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Your View On The Strata Destruction?


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It's cause there was no story tied to the relays - they just showed up and BOOM we suddenly have seven identical places to hang out.


There was no emotional connection established to the station or anyone there, so, unlike the Citadel of the Mass Effect series, no one cared that our station was going to be destroyed.

This. The battle for the Citadel was all-or-nothing. We didn't have a second one and losing it meant that we'd have to rebuild not only the Citadel itself but also everything it stood for. The relays are just weeks old, not even fully connected to the rest of the game yet. Even if you'd only go to the Citadel a handful of times over the course of the game, it was home. It was where about half of the story happened. So far, our relays however are just another extended UI like the Liset is. We haven't gotten used to them yet, each looks like the other, they all have the same functions regardless of the planet. If DE had pushed this event back about half a year, things might have been different.


I also agree with the people who say that the event itself doesn't provide any incentive to fight a Formorian more than once. I don't need those 50k, and Tellurium drops just as S#&$ty as anywhere else. So why bother after I got the point for the rewards? Maybe when later Formorians will offer a Catalyst, Reactor, Archwing weapon parts as reward ...


Another point I almost forgot: Now that one of the relays is gone, I'm really curious how DE will handle this. Will it be gone forever (leading to slightly different versions of the game on PC and the consoles), will they bring it back one way or another, will they just go "Oh, this never really happened" in a month or two like they retconned Nova's lore? How they deal with this situation in the next few months will greatly affect my trust in DE. So I seriously hope they don't mess it up.

Edited by Bibliothekar
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If we put aside the "it's just a game "argument (which is perfectly valid by the way) and try to immerse ourselves into the game... This is my take on the situation :


On one hand, we became mercs because of how the "story" turned out. The first stone was the Gradivus Dilemma, which basically SPLIT the Tenno into 2 (3 actually) very distinct groups : The Grineer supporters, and the Corpus supporters. But there also was a group, the one comprised of players who didn't pick a side and went mercenaries from this day forward.


After some time, realizing that choosing a "side" really had no upside or impact, and that the Lotus was not more a "guide" than a glorified Ordis, many became mercs too. Which is fine with me, I am a Day One mercenary, because I saw this coming. Splitting the Tenno like that, instead of keeping them (us) united, what did you expect when the "Call of Duty" would finally arise? Most players didn't care. People only saw the potential rewards, as any good merc would, and either ignored or didn't think about the simple fact that this event isn't about rewards, it's about KEEPING what we ALREADY HAVE.


The second thing is this : the relays are too young, all identical, they all serve the EXACT same purpose. If each relay had its own syndicate HQ for instance, I'm pretty sure the Balor that destroyed the Earth relay would have gotten one Hek of an @ss kicking. Because then there would have been more to lose than ONE relay that looked EXACTLY like any other in the Sol System. We were not engaged in any way with the relays yet. I think it would have come in time, when they would have been fleshed out, each with their own "identity", but the Balor Fomorians event happening so soon, with the relays only weeks young, all looking and FEELING so identical, without proper incentives/rewards to balance this lack of concern, this was bound to happen, whether the Earth relay destruction was "scripted" or not.


Personally, I don't feel ashamed. I don't feel like I have "failed" the Tenno, or the Lotus, or anybody for that matter. Because I was under the strong impression from my past experiences in Warframe that the only things that matter are ME, my Mates, Clan and, to a certain degree, the Alliance we are a part of. I didn't really care about the Strata Relay. Because there was not much to care about to begin with. I didn't feel like destroying the Balor, making lots of disruptors and doing the same mission over and over for peanuts was worth it, and more importantly, MADE ANY SENSE.


So yeah, one relay down. But many more, IDENTICAL ones to go. Sue me for being pragmatic and logical.^^'


Totally agree This event is a part of the lore I think but nothing proved to be that it is, so we all will see.


Furthermore I don't care about the relays too they are too new for me, only one thing is that the void trader has an place less to spawn on.


And the fun thing is if one relay surivives why shouldn't we make an battle station of it and oblitterate the grineer back with all of our "TENNO" mercs around shooting grineer ships and blowing them up, that whould be an better event and there need to be better rewards.


I whould like to grind for new relays and get rewards for more donations done to the rebuild, also I whould like that all relays are unique and not copy pasted like they did now. 

Let the community design an new relay and deploy that one with the event stated above.



Hope you all like the idea



Chao, Berrylee32 The Roaring Lion

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What do I take from the destruction?


There would be more.

Because multitude reasons.


P.S. If people continued to don't care, might as well destroy ALL of the relays, instead of preserving one or two.

Always go to extreme man. Don't do it half-baked

Edited by Lorche
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I am disgusted by my fellow Tenno.  The shame they bring to us all, they let their selfish desires ruin something for all of us and some intend to let more relays parish.


By the way, DE has already said that each Relay is to get it redesigned to match the node there on and past events that have occurred on them, now well never get to see what could have been.

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As far as I'm concerned - it's sickening. A boatload of capable Tenno was lollygagging around, actually *hoping* to see the Strata burn. While I certainly can understand people being curious whether the big explosion would happen or not, this also tells us much about the average mentality of the Tenno around these parts.

I mean, the game sure has its flaws and sometimes bores all of us, but should we really cheer once a whole damned Relay is destroyed by that cloned bastard? Civilians were killed, lots of them. Syndicate operatives too. Not to mention the tech that was devastated just now. Because that's what happened. Every single Tenno that's involved in the game lore cringed upon seeing these reactions. Those who don't care much about the game's universe cheered (FFS). What's your take on this, folks?


The concept of honor or the way of the Tenno is so trivially insignificant in the games design. They didn't give the players reason to be honorable and the players (not their characters) NEED a reason. That is the point of a game, you can decide that the Tenno are honorable because they follow some psuedo form of bushido. But you cannot by extension force the players to also uphold that concept. That's rediculous.

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reality wise, rewards sucked, relays are cool but new and whatever if we loose em. RP wise as you delved into, Tenno are not the arbiters of balance as the game says they are, we are tenno, we have made our motives clear, and those motives are personal and sometimes group profit. A band of warrior mercs who know when a deal is sour and stay away from it, who care not which faction is winning but whos pockets hold and deliver more to ours, because in the end, regardless of who wins we prosper and will never be taken out.

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I am disgusted by my fellow Tenno.  The shame they bring to us all, they let their selfish desires ruin something for all of us and some intend to let more relays parish.


By the way, DE has already said that each Relay is to get it redesigned to match the node there on and past events that have occurred on them, now well never get to see what could have been.

"Past events that have occoured on them" Being completely destroyed is a past event that will shape the relay when we likely have to fend off some sort of enemy force and spend thousands of resources to rebuild this (and possibly others). It will uniquely likely be like the Death Star 2.0, partially built to represent the events. This is history even in defeat and still interesting. What will annoy people is if they decide to shame us for not helping though when they know full well why we didnt try our hardest.

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I'm not usually the guy who goes for conspiracy theories but I realistically think that DE put a hyperbolic wall at 30% artificially so that the people could check out their work on the destruction animation and the hek transmission.


Also, there is a reason why DE changed the location of the next void trader from earth to saturn :p


Unlikely. I was running missions until close before its destruction, and i saw fewer and fewer squads participating. Almost to the point where i couldn't start another one, because I can't host myself.



It's a shame it went down. This was the new players' hub. In comparison, no one would've cared much for Saturn's or Europa's.

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I really wish that ALL of those relays get rekt...I really do.


Besides the new void trader...what else relays offer? Oh...i can see mogamu/de_steve/rebecca ingame..woww.


I can use the Liset for everything...I can buy everything inside my dear Liset (market)...I can trade my insignias and interact with the syndicates from inside the ship...too convinient.


Buuuuuuuut....if DE removed it from inside Liset and actually place it inside relays...now that would be nice. it would give us a reason to leave Liset.


But since it´s not gonna happen...I really hope that all relays get destroyed...so I can see what will happen.

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"Past events that have occoured on them" Being completely destroyed is a past event that will shape the relay when we likely have to fend off some sort of enemy force and spend thousands of resources to rebuild this (and possibly others). It will uniquely likely be like the Death Star 2.0, partially built to represent the events. This is history even in defeat and still interesting. What will annoy people is if they decide to shame us for not helping though when they know full well why we didnt try our hardest.


As true as your statement is no body wants to go through an event for something that's simply "rebuild it" as it would devalue the entire situation, as interesting an other event might sound.  Last time we lost an event resource drops were cut and those that didn't try were blamed for not trying, why should the results of this event be any different?  If people don't want to defend the relays cause the rewards aren't appealing to them or what other petty reason they make up then they should pay the consequence.

Edited by Orcot
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Possible solution for DE to this:


Add more functions to Relays - make it more desirable for players to keep them so they would actually try to defend it (Which I think DE actually plans to)


Add consequences to failure of protecting relays -

eg. -Drastically increase the cost for the black market trading /

-black market guy appears rarer /

-don't appear at all due to him concerning his safety in those relays - unless Tenno can convince him Relays are well protected /

-Reducing all players' syndicate standing / credits  by a fraction according to how much do they contribute in protecting the Relays etc 

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Possible solution for DE to this:


Add more functions to Relays - make it more desirable for players to keep them so they would actually try to defend it (Which I think DE actually plans to)


Add consequences to failure of protecting relays -

eg. -Drastically increase the cost for the black market trading /

-black market guy appears rarer /

-don't appear at all due to him concerning his safety in those relays - unless Tenno can convince him Relays are well protected /

-Reducing all players' syndicate standing / credits  by a fraction according to how much do they contribute in protecting the Relays etc 

So by fraction you mean the X over X. So what would the formula be? How would you measure their contribution in protecting the relays?

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It's a shame it went down. This was the new players' hub. In comparison, no one would've cared much for Saturn's or Europa's.

It's not like anyone cared about the Strata relay before. Everyone just crowds on Venus, while all other relays are empty - people only went to Strata during the last hour when it was certain that it went down.

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here is why the event sucks:

do not play the event: get punished because relay gone(Eventhough I don't give a damn about them)

play the event: get punished because you spend resources(especially cryotic) and credits and get nothing back for completing the mission, only the like 50k or more once you reach the 1million score, but hell, if unlucky and with bad archwing gear(like the majority I imagine) even that may not happen, played a fomorian mission like 20 times, still hadn't reached 1 million points in total.

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They should really understand that most players actually don't like archwing - so they should plan their events accordingly.

Also if they have time to add stuff vastly out of place (let's face it, archwing is more like a different game than a game mode), use that to actually fix/upgrade the core game. Archwing felt like a very shallow alpha version of something out there at first - but honestly my first thoughts were that DE ran out of ideas for new mods so they added a a way to release the same mods all over again and call it new content.

Sorry DE but while the core game itself needs a ton of love, some of us (all of us, many of us, most of us, me alone, choose one) will look frowned upon such grandiose projects (even if they end up looking a tad halfbaked so I guess not that much resources were allocated for the making of it?).

- Balance weapons.

- Forget new resources, remove most of the existing ones*, overhaul their drops, remove excess resources in a % manner and give something back for them (so nobody has a problem with it).

- Start overhauling abilities so no more press-4-to-win, instead of adding enemies that simply annoy players (the nullifier is actually pretty neat in void but not out of it - the corpus shouldn't have any technology that affects our abilities, neither should the grineer, including our energy or causing bleeding without getting through our shields first), like disruptors, energy leeches eating our energy like crazy.**


*Since previously someone seemed to be nuts enough to misunderstand this, removal of resources means not just drops from the game but their substitution in blueprints by other resources too. We have too many rare resources, 3-4 should be way enough.


**Add auras that disable casting (not touching energies, 5s lingering effect after leaving aura) within range of 5-10, attacks that disable casting for 5-10 seconds (again, no energy touching), auras that raise energy costs for abilities by 50% (call it dampener, actually the nullifier could do this), and bleeding to only proc if you have 0 shields (you can keep bleeding even after your shields are up again - but to start it, wouldn't one think it's necessary to actually hurt at least the skin of the guy?).


I know it's not an idea/concept topic - I'm just adding this to kinda ll and every place that seems remotely relevant :D

PS.: The maps are nice, even for Archwing.

Edited by K_Shiro
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