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Fomorians, Relay Loss And Why Its Not Our Fault


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How many relays have we lost already? 3? 4? I've kinda stopped tracking after the second one was destroyed, no real reason honestly. The forums has been in all the rage when the fomorians just roll on through and decimate the relays, sometimes forcing DE to step in and shut threads down due to too much flaming and conflict. Its clear that some of the community really love the relay concept, others think its a waste of time and others still feel the whole archwing concept is arbitrary.

My thread is mostly being aimed at those who believe we are intentionally letting the relays burn. Hopefully this will also provide some insight for DE as to why some of us don't care about hitting fomorians more than once and maybe they won't repeat this same mistake in future events.

The only way to engage the fomorian is if you, the player, possesses at least 1 disruptor. This disruptor requires 3500 nano spores, 4 omega isotopes and 300 cryotic. The item is also consumable, meaning its lost as soon as it is used on the fomorian. If you play in teams, this means you will lose the item even if you were nowhere near the core to damage it. Veterans (or at least people who spend huge amounts of time playing this game) will obviously have no problem obtaining the resources using weapons that will blow away the enemy, but people fail to remember there are those who don't play as often or are so new to the game that they're having trouble obtaining what they need for the event.


The problem with this event is not primarily due to neglect from the community, its that there just isn't enough incentive to keep spending resources making consumable disruptors to attack a fomorian more than once. 50k-100k credits are cool and all, but only getting it once is not going to encourage people to keep coming back. And apparently, there's not enough people who play Warframe to make up for this, otherwise fomorians wouldn't succeed in taking out relays. I myself still have 25 disruptors on hand and I've already did 13/15 attacks (currently out of cryotic though), but I don't speak for the rest of the community who might not even be able to get nano spores for them. Players are not getting compensated enough to lose what they might consider to be precious materials in order to keep hitting fomorians, and DE isn't telling us anything about any potential penalty for not having certain relays.

So, what's the point?

DE needs to make returning trips to the fomorians worth the time and resources. Even if we get 50k-100k credits every 1m points, making this a repeated reward would be a great incentive for people to make more disruptors or work harder in getting the resources to make them. Alternatively, make the disruptor extremely expensive and time consuming, but make it reusable. This can just be one of many other possible rewards that I can think of.

As for the community: If you want people to help contribute to fomorian destruction, be helpful and visit places on the solar system that yield cryotic or nano spores the quickest, where the poorer/weaker players go to for the resources. Don't sit back and blame some of us for not helping, when you're doing nothing to help those in need.

To quote the leader of the Perrin Sequence: A shared prosperity can bring a shared peace.

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Well maybe we get an awesome mission type in the relayscrap, I'm sure a couple of relays will still exist when this event comes to an end.

To me it seems the less there are, the better, we only need the void trader to come to one point and there's no difference to the user in another relay (yet). 


Of course I'm one of those people who gets the points and quits, but if that Vesper relay needs my help, oh how dead Hek will be.

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we have only lost 3. Remember EEE. The three planets that lost their relays started with the letter E.




Off topic, but can someone stick on a Robin Willaims "It's not your fault" somewhere here?

Too soon dude. Too soon.

Edited by Arlayn
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we have only lost 3. Remember EEE. The three planets that lost their relays started with the letter E.



Eris ~ A planet overrun by infestation, who would want to stay there.

Europa ~ Corpus and ice ice ice baby 2cold4tenno

Earth ~ Hek's Home planet, why don't we let him keep it...

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Or not just 1 void trader should travel around relays. More different trader with different goods and they stay at least 2-3 day at a relay.


Other hands the variety of relays and " I'm talking about myself " It would be good if the archwing mission turn into an optional mission type and not a must have like the kubrow quest. 


First sight the archwing nice but atm not so diverse and less fun one times doing mission instead of a thrilling one.


The rewarding is different because have a lot of missions which not give enough to motivate to do more. The void missions typicaly this one where you can get significantly much compared to the others except dark sectors "with low tax".

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Personaly not like the archwing at all but the relays are nice concepts but the variation and the trader limitations is atm bad. I am prefer to do the same with dojo if we have a "family" with similar interesting tennos but atm the dojo is just used for research and trade. 


Not living enough and not worth enough to spend a huge amount of time there and same with the relays with two differences 1. there are some npc "still not living" 2. there you cannot build "no have permission to do" something.


I would like to see more implementations to improve the dojo's instead of making missions outside of the space.

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we have only lost 3. Remember EEE. The three planets that lost their relays started with the letter E.


Is DE sending a subliminal message?! That's exactly how to win at archwing currently, just press EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... yeah, you get the idea.


Eris ~ A planet overrun by infestation, who would want to stay there.

Europa ~ Corpus and ice ice ice baby 2cold4tenno

Earth ~ Hek's Home planet, why don't we let him keep it...

I only disagree with Europa, my Frost Prime happens to love Europa and all it's shipwrecked icy goodness, not 3cold5tenno, and kicking some Corpus butt.


May Leonov live in infamy.

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Of course it's our fault if the relays are destroyed. We're in charge of defending them, we fail and they get destroyed. End of that discussion.


The problem is that players think there is some kind of "right" or "wrong" outcome, when there isn't. There is only an outcome that the players help shape, that's it. Just enjoy how the story unfolds Tenno, sheesh.

Edited by DarkTails
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Of course it's our fault if the relays are destroyed. We're in charge of defending them, we fail and they get destroyed. End of that discussion.


The problem is that players think there is some kind of "right" or "wrong" outcome, when there isn't. There is only an outcome that the players help shape, that's it. Just enjoy how the story unfolds Tenno, sheesh.

We're in charge of defending, yes, but we're not in charge on how much it costs to make what we NEED to defend and we're not in charge on how quickly we can get the materials. That's DE and RNG to decide.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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To be honest, I kind of like the idea that we have actually lost something in the game. It's not like we lost all of them and for me personally, it drives home my desire to stop the Grineer from taking anything for anyone. I know there are a lot of people that aren't as absorbed into the game world but it works for me. A bit of that letting the events tell the story as DE once put it. I look at it like the cut scenes in a game where you don't have control of a fight and your character loses but you know had you been given control, things would have gone differently.

Edited by Amethyst_Orbweaver
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We're in charge of defending, yes, but we're not in charge on how much it costs to make what we NEED to defend and we're not in charge on how quickly we can get the materials. That's DE and RNG to decide.


Nonsense, play more, still all your faults rofl

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im REALLY &!$$ed over this event I gives no chance to players to get all event items if they did not know about the event i PERSONALLY HAVE ALL EVENT ITEMS (all wraiths, vandals, scarf and Dex) and im going to fall one point short because of NO NEW FORMORIANS TODAY thanks DE never been somad at you guys im a really old player of warframe too VANDALS are my life for me to loose a vandal is is just a giant rage quit for me. main reason i love this game is because i have all of these event items please dont let me loose that love. i hope DE is too respond to this post.  also this was the WORSE TIME for a event as its during the holidays (off topic but REALLY MESA FARMING this ame has turned into a "pay to win" i remember when it was "less of a pay to win" THATS when i spent money on this game)





EDIT: i only post somthing when im f0cking p!ssed and im F0CKING P!SSED OFF

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im REALLY &!$$ed over this event I gives no chance to players to get all event items if they did not know about the event i PERSONALLY HAVE ALL EVENT ITEMS (all wraiths, vandals, scarf and Dex) and im going to fall one point short because of NO NEW FORMORIANS TODAY thanks DE never been somad at you guys im a really old player of warframe too VANDALS are my life for me to loose a vandal is is just a giant rage quit for me. main reason i love this game is because i have all of these event items please dont let me loose that love. i hope DE is too respond to this post.  also this was the WORSE TIME for a event as its during the holidays (off topic but REALLY MESA FARMING this ame has turned into a "pay to win" i remember when it was "less of a pay to win" THATS when i spent money on this game)





EDIT: i only post somthing when im f0cking p!ssed and im F0CKING P!SSED OFF

Dude, it's just a game. Calm down. 

Events are exactly that; special events. Limited time doesn't mean anything if it doesn't hold true. DE has been working their butts off to make this game spectacular, and I think they're doing a pretty good job. Just because you miss out on one thing doesn't mean that amazing things aren't coming Soon. 


To quit over something so trivial as an item that doesn't really even exist is churlish. 

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