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Closest Warframe To Naruto?


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Naruto ended D:

Naruto the last came out, but I can't watch it D:

Naruto coming back in 2015 spring :D

3 Naruto mangas released :D


But what warframe is closest to naruto?

-Must be able to create clones

-Throw stuff



-Rasengan(giant blue ball)

-Epic finishers


I gotta say mirage

Clones check

Throw giant ball of light that explode check

Transformation check


Reply what you guys think!

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Naruto Universe is way too big to be able to imitate it. But I would go with Ash.


Shurikens ->Check

Smoke Bomb and invisibility -> Check

Teleport(Flying Raijin,eh?) ->Check(Infact Ash don't need a mark....He is better than Minato... :P)

Kunai Kage Bushinn(Well,it's Shuriken Shadow clone Jutsu) -> Thats the closest thing Bladestorm goes.


Hell,I even use the Cephalon Suda normal Sigil as a Kyubi Seal on my Ash. :P

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