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Nullifier's Bubble Isn't Affected By Damage, And Here's Proof


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I've played both games thank you, don't assume.  There are enemies that can practically one shot you and/or stunlock you to death such as the turtle knights, royal soldiers, corrosive/exploding undead and mimic chests.  Please check yourself.

As said, only if you act very stupid...


Same should go for Warframe, skill should play more of a role instead of stats.

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As said, only if you act very stupid...


Same should go for Warframe, skill should play more of a role instead of stats.


if you haven't died to a mimic without looking up a wiki on which chest is a mimic and which chest isn't you're kidding yourself.  Skill can't really play more of a role with all of these bad mechanics, like nullifiers, bombards, and aimbot enemies

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if you haven't died to a mimic without looking up a wiki on which chest is a mimic and which chest isn't you're kidding yourself.  Skill can't really play more of a role with all of these bad mechanics, like nullifiers, bombards, and aimbot enemies

I died exactly one time in dark souls 1 and neevr again in DS1 and 2, because you just hit a chest once with a weapon before opening and if its a mimic it shows and you can take your time killing it before it even attacks. The bad mechanics in Warframe is exactly what I want to be erased, I never disagreed with you on that, actually I strongly agree.

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I died exactly one time in dark souls 1 and neevr again in DS1 and 2, because you just hit a chest once with a weapon before opening and if its a mimic it shows and you can take your time killing it before it even attacks. The bad mechanics in Warframe is exactly what I want to be erased, I never disagreed with you on that, actually I strongly agree.


Aight.  I guess we're cool then.

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Announcement:  Updating Original Post soon with yet another example of how the nullifier's shield is broken.  Not only was a health based shield not implemented for void nullies, but it was ALSO not implemented for regular nullifiers as well.


Examples to be posted:




Please notify me if you think that you have another idea for an example to test the regular shields, or if you want a comparison as well between a high RoF weapon and a low RoF weapon, or another low DMG weapon vs a high DMG weapon.

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If you want to test something, try how many actual shots it takes to kill a bubble with single shots (always wait for the bubble to shrink) and compare that to one with very high damage. I've never killed a bubble in less than 6 shots, but that may just be me.

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I can't believe the misinformation is still going on in this thread... it's hurting my brain... I had promised myself that I wasn't going to revisit it, but alas I'm seeing this misinformation spreading to other posts.


The Nullifier shields are affected by damage, however they also have a damage cap in place coupled with a mechanic for the shield shrinking at a minimum and maximum rate.  Regular Nullifier has a minimum of 6 shots to break and maximum of 24.  Corrupted Nullifier has a minimum of 9 shots to break and maximum of 36 (50% higher than regular).


If someone doesn't believe this here's how you test it: take a fully modded Hek (or really any weapon that scales to have a lot of damage per shot) and shoot the shields they'll go down in 6 (9 if corrupted) hits and the Nullifier dies on the 7th.  Now take that same Hek and remove all mods and try to do the same thing and I guarantee you that it will take more than 6 (I only tested personally on Corrupted) likely the whole 24 (for sure the full 36 on Corrupted).


I am not saying that this is okay, or that nothing can be improved.  I am saying that this whole thread is based on misinformation and I would love to see it stop.  If the point is that you do not like the current mechanics for the shields then say that, or if you would like them to at least tweak the numbers then say that, but please stop saying that the shields aren't affected by damage when they clearly are in fact affected by damage.


I attempted to make this very concise and clear to follow hopefully the conversation on Nullifiers can be steered away from misinformation and towards making them a fair enemy to deal with.

Edited by plznohurtme
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I can't believe the misinformation is still going on in this thread... it's hurting my brain... I had promised myself that I wasn't going to revisit it, but alas I'm seeing this misinformation spreading to other posts.


The Nullifier shields are affected by damage, however they also have a damage cap in place coupled with a mechanic for the shield shrinking at a minimum and maximum rate.  Regular Nullifier has a minimum of 6 shots to break and maximum of 24.  Corrupted Nullifier has a minimum of 9 shots to break and maximum of 36 (50% higher than regular).


If someone doesn't believe this here's how you test it: take a fully modded Hek (or really any weapon that scales to have a lot of damage per shot) and shoot the shields they'll go down in 6 (9 if corrupted) hits and the Nullifier dies on the 7th.  Now take that same Hek and remove all mods and try to do the same thing and I guarantee you that it will take more than 6 (I only tested personally on Corrupted) likely the whole 24 (for sure the full 36 on Corrupted).


I am not saying that this is okay, or that nothing can be improved.  I am saying that this whole thread is based on misinformation and I would love to see it stop.  If the point is that you do not like the current mechanics for the shields then say that, or if you would like them to at least tweak the numbers then say that, but please stop saying that the shields aren't affected by damage when they clearly are in fact affected by damage.


I attempted to make this very concise and clear to follow hopefully the conversation on Nullifiers can be steered away from misinformation and towards making them a fair enemy to deal with.


I like how you can take recorded footage that proves that damage is not a factor with nullifier's shields (unranked braton vs marelok) or the most powerful shotgun in the game (the hek) and still say that nullifier's shields are affected by damage.  There is no misinformation being spread here.  None.  The unranked braton wouldn't have done ANYTHING to the shield if it WAS affected by damage.  Because an unranked braton does little to no damage at all.  If the shields are affected by damage, then it is not being affected by damage ENOUGH.

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I like how you can take recorded footage that proves that damage is not a factor with nullifier's shields (unranked braton vs marelok) or the most powerful shotgun in the game (the hek) and still say that nullifier's shields are affected by damage.  There is no misinformation being spread here.  None.  The unranked braton wouldn't have done ANYTHING to the shield if it WAS affected by damage.  Because an unranked braton does little to no damage at all.  If the shields are affected by damage, then it is not being affected by damage ENOUGH.

I am quite with you sir. I would add a caveat however that additionally many weapons are excluded from usefulness by the bubble ignoring critical strikes which are by and large the majority of their damage source period.


Additionally the rate of shrink per shot should be instantaneous not over time as that precludes some weapons ability to strike down the foe without retaliation even under optimum circumstances, and because of the overwhelming amount of damage they are known to put out provides little room for skill to outplay them. 

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I can't believe the misinformation is still going on in this thread... it's hurting my brain... I had promised myself that I wasn't going to revisit it, but alas I'm seeing this misinformation spreading to other posts.


The Nullifier shields are affected by damage, however they also have a damage cap in place coupled with a mechanic for the shield shrinking at a minimum and maximum rate.  Regular Nullifier has a minimum of 6 shots to break and maximum of 24.  Corrupted Nullifier has a minimum of 9 shots to break and maximum of 36 (50% higher than regular).


If someone doesn't believe this here's how you test it: take a fully modded Hek (or really any weapon that scales to have a lot of damage per shot) and shoot the shields they'll go down in 6 (9 if corrupted) hits and the Nullifier dies on the 7th.  Now take that same Hek and remove all mods and try to do the same thing and I guarantee you that it will take more than 6 (I only tested personally on Corrupted) likely the whole 24 (for sure the full 36 on Corrupted).


I am not saying that this is okay, or that nothing can be improved.  I am saying that this whole thread is based on misinformation and I would love to see it stop.  If the point is that you do not like the current mechanics for the shields then say that, or if you would like them to at least tweak the numbers then say that, but please stop saying that the shields aren't affected by damage when they clearly are in fact affected by damage.


I attempted to make this very concise and clear to follow hopefully the conversation on Nullifiers can be steered away from misinformation and towards making them a fair enemy to deal with.

It's not quite misinformation. There is an effect of damage, yes, but it's negligibly small. If a fully charged shot of a fully modded Opticor does at best four times the damage of an unmodded Grakata to the shield, the I wouldn't consider that something that really needs consideration.

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I've played both games thank you, don't assume.  There are enemies that can practically one shot you and/or stunlock you to death such as the turtle knights, royal soldiers, corrosive/exploding undead and mimic chests.  Please check yourself.

That is because Dark Souls 2 was horribly designed and balanced compared to the first one.

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I can't believe the misinformation is still going on in this thread... it's hurting my brain... I had promised myself that I wasn't going to revisit it, but alas I'm seeing this misinformation spreading to other posts.


The Nullifier shields are affected by damage, however they also have a damage cap in place coupled with a mechanic for the shield shrinking at a minimum and maximum rate.  Regular Nullifier has a minimum of 6 shots to break and maximum of 24.  Corrupted Nullifier has a minimum of 9 shots to break and maximum of 36 (50% higher than regular).


If someone doesn't believe this here's how you test it: take a fully modded Hek (or really any weapon that scales to have a lot of damage per shot) and shoot the shields they'll go down in 6 (9 if corrupted) hits and the Nullifier dies on the 7th.  Now take that same Hek and remove all mods and try to do the same thing and I guarantee you that it will take more than 6 (I only tested personally on Corrupted) likely the whole 24 (for sure the full 36 on Corrupted).


I am not saying that this is okay, or that nothing can be improved.  I am saying that this whole thread is based on misinformation and I would love to see it stop.  If the point is that you do not like the current mechanics for the shields then say that, or if you would like them to at least tweak the numbers then say that, but please stop saying that the shields aren't affected by damage when they clearly are in fact affected by damage.


I attempted to make this very concise and clear to follow hopefully the conversation on Nullifiers can be steered away from misinformation and towards making them a fair enemy to deal with.

try with a full modded paris prime and an unmodded mk1 braton or grakata. The automatic weapons take care of the shield more more MORE faster! With a bow, i shot 10 or more arrows for destroy the nullifier schield, and this is a nonsense. If health is present it have no real importance

Edited by VDeorsum
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I died exactly one time in dark souls 1 and neevr again in DS1 and 2, because you just hit a chest once with a weapon before opening and if its a mimic it shows and you can take your time killing it before it even attacks. The bad mechanics in Warframe is exactly what I want to be erased, I never disagreed with you on that, actually I strongly agree.

There is no need to hit a chest once to know if it is a mimic. They have different chains. Or you could throw a Loyds Talismans at it, take the loot inside then kill it for more loot.

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I like how you can take recorded footage that proves that damage is not a factor with nullifier's shields (unranked braton vs marelok) or the most powerful shotgun in the game (the hek) and still say that nullifier's shields are affected by damage.  There is no misinformation being spread here.  None.  The unranked braton wouldn't have done ANYTHING to the shield if it WAS affected by damage.  Because an unranked braton does little to no damage at all.  If the shields are affected by damage, then it is not being affected by damage ENOUGH.


You have not proven anything but that the mechanics work exactly like I said.  You have take two totally different weapons with two different loadouts and said they're comparable, which they're not.  Go take your Marelok and pull all the mods and let us know how that goes.  There is a minimum and a maximum number of shots the shields take to go down.  You are doing nothing but spreading lies and I really wish you would stop and I tried very politely to explain it all, but you refuse to understand.


It's not quite misinformation. There is an effect of damage, yes, but it's negligibly small. If a fully charged shot of a fully modded Opticor does at best four times the damage of an unmodded Grakata to the shield, the I wouldn't consider that something that really needs consideration.


It is 100% misinformation.  He is blatantly lying about how the mechanics work.  I explained exactly how they do work and he refuses to listen to what anyone else is saying.  The numbers in the mechanics need to be adjusted, because they are working "properly" according to how DE set it up, but they certainly are not fair.


try with a full modded paris prime and an unmodded mk1 braton or grakata. The automatic weapons take care of the shield more more MORE faster! With a bow, i shot 10 or more arrows for destroy the nullifier schield, and this is a nonsense. If health is present it have no real importance


That isn't relevant at all.  Try actually reading my post.


Bad feedback isn't useful, and there's most certainly a discussion to be had here, but to spread lies and misinformation doesn't help anyone at all.  People refuse to listen to what is actually going on because they're so upset over the effect on their playstyles.  The shields are currently setup very poorly and unfairly punish people using low mag size/low rof weapons and needs to be changed, but there are a ton of options.  Turning them into Eximus style shields clearly goes against what DE is trying to accomplish, and this is obvious by the shrinking animation.  Personally I think they should just make the shrinking animation slightly longer and not have damage have any effects on the shield at all, and just start the shrinking process when the shield gets hit period.  People need to understand how the mechanic works, because complaining about it not working is a fallacy so I'll try this one more time.


Nullifier shields have a minimum number of shots required to take them down this is 6 for regular and 9 for corrupted this is accomplished via a damage cap (I haven't been able to figure out the exact numbers it seems around 500-600/shot on corrupted).  It doesn't matter how much damage your weapon does it will never kill it in fewer than 6 or 9 shots respectively.  There is also a maximum shot mechanic involved of 24 for regular and 36 for corrupted which circumvents the damage to the shield entirely.  This means that no matter how much damage your weapon does after 24 or 36 shots the shield will go down.

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There is no need to hit a chest once to know if it is a mimic. They have different chains. Or you could throw a Loyds Talismans at it, take the loot inside then kill it for more loot.

Thats a detail I never watched out for, I am too lazy to throw a llodys though, 300+ hours and still something to learn, this is why I love this game.

Edited by Genoscythe
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@ Althran

The mechanic that plznohurtme is talking about is how it actually works, there is no denying that.

Powerful weapons do in fact take less hits to destroy the bubble, but this usually doesn't reflect the actual difference in firepower.

No matter how strong your weapon is, it will never take less than 6/9 shots to burst a regular/corrupted Nullifier's bubble. Likewise, no matter how weak your weapon is, it will never take more than 24/36 hits to burst a regular/corrupted Nullifier's bubble.

Weak weapons with higher fire rate can easily take advantage of this since there is a maximum number of hits it takes which they usually still manage to apply faster than a powerful low fire rate weapon can apply the minimum number of hits it takes.

In your own videos you can easily see that your Marelok and your Hek need far less shots to kill the bubble than the Braton.

Note that plznohurtme is not saying that what your videos show is wrong, just that your interpretation of them isn't entirely correct.

I'm not really sure how I'd change it. The biggest offense is the minimum hits required, since that part makes the difference between weak and strong weapons almost obsolete and I honestly wonder why it even came to be. It serves no real purpose on paper. But not even considering that, making it hit-dependant is simply not a good idea.

Making it shrink continually once hit sounds good, but I'd say that the speed at which it shrinks should increase as more damage is applied to the bubble. There should be a cap on the speed to make it take at least a certain amount of time for the bubble to burst.

Thats a detail I never watched out for, I am too lazy to throw a llodys though, 300+ hours and still semthign to learn, this is why I love this game.

If you want to keep talking Dark Souls, do it elsewhere, please.

Edited by Tyrian3k
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I'm absolutely sure he made an accurate statement here folks. His evidence illustrates it very well. Before anyone else argues read his last sentence for clarity rather than just repeating the mechanics over and over again.

I like how you can take recorded footage that proves that damage is not a factor with nullifier's shields (unranked braton vs marelok) or the most powerful shotgun in the game (the hek) and still say that nullifier's shields are affected by damage.  There is no misinformation being spread here.  None.  The unranked braton wouldn't have done ANYTHING to the shield if it WAS affected by damage.  Because an unranked braton does little to no damage at all.  If the shields are affected by damage, then it is not being affected by damage ENOUGH.

There has been an almost constant support of this idea and yet people are still continuing to explain it again as though the man cannot read and that is surely not the case.


Just to re-iterate one more time the spirit of the post

tl;dr Damage needs to effect the bubble more if not Fully without cap and ROF cap should be removed and only have damage as the defining statistic in this way we can ensure that all top tier weapons(or whatever tier should realistically be fighting said nullifiers) will have an almost equal amount of time till shield is down.


The shield drop rate can be consistent if only to provide SOME mitigation for said unit and his cohorts, however it should not be longer than approx 3 maybe 4 seconds due to enemy scaling being a hugely detrimental factor to our ability to kill and survive the enemy with skillful play. Longer time =more opportunities to paint us on the wall.


Nothing in our enemy factions currently takes this long to kill(aside from bosses OFC) and I feel that 3-4 seconds is fair given the dps said unit can do(especially if you are hosting, aimbotting currently, or at least that's the consensus I have gotten thus far, sprinting then midair coptering and still headshot FML).

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You have not proven anything but that the mechanics work exactly like I said.  You have take two totally different weapons with two different loadouts and said they're comparable, which they're not.  Go take your Marelok and pull all the mods and let us know how that goes.  There is a minimum and a maximum number of shots the shields take to go down.  You are doing nothing but spreading lies and I really wish you would stop and I tried very politely to explain it all, but you refuse to understand.



It is 100% misinformation.  He is blatantly lying about how the mechanics work.  I explained exactly how they do work and he refuses to listen to what anyone else is saying.  The numbers in the mechanics need to be adjusted, because they are working "properly" according to how DE set it up, but they certainly are not fair.



That isn't relevant at all.  Try actually reading my post.


Bad feedback isn't useful, and there's most certainly a discussion to be had here, but to spread lies and misinformation doesn't help anyone at all.  People refuse to listen to what is actually going on because they're so upset over the effect on their playstyles.  The shields are currently setup very poorly and unfairly punish people using low mag size/low rof weapons and needs to be changed, but there are a ton of options.  Turning them into Eximus style shields clearly goes against what DE is trying to accomplish, and this is obvious by the shrinking animation.  Personally I think they should just make the shrinking animation slightly longer and not have damage have any effects on the shield at all, and just start the shrinking process when the shield gets hit period.  People need to understand how the mechanic works, because complaining about it not working is a fallacy so I'll try this one more time.


Nullifier shields have a minimum number of shots required to take them down this is 6 for regular and 9 for corrupted this is accomplished via a damage cap (I haven't been able to figure out the exact numbers it seems around 500-600/shot on corrupted).  It doesn't matter how much damage your weapon does it will never kill it in fewer than 6 or 9 shots respectively.  There is also a maximum shot mechanic involved of 24 for regular and 36 for corrupted which circumvents the damage to the shield entirely.  This means that no matter how much damage your weapon does after 24 or 36 shots the shield will go down.


You are incredibly dense, you know that?


You keep regurgitating the same suggestion over and over that damage is factored into the nullifier's shield.  I understand that it's implemented.  It's just that it the damage that IS factored in is NEGLIGIBLE.  YOU refuse to understand that the nullfier's shield SHOULD NOT WORK THE WAY IT IS WORKING RIGHT NOW.  A set number of shots to break a shield is incredibly stupid.  If I'm doing ungodly amounts of damage with a single RoF weapon then god dammit THAT BUBBLE SHOULD POP IN A SINGLE SHOT JUST LIKE THE ARCTIC EXIMUS'S BUBBLES DO.  But it doesn't.  Which puts single RoF weapons in a position of weakness.  And I'm not lying, or spreading misinformation about how the bubbles work.  What I'm trying to prove here is that they aren't WORKING THE WAY THE SHOULD BE.


Also, your hostility isn't appreciated.  Please speak civily among me and your fellow tenno.  Either clean up your attitude, or leave.

Edited by Althran
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You are incredibly dense, you know that?


You keep regurgitating the same suggestion over and over that damage is factored into the nullifier's shield.  I understand that it's implemented.  It's just that it the damage that IS factored in is NEGLIGIBLE.  YOU refuse to understand that the nullfier's shield SHOULD NOT WORK THE WAY IT IS WORKING RIGHT NOW.  A set number of shots to break a shield is incredibly stupid.  If I'm doing ungodly amounts of damage with a single RoF weapon then god dammit THAT BUBBLE SHOULD POP IN A SINGLE SHOT JUST LIKE THE ARCTIC EXIMUS'S BUBBLES DO.  But it doesn't.  Which puts single RoF weapons in a position of weakness.  And I'm not lying, or spreading misinformation about how the bubbles work.  What I'm trying to prove here is that they aren't WORKING THE WAY THE SHOULD BE.


Also, your hostility isn't appreciated.  Please speak civily among me and your fellow tenno.  Either clean up your attitude, or leave.


You are stating your opinion as if it is a fact which it is not.  DE clearly was trying to do something different than Eximus with the Nullifiers and if you can't see that you're just being ignorant.  You have been blantantly lying by continuing to say that the shields aren't affected by damage (just look at your post history, you're not saying they aren't affected "enough").  I've been perfectly civil which is more than can be said about you and just because you're upset over the way something works doesn't mean your opinion is the truth.


You want it to work differently and believe it isn't fair (I completely agree, it's not fair right now) but that doesn't mean that it is "broken" that means it is poorly balanced (look at virtually anything added to this game and you'll see that things get balanced all the time).  Unless you are a developer on Warframe (which you're obviously not) you cannot know what the intention behind the Nullifier is and thus shouldn't be making concrete statements about how things "should" work as it's just your opinion on how you think it should be.

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You are stating your opinion as if it is a fact which it is not.  DE clearly was trying to do something different than Eximus with the Nullifiers and if you can't see that you're just being ignorant.  You have been blantantly lying by continuing to say that the shields aren't affected by damage (just look at your post history, you're not saying they aren't affected "enough").  I've been perfectly civil which is more than can be said about you and just because you're upset over the way something works doesn't mean your opinion is the truth.


You want it to work differently and believe it isn't fair (I completely agree, it's not fair right now) but that doesn't mean that it is "broken" that means it is poorly balanced (look at virtually anything added to this game and you'll see that things get balanced all the time).  Unless you are a developer on Warframe (which you're obviously not) you cannot know what the intention behind the Nullifier is and thus shouldn't be making concrete statements about how things "should" work as it's just your opinion on how you think it should be.


I don't define 'civil' as going around calling other people liars and saying that their opinion is 'spreading misinformation', when in reality the difference between what I'm saying and what your saying is so menial and negligible that it doesn't matter anyway.  


To make myself clear, when I say the shields aren't affected by damage, what I mean is that whatever damage does affect the shield is completely negligible because it will take 36 rounds from an unranked braton to deplete the shield of a level 31 tower IV nullifier versus 9-10 shots from a very powerful vaykor marelok.  I don't understand why you care about the difference of me saying that the shields aren't affected by damage versus me saying that they are affected by damage but it doesn't matter that they are because whatever damage is calculated into the shields depletion is useless.  It's basically not affected by damage, but you take this hostile position where you say I'm a liar and a misinformation spreader because of the slightest difference in what I'm saying versus what you are saying.  There's no difference between saying one or the other because it doesn't change anything about the shields being broken.


In short, the shields being affected by damage doesn't matter, because an unranked braton can do the same job a vaykor marelok can.  And just as fast.  That's why I say that the shields aren't REALLY affected by damage, even though you it TECHNICALLY is.

Edited by Althran
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Quick remarks on this topic just so you know we're looking at it:


Dev is investigating the examples to see what issues may be occurring as well as looking to put together more info on how the shields work (to better aid combat/testing on our end). When this bears fruit we will pick it together.

What's the status on this?

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I don't define 'civil' as going around calling other people liars and saying that their opinion is 'spreading misinformation', when in reality the difference between what I'm saying and what your saying is so menial and negligible that it doesn't matter anyway.  


To make myself clear, when I say the shields aren't affected by damage, what I mean is that whatever damage does affect the shield is completely negligible because it will take 36 rounds from an unranked braton to deplete the shield of a level 31 tower IV nullifier versus 9-10 shots from a very powerful vaykor marelok.  I don't understand why you care about the difference of me saying that the shields aren't affected by damage versus me saying that they are affected by damage but it doesn't matter that they are because whatever damage is calculated into the shields depletion is useless.  It's basically not affected by damage, but you take this hostile position where you say I'm a liar and a misinformation spreader because of the slightest difference in what I'm saying versus what you are saying.  There's no difference between saying one or the other because it doesn't change anything about the shields being broken.


In short, the shields being affected by damage doesn't matter, because an unranked braton can do the same job a vaykor marelok can.  And just as fast.  That's why I say that the shields aren't REALLY affected by damage, even though you it TECHNICALLY is.


The problem is that a lot of people who play this game do not understand the mechanics and you are spreading incorrect information.  They really are affected by damage and there's simply no denying it and it does take a Braton 36 shots to get through the shield versus 9 for the Marelok there's no denying that either.  I agree with you completely that the mechanic isn't fair, but it's not broken and it is clearly working like they want it to.


It most certainly does matter that you're using incorrect information, because people who don't know better believe that it's simply broken.  Given that you clearly aren't an idiot you should be able to understand that people come to the forums for information because they're not necessarily interested in finding out how things work for themselves.  You should be spreading accurate information and explaining what you'd like to see changed accordingly rather than just going around saying how things "should" work and how "damage doesn't affect shields".


As I said in an earlier post I don't think that damage should matter at all to the shields (changing my first opinion which was before I knew exactly how they worked) rather just have them shrink at a set rate after being hit by anything.  This would make sure Nullifiers aren't trivial, but it would make it fair for all weapon types.  This way DE would just have to manage how fast/slow they want the shrinking animation to be and people could just approach it accordingly.  The reason I don't want to see it shifted to pure damage is that it puts a huge advantage on high damage weapons (and the fact that crits have zero effect on shields).



What's the status on this?



That isn't an accurate quote anymore she posted an update saying the following:



In a moment of weakness I said the following (pronoun fail):


"Quick remarks on this topic just so you know we're looking at it:
Dev is investigating the examples to see what issues may be occurring as well as looking to put together more info on how the shields work (to better aid combat/testing on our end). When this bears fruit we will pick it together.
(to better aid combat/testing on our end).
Our = us (me, you) as players, not us as devs. 
The info dev is putting together is for the players, not for themselves. The details on 'how nullifier shields work' was spread between 3 patches and needs clarification, which is what Dev is putting together. 



We already know how the mechanics work so I'm not really sure this is completely necessary so much as a change in the mechanics is.

Edited by plznohurtme
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As I said in an earlier post I don't think that damage should matter at all to the shields (changing my first opinion which was before I knew exactly how they worked) rather just have them shrink at a set rate after being hit by anything.  This would make sure Nullifiers aren't trivial, but it would make it fair for all weapon types.  This way DE would just have to manage how fast/slow they want the shrinking animation to be and people could just approach it accordingly.  The reason I don't want to see it shifted to pure damage is that it puts a huge advantage on high damage weapons (and the fact that crits have zero effect on shields).

The problem with this idea is that they shrink when ANY damage is applied. Why I say this is a problem is that the shrinkage being applied by any damage is the problem currently. Thus making weapons that can apply damage consistently per second much more efficient whereas weapons that rely solely on that burst style of application(large amounts in one shot) are being far outpaced by the damage over time variants.


Making damage the sole factor would make the equation more fair by far due to the fact that most weapons that are at least moderately equal to the challenge of certain portions of the game are not equal in how they apply damage insomuch as they are equal(or nearly so) in DAMAGE.


Thus the only factor that is capable of equalizing said weapons is the overall output. Additionally critical hits must be factored into the equation otherwise there will continue to be a discrepancy favoring High ROF weapons/opticor over bows.


The only thing I could see them do to rectify this without the damage being the core effective trait for neutralizing the shields would be a purely time based shrink mechanic that was triggered with ANY damage source.


Meaning that once a damage source is applied to the shield it starts a shrink that will complete over time with a single hit to the shield. The only problem I see with this is that it then becomes a fire and forget enemy that can still be neutralized with little or no challenge.

Which is I think the crux of the situation. How to balance weapon utilization without trivializing the challenge they potentially bring to gameplay?

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