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The Mediocre Paracyst


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It isn't hard to tell the Paracyst is EASILY the worst burst weapon in its class. It has the lowest damage of all burst fire weapons and a long travel time. To top it all off, the only thing it has going for it is a high status chance and toxin damage. I honestly think I'd rather use the Burston then this weapon simply becuase it has hit scan. I wouldn't have a big problem with the Paracyst being utter trash if it wasn't for the expensive build costs, including 1 forma. Also, it is a research weapon on top of all that. IMO, the Paracyst needs a significant damage buff, something like 50 base damage. And the Paracyst's alt fire does not make up for its poor stats, if anything it is a nerf because you are forced to hip fire. The alt fire simply isn't useful, it is only useful to knock down a heavy unit, which you could of killed them with a better weapon by that time. This weapon is a prime example of poor cost/power.

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I wonder if making the Paracysts MAIN firemode its alt fire wouldnt be a more fun unique gun.


Imagine holding down mouse 1, a bunch of tethers and tentacles come out, similar to the phage but not lasers, and proceed to whip and slash at all enemies in a cone in front of the player, even grabbing enemies and flinging them roughly to the floor.

Like Hydroid but toxic, smaller, and in gun form.


Then the alt fire becomes a burst of toxic bullets for more ranged sniper-y combat.

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I wonder if making the Paracysts MAIN firemode its alt fire wouldnt be a more fun unique gun.


Imagine holding down mouse 1, a bunch of tethers and tentacles come out, similar to the phage but not lasers, and proceed to whip and slash at all enemies in a cone in front of the player, even grabbing enemies and flinging them roughly to the floor.

Like Hydroid but toxic, smaller, and in gun form.


Then the alt fire becomes a burst of toxic bullets for more ranged sniper-y combat.

At the very least, it would highlight its more utilitarian functionality that most people seem to miss with many of these guns. Not that it makes it a really amazing gun compared to [other gun you think is powerful], but obviously points out its intention.

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The damage should definitely be bumped up to at least 30, even the Burston does 30 and that's basically the beginner's burst-rifle. And more importantly, this thing should have zero recoil. With the other burst-rifles it's acceptable since you can aim down the sights to accommodate, but with the Paracyst that isn't an option and therefore it's really difficult to make the damage of the whole burst count unless you get in pretty close to the enemy (which again, the mediocre damage doesn't justify).


As for the secondary fire, in a perfect and more badass world the Paracyst's grapple would have two flavors, quick-tap to use the current single-target tether to pull in foes, or charge it to fire a tentacle that lifts the enemy into the air and repeatedly smashes them against the ground (at the cost of ammo of cost) damaging them and injuring anyone is a modest AoE from the impact zone. But I don't know if the world is ready for such an awesome thing, so maybe at the very least it could actually deal some hefty damage, almost like a pseudo-sniper.

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 It has the lowest damage of all burst fire weapons and a long travel time.

It's a hitscan weapon though?


I personally found the Paracyst to be an alright weapon.  It has a niche with its base Toxin damage (on a rifle) and serves well as a proc machine, in addition to its serviceable DPS.

Edited by RealPandemonium
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It's a hitscan weapon though?


I personally found the Paracyst to be an alright weapon.  It has a niche with its base Toxin damage (on a rifle) and serves well as a proc machine, in addition to its serviceable DPS.

The Paracyst has terrible DPS, and it isn't hit scan at all, do you know what hit scan means?

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The Paracyst has terrible DPS, and it isn't hit scan at all, do you know what hit scan means?

You're correct about the travel time.  It's not bad at all though; that's why I didn't remember it having a travel time (substantially less than the Boltor Prime's.)   Also, unlike most weapons that fire projectiles, the Paracyst's shots properly come out its muzzle (instead of an arbitrary point above and to the left of your head) and can thus be used to fire from behind cover (only if you aim is centered to the right of your character.)  The shots are also aligned to the reticle instead of above and to the right of it (as is the case with the aforementioned projectile-firing weapons.)


This weapon's main downfall is its inability to be zoomed.  They should do something about that as zooming is an intergral part of burst-fire gameplay.  Otherwise, its high proc rate and base elemental damage type compensate for its lower damage compared to other primaries.  Once formatatoed it's plenty strong for normal content.


Inb4 people compare DPS to Boltor Prime and Amprex. 



Edit: As I thought, this is an excellent PVP weapon for rail conflicts as well.

Edited by RealPandemonium
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