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Why Don't The Status Base Adder Syndicates Do Stuff?


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So they dont stack. I put Shattering Justice on my sobek. Status went from 15% to 35% awesome. Put on an event mod with +60% status. It should logically go up to 56% status. (35% + (35 * .6)) = 56 Sadly it only when up to 44% which is an increase by 9. Which means that it is applying the increased status chance based off of the unmodified base.

Same story for the supra too.

Really ticks me off. I thought one thing, in fact was told one thing and got another. 

This has to be a bug and if it isn't then say 20% extra status chance and not 20% base. 

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The mod does exactly what it says it does. No more, no less. Interacting with other mods was never explicitly mentioned.


(Really, the code probably just tacks on a straight 20 rather than a %, and it works off the same bit of code the other mods do, so expect it to do the same)

Edited by Xecty-Eins
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Not a bug. All percentages scale off unmodified base values.


The OP is mad about the misleading description, that says the Status Chances is added to the base one, not as extra flat value.


So technically the description is wrong.

Edited by Esleyer
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got it from wiki. even then it is still not entirely clear for a lot of players what it means



i would have purely assumed that status mods that give +% would stack with the entropy mod...but as op stated it clearly does not



everyone has their own interpretation of things...dont blame the guy for viewing it differently from you. though we may be wrong...there are nicer ways to point out the mistake in interpretation

Edited by sekushiiandee
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The word base was added because of how complaints were made that the card was too vague, and was very unclear on how it performed.

Guess it didn't work.

mabye use extra as extra status chance(the currently discussed mods. so a direct boost to the base without actually changing the base stat). Boosted status chance for all the event mods, and a increase to base, I.E it actually changes the base stat and stacks with event mods.

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The word base was added because of how complaints were made that the card was too vague, and was very unclear on how it performed.

Guess it didn't work.


Are you sure? From what I remember, it wasn't additive to begin with, and after complaints that the mod was incredibly ineffective, they changed how it worked to base status chance. It was pretty early on, though, and I wasn't anywhere near the Syndicate max, so I can't say for sure.


Either way, adding to the base implies that other mods should scale off of it. It's like the mods that add to damage, except that it doesn't matter which order it goes in for damage since it's multiplicative. It may not be intended to work like that, but I see no reason that it shouldn't.

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