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Crush Has Two Big Problems (Mag, No Stun)


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What if it added a puncture proc (not damage), along with knockdown/ragdoll/stun? That would be somewhat debilitating to the enemy.

Also, should it perhaps remove Corpus helmets, seeing as they're large metal targets on an otherwise non-metallic jumpsuit. Alternatively, headshot damage could be funny.

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Magnetic damage is thematic, but it's also unilaterally crappy.

Literally Toxin > Magnetic against Corpus.

I mean the proc isn't even useful against enemies.



Instead of removing the Magnetic damage type, Magnetic damage itself needs to be buffed.

Given that Damage 2.0 hasn't changed since introduction and comparing the level of coding difficulty of various suggestions, the chances are...


Likely > Not Likely > Lol, right.

Damage Type Change > Total Mechanic Change > Damage 2.0 Changes


This is supposed to be a minor fix, so we're probably just going to see stun/ragdoll/procs added to the affected enemies to bring it in line with how it's supposed to act (which is what needs to be done).


Heavier changes would probably be part of a Mag buff/rework (buff as in Nekros, rework as in Oberon), but at this point it looks like it's more just "fix what's obviously broken" unless devs hint otherwise since they have a lot on their plate right now.



While you're at it just make ever ability stun because every ability should stun AND have damage over time and kill enemies at wave 50 without problem right...oh wait..that's right..they shouldn't.



Edit: Stop asking for buffs, thanks


and stop giving them




You should totally go back to the first page and wait for the gifs to load this time, and then watch them.


Using an ability that's supposed to stun enemies only to have it stun you while freeing them to shoot at you is not the intention and is obviously broken.

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Mag is truly over-specialized, mostly due to Crush's damage type being mediocre overall and Crush being unusable for anything other than clean-up against Corpus after a SP.  Making BA more useful against crowds (possibly through a spread mechanic or a more damaging explosion based on player interaction?) and making Crush actually useful would go a long way toward round Mag out as a frame.  


Toning down Pull's mindless CC factor and putting some of that power into Crush while keeping Pull useful would be ideal.  I would make Pull actually pull enemies to Mag's feet (similar to how it used to but in an AOE and without the teleportation aspect, blending the two versions) while staggering them (ccing them and prepping them for aoe, melee, etc; also allowing effective chain cc without the ridiculous timing window offered by current Pullspam) and give Crush the crazy random ragdoll that Pull does in its current form. I would also make Crush apply a slow and deal some puncture damage over time during that slow with a 100% proc chance so that enemies are actually significantly weakened by the ability.  The Puncture damage would also make it more useful vs Grineer, though that wouldn't be the focus of the ability.  


My version of Crush:

Same as now, but after the animation ends enemies are ragdolled similar to how Pull currently works.  After the ragdoll enemies are slowed for 6 seconds (Should this be affected by power duration? I don't see why not.)  Enemies receive 75 Puncture damage with a 100% proc chance for each second that they are slowed.  This would actually disable enemies according to the ability's description and make it more effective against Infested heavy units and Grineer instead of just tickling them damage-wise.  Maybe the base Magnetic damage could be lowered to 900 or 800 to compensate for the extra damage added to the end of the ability, but given how feeble Crush currently is a straight buff wouldn't be unwelcome.  I would certainly approve of a nerf to SP to accompany these revisions.  



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Rather than changing the damage type of crush, I'd change a couple of words in the description.


"Magnetizes the armor of nearby enemies..."

... and then damage could be based on the amount of armor, so it would scale with level, but the magnetic damage would keep it from scaling a little too well.

How the heck do you magnetize bones anyway?

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Rather than changing the damage type of crush, I'd change a couple of words in the description.


"Magnetizes the armor of nearby enemies..."

... and then damage could be based on the amount of armor, so it would scale with level, but the magnetic damage would keep it from scaling a little too well.

How the heck do you magnetize bones anyway?

Calcium in bones, it's a metal :P

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Funny thing though - enemies sent flying by Jat Kittag seem to be properly stunned/ragdolled and unable to attack.

Not according to


Dated Feb 15.


So either it's not categorically the case, or it changed, or idk.  :|




Isn't being a Dev fun? They get to try and hunt this down!



Edited by Chroia
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It's not just Magnetic. The damage table in general is unbalanced. 


I have done an exensive review - still WIP - about the damage types vs. health/armor types and proposed a rebalance. 


Such a rebalance can't be complete without a rework on the effects of at least a few procs, since some a forgettable and some are great AoE effects.


And there need to be more enemies using certain health/armor types for the rebalance to be complete.



Edited by BrazilianJoe
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With all due respect, using an augment as a bandaid rather than fixing a problem with the base skill... :/

Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Besides which, either the augment's mandatory, meaning it's not a real choice (and why wasn't this effect simply added to the base ability), or the mod-slot's too important to allocate to the augment - meaning that the ability's still borked.




To clarify, if Crush gets its (supposed) inherent CC working again, and this augment, well, augments that CC and adds the armor debuff, that's a whole different story - and would be fine in my book.

Edited by Chroia
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According to Scott on Devstream 47, Crush will deal damage and acquire new targets on each of its three animation instances (lift left arm, lift right arm, smack palms together), as well as properly ragdoll affected targets that have to recover from that state.


Great changes overall. Will have to see how it fares after implementation :)

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Mag Crush jush need only one simple fix. After she lift up all enemy and clap her hand, all enemy will be pull to 1 point on the ground and Crush together. Each enemy she lift up will increate 5% crush damage.


EX: Mag basic crush damge is 1000. So she lift up 10 enemy. Crush damge is 1500 damage.


Well, i think that is the simple fix can make her better and more real Mag.

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Seems DE_Scott is making it so Mag's Crush properly ragdolls enemies and the damage takes place over the entire cast and not just at the start while Mag waves her arms for two more seconds and enemies shoot her.


Oddly that was probably my favorite part of the livestream.

Mag's been needing a little bit of love for a bit. Not a lot but a little.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have they fixed this? I'm only level 30 with mag and not exactly gunning round the galaxy, but Crush seems to work better than you lot were describing. Although it's still a case of getting gunned down by people who aren't getting crushed, the pick-up for crush targets seems to be better?

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