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Twin Queens? This Is It. Our Chance For Endgame. [Raid Discussion]


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I had this concept of a raid a month ago. I'll post it here.



Also, DE has mentioned in one of the devstreams that they are actually interested in having missions that transition between archwing and land combat or something like that.

Like an Archwing Insertion, Sabotage+Boss battle, then Archwing Extraction?

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Although, I don't want this to be exclusively end-game, I wanna see it more as an expansion of content. I doubt DE would want to exclude any portion of their players and IMO end game gear introduces elitist ideals.


However, there's already a lot of content aimed to the newer players already.  Can't the vets and more advanced players have something they can call their own? Syndicates overall, were aimed toward the newbies because the rep gain over time and the rewards feeling like bonuses or gifts was how DE meant it to be (I still hate the stupid sacrifice stuff though).  While, to the vets, it was just more grind.  We need something like this to hold us over.

Edited by hijinks_the_turtle
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Good idea but 100 level is a bit too much, 40-45 at the hardest difficulty would suffice. 10 players the same, 8 is th optimal coz we have darksectors running 8 players. The challange would be giving more eximus and more rare enemies but dont make them damege sponge coz we all remember this terrible corpus tactical with capture.

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i think 12 tenno would be nice, imagine 3 groups of 4 where each group starts in a different location and the meet each other in the final boss of the mission. also, i think the end-game gear needs to be taken seriously.

other than that, primarly great idea

Edited by fluffy_YOLO
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I like the "level 100+" and "hard bosses that requires tactics" content.


The "raid gear" and "once per week" part though, not so much. People are already crying in the forums about RNG and wait-wall about mesa. Now imagine that with a 1 week wait-wall. Not to mention, several months to complete. Hmm, feels a lot like the old syndicate to me.

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I'd imagine the Grineer's Twin Queens stay as far away from combat as possible, because that's what Vor, Ruk, Kril, Kela and Regor are for. Aside from some fancy tech they'd be royally screwed (because they're queens).


Also, even if the queens would be eliminated, the warmonging rest of the Grineer would still do what they've been doing since the Awakening of the Tenno, just even more determined because of royal martyr..

Edited by RedEyedRaven
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Read up to "Enrage timer". . . you know what happens next.




Enrage timers are lazy by design, however pressure build up over time could achieve the same goal without it feeling contrived.


Or you could allow for a bonus objective that allows players have access to better rewards based on their performance, say the sealing of a vault is taking place during the boss fight, the rewards could be staggered throughout a series of time-based intervals.


There's probably a reason you've been receiving so many down-votes on Reddit, and it's likely due to fact that your "idea" can easily be likened to two thing from a bovine in this particular order; the area in which a female gives succor from, and its excrement.

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Alright, OP, I'm a little less sleep deprived now so I'll give this another look-through.

A) thank you for the introduction, it's good to know who I'm conversing with, and mr18 founders for the most part have had a certain level of respect and envy (heard about the game far too late to be a founder ;^;) that being said I'm an MR16 completionist type with about 800-900 in-mission hours, so I might not be quite as experienced as some of the other players, but I've got a passing familiarity with the game.

B) if I'm understanding your request here, it's for content that starts massively higher up than where T4's are now (as you said, 1 hour is a cakewalk), that will be multi month type of deal (this implies heavy time wall or RNG wall) lore-intensive almost demands unique interactions in and between missions (such as the archwing launch sequence and mission type change) that can NOT be done solo (sorry solo players, group up, squad based game for a reason) that is reminiscent of brutal hardcore 90's type gaming with clear cut, repeatable rewards with some guarenteed drops and some with a very low drop rate for the ultra hardcore farming or completionist type (like myself).

I love it. The ultimate culmination of everything we've worked on, unique boss fight mechanics (which have mostly been shoot the glowy bits on enemies, maybe we should expand on that some more), the quest system, farming, clans (both tech wise and social organization wise), and shifting tactics to deal with exponentially harder enemies over the course of an endless mission pulled together into a single glorious quest line and final fight. That would be fantastic, and if it was made to handle 12 people (3 squads) it would be so utterly unique as well (don't mind my addiction to the 12man party, it's just something I really want to see). The empire's twin queens need to be the grineer equivalent of god-tier. It's alienating towards some of the community, specifically the earliest types who see content that will literally take them months to have access to start trying for, but to others such as you or I, it's an actual staple of non-pvp endgame. It's.... Massive. It wouldn't be done for months, but.... It would be fantastic, to say the least.

(DE, if you do this, I'd request a twin queen weaponry set, melee secondary and primary, as well as a non-platinum armor set and syndana. One queen drops functional pieces, one drops cosmetic. By claiming endgame, you can literally make it the biggest size challenge this game has seen, both in scale and in difficulty.)

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How most Raids work in games is that the enemies are only a little higher then the strongest general enemies in the game. The Boss's HP pool is huge but not undefeatable, and the damage they hit are strong but easy to manage. What makes them so terrifying is when they change up their moves or patterns, or double up on one attack. Raids are one by keeping up DPS with healing, being able to change plans on a second notice, able to switch in and out other Warframe's to give them a rest, and to be able to crowd control onslaughts of enemies distracting you from the raid boss.

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However, there's already a lot of content aimed to the newer players already.  Can't the vets and more advanced players have something they can call their own? Syndicates overall, were aimed toward the newbies because the rep gain over time and the rewards feeling like bonuses or gifts was how DE meant it to be (I still hate the stupid sacrifice stuff though).  While, to the vets, it was just more grind.  We need something like this to hold us over.


This exactly. The entire game has been developed in a way that lets new players access everything. It's all sidegrades along with sidegrades and grind with more grind for no particular purpose other than Mastery. I want something difficult and challenging that forces me to use teamwork, strategy, and perfect execution. I want to be forced to use my 5 forma'd gear and still have a difficult time DPSing. 

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Please DE, I am begging you, avoid taking ideas from WoW at all costs.  It really sounds like that is what a lot of people want, and that isn't a positive thing.  There are enough WoW clones out there already.  If DE really wants to do some sort of large scale raid/battle then I hope they keep it as original as possible. 

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God no to this, i can't even begin to list everything whats wrong in this. This is just asking for a Warframe version of WoW raid ingame, which i am vehemently against.



Firstly level 100% enemies are not hard they're just bullet sponges that do ridiculous damage


secondly saying that players shouldn't make no mistakes regardless of thier skill level is something DE likely isn't going to do. DE is not that demanding on players nor should they.


Thirdly, gear checks are ridiculous. Considering that many of the most powerful items can simply be bought with plat and require no mastery attain. We have no possible system in place to determine what is considered "high level" gear.


Lastly, the unique tactics are going to boil down to pseudo-invinciblity or CCing every enemies  so that killing them becomes childs plays. Why i do applaud at the Use of parkour, we first need to see how parkour is going to be revamped before we even go there.

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ok so id like to start with this. the mastery rank and forma dont mean much. forma and mastery both are easy enough to gain with any of the exploitable grinds. you can put five forma on a weapon in fifteen rounds of interception or rank a whole loadout in three.



however op, it is the 2k hrs which give you some credibility. by then youve probably spent enough time in the wf universe to truely appreciate both the good and bad. 


the way i see it however the twin queens should not in fact be a bossfight, at least not any time soon, and by no means should be the end of them.  they would need to escape at the end for me to feel comfortable with a fight with themm seeing how little lore and story there is id feel like the game would be cut short. 


i like tho think that we will meet new foes for each faction and that the bosses we have arent making up the entirety of the grineer hierarchy.


we at least need midbosses on planets to spur player progression through the star chart 

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This is basically exactly like WoW, tbh. But that's actually not a problem since WoW handles this very well and DE should try to model after them if they want a good idea on what to do. Some thing would need tuning like higher mobs having more hp for sure but the damage can't scale as much since level 50-60 mobs can already one shot most frames. I understand that forma plays a big part in making the perfect weapon build but then it becomes a grind fest all over again and they'll need a lot of re tuning and tuning again to "balance" all the raid gear and the regular gear. Maybe the raid gear can be weapon mods that multiply the damage? Just thinking off the top of my head.

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The game has immense potential to offer in history, and if coming mainly in chapters, since new content is being added and recently came the Relays, with Vay hek threat to progress that history because at least we know we have something new all the time, and people want an endgame already? We barely know anything about the "Old war" what the Orokin were all about or what the fomorians look like what they actually want and etc. This is why DE doesn't like the idea of endgame, how trivial, while one want things fast to sell fast, to fail fast, typical common business with plot twist, and after endgame what is next? I believe the game is as good god like as it is and he give either the choice to pay or not, than the rest of the MMO parade and money crackpots of forceful marketing. I used to love Eve Online, until.


Secondly, this game isn't WoW, DE is not the copycat company, and certainly not a travesty like many other games do to attract mobs by copying content from other games, this isn't halfway to the self-creativity, and self-business and unique identity, Instead it is the typical tactic that do not give a damn for fun at all, is the typical clone play easy, level up easy, win easy and get bored easy.

Edited by Dislava-planet-tech
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this sounds exactly like every other lame &#! cookie cutter mmo i play warframe because its unique and different


why would you want this? go play the 200 other mmos that are carbon copies of each other keep that boring drivel out of our game

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I honestly don't see the appeal of shooting a massive bullet sponge that can barely hit us, with a whole bunch of blast proc spam on us from grineer bombards.


They aren't going to do a literal raidboss. Big enemies yes, but it's still going to not be some ultra thrusting festival for WoW players.

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This exactly. The entire game has been developed in a way that lets new players access everything. It's all sidegrades along with sidegrades and grind with more grind for no particular purpose other than Mastery. I want something difficult and challenging that forces me to use teamwork, strategy, and perfect execution. I want to be forced to use my 5 forma'd gear and still have a difficult time DPSing. 


And I want a game where the unique Lore of Warframe is exalted rather than poorly diminished...


I want a game when the Grineer fires at the Tenno in panic because they are aware of the legendary figures of mass murdering we are, I want a game where our targets in assassinations would realize that their days are coming to a sudden end, were the grineer Grunts aren't 100 levels above us, where the Warframes and the Tenno Weapons are superior to anything the other factions could create.


I want a game where I can choose between the stealth or gun blazing approaches just for the fun of saying "They didn't even saw me coming..." or "I was the last thing they saw..." at the end of a mission. I want the Tenno being "Heavenly whatever you want to translate the honorific ō".


Last thing I want is challenge if challenge means me questioning why my gear, crafted by a lost and powerful civilization that dealth with a treath like the Sentients, is failing me in taking down some degenerated clones.

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