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The Best Thing About The Gram Is Gone


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WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE GRAMS ATTACK SPEED?!?!?! IT USED TO BE 1.2 NOW IS 1.0?!?!?!! WHAT??? WHY?? NOOO! Bring it back. seriously... I loved this weapon then you nuked the attack speed! Please give us the attack speed back.


Did it get buffed in any other way? Maybe Gram was chopping spaceships in half so they had to tone down the speed lol

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Compared to Galantine, Scindo, Jet Kitag its still bad.......

Regular Scindo does about the same amount of damage if not maybe just a tad more. But the Scindo prime is the king of swing. Jat is home run bat...dat rhyme doe. But also consider its a weapon ment for lower ranking players who maybe want a taste of heavy melee weapons.

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Look if it did 80 Damage total, had the same stats as right now but did 1.2 attacks per second at base i would love it sooo much more. It would be wayyy better. at 1.7 (with fury) it would do the same DPS as right now. but it simply would be better, and with crit mods and berserker it would be a really really fun weapon! I really want the unique thing about my 1 GRAM WEAPON fast attack speed. Please bring it back.

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Look if it did 80 Damage total, had the same stats as right now but did 1.2 attacks per second at base i would love it sooo much more. It would be wayyy better. at 1.7 (with fury) it would do the same DPS as right now. but it simply would be better, and with crit mods and berserker it would be a really really fun weapon! I really want the unique thing about my 1 GRAM WEAPON fast attack speed. Please bring it back.


I still use my gram with berserk and a crit mod to go crack head fast, but why nerf the gram when it's being overlooked anyways? Shouldn't they want to buff the lesser of the heavies to make it a contender? It's a freaking claymore with lightsabers on each end for god sakes!! C'mon now, at least buff it some more for the cool factor at least.

This game is all about variety. What's the point if everyone is using the same weapon, the same mods for said weapon, and just coptoring.........woo

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But also consider its a weapon ment for lower ranking players who maybe want a taste of heavy melee weapons.


There's also that, which makes perfect sense, but try using that argument on anyone else who's favorite weapon got changed lol

Edited by DarkTails
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There's also that, which makes perfect sense, but try using that argument on anyone else who's favorite weapon got changed lol

You could. Especially if the nerf/buff isn't suggested or wanted by players. Like if you drop the max ammo a rifle can carry to buff status chance when nobody uses it for that reason.

All in all everyone can voice their opinion about the changes to their personal favorite and I for one encourage constructive criticism and hope for the best.

Me personally I won't shut up about Tigris but that's another thread lol

Make gram different from the other heavies and make it a contender, not exp fodder

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