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Your View On The Strata Destruction?


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And you can see that there's two kinds of Tenno here. There are those who are immersed into the lore and care about stuff that's going on, even though the game is oftentimes repetitive and doesn't offer good rewards, then there are those who care little about these things and just want more and better shinies. Why there's arguing and 'boo hoo-ing' involved is beyond me.

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And you can see that there's two kinds of Tenno here. There are those who are immersed into the lore and care about stuff that's going on, even though the game is oftentimes repetitive and doesn't offer good rewards, then there are those who care little about these things and just want more and better shinies. Why there's arguing and 'boo hoo-ing' involved is beyond me.

Welcome to Warframe.

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I find it disappointing. Sargas Ruk was right about some of the Tenno - they really do care for nothing but their mods and their trinkets.


1) How about...preserving a relay? 


2) DE said they'd make each on unique. Now we won't be able to see what the Strata relay was going to look like.


This. If you won't fight because you're not being rewarded, this should have been enough.

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As far as I'm concerned - it's sickening. A boatload of capable Tenno was lollygagging around, actually *hoping* to see the Strata burn. While I certainly can understand people being curious whether the big explosion would happen or not, this also tells us much about the average mentality of the Tenno around these parts.

I mean, the game sure has its flaws and sometimes bores all of us, but should we really cheer once a whole damned Relay is destroyed by that cloned bastard? Civilians were killed, lots of them. Syndicate operatives too. Not to mention the tech that was devastated just now. Because that's what happened. Every single Tenno that's involved in the game lore cringed upon seeing these reactions. Those who don't care much about the game's universe cheered (FFS). What's your take on this, folks?

Oh, quiet the contrary, I care about the lore A LOT, and it pleased me to see that because of that faithful day, when the tenno became lazy and ignorant, they paid for it, THIS is how an event is meant to be, interesting, dynamic, with lore, action, drama and as much as you people say it, not grindy (yes, because all you need to do for 1 run is spend like 20 min of your time, 10 for farming the omegas, and 10 for the run itself). DE did an amazing job, and it could have been...or it MIGHT EVEN BE more interesting very soon.

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It's because the players intentionally allowed Strata to be destroyed, just so they can watch a short cutscene of the Relay blowing up. With the excuse being that it's "for science".


I'm not usually the guy who goes for conspiracy theories but I realistically think that DE put a hyperbolic wall at 30% artificially so that the people could check out their work on the destruction animation and the hek transmission.


Also, there is a reason why DE changed the location of the next void trader from earth to saturn :p

Edited by dadaddadada
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I see it as more a problem with the event rather then the playerbase.

Why run the same fomorian more than once if you aren't going to get anything for the time spent making the disruptors?
If we could get more than 1 point, or could run it multiple times, like say 5 times for resources or forma bps or something, then people would run them and the relay probably would have survived.

As it is the event is currently saying "Only run each fomorian once.  There is no point at all to a second or more run."

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You who actually care that ONE SINGLE RELAY OUT OF SEVEN IDENTICAL RELAYS was destroyed are the cringeworthy ones. We were given these circumstances due to the totally not a coincidence server downing that happened after the leaderboards were reset, and we took them and became curious. There's still a half dozen IDENTICAL RELAYS left, don't whine.

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1) How about...preserving a relay? 


2) DE said they'd make each on unique. Now we won't be able to see what the Strata relay was going to look like.


Luckily, I'm on PS4. We'll get to learn from your mistakes, and will have already seen the cutscenes from PC. /rant

Why though? We have no reason to care for them or have a need for more than one. DE may say that they will "make them all different" eventually, but who knows how long that will take or if it will actually be anything anyone cares about? What it comes down to is that letting one Relay blow up was more interesting that just obliterating the Grineer like we do in every event.

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There was a countdown, i'm assuming the station was empty lorewise.


In reality, archwing as a mode needs a lot of work still, people are not going to grind a fairly lackluster mission when there's no reward. Thus we get this. Plus the exploiting stuff means the clans aren't fighting for the leaderboard.

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Oh, quiet the contrary, I care about the lore A LOT, and it pleased me to see that because of that faithful day, when the tenno became lazy and ignorant, they paid for it, THIS is how an event is meant to be, interesting, dynamic, with lore, action, drama and as much as you people say it, not grindy (yes, because all you need to do for 1 run is spend like 20 min of your time, 10 for farming the omegas, and 10 for the run itself). DE did an amazing job, and it could have been...or it MIGHT EVEN BE more interesting very soon.

That's the good thing that has come out of this. I don't know about you - I'm not whining nor anything, but being involved with this game since the early days of open beta made me care about the little things and even though these people on the Relay were only 'pixels' as some have noted, my avatar did care about them regardless. Makes the game more fun if you think that way, does it not?

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Honestly, as someone who wanted the relay destroyed, let me explain my stance.

Never before in all of Warframe history has the community actually FAILED. It was unthinkable. We all got Perfect Finishers on every single event where something bad could happen. In some cases, the devs had to scramble to invent new content just to keep the players busy.

Everyone patted each other on the back, but for veteran players, these wins started to feel a little empty. Other than the rewards, what was the point of participating if nothing bad could happen?


I wanted to see Stratos destroyed because it would prove once and for all that there was some sort of negative side effect possible, and wasn't just rigged to have the players succeed.

That said, it was potentially rigged the other way in the first place. DE could have all the damage-values and how far they degrade pre-determined, and so no matter how much effort we put into saving Stratos, it could have blown up anyway. There's literally no way to tell.

So: for science.

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Now all that is left to see is what happen when all the other relays are destroyed! :D


Who's with me? 

I will just get the reward and then not help it anymore in hope of more relays being destroyed. Just to see if there is a side effect to this.

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As a founder, I'd expect you'd do more research. DE said they'd be making each relay unique. Now y'all will never get to see the Strata relay's unique tileset. 

Ya... They couldn't even be bother to put a different frame in each one, but as a console user you haven't had them long enough to notice.


We lost nothing.




Besides I'm SURE that you righteous PS4 will save it and I can just hop onto my PS4 account once to see it and never go there again because its useless.  

Edited by immolator1001
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1) How about...preserving a relay? 


2) DE said they'd make each on unique. Now we won't be able to see what the Strata relay was going to look like.


Luckily, I'm on PS4. We'll get to learn from your mistakes, and will have already seen the cutscenes from PC. /rant

1) Rewarding the player is fundamental to video game design. Forcing the player to avoid punishment is bad design.


2) Are the Relays unique at the moment? No. Do I have to care about one getting destroyed? No. Besides, I'm pretty damn sure there will be a "Rebuild The Relays"-type event, so yeah, whatever.

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Meh, can't say I'm too fussed about it. Now if the relays actually had some lore, were unique in some way and losing one of them would mean losing some established character we've been interacting with - that would make things a lot more interesting.


But for now, it is pretty much just a boring event with dull gameplay and the "consequences" of losing one of the copy & paste relays doesnt seem like much of a big deal... Who knows, maybe it'll even be a chance to get some lore out of this and actually move the storyline somewhere.

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If we put aside the "it's just a game "argument (which is perfectly valid by the way) and try to immerse ourselves into the game... This is my take on the situation :


On one hand, we became mercs because of how the "story" turned out. The first stone was the Gradivus Dilemma, which basically SPLIT the Tenno into 2 (3 actually) very distinct groups : The Grineer supporters, and the Corpus supporters. But there also was a group, the one comprised of players who didn't pick a side and went mercenaries from this day forward.


After some time, realizing that choosing a "side" really had no upside or impact, and that the Lotus was not more a "guide" than a glorified Ordis, many became mercs too. Which is fine with me, I am a Day One mercenary, because I saw this coming. Splitting the Tenno like that, instead of keeping them (us) united, what did you expect when the "Call of Duty" would finally arise? Most players didn't care. People only saw the potential rewards, as any good merc would, and either ignored or didn't think about the simple fact that this event isn't about rewards, it's about KEEPING what we ALREADY HAVE.


The second thing is this : the relays are too young, all identical, they all serve the EXACT same purpose. If each relay had its own syndicate HQ for instance, I'm pretty sure the Balor that destroyed the Earth relay would have gotten one Hek of an @ss kicking. Because then there would have been more to lose than ONE relay that looked EXACTLY like any other in the Sol System. We were not engaged in any way with the relays yet. I think it would have come in time, when they would have been fleshed out, each with their own "identity", but the Balor Fomorians event happening so soon, with the relays only weeks young, all looking and FEELING so identical, without proper incentives/rewards to balance this lack of concern, this was bound to happen, whether the Earth relay destruction was "scripted" or not.


Personally, I don't feel ashamed. I don't feel like I have "failed" the Tenno, or the Lotus, or anybody for that matter. Because I was under the strong impression from my past experiences in Warframe that the only things that matter are ME, my Mates, Clan and, to a certain degree, the Alliance we are a part of. I didn't really care about the Strata Relay. Because there was not much to care about to begin with. I didn't feel like destroying the Balor, making lots of disruptors and doing the same mission over and over for peanuts was worth it, and more importantly, MADE ANY SENSE.


So yeah, one relay down. But many more, IDENTICAL ones to go. Sue me for being pragmatic and logical.^^'

Edited by Marthrym
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I feel the same way you do.


These "Tenno" have no honor...


No, I have plenty of honor. What I don't have is a ton of free time. What I didn't have was sufficient incentive to actually deal with the fomorian. If you want me to waste time and resources with this event, you need to reward me for it.

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