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Ash Prime Will Come Next After Nova... Proof?


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That's not what I got from what you posted previously, you seemed intent on dissipating the theory as it lead to the results.  The link is what you seemed intent on killing, but if the result is there then the link is there.


That looks like a catch-22 to me.

  • They won't confirm until after it happens, but after it happens if it's confirmed it won't matter because it will have already been revealed.
  • On the other hand if it is confirmed as a hint before it happens, then it's solid enough to be what gives away what the primes are, which will, itself, be the reveal.

So the expectation of having it revealed as a solid hint beforehand is unreasonable, I think.


As far as I know they've only been revealed on dev streams and such, and those tend to focus on player questions, the future of the game, and more important things than talking about which hints in the past have lead to which frames.  If I got to ask a question on there, it'd definitely be more focused on the gameplay and design aspects, rather than asking about hold hints that wouldn't matter at that point since we already got the content.




But hey, back on the confrontation... I'll bet you 50 plat versus acceptance that the next prime frame is either Volt or Ash.

  • If it's neither I owe you 50 plat.
  • If it's one of them you just need to post publicly to admit that these hints do exist.

Sound good?



^ - You want in on the above?  Put your money where your mouth is?  I'll make the same bet with you I offered to the above person.


Then perhaps you should re-read it. What I think the outcome will be is irrelevant to whether I take this as a hint. My belief that Volt and Ash will be the next two frames is not connected to or contingent on this image being a hint. You need not accept every coincidence presented as evidence if it does not meet you standards of evidence. Which, this does not meet mine.


Why would I take that bet? I've already stated that I believe Ash and Volt will be next. It would make no sense for me to vote against what I believe to be the outcome. And no, them coming out would not, actually, demonstrate that this isolated image was a hint. You would need to somehow demonstrate correlation. Claiming that if they are the next primes, that would mean that this is undeniably a hint, is ridiculous. I do not agree to the terms of your bet.


Besides, if it is demonstrated that this is actually a hint, I will admit I was wrong to anyone that cared enough to "confront" me about it. There is no shame in being wrong if you believed yourself to be right at the time and argued on the evidence available, and there is no need to bring money into it.

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Well they did and your point is? The female female rotation is over, no trinity.

my point is, ignoring Nova, we've had only one frame for each gender outside of the 'original 8', with the others all being of the original 8. the only three left are ash, volt, and trinity. so if both of the next are ash and volt, the essentially skipped over the last of the original 8 in favor of nova, and hey as she's my fave it will frustrate me. Hey, its not reasonable, I get that, but hey, feeling s and favorites aren't always reasonable.

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I wanted to bring plat into it to see who actually believes in what they say versus who is just running their mouths and jumping on the anti-thread bandwagon.


(Notice that multiple people I quoted have not returned, they were just running their mouths while you and Vargras are actually staying to talk about this on the other hand.)


Yes, I'm stubborn like that.

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Hm, that's a good point.  "The next two will be both Volt and Ash" would likely be a fairer bet, but I think that would take way too long to see the results of.




I wanted to bring plat into it to see who actually believes in what they say versus who is just running their mouths and jumping on the anti-thread bandwagon.


(Notice that multiple people I quoted have not returned, they were just running their mouths while you and Vargras are actually staying to talk about this on the other hand.)

Its like you're actively trying to piss me off.


Running my mouth? Really? 


Its pointless replying to this because two things will happen. 


One, you'll still believe in this real hard.


Two, I'll still say that this logic is flawed.

It won't change. Its gone stupid by now.

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The order is


so that means the next one will be male unless they suddenly decide to change it.

So the possible frames are Volt Prime, Ash Prime, Oberon Prime, Vauban Prime, Nekros Prime, Hydroid Prime, or the highly unlikely Limbo Prime.

Nova was primed because she was popular.

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Its like you're actively trying to &!$$ me off.


Running my mouth? Really? 


Its pointless replying to this because two things will happen. 


One, you'll still believe in this real hard.


Two, I'll still say that this logic is flawed.

It won't change. Its gone stupid by now.

The logic is clear though, ash and volt are the favored prime rotation, and lo and behold here they both are. The logic is sound if you try to see the connections
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"... he wasn't making any literal implications..."


Clearly, you're quick to counter out of passion to see your favorite Frame getting a Prime. Even so, think before you do.

Yes he was go back and watch it again they clearly said this was something the community has been asking for, and they implantation will shock you in s surpriseing way. They were talking about the updaye 16 frame, not a prime. That wording makes no sense for a frsme that already exists
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The logic is clear though, ash and volt are the favored prime rotation, and lo and behold here they both are. The logic is sound if you try to see the connections



This is probably one of the most unfair bets I've ever seen. Regardless if they accept it or not, you're pretty much the victor by default.


The entire "this isn't really a hint but it is because I say it is" thing is ridiculous. If pictures of one frame next to another were "proof" of who was gonna be Primed next, the forums would have already burned to the ground on account of all of the "evidence" amounting to nothing. Let me use some examples to show just how stupid this all is.


Below is one of the old loading screens. At the time it was taken, Zephyr was the most recent frame. Following the OP's logic, Valkyr should have been the next Prime (she wasn't).



Another: Hydroid's release, with Zephyr and Oberon in the background. Again, following the OP's logic of "they're in the same image", Oberon should have been the next male Prime. He wasn't.


Still waiting for you to reply to this.


Your logic isn't as sound as you think.



Yes he was go back and watch it again they clearly said this was something the community has been asking for, and they implantation will shock you in s surpriseing way. They were talking about the updaye 16 frame, not a prime. That wording makes no sense for a frsme that already exists

Or, to play the same game as you, we can say that it's further proof of Volt Prime.


After all, those are the kinds of leaps in logic you've been making.

Edited by Vargras
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Still waiting for you to reply to this.

Your logic isn't as sound as you think.

Or, to play the same game as you, we can say that it's further proof of Volt Prime.

After all, those are the kinds of leaps in logic you've been making.

Your not being intellectually honest, I keep providing evidence to support my claims and you just keep using circular logic. And regarding the old launchers well maybe it's just that, there old. The,limbo launcher and Mesa came out within the last three months. Those others came out at the beginning of the year. Maybe they changed the way they present future content? I'm not them I don't speak for them. But again there is your possibility. Edited by Dio_Brando
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Your not being intellectually honest, I keep providing evidence to support my claims and you just keep using circular logic. And regarding the old launchers well maybe it's just that, there old. The,limbo launcher and Mesa came out within the last three months. Those others came out at the beginning of the year. Maybe they changed the way they present future content? I'm not them I don't speak for them. But again there is your possibility.

I'm using the exact same kind of logic and "evidence" as you -- don't try and get out of it by saying "it's old".


Your logic is that Ash is next to the most recent warframe, so he'll be the next Prime. I'm asking you that if that's really the case, how come it didn't apply to past examples? Why is your example the only valid one?

Edited by Vargras
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What if?....


What if they started releasing them as a duo?


Let's be honest, 9 months to the next female Prime and Ash Plus Volt will be a gamble for DE as separate frames (They aren't the most popular).

The shelf life of the players is wearing thin. This game wont last forever.

Start bashing out more Primes!

1 every 3 months is lame.


Next run. Ash + Volt BAM!!!

After that

Trin + Saryn BAM BAM!!!

then a plot twist

Vauban + Valkyrie BAAAAAM!!!!!!

*drops mic*

 No offence but as a veteran player I can't see putting ash and volt being released at the same time as a winner every 3 months is ideal and 2015 is the year of balancing if I am correct and volt and ash launching separately as primes is not a gamble its a win either way they come especially for ash players such as my self who does 40 minute games with ash without using powers because ash got more kills than any other frame in my arsenal and volt is about to reach same level of kills with ash all we veteran players want is our fave frame primed so it can be supercharged and formaed and rock it like we mean it

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The run-on sentences are so real. Formatted for the sake of others:

 No offence, but as a veteran player, I can't see putting Ash and Volt being released at the same time as a winner. Every 3 months is ideal, and 2015 is the year of balancing, if I am correct. Volt and Ash launching separately as primes is not a gamble, it's a win. Either way they come, especially for Ash players such as my self who does 40 minute games with Ash without using powers, because Ash got more kills than any other frame in my arsenal. Volt is about to reach same level of kills with Ash. All we veteran players want is our fave frame primed so it can be supercharged and formaed, and rock it like we mean it

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Volt Prime or Ash Prime............I would love them both. Rest assured that the next 2 primes will be male primes. I don't know why but my gut says the next two primes will be both volt and ash as both of them are old. ...........................................................vauban prime is in my list too xD

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I'm using the exact same kind of logic and "evidence" as you -- don't try and get out of it by saying "it's old".


Your logic is that Ash is next to the most recent warframe, so he'll be the next Prime. I'm asking you that if that's really the case, how come it didn't apply to past examples? Why is your example the only valid one?

im not saying its 100 percent certain, but jsut think of it this way. Say after a meeting at DE you were just discussing the status of the future projects, then these primes come into conversation. If i were then tasked with making the browser, these future projects would be in the back of my mind. So maybe i would put them into the browser work. That makes sense, at least to me. And like i said its possible  that this could be a recent trend. The zephr browser has valkyr and oberon in it, both recent releases. Mirage and hyroid both picture only themselves and their pets. a trend. These could all be trends. But saying things like oh alad v is to the right, alas v prime confirmed, or steve was saying next frame will shock you, volt prime confirmed, have no logic in them at all. I present why i think these things step by step. if you say that there is no logic in it, then there is no reasoning with you.

Edited by Dio_Brando
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im not saying its 100 percent certain, but jsut think of it this way. Say after a meeting at DE you were just discussing the status of the future projects, then these primes come into conversation. If i were then tasked with making the browser, these future projects would be in the back of my mind. So maybe i would put them into the browser work. That makes sense, at least to me. And like i said its possible  that this could be a recent trend. The zephr browser has valkyr and oberon in it, both recent releases. Mirage and hyroid both picture only themselves and their pets. a trend. These could all be trends. But saying things like oh alad v is to the right, alas v prime confirmed, or steve was saying next frame will shock you, volt prime confirmed, have no logic in them at all. I present why i think these things step by step. if you say that there is no logic in it, then there is no reasoning with you.


Alright, dude, you've officially crossed over into speculation. At this point, the soundness of the logic becomes meaningless. You are basing your argument on a hypothetical. If you have no solid ground for your argument, then it doesn't matter how logical your argument is. You need to have a verifiable basis for your chain of logic, that can be demonstrated to be true.


What you are now saying is, "I think it's possible that they subconciously put that in as a hint because of a meeting they may or may not have had." You cannot demonstrate that this meeting occurred before this image was made, and if you can, you still cannot demonstrate that there was any kind of subconcious suggestion for the person making the splashscreen. You are just guessing, and guesses are not proof.


I that is the basis of your argument, then your argument is flawed. However logical your argument may be, if you do not start on solid ground then the rest of the argument is going to be flawed, because your starting point is flawed. Additionally, the outcome matching with your argument will not verify it as true or valid or reasonable. You can be right and still have a bad argument and bad reasons for believing the right thing. You need to prove that your basis is true before you can argue for the rest of your case being true.


Now I don't know about anyone else, but that is my objection: Your basis is flawed. You keep talking about how logical your argument is but all the logic in the world is worthless if starting from an unstable, inverifiable, flimsy basis.

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