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Do You Guys Just Farm Stuff Or Don't Care And Have Fun?


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It's a good question. I know I farm a lot in Warframe, especially if forma-ing weapons counts, but I keep it fun by varying things up each time, using a different frame, different tactics, and so forth. If you restrict yourself to the same approach, same weapon, same 'frame whatever you do, I think you'll burn out much quicker.

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I dont know what to do, so I dont log on much. Waiting for nova p so I can log back in. I have 2 syndicates stuck because I need orokin catalyst to continue, I have to wait for that. atm Im lvling my nova, but seeing nova p is coming, I dont want to spend time lvling him. I want to lvl mods but need cores, so I cant progress that. Over all, seeing as Im going no where, its a bit overwhelming and I feel less and less like logging in.

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I log in when I want to have a bit of fun. My gameplay time has shrunk lately but when I do I go in to farm towards my next goal or help other people, or level something. 


In general though its mostly for fun, but if I remember there is something I want to farm I work towards that mostly. I don't consider that fun, even if it ends up being so. 

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I run Void missions just to look through the glass and y'know... look around. 

Personally, it's beautiful to me. The aesthetics of the Void really makes me calm, despite me cutting Corrupted Lancers in half with Gram.

I don't even care for drops anymore, as I have gear that fits me and can fit in a team comp. 

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I noticed that majority of forums community is either very new to the forums and the game itself or generally done with most of the contents in game. There are so many threads that complain how boring it is to play now. I would have probably agreed reluctantly to you if I wasn't ranking anything and if there wasn't syndicates. But I still play for the reps and items. I try not to "grind" as people say, but this amount of grinding isn't as bad because this game provides actions and different playstyles on different warframes/loadouts. So there are more fun in repeating than mmorpgs. At least that's how I would like people to feel. This isn't that much of a grind.

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