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How Far Can We Push The Lato?


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Now you show me how you click fast enough to actually bring that dps to the enemies without an auto clicker.


Why would you not use an auto clicker, also known as a macro? They are allowed!

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Because it defeats the point of a semi-automatic weapon. If that's the way to go, just ask DE to make all weapons automatic by default.


And still, macros are allowed. Semi-auto just means I can click for a precise shot without spraying half my magazine into the floor and ceiling on a semi-auto weapon with a high RoF, or go full auto if I want to.

Also, what's the point of giving semi-automatic weapons such a high rate of fire in the first place, if we can't possibly shoot them that fast? The Brakk has a base RoF of 5 shots per second. The AkBolto have a base RoF of 10.

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maximum RoF?

you've made a useless Loadout. the gun doesn't have any Damage. you'll never kill anything with that.



try this instead.





Also, what's the point of giving semi-automatic weapons such a high rate of fire in the first place, if we can't possibly shoot them that fast? The Brakk has a base RoF of 5 shots per second. The AkBolto have a base RoF of 10.

it's to 'compensate' for Weapons being tied to Framerate.

instead of, yno, not tying Input processing and actions to Framerate. :|

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it's to 'compensate' for Weapons being tied to Framerate.

instead of, yno, not tying Input processing and actions to Framerate. :|


Wait... does this mean a weapon's RoF is always less than stated and proportional to the framerate?

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maximum RoF?

you've made a useless Loadout. the gun doesn't have any Damage. you'll never kill anything with that.



try this instead.





it's to 'compensate' for Weapons being tied to Framerate.

instead of, yno, not tying Input processing and actions to Framerate. :|

But that says -25 on the mod points so that wouldn't be possible?

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Wait... does this mean a weapon's RoF is always less than stated and proportional to the framerate?

something like that. probably works fine 60+.

but <=59 is probably N% lower.


Burst Weapons show off this issue the most. at a cap of 120FPS, Burst Weapons work fine.

if i cap it to 30, they're useless.

other Trigger Types that aren't Auto aren't as bad, but Automatic is the only one that seems to actually work right.


But that says -25 on the mod points so that wouldn't be possible?

there's no Polarities :v

why would i bother Polarizing when it would ofcourse fit after you Polarize it several times.

why bother clicking a bunch of times when it's the Mods that are important, not Polarization. any Mod Loadout fits on any Equipment. we always run out of slots before we run out of pts.

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But that says -25 on the mod points so that wouldn't be possible?


Have you missed an item called forma that you can use to solve that? ;)


And still, macros are allowed. Semi-auto just means I can click for a precise shot without spraying half my magazine into the floor and ceiling on a semi-auto weapon with a high RoF, or go full auto if I want to.

Also, what's the point of giving semi-automatic weapons such a high rate of fire in the first place, if we can't possibly shoot them that fast? The Brakk has a base RoF of 5 shots per second. The AkBolto have a base RoF of 10.


None of these weapons is actually capable of that rate of fire if it has a semi-automatic trigger. Also, I haven't run into many guns yet where I couldn't pull off single shots. The only ones that come to my mind would be things like the Grakata or the Twin Vipers.

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Why would you not use an auto clicker, also known as a macro? They are allowed!

You make it sound like it's be encouraged. They won't ban you for it. The actual quote said something about "If you have your finger cut off and you chose to use a macro because you can't hit a key, then we're not gonna get upset about that".

Other than that, macros are incredibly looked down on, and on top of that, as taiiat mentioned, fire rate is tied to frame rate, so you can't hit the max anyway.

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You make it sound like it's be encouraged. They won't ban you for it. The actual quote said something about "If you have your finger cut off and you chose to use a macro because you can't hit a key, then we're not gonna get upset about that".

Other than that, macros are incredibly looked down on, and on top of that, as taiiat mentioned, fire rate is tied to frame rate, so you can't hit the max anyway.


Apologies, it was not my intention to make it sound like they are encouraged. Also, the comment I was shown of a dev saying these are allowed did not state anything about fingers cut off, or any other condition that prevents you from clicking your mouse fast, as far as I can remember.


And also, this is actually the first time I hear, in or out of the game, about macros being looked down upon. I mean, I'd understand if it was about a script that plays the game for you, but this is far from that, at least in my view. What about those re-mapping the shoot key to the mouse wheel? I have definitely seen that one recommended before, more than a few times.

I don't know, maybe I'm a bit of a pragmatist, but if it helps me suck the most out of my gun, saves me some rapid-fire-clicking strain and reduces wear on my mouse, I see it as a good thing. Am I missing something?

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Apologies, it was not my intention to make it sound like they are encouraged. Also, the comment I was shown of a dev saying these are allowed did not state anything about fingers cut off, or any other condition that prevents you from clicking your mouse fast, as far as I can remember.


And also, this is actually the first time I hear, in or out of the game, about macros being looked down upon. I mean, I'd understand if it was about a script that plays the game for you, but this is far from that, at least in my view. What about those re-mapping the shoot key to the mouse wheel? I have definitely seen that one recommended before, more than a few times.

I don't know, maybe I'm a bit of a pragmatist, but if it helps me suck the most out of my gun, saves me some rapid-fire-clicking strain and reduces wear on my mouse, I see it as a good thing. Am I missing something?

Well it's a video game so do what you preferred. I, for one, will never use macros. It defeats the purpose of a weapon's mechanics (the Lato is more accurate because it is semi-auto. When you use macros, it will have both accuracy and high rate of power, pretty unfair to automatic weapons don't you think?)

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