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Nerf The Ammo Capacity Of Bows


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Let me answer your question->

1) Game events occur million years from now, expect every possibility.

2) Its a game of space ninjas so keep your logic inside your knees.

3) That quiver uses modified technology of Doraemon's dimensional pocket. Thus it can have thousand arrows.

Edited by Jaskaran498
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Um... no, because then Bows will be totally unusable ingame.
They use the most uncommon ammo pool, sniper ammo, and generally you'll go through 10 arrows in about 10 seconds, so you'll never be able to use a bow reliably in any missiontype.

Think it through. It's totally impracticable 

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I suppose the throwing secondaries should only have as many knives/stars as are in the holsters then right?


Vasto should only get 6 rounds per pistol and no spare ammo.


Actually, none of the ranged weapons should have any spare ammo since there aren't any spare magazines on our frames.

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Youve never played with guys who think its a great idea to take the likes of Paris Prime into battles against bullet sponges like Lephantis have you? They run out a fraction of the way into beating the first three heads never mind the second lot... and you want them to run in with 10 arrows max instead!

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nerf the amount of arrows of Dread, Cernos, and other bow weapons. why? because it's unrealistic to have like 72 arrows in that quiver. also, when I look at the quiver I see only 3 arrows. where do the rest of the arrows come from? I think 10 arrows should be max because that quiver can't possibly hold a lot.

I agree with you partially. The quiver is rather poorly shown and even less the arrows within it. An old english quiver could hold between mid sixty to lower eighty arrows but a tenno one is rather pale. I think the tenno should have a new quiver model to hold a trim thirty five and an additional quiver as a rear hip quiver. Not bulky, shouldn't get in the way of a agile tenno and from being more compact than in one quiver less chance of an arrow coming lose.

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nerf the amount of arrows of Dread, Cernos, and other bow weapons. why? because it's unrealistic to have like 72 arrows in that quiver. also, when I look at the quiver I see only 3 arrows. where do the rest of the arrows come from? I think 10 arrows should be max because that quiver can't possibly hold a lot.


This is a game about Ninjas in space with some capable of turning into water, phase into another world, stun enemies afar with a single stomp, create clones, raise the dead to fight for them, and summon tornadoes. And these ninjas are fighting against a clone army, a merchant cult, a galactic hive of mutated creatures, and sometimes some thing that looks like one of their own hunting them at any chance he can get.


I'm curious how the amount of bows in a quiver is put into logic with these things to keep in mind.


My advice: just go with it!

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nerf the amount of arrows of Dread, Cernos, and other bow weapons. why? because it's unrealistic to have like 72 arrows in that quiver. also, when I look at the quiver I see only 3 arrows. where do the rest of the arrows come from? I think 10 arrows should be max because that quiver can't possibly hold a lot.


Space ninjas...............SPACE NINJAS!!

Thanks for your suggestion. No, let me play that unrealistic game.

Thank you.

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It's generally assumed that our spare arrows come from the same strange slipspace/digitizing/micro world that our spare magazines come from.  No answer (if there is ever going to be one) yet as to where that is, but I theorize kind of like Borderlands 2 digitizing stuff.

Edited by thelastpwnr99
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