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What Would Inspire You To Fight Harder For This Event?


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Giving me a reason to care about the Relays, would be a good step.  Followed by a reusable Disruptor.


I ran 500 missions for the Grineer during the Gradivus Dilemma.  Being rewarded during or immediately after a mission is not a concern for me if I have something worth fighting for; something I want to protect.  There is nobody and nothing that I feel I need to protect on the Relays.  The Syndicates don't live on the Relays, those are just representatives.  Civilians?  You mean those faceless people in skin-tight suits?  They don't look like they're panicking to me.  They don't look like anything to me, just scenery.  


Show me the brutalities of war, and how it affects the weak and powerless.  Show me how terrified they are, watching the timer tick down to zero.  Show me how they scurry to the evacuation ships, fleeing for their lives.  Show me their faith in the Tenno, how they believe the Tenno will stop Hek.  Show me their despair, their broken morale, when they saw the Tenno fail.  Show me their visages troubled by doubt, the cracks in their faith.  Make me feel like I have to protect these people.  Because right now, I feel precisely nothing towards them.


Oh, and having to farm isotopes for every Disruptor used kinda takes the wind out of my sails, too.

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At this point? Nothing.


The Community decided to let Strata fall, so now I'm going full merc. one run for all the loot, not a single mission more. Let the relays burn, the Tenno had their chance.


Now I understand why the Stalker hates the Tenno.


Pretty much this.


The haters got what they wanted and now are crowing their victory. Then they will do it again. it is what they do.

Edited by Kalenath
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At this point? Nothing.


The Community decided to let Strata fall, so now I'm going full merc. one run for all the loot, not a single mission more. Let the relays burn, the Tenno had their chance.


Now I understand why the Stalker hates the Tenno.



Pretty much this.


The haters got what they wanted and now are crowing their victory. Then they will do it again. it is what they do.


Agreeing with you two here.


If we manage to get events and Vandal Imperator? Cool


If not, I still hope in a brutal retaliation from DE.

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Overall I'd say the rewards are the biggest thing lacking for me, I can do the excavations and not care, Oberon and a few dozen Energy drops and I'm having a grand ole time slaughtering everything, but the Archwing mission itself? hardly worth the effort, GAMEPLAY is a blast for me don't get me wrong, but if I can net the same level of destruction and satisfaction from Void Runs or Chasing down parts for a new toy, why would I bother with getting less rewards or materials?

Right now Archwing is fun, it fits a niche role in my gaming and has potential to bring the game up to a level of kicka$$ I've rarely seen in full fledged AAA games, but making the Missions WORTH fighting for would certainly be the best place to start I feel.

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Agreeing with you two here.


If we manage to get events and Vandal Imperator? Cool


If not, I still hope in a brutal retaliation from DE.


I WOULD like to see the price for the Void Trader stuff suddenly skyrocket. After all, I bet he had insurance on his wares in the Relay. His premium is going to go through the ROOF! He will have to make up his loss somehow.


What do you think...? 2000 Ducats and 2 mil credits for an unranked Prime Intensify?

Edited by Kalenath
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I WOULD like to see the price for the Void Trader stuff suddenly skyrocket. After all, I bet he had insurance on his wares in the Relay. His premium is going to go through the ROOF!


What do you think...? 2000 Ducats and 2 mil credits for a Prime Intensify?


Nah, not enough yet.


Either he refuses to sell to the Tenno, or he comes with two items rather than 4...

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Now, see, the "brutal retalliation" thing is, to me, utter BS. I mean, for some players? Sure. They gathered in the relay to wait for the end and laughed.


I spent 4 hours desperately attacking that stupid fomorian with everything I had. I also did 4 runs last night. So I'm near total 20 runs against that(pricey!) and to no avail.


I can accept if there's harsh issues for those that did nothing, or those who did little, but for those that were pouring their all into it, no.

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Nah, not enough yet.


Either he refuses to sell to the Tenno, or he comes with two items rather than 4...

Alternatively, Baro begins avoiding the Relays, since they're CLEARLY vulnerable to Grineer attack. His inventory and prices doesn't change, but the time between visits grows as Relays are destroyed. Who wants to be targeted by a Balor Fomorian?


Instead of visiting every other week, he shows up ever other MONTH.



Now, see, the "brutal retalliation" thing is, to me, utter BS. I mean, for some players? Sure. They gathered in the relay to wait for the end and laughed.


I spent 4 hours desperately attacking that stupid fomorian with everything I had. I also did 4 runs last night. So I'm near total 20 runs against that(pricey!) and to no avail.


I can accept if there's harsh issues for those that did nothing, or those who did little, but for those that were pouring their all into it, no.


At this point, it's more spite than a desire for justice. Let the Tenno suffer for their inaction.

Edited by KijiMuna
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An actual sense of accomplishment, other than 'GUD JOB YOU DID .001% OF A DAMAGE!' If the relays were worth more than just being an MMO hub hotspot, if the keys weren't single use, and if more of the playerbase actually had decent archwings...we wouldn't have this issue.


Worst event yet.


'Farm a mission that takes a bare minimum of 20 minutes to have anything to really show for it, then craft these single use keys, then shoot at a core for 30 seconds! Now do it again! And again! You're totally saving the world guys!'


I'm getting tired of rezzing Johny B. Scrub every time he decides to sit in front of a laser and get destroyed by the mobs. I'm getting tired of dealing millions of damage to a fomorian only to see it did absolutely NOTHING. I'm...just tired of this. Give me my fancy weapon and let the relay burn for all I care. They're a waste of space anyway.

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Yeah, it is more spite. Nothing will come of it.


The haters will always be louder than the moderates or people who enjoy things. That is just the way it is.


I ran a bunch of missions at Earth myself until it became clear that it wasn't going to happen. That all the loud people wanted it to be destroyed.


How about this?


When we get clan upgrades to the relays, if a relay is destroyed ALL of the resources are lost. Pretty realistic actually. A laser that size isn't going to leave much residue.

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Now, see, the "brutal retalliation" thing is, to me, utter BS. I mean, for some players? Sure. They gathered in the relay to wait for the end and laughed.


I spent 4 hours desperately attacking that stupid fomorian with everything I had. I also did 4 runs last night. So I'm near total 20 runs against that(pricey!) and to no avail.


I can accept if there's harsh issues for those that did nothing, or those who did little, but for those that were pouring their all into it, no.


I did it as well...


Hell, if I hadn't ALREADY managed to miss the chance to go watching "Battle of the Five Armies", I would have done that until the very end.


But we had players that ruined the event for the lulz and others that didn't went and now are trying to blackmail DE into asking more rewards fro them to move their infested sphyncters into action.


I don't mind players who weren't interested and simply didn't wanted to play, I *do* mind the ones that challenged DE on keeping their word without putting anything equivalent on the line.


I literally want to see actions taken from DE against them before putting more effort on this event.

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lower enemy stats(level)..


returners and new players that get attracted to this event that have never played archwing before will get slapped in the face by:


-the isotope farm(what if i'm a new player joining the event and the current planet has level 30-40 enemies?)

-the resource sink

-having unranked archwing stuff(personally my problem)


aaannnd make isotopes drop form ANY archwing mission from ANY planet.. so that we can rank and get mods while having a chance at omega isotopes..


IMO this event turns new players away rather than attracting them to play archwing.

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