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Lotus: "nice Work Taking Down The Vip.... "(And Something Else)


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Cant DE add a few more things for Lotus to say when we kill the damn Boss?


As far as I know, Hek is the ONLY one that has a different wording, it has been MONTHS since I fough Hek (Freakin' Beacons, not farming you anymore) so, if I remember correctly she says: Good work Tenno, it will be a long time before we hear Hek's ugly voice again. Now get to Extraction, you've earned it."


I started to think that when we went and killed Rotten Salad, and after Lotus saying that we will show him mercy by freeing him from the infestation, she just says the old "taking down the VIP, get yer ! to extraction." thing.


I hear Salad crying more pathetically than Shinji Ikari when I kill him in Jupiter, and still the same thing when he gets Crazy and full of Fungus.

Why cant the Bosses say something when they die, just like Vor does when we defeat him in the Void?


In fact, I'm having a brainstorm here as I write, will we have a Quest that HINTS that Vor is somewhere in the Void? When we finish Vor's Prize all we get is the question that Vor might raise again because of the (J)anus Key. A quest that Introduce us to the Void Missions?


Maybe this should go to feedback?

Edited by Kao-Snake
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In fact, I'm having a brainstorm here as I write, will we have a Quest that HINTS that Vor is somewhere in the Void? When we finish Vor's Prize all we get is the question that Vor might raise again because of the (J)anus Key. A quest that Introduce us to the Void Missions?


Maybe this should go to feedback?


his "first" "resurrected" presence is during boss fight on phobos iirc (dual boss krill and vor)


only after that one he get pulled to the void

and btw I'm not sure if I missed something during tutorial but when I checked codex after finishing vors prize I was like "WTF what janus key?"

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To be fair, Vor is a very special case. He's an energy being, and I haven't quite figured out the right combination of killing techniques needed to make him cry for his Brood Mother.

Everyone else, when I jam my bacon sword into their oh so fleshy necks, rarely had more to say than "hnnk...!!! grklelll.., ! *spurt!* *drip drip* gnnnff... *wheeze wheeze*.... *thud!*"

That's usually when I twist the blade to make sure they're not faking.

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his "first" "resurrected" presence is during boss fight on phobos iirc (dual boss krill and vor)


only after that one he get pulled to the void

and btw I'm not sure if I missed something during tutorial but when I checked codex after finishing vors prize I was like "WTF what janus key?"

I'm still 100% sure those 2 in Phobos are placeholders.


And, yeah, Vor never mentioned a (J)anus key as far as I remember, maybe if he just had a line talking about it in Vor's Prize, it would make sense.

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