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Lotus In Bloom [Ooc]


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Anyone else remember that little incident with Technocyte and Void Energy?  Yes?  Let's not have a repeat of that with Orokin tech and Tenno ingenuity.

Never Again...


I... Actually don't know. Before my time, I guess...

It happened a while back Winged and it was, very badly received and lead to a lot of drama BS and well let's just leave it at that.

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Never Again...

It happened a while back Winged and it was, very badly received and lead to a lot of drama BS and well let's just leave it at that.

Though if you want to drop by the chat, you'll find that some of us are quite loose lipped about past drama and gossip.

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Recently wrote this for a writing contest, didn't win and the plat would have been nice, but at least it gave me an excuse to get off my lazy butt and write something out of thread.


This little story is intended to give people a closer look at Dalimir's thoughts, motives and... joy. Rather lengthy, 1,361 words. Enjoy!



Knowledge is everything. That’s what he believed, without knowledge, what is a person? True, they may be living, but other than surviving sacks of meat, how can they exist? It was this reason that he pitied the Grineer and held at least some respect for the Corpus. This Tenno, however, needs more than just the knowledge of the present. He must also possess the knowledge of the past: The Golden Age and The Collapse. The gap caused by the Tenno’s collective Long Sleep troubled him to no end, and he sought to mend this gap permanently, for himself and all Tenno.


It is for this reason he has come to an ancient Derelict, once a marvel of Orokin engineering, it is now home to the worst of plagues: The Technocyte. It has twisted the white phosphorescent trees that were housed here into large knots, roots and branches that expand not only through the ship, but also out of it. It is here that the Technocyte has made its home, and here the Tenno hopes to find codices, data packets, anything that could point to his past.


He wandered through the halls, searching every terminal he could find that still functioned. He sensed their presence before he saw them, and turned to find a group of Infested heading his way. Standard formation: Chargers and Runners up front, with Mutalists in the middle and a lumbering Ancient in the back. He wasted no time in drawing the twin Magnus pistols from the bony ridges on his thighs. Gleaming in black, crimson and silver, he opened fire on the “mouth” of the Ancient, crippling it and keeping it back. He then moved his focus to the charging group, and thrust his left fist toward the one in the middle. Despite never reaching his foe, the charger flew back as it was hit with the force of a truck, with the soul of the twisted being shooting out of the physical body, hitting the ground beside the others, knocking them off their feet with the concussive force of the soul’s Void charged impact.


The Nekros then finished off the few that survived before finding himself covered in a swarm of nanites. With his pistols out of ammo, he holstered them as he quickly rolled out of the cloud, drawing his Ether Reaper scythe, jumping the moment he got to his feet and brought the head of the blade right down the middle of the unfortunate Moa. That’s when he heard the Ancient give an ugly, gurgling roar. It charged towards him, glowing a sickly green as toxic fluids flowed through its body. He readied into a guard stance, certain of the Ancient’s next move, and when its small arm came swiping down, he was ready. As it made contact with his blade, he channeled a small burst of Void energy into the weapon, stunning the Ancient as it recoiled in pain. He took this moment to strike, and bisected it horizontally, ending its threat.


Further on, the Tenno found a collection of data packets through terminals. Excellent, he thought. As he placed the packets into digital storage for later, he heard gunshots. The sound was both ballistic and crude. Couldn’t be Corpus weaponry, nor was it Tenno. That left only one option: The Grineer. He moved towards the source, perching himself on a ledge as he viewed the scene below. A full squad of Grineer marines had boarded the derelict, likely through one of their dropships. They were in the middle of defending themselves from the Infested, and they looked like they were winning. He surveyed their troop count: two Scorches and Scorpions, four Troopers, eighteen Lancers and… yes, a single Ballista. That Ballista sniper would be a problem, and so he drew a single Magnus, aiming for her head as she shot Mutalist Ospreys out of the sky. Finding the pattern of the Trooper’s shots, he fired at the same time as their shotguns, concealing his presence as he took her out of the equation.


He waited as they finished up their battle, the Grineer appearing victorious, with no losses except for the one he had caused. He smiled wickedly, now was the time. Sentient beings were always more fun to destroy than Infested or Corrupted, even if they were just Grineer. He dropped down amidst the disappearing corpses of Infested flesh, startling most of the squad in front of him. The words “Tenno skoom! Attaf!” rang out from one of the Scorpions, and they opened fire on the interloper. His shields flared as their shots found their mark, and the Scorches began moving in. He drew his scythe and cut them to pieces. Then he switched to his pistols and targeted the Troopers, their Sobek shotguns would be too dangerous to endure for what he had in mind. Shots rang out, ending with two down, and shields at half strength. He thrust his fist twice, aiming for the other two, sending their bodies to plummet to their deaths at the bottom of the massive chamber as their souls careened through the air. His shields nearly gone, he suddenly found two grapple hooks attached to his ankles, and he was swept off his feet, slowly being dragged to the two Scorpions that had him hooked. The Lancers took this time to reload their Grakatas, but if only they could see his smile. As he was unhooked, they both took a single swing at him with their machetes, finishing off his shields. Before they could connect their blades with him anymore, he rolled backwards, gaining distance and getting himself back onto his feet, before firing a single shot from each pistol into the unprotected heads of his would be mutilators. With nothing left but the Lancers, he simply stood there as they began their barrage anew, flinching with each bullet impact. This was good, the pain was good. For him, the pain became energy to fuel his Void abilities. He counted down the seconds until their mags ran dry, while doing so, he fired sloppily into the crowd, exaggerating hits to make it seem like he was taking more damage than he could endure. His smile grew wider at their looks of confidence, despite the fact that he had taken four of them out with the bullets he had left in each pistol before they ran dry.


3 seconds of fire left and his health was significantly drained, though not enough to seriously danger his life. Two… One. Each Lancer began the process of reloading, and now it was the Tenno’s turn. He waved his hand out in front of him as he desecrated the corpses around him, their bodies transmuting into various objects: ammo, credits, but most importantly, each body had a portion of it turned into a red energy that flowed back to its creator. Healing energy that rejuvenated him, bringing him closer to life and away from the brink of death. His visible wounds cleaned and sealed themselves, shattering a portion of the confidence his enemies had mustered. His voice, just a raspy whisper, then carried a single word to each Grineer: “Cower.” He then raised his arms and sent a radial blast of mental energy that filled each of them with uncontrollable fear. To their minds, he was no longer a Tenno, but a monster that could sire a brood of a hundred nightmares. Terror filled their expressions, and he cackled as he raised his arms in a ritual, raising shadows of the enemies he has killed forth, both Grineer and Infested, controlled by invisible strings from his fingertips. He pointed forward, and each shadow charged to the remaining Grineer. Their confidence utterly destroyed, with fear dominating their very psyche, they ran from their former comrades and monsters. He reveled in their crushing defeat, and watched as his shadows finished off what little remained of the Grineer forces. Smiling to himself at the joy of his foes’ utter destruction, he stalked off further into the derelict, continuing his search for information from the past. He is the Tenno known as Dalimir, of the Oblitus Ensis Clan… And he will know all.

Edited by Dalimir
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A rough layout (not to scale) of the Tower.  Note that the Manifold is docked across the Rotunda from the Tower's Main Docking Bay, at the top of a set of stairs.  The Vault is several levels down, below the Rotunda.




Edited by Temperance000
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You know, I'd been thinking a bit on my post a few weeks ago.


If your Tenno was there during the fall of the Orokin empire, what would they be or where would they be?


Would they be one of many thousands who betrayed the orokin where the drums were or would they be somewhere else?


And I know this may be somewhat difficult to say with the little lore we have.

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Cool.  I like it when a lot of work is put into RPs like this.


Also I'll confess that I was one of the anons on the chat earlier.  Sorry for being weird =/


I will refrain from that until otherwise instructed.


No shame in being an anon-lurker.  I do it all the time.  In fact, I refuse to make an account for the express purpose of irritating fishworshipper :)


If you'd like to join the discussion, just type in the chat bar and sign in with a temporary name.  We'll be happy to have another voice.

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Welcome aboard Android!


Thanks Drake. ^^


So, here we go.


Name: Alise


Frame: Zephyr, black with white coloration and a purple energy signature. For formal occasions, she makes use of a Hecate syndana.


Appearance: A caucasian woman appearing to be in her mid-to late twenties. 1.52 meters (5 ft) and small frame. She has black hair cropped to her chin and dark blue eyes. She has the odd scar here and there, but nothing of note.


Weapons: A Latron rifle, silenced and well cared for, modified to reduce recoil. Her side arm, a Bolto, was relatively new as of the start of the mission and she’s continuing to improve her handling of it. This has also been modified to reduce recoil. Her melee weapon of choice is a shortened skana, which she refers to as an old friend.


Combat: Alise tends to rely on her weapons skills first and her warframe’s abilities later. She prefers long-to mid-range combat whenever possible. While greatly enjoying sword play, she likes to avoid close range combat with enemy combatants.


Personality: Alise is patient and calm, not outwardly showing much emotion. This isn’t to say that she’s unfriendly at all, just understated with a tendency to keep to herself. She’s also extremely curious, a trait that lead her to volunteer for the Manifold’s mission when she first got word of it. She responds well to command, but is able to work with vague orders just as well.


Role and general activities on board: With a keen interest in the history of the tenno that was stolen from them while in cryo, Alise would have volunteered to assist with historian duties and archeology. In her free time, she would be reading, journaling, meditating and participating in training to keep her skills sharp.


Companion: Alise has a black, grey spotted Huras kubrow that’s just as much of a runt as her master. Named Shortcake, the female kubrow shares her master’s calm personality. When not in mission, Shortcake is usually found carrying around a stuffed corpus crewman.


Possessions: A general multi-use entertainment device she uses for journaling, reading, the occasional movie or game, and music. She keeps a physical copy of three books: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, The Wizard of Oz, and A thousand and One nights. Finally, she has a set of wooden mala beads she uses in meditation.

Edited by psychicandroid
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Hello again friends. I probably should have gotten this out of the way awhile ago but for those of you who had me added on steam I am on a new account! I'll leave the link here for anyone interested in adding me, I might get back into WF soon too, Ash Prime got me interested although his helmet looks like crap.


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