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Kohm - A Bad Gun


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Ich mag Warframe, Nein, ich liebe dieses Meisterwerk, aber ich fühlte mich gestern trolled. Ich dachte '' Mann, ein neues Sturmgewehr. Geil'' und was ich gekommen habe war einer der schlimmsten SCHROTFLINTEN, die ich je gespielt habe. Die Waffe ist nicht präzise oder stark und hat eine hohe Verschwendung von Munition. Der Feuer-Modus von der Kohm ist nicht gut zu spielen. Den Feind zu töten und dein komplettes Magazin zu verschwenden oder keinen Schaden auszuteilen. Wenn Sie den Feuer-Modus oder die Waffe-Klasse ändern könntet, ich würde diese Waffe öfter spielen, aber so ist sie noch unspielbar.


(für alle die jetzt noch dazu kommen, ich hatte denn Artikel erst in Englisch und hab ihn dann übersetzt, nach dem mir mein Fehler aufgefallen ist)

Edited by TheZurreal
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Why are you in the German section? o.O

Sorry, hatte es noch auf Englisch und ich hatte die englischen Artikel offen, dann habe ich (als ich denn Beitrag geschrieben habe) auf deutsch umgestellt und tada... Ist mein erster Beitrag im Forum, also hoffe ich das man mir das noch verzeihen kann. :)

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It's not Boltor Prime so it sucks.


That is what most of these threads say.


Yes, it eats ammo like no tomorrow.

Yes, it less than efficient against single enemies or small groups.

Yes, it's build costs are INSANE. (WTF? 500 Oxium?????)


No, it is not a bad weapon. Here is why-


Innate punchthrough for EVERY SHOT. No matter HOW many shots you fire they WILL go through stuff.

At max rate of fire, LARGE groups of ANYTHING melt. (I stopped counting crits after 20 with 1 magazine...)

NO damage falloff. You fire at a target at 100 meters and it hits as hard as if you fire at a target at 10 meters.

You DO NOT MISS. Where you put the reticule is what you hit. The accuracy is insane.


Not a perfect weapon. Not Boltor Prime by any stretch of the imagination. But nowhere near as horrible as the naysayers seem to think.


Of course you WILL run out of ammo fast. But OMG while you HAVE ammo...

Edited by Kalenath
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It's not that great of a weapon because of low damage and abysmal ammo consumption. The latter problem is common among high-tier weaponry anyways, but its made up for by high damage. The Kohm brings great utility (no damage falloff, punch through, accuracy, and a little bit of pellet bounce) but beyond that, its damage just doesn't make up for it. Add to that its ridiculous build costs and you have a frustrating weapon that will sit in most peoples' inventories while they wait for a miraculous buff.


I don't hate it as much as I hate the Sobek but I like it a lot less than shotguns like the Boar Prime and Hek.

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the kohm is really powerful weapon.


No, it is not a bad weapon.


Of course you WILL run out of ammo fast. But OMG while you HAVE ammo...

yes, for the 30 seconds that you have Ammunition. and then you're out. and you'll need 10 minutes to get enough back to even reload a full Magazine.


the mechanics are interesting, and i want to be able to like it, but it uses 14x as much Ammunition as just about any other Weapon. it's impossible to use without Ammo Restore bound to W.

the Damage per Ammunition is just abysmal.

Edited by taiiat
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It's not Boltor Prime so it sucks.


That is what most of these threads say.


Yes, it eats ammo like no tomorrow.

Yes, it less than efficient against single enemies or small groups.

Yes, it's build costs are INSANE. (WTF? 500 Oxium?????)


No, it is not a bad weapon. Here is why-


Innate punchthrough for EVERY SHOT. No matter HOW many shots you fire they WILL go through stuff.

At max rate of fire, LARGE groups of ANYTHING melt. (I stopped counting crits after 20 with 1 magazine...)

NO damage falloff. You fire at a target at 100 meters and it hits as hard as if you fire at a target at 10 meters.

You DO NOT MISS. Where you put the reticule is what you hit. The accuracy is insane.


Not a perfect weapon. Not Boltor Prime by any stretch of the imagination. But nowhere near as horrible as the naysayers seem to think.


Of course you WILL run out of ammo fast. But OMG while you HAVE ammo...

1. Prime isn't as awesome as (almost) everyone say


2. I know it is effective aganst large groups, but you won't fight them in any normal mission (exept survival and defens in the high waves)

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yes, for the 30 seconds that you have Ammunition. and then you're out. and you'll need 10 minutes to get enough back to even reload a full Magazine.


the mechanics are interesting, and i want to be able to like it, but it uses 14x as much Ammunition as just about any other Weapon. it's impossible to use without Ammo Restore bound to W.

the Damage per Ammunition is just abysmal.

using the recently buffed ammom mutation wont sacrifice too much and will make it very likely to not have to worrky about ammo depending on how ling it takes to get things done 

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Ammo Mutation

doesn't cut it.


it's still a Weapon that does 15 Damage per Ammunition, wastes a considerable amount of it's Ammunition (if you're not shooting at 50 Enemies at once), and uses Shotgun Ammo as it's own Ammo Type.


try to think of other Weapons that do about 15 Damage per Ammunition and have low Accuracy.

Lato deals 18 Damage. but it can shoot straight.

Furis deals 14 Damage. but it can shoot pretty straight.



so basically, Kohm is less Ammunition Efficient at killing Enemies than Lato.

Edited by taiiat
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