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A Warframe Concept: The Dragon [2.0] — Final Update 2/09/2015


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1. PLASMA BREATH — 25 Energy — Dragon releases a blast of plasma (think blue fire) from his gauntlets in a cone in front of him, dealing 50/50/75/100 plasma(?) damage (increased damage to Infested). For 10 seconds (at all levels), enemies that have been hit by the Plasma Breath have reduced defenses (melted armor) and may catch fire (i.e. fire panic effects). Leveling up the skill increases its range. Affected by Continuity, Focus, and Reach.

Alternate Name: Plasma Burn



Only problem I see... plasma breath should come from his face....

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I would like to take a moment and say that I have sent a message to Rebecca hinting at that I and probably many others would love to see this concept used as the next "non-caster female" Warframe. I personally have put forward the name "Hydra"


She did give a reply but I feel that something like that is best to let DE officially make any notes on. I know this concept is for a Male Warframe but, if I had to choose between Dragonframe being Female or Dragonframe not being in the game, I would take the former.

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The jetpack version. YES. This kind of assault warframe is what would keep me in the game for YEARS to come. This is the playstyle I want, and it fits the game's theme too. DE, please consider this concept. Or hire this guy, or something.

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Can we get permission to coppy this thread to the council?

Go for it. Now that I'm getting back into Warframe (needed a cooldown period), I may do some dusting-off of this old thread, see about some more alternate art designs and ability concepts.

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Go for it. Now that I'm getting back into Warframe (needed a cooldown period), I may do some dusting-off of this old thread, see about some more alternate art designs and ability concepts.

just letting you know I pointed Rebecca this thread's direction for the new frame. I know it's a male concept but I really would love a Female-Dragon-noncaster-Frame. She said she would consider it. Nothing promised but I sent it out. I am pretty sure everyone would love to see a Dragonframe, male or female at this point.

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Go for it. Now that I'm getting back into Warframe (needed a cooldown period), I may do some dusting-off of this old thread, see about some more alternate art designs and ability concepts.


Finally, WB! I was actually waiting for you to come back bro. This thread needs updating! It's nearing 10k views!


On a side note, I'd also like to ask permission to use your frame. On my end, I'm writing a (fanfiction) series of light novels about the events prior to the intro movie. I'm looking for a "not-yet-in-game-frame-that-has-potential-to-be-in-game" for a plot twist. If you wanna read up first before giving consent, here's my thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/116120-warframe-origins-a-light-novel/


It's in chapter 4 already. Thanks!



My novel only started off as a background story for a fellow poster here in Fan Concepts (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/105211-baphomet-%E2%80%93-the-betrayer-merihem-new-dual-infested-boss-concept-weapon-new-color-art-10313/ ). It kinda snowballed to what it is now. If you want a solid story for your frame, just let me know, and I'll give you five pages at least in payment. I think your frame would be a perfect BP drop for his Infested Boss concept. Cheers!



just letting you know I pointed Rebecca this thread's direction for the new frame. I know it's a male concept but I really would love a Female-Dragon-noncaster-Frame. She said she would consider it. Nothing promised but I sent it out. I am pretty sure everyone would love to see a Dragonframe, male or female at this point.


You know, I don't have anything against Founders, but I've met and befriended many Design Council members in and off game. They say conflicting points but one commonality is very repetitive. Simply put, they say that being in the Design Council doesn't actually let you contribute to the game, but rather, DE picks out ideas themselves and they just let the DC members vote on it.




If yes, i guess they should rename it Vote Council instead. If you don't believe my skepticism, ask Rebecca herself. She deleted an older post of mine and gave me a warning point herself for saying devs don't hear us out.

Edited by ErudiusNacht
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You know, I don't have anything against Founders, but I've met and befriended many Design Council members in and off game. They say conflicting points but one commonality is very repetitive. Simply put, they say that being in the Design Council doesn't actually let you contribute to the game, but rather, DE picks out ideas themselves and they just let the DC members vote on it.




If yes, i guess they should rename it Vote Council instead. If you don't believe my skepticism, ask Rebecca herself. She deleted an older post of mine and gave me a warning point herself for saying devs don't hear us out.

They probably removed your post because it fell under a violation of rule 1b which strictly states that Developer Bashing will not be tolerated. If you had worded your post along the lines of accusing them of not listening without actually supporting that claim or did so in an aggressive tone that probably is why it was removed.


As for the Council. A number of times DC has asked our opinons on an item during it's creation. Gelatine was shown to the council and got some feedback that may or may not have gotten used. I don't know if it did because I was on hiatus. Carrier was a product of the Council. We brainstormed names, picked the name after DE had selected a list of our ideas and then we also created and picked his Ability "Vacuum".


For Nova we were given a concept. Then we came up with tons of abilities and names for them. DE picked what they liked then we voted on abilities for each slot based on five choice. So yes, in a way we are the "Vote Council" but we also help design abilities and names for various things. I would like to see more Founder involvement through the DC but I don't see it happening unless they wish to use the Council as a "closed testing" area through a special client as a means of a Focus Group to test patches before pushing to live. That sort of testing area could catch the more catastrophic mistakes such as the the U10 pricing of Dojo Items which even the Dev said he was quite upset over that mistake. He thought that the items were more powerful than they were and priced them according to that.

Edited by Estred
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They probably removed your post because it fell under a violation of rule 1b which strictly states that Developer Bashing will not be tolerated. If you had worded your post along the lines of accusing them of not listening without actually supporting that claim or did so in an aggressive tone that probably is why it was removed.


As for the Council. A number of times DC has asked our opinons on an item during it's creation. Gelatine was shown to the council and got some feedback that may or may not have gotten used. I don't know if it did because I was on hiatus. Carrier was a product of the Council. We brainstormed names, picked the name after DE had selected a list of our ideas and then we also created and picked his Ability "Vacuum".


For Nova we were given a concept. Then we came up with tons of abilities and names for them. DE picked what they liked then we voted on abilities for each slot based on five choice. So yes, in a way we are the "Vote Council" but we also help design abilities and names for various things. I would like to see more Founder involvement through the DC but I don't see it happening unless they wish to use the Council as a "closed testing" area through a special client as a means of a Focus Group to test patches before pushing to live. That sort of testing area could catch the more catastrophic mistakes such as the the U10 pricing of Dojo Items which even the Dev said he was quite upset over that mistake. He thought that the items were more powerful than they were and priced them according to that.


Thank you for the clarification. It was enlightening and relieving to hear that. Still, as I have messaged Rebecca myself, I believe they need to communicate more with the community and not just with those with Founder's accounts. Some players are incapable of dishing out money, and that IMO they are an unheard pariah of the community.


On a personal note, I picked this game up a little more than three months ago and now I have 600+ hours of gameplay. Simply put, I'm bored. I'm making a light novel about the game to keep myself interested, but I feel that DE still has lapses in which it communicates with its customers. again, IMO they should work on that as most games are getting online now. Competition isn't only at the door, it's already charging a Galatine. GTA V got lots of attention and I know that we lost some players to that. Heck, I lost most of my friends because of that. I'm just saying.


As for the OP of this thread. Please, can I use your frame on my novel? I asked earlier but I think it got buried in comments already.

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Finally, WB! I was actually waiting for you to come back bro. This thread needs updating! It's nearing 10k views!


On a side note, I'd also like to ask permission to use your frame. On my end, I'm writing a (fanfiction) series of light novels about the events prior to the intro movie. I'm looking for a "not-yet-in-game-frame-that-has-potential-to-be-in-game" for a plot twist. If you wanna read up first before giving consent, here's my thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/116120-warframe-origins-a-light-novel/


It's in chapter 4 already. Thanks!


Sure, go for it! I mean, as long as you don't plan on making money off of my idea or anything like that, I'm curious to see what you might come up with.

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Sure, go for it! I mean, as long as you don't plan on making money off of my idea or anything like that, I'm curious to see what you might come up with.

If you want this idea to be used by DE you will have to sign the right to it over to DE. That is usually why community concepts are not used by Developers. That is at least my experience, at least a company I do business with has a 40/60 (artist/publisher) split on profits.

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If you want this idea to be used by DE you will have to sign the right to it over to DE. That is usually why community concepts are not used by Developers. That is at least my experience, at least a company I do business with has a 40/60 (artist/publisher) split on profits.

Oh, I know that. I was talking about the guy just doing fanfiction. I'm fine with DE using the idea, and I know full well they'd want to make money off it.

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Oh, I know that. I was talking about the guy just doing fanfiction. I'm fine with DE using the idea, and I know full well they'd want to make money off it.


Uhh, yeah it's just fanfiction. That's actually part of my disclaimer on my thread. I don't plan on getting any money out of it, I guess. Unless DE or some publisher does step up to make something out of it, I'll probably give you your portion for the concept and the rest I'll give UGC cards to the community or something. I'm really just doing it for myself as a hobby.


As for the frame being female, why not? I mean Ash was supposed to be a guy and they turned her into a, well, a girl. Nyx was supposed to be the female Excalibur but DE decided make gender specific frames instead.

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Oh, I know that. I was talking about the guy just doing fanfiction. I'm fine with DE using the idea, and I know full well they'd want to make money off it.

Btw effing LOVE the female concept already. I really am hoping for it to be used.

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make something more like excalibur, two tanks is enough, and it seems that it takes the best 2 things out of frost and rhino, which would make him very OP.

you know what would be cool? a flying power. he extends his wings and floats half a meter from the ground for 45 seconds. this makes him move faster and at the same speed even while aiming

I think having a flying power would be a wonderful, and necessary addition to Dragon's abilities. In the interest of keeping him in the role of a mobile high damage dealer though, I would reduce the cooldown, maybe to something like 10 or 15 seconds, and add a chance for him to evade projectiles/damage while flying. This would give him some survivability while enabling him to position himself for devastating blows, especially if you design him so his other abilities take advantage of flight as well. An example of this could be Dragon's Plasma burn/Dragon breath ability. On the ground it could ignite one or maybe a couple enemies in a cone, but if you used it while he was flying, the cone would be much larger and potentially more damaging. I feel that basing his playstyle around the flight mechanic would give Dragon a lot of flexibility and make him one of the few truly unique warframes out there, not to mention a blast to play!

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I would only caution that your design is almost too alien to be considered a tenno. While current warframes within the game are all unique, each adheres to a very futuristic armor aesthetic whereas your rough sketches look entirely organic. Maybe add in some artificial components to keep it rooted in the current lore.


That said, I love your art concepts as well as the idea behind your design. Keep working on it. Hopefully it one day makes it into the game.

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