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I Feel Stalker Needs A 3.0 Rework


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I think Stalker needs some attention. I'm not really savvy on any debate about his current state, but it is my opinion that he fails to add anything to the game at present.


Why? I feel everything about him is cheap.


If I kill him, I feel cheap because I either kill him with one shot of incredible damage or I play upon the weaknesses in his AI. Or whenever I kill him because I'm with a group, that's not satisfactory because while I was dodging, everyone else was getting to shoot him.


If he kills me, he seems cheap because he always seems to get me with some cheap maneuver. I've been stun-locked, ridiculous slash proc'd, surrounded by enemies, screwed over by teammates, and similar situations every time he get's the gall to fight me. Not only that, but this cheapness is only heightened because he usually get's me during a mission I don't really have a choice in giving up in, costing me a revive point.


Many might argue this is how I should feel, that the Stalker is intended to be dreaded, but why? Why bother if he doesn't add anything substantial to the game, mechanically? Why bother him even being a thing if players don't even enjoy their rare encounters with him?

Of course, new players who have barely ranked up equipment should be defeated easily, a learning experience and to prepare for the next encounter, but I feel more hardened players should be given a more tooth and nail battle to the last drop of energy with the Stalker. Currently, it's whoever fires and hits first is usually the victor, with some added random factors to make it even less satisfying of an encounter.


Honestly, Stalker should be a test of our skill, not a test of how often we coop, not a test of how big we can get our numbers, and not just some dreadful encounter. I want to be able to get excited every time he shows up, and not just think 'Oh, how cheap is this fight going to be?'.


Quite frankly, though, I don't know how to rework him. I could go on about how his encounters should feel, but ultimately I don't really know the willingness and capabilities of DE's devs to really know what they would/could apply to make him more satisfactory and additive to the game. But right now, I don't feel his current state is optimal.


Thoughts? Arguments?

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He either screws you over when you take low level gear or you screw him over with one-shot weapons.

It's two extremes at the same time. 


He should have better conclave scaling. A scaling that also takes weapons into account more than your warframe, since he's immune to warframe abilities.



Maybe take off some of his damage but add to his health.. I don't know. At the moment the fight feels very "bursty". It's over in seconds, for either party.

Edited by Shifted
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I kinda like him atm. You have to prepare for him appearing, clear out the room, set up in a spot where you have mobility and cover, and make sure all your stuff is loaded. It's an all or nothing fight, you F*** up - you die. He f**** up, he dies.


I like that they're not drawn out either. If I'm in the middle of a speed-run and he shows up, the last thing I want is to have to spend the next 5-10 mins dealing with him, I like the speed and ferocity he attacks with. He's way too easy in a group though, I love fighting him solo. I'd like him to be a bit more of a threat if you're in a group. Hell even isolating the person he's targeting or something would be a nice touch. 

Edited by DecapitatingJim
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The stalker concept is absolutelly <insert any cool things here>, but hte fight against him doesnt reflect that, what is in the lore, needs to be reflected in the fight against him, maybe he should appear at the ninth drumm, fill the room with blood, and he should be more inclined to slowly kills us rather than one shooting us without glory

Edited by rockscl
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If I kill him, I feel cheap because I either kill him with one shot of incredible damage or I play upon the weaknesses in his AI.


If he kills me, he seems cheap because he always seems to get me with some cheap maneuver. I've been stun-locked, ridiculous slash proc'd, surrounded by enemies

And what does it have to do with the Stalker, when its basically a summary of the whole warframe's combat system?

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I kinda like him atm. You have to prepare for him appearing, clear out the room, set up in a spot where you have mobility and cover, and make sure all your stuff is loaded. It's an all or nothing fight, you F*** up - you die. He f**** up, he dies.


I like that they're not drawn out either. If I'm in the middle of a speed-run and he shows up, the last thing I want is to have to spend the next 5-10 mins dealing with him, I like the speed and ferocity he attacks with. He's way too easy in a group though, I love fighting him solo. I'd like him to be a bit more of a threat if you're in a group. Hell even isolating the person he's targeting or something would be a nice touch. 

Well, technically you can never truly prepare for him, but I think I know what you're talking about.


And, from that perspective, I see how if we made him more drawn out, it would displease players with your play-style, however Stalker is, I think, intended to be a 'wrench-in-the-gears' of the system; he's supposed to draw you out of your comfort zone. Often, for me, his battle is too short. Right now, the only Assassin that I feel is at least fun to fight against is the Grustrag Three, as they give me enough challenge they don't die immediately (I don't ever use Crowd Control abilities against them), they can't kill me immediately, but the fight remains fast and interesting.


If Stalker were re-balanced somewhat, though, I could go for him using an isolation ability.



And what does it have to do with the Stalker, when its basically a summary of the whole warframe's combat system?

People go on and on about his uniqueness, when the only advantage over the rest of the enemy types is that his weapon has the same ability to one-shot us like we could one-shot him. I want him changed so that he would be a unique fight, a different problem from the average enemy rather than just a slight additional risk, but a problem that is more of a duel and less of a standoff.

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