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Repelling Bastille Useless Or Not Working


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So, I went into ODD with Vauban and my shiny new Repelling Bastille. I thought this ability was going to be really fun watching Infested trip over themselves like drunk handicapped donkeys. I was wrong. So I pop one down and for the first few waves, I'm demolishing guys with my ogris while they're falling over like idiots. Then at around Wave 7, About 30+ guyss start funneling in through it and wrecking the pod. I eventually leave becausse this mod sucks and is useless. I would rather just put stretch on.

Edited by Fulgar_Strike
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First: There is only a CHANCE that enemies are knocked back when entering while the capacity is full.

Second: The chance of being knocked back or not is based on how high the level of the guys attempting to enter is. Lv1 is knocked out easily, Lv60 rather difficult.


According to Wiki the chance SHOULD be at onehundred percent while at max level.

However this is affected by power strength; do u have any mods inside that reduce power strength?

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First: There is only a CHANCE that enemies are knocked back when entering while the capacity is full.

Second: The chance of being knocked back or not is based on how high the level of the guys attempting to enter is. Lv1 is knocked out easily, Lv60 rather difficult.


According to Wiki the chance SHOULD be at onehundred percent while at max level.

However this is affected by power strength; do u have any mods inside that reduce power strength?

and how do u know this?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Same here. I built my Vauban to not use any Corrupted mods, so Repelling Bastille would have a 100% chance to bounce back all enemies.  Still, I would notice a charger or two slipping into the cryopod while Bastille is up in two separate occasions.

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I believe that the augment is set up such that only the perimeter of bastille bounces enemies off. Biggest offenders seems to be the mutalists moas which like jumping directly into the bastille aoe when the trap is at max capacity.


Either that, or the ancient disruptors' anti cc and power dmg aura got a negating effect on the trap.

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As others have said, repelling bastille has a % chance based on power strength.


If you use over extended you'll drop the chance of repelling enemies to 40%.


Unless you use TF or BR to bring that back up.


I've used it without Overextended and it still lets enemies through. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

either there is a code in the ability that still gives a chance for enemys to go through even at 100 percent or enemy level effects the the chance to get in. or so many enemies enter it cant go through all the numbers to stop getting through or its bugged. last may not be 100 percent even though it says

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