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Ash Prime Will Come Next After Nova... Proof?


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I myself think it will be either Ash or Volt. Since the next two Primed frames are going to be male I think that both will get their Primed counter parts, don't know which will be first though. They could throw a curveball though and release Vauban Prime instead of one of the other two but I highly doubt it.

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It doesn't matter what prime we will get next, after all people will get crazy in first to week after release anyway,

So i don't care at all who will be next, because. ..one day it will be finally TRINITY...i just have to wait for this legendary and epic day in warframe life

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The next prime will most likely be ash because if you look at the latest launcher, it shows off the akgara and which warframe is there. A: ASH

That proves nothing, I could say that any frame could be prime using that method. Volt Prime is pretty much confirmed as being the next prime.

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