alad's grace:


Join the venture, join the venture

Worship Alad, the reborn King.


Troopers, in the 'morians abiding,

Watching o'er the Earth by night,

Alad with Grineer is now residing,

Yonder shines the toxic light:


Join the venture, join the venture.

Worship Alad, the reborn King.


Corpus, leave your machinations,

Evolving creatures swarm ahead;

Embrace the purifier of nations,

Ye have seen his slimy dread:


Join the venture, join the venture.

Worship Alad, the reborn King.


'Rokin, wrung with true repentance,

Doomed for guilt to endless pains,

Vengeance now revokes the sentence,

Alad calls you—break your chains:


Join the venture, join the venture.

Worship Alad, the reborn King.


Though a madman we have viewed him,

He shall fill the system's throne,

Gather all the factions to him;

Every being shall then bow down:


Join the venture, join the venture.

Worship Alad, the reborn King.


Abominations, join in praising

Tenno, Corpus, Grineer - now Infested

Evermore united, voices raising,

To eternal Alad, never bested.


Join the venture, join the venture.

Worship Alad, the reborn King.



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"The Tenno Are Here"

Original song: 


The Tenno are here

Corpus run in fear

Run on walls, the Lotus calls

Alad's end is near


Spores are in the air

Infested everywhere

Golden times with my Braton Prime

Bullets of fire I share


Blood is in the air

Grineer over there

Valkyr cries, Vay Hek dies

From my max ranked Despair


The Tenno are here

Kubrow at the rear

O, Red Veil, won't prevail

For Hexis brings me cheer

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Original song:


Grineer Got Run Over By A Rhino


Grineer got run over by a Rhino

Walking on patrol on Christmas eve

You can say there's no such thing as Lotus

But as for Frost and Rhino, they believe


Grineer been drinkin' too much greedy milk 

And his friends begged him not to go

But he left his Grakata 

and he stumbled in Frosts Globe of snow


When others found him Christmas mornin'

At the scene of the attack

There were frost bites on his forehead

And incriminatin' Lotus marks on his back


Grineer got run over by a Rhino

Walking on patrol on Christmas eve

You can say there's no such thing as Lotus

But as for Frost and Rhino, they believe


Now were all so proud of Rhino

He's been hitting Grineer so well

See him in there preparing Furax 

Petting Kubrow and taking out “Despair”


It's not Christmas without Grineer

They have so many presents in their sack 

And tenno just can't help but plunder

Take it all and go to Liset back.


Grineer got run over by a Rhino

Walking on patrol on Christmas eve

You can say there's no such thing as Lotus

But as for Frost and Rhino, they believe


Now the mods are on the table

And the blueprint is in the foundry

And a blue and red potato

That will increase my weapons and frames capacity


I've told all my fellow tenno 

Better watch out for Grineer

If you make them mad too much 

they might send out the grustag Three out of fear 


Grineer got run over by a Rhino

Walking on patrol on Christmas eve

You can say there's no such thing as Lotus

But as for Frost and Rhino, they believe


Original song:

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All I want for Christmas is you

I don't want a lot for Christmas
There's just one thing I need
I don't care about the Grineers
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than Vor could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you

I don't want Alad for Christmas
There's just one thing I need
I don't care about the Grineers
Underneath the Christmas tree
I don't need to hang the Corpus
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claws won't make me happy (Yes, It's a 'she')
With a whip on Christmas day

I just want YOU for my own
More than YOU could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you


I won't ask for much this Christmas
I don't even wish for Frost
I'm just gonna keep on waiting
Underneath the Cryopod
I won't make a list and send it
To the Pluto or Ceres
I won't even stay awake to
Hear those alert missions click
'Cause I just want you here tonight
Holding on to you so tight
What more can I do
BABY all I want for Christmas is you!

All the PLATS are shining
So brightly everywhere
And the sound of Vay Hek's
Laughter fills the air
And everyone is singing
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa won't you bring me the one I
really need
Won't you please bring my baby to me

I don't want Alad for Christmas
This is all I'm asking for
I just want to see my baby
Sitting right inside my pocket
Oh I just want you for my own
More than Lotus could ever know

Make my wish come true
Baby all I want for Christmas is you

Link to Original song:


  Edited by SinofSeth
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Jingle Bells, Hydroid Style.


Hydroid Claus, Hydroid Claus!

Drowning all his foes!

If you don't watch where you step.

Your caught in Undertow!


Hydroid Claus, Hydroid Claus!

Tidal Surge, so fun!

Tumbling Grineer,



Hydroid Claus! Hydroid Claus!

So much fun to use!

Hes a space Pirate Frame,

Helping the Tenno!

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