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Is It Just Me Or Are Infested Flippin Not Taking Damage


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me and my bud were playing on Eris, Xini and he was mesa doing his peacemaker thang and half the infested are dieing in one shot and the other half im standing around taking like 10 damage per shot so me and him lose the mission and I wasn't able to use a revive so i couldn't help him. I had a similar incident when I was mirage not to long ago where I was using prism to do a defense mission on Pluto, Sechura, but there was barely any damage when before i could clear a room with it. So whats up i cant do hardly any damage to them and its only infested dark sectors or on Eris where the whole planet is infested. Is there something im missing like a buffer infested enemy or what?

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Ancients cause major damage reduction in infested now.

Healers reduce most all damage while preventing most CCs, and it stacks.
Disrupters reduce radial damage and ability damage, and it stacks.
Toxic ancients reduce toxin and gas damage, and it stacks.

You get enough of them in a small area and the infested become nearly impossible to kill.

To get around this you can:
-Bring Nyx for chaos/mind controlling the ancients
-Bring fire + corrosive weapons to kill ancients quickly and not get reduced damage by toxics blocking your gas damage

But regardless of whether you do those things you'll need to focus on the ancients first.

Also dont forget that swarm mutalists swarms will buff enemy armor when they are attached.  And it stacks with the ancients auras.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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