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Trinity Prime Concept


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This is a divine model of how subtle the priming can be while remaining effective and, without question, noticeable.  My only qualm is the same as TheErebus, I would love to see a little more work on the helm.  As in something that wasn't there before (i.e. Loki Prime's downward facing horns)

Exactly. Primes don't need to be extensively different from the original, or with blatant and obtrusive gold protrusions (*CoughVoltPrimeCough*).

Subtle is the keyword.

I kind of like the helm, but I still see myself using the Aura helm instead.

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I totally love the artwork done by the OP, but personally would like to see something along the lines of this >




from here > http://wolf-in-bound.deviantart.com/art/Warframe-NYX-Prime-381240421


It just screams Trinity Prime to me (needs Orokin gold ofc) and that beautiful skirt type thing beats lobster butt by miles. :D 

I love this pic and I'd grab a frame like this in a heartbeat.

BUT I don't feel like that is Trinity.

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