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Scammers, For Lack Of A Better Word


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Keyshares outside of clans are something that you can't complain about.

I laugh when I see posts in recruiting for keyshares. Do you want help or not?


You didn't have a group.

You needed a group.

You got a group.


Did you fail any of the missions? Did he afk?? Did he help???


Thought so.


"Thought so" what? He basically ran with the goods and didn't pay for them.





I understand perfectly. All you lose is a "chance" at a 4th key. But it's something you would not have if you hadn't invited the scammer to the keyshare either. He's definitely a scumbag for doing this, but what I'm saying is you're not really at loss here.


So I'm just suppose to take it, then? Just suck it up?


K then. We'll just accept that we can't trust anyone anymore and just play solo. Did I mention this game was co-op?



I made this post to once again broadcast this issue, so maybe it could get some attention not only form the public, but also the developers. Once again, it fails.


Here's to unfairness. Maybe I should do the same scummy thing to other people? Nobody seems to mind.

Edited by IANOBW
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"Thought so" what? He basically ran with the goods and didn't pay for them.


did he hide in a corner and let you do all the work? then you have an argument.

if he didn't, then you don't.


he just lied to you and didn't live up to your expectations. that's a far cry from what you're claiming he did or didn't do.

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"Thought so" what? He basically ran with the goods and didn't pay for them.






So I'm just suppose to take it, then? Just suck it up?


K then. We'll just accept that we can't trust anyone anymore and just play solo. Did I mention this game was co-op?


You might want to open up the trade tab and read the rules about DE enforcing promises.

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So I'm just suppose to take it, then? Just suck it up?


K then. We'll just accept that we can't trust anyone anymore and just play solo. Did I mention this game was co-op?



I made this post to once again broadcast this issue, so maybe it could get some attention not only form the public, but also the developers. Once again, it fails.


Here's to unfairness.

I understand what you feel, but there's simply no remedy for this kind of situation at the moment. It has happened so many times before you, and it'll happen again as long as "keysharing" stays as it is.


The fact that this game is co-op has nothing to do with the scam. It's mainly because the grind for Mesa(and before, Hydroid) and now Void Sabotage keys are hard. This turns people who usually would share, say, a Void key with others, become the guy who would only share an Alad V key if, in turn, people also share his key. And it also makes people lie and scam his way for a key. It's all because DE chooses to make the keys hard to get in the first place.

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I understand perfectly. All you lose is a "chance" at a 4th key. But it's something you would not have if you hadn't invited the scammer to the keyshare either. He's definitely a scumbag for doing this, but what I'm saying is you're not really at loss here.


Very true, but what I want, and many others that I've talked to about this whole issue, is to have key scamming be a reportable offense. Right now it technically isn't. 


And why do I want it to be reportable? For two reasons.

The first being that, as you pointed out, the guy doing it is a scumbag. I think pretty much everyone here can agree on at least that. Being a scumbag by being deceitful in this manner in my mind speaks to poor player conduct. And poor player conduct like this, especially when it is clearly with intent to act as such, should be punished. I'm not asking for a brand new fancy in game system to deal with key scammers, all I'm asking for is the right to go to support and report them with full confidence that DE does not approve of this type of behavior. I don't think that's a lot to ask for, don't you?


The second being that key scammers, much like any other form of trolling, is rarely isolated. People who do it will keep doing it so long as there is no system to deal with them. So if I could report them, it is likely many other people will report them in future instances if the behavior continues. Which it will.  

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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I know what it says.


I've learned my lesson. Time to become a scammer. I can get away with it.



Become the thing that you obviously hate the most. Seems like the logical course of action.


That, or you could take a deep breath and realise that you're better than them and above all of this.

Because after all, it's just a silly computer game.

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I understand what you feel, but there's simply no remedy for this kind of situation at the moment. It has happened so many times before you, and it'll happen again as long as "keysharing" stays as it is.


I've been around for a while, it's not the first time it's happened to me. I'm just trying to get a reaction within the community. Thinking maybe this time we can get DE to change some things. Apparantly not.




Become the thing that you obviously hate the most. Seems like the logical course of action.


That, or you could take a deep breath and realise that you're better than them and above all of this.

Because after all, it's just a silly computer game.


If I did, and many others did, it would eventually get out of hand and the devs would have to do something about it. At this rate, it's the best course of action for ANY change to take place, because otherwise DE wont give a S#&$.


I'm kidding about actually being a scumbag, yo. I'm just trying to prove a point. Eventually, if it continues like this, more and more people will do the same. The community will just become another S#&$ty mmo community (I'm probably over-exaggerating though).

Edited by IANOBW
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I had a douchenugget in my own clan who waited till key #4 and would not use his.


It was just me and him from the clan, other 2 were pugs. All the pugs and I used our keys.


When his time came, nothing happened. We said "hey, use your key please" and he goes "what? I dont have key".


Dude, I explained in clan chat several times it was a keyshare and nobody responded then he suddenly said in clan chat like 10 minutes later "is that keyshare still available?". 


You cant trust anyone in this game, gotta take a leap of faith basically. 

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Why? you got what you wanted you could had done the key solo. :/ He gained but you lost nothing idk why your mad at all. Its basically like 4 people bring a cake, you each eat your own cake but the 4th person takes his cake home. You get mad because he didn't eat his cake with you.

No actually its like if you all eat cake and you each share a piece with him but he doesnt share any of his cake with you and leaves with it. 


How can you not even get the analogy right rofl?


Anyway, as a general rule I always use my key last. Because I know I am not a scammer and if #3 doesnt use his key and leaves then at least he only mooched 2 keys and not 3. 

Edited by SOAP_Pmac
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I had a douchenugget in my own clan who waited till key #4 and would not use his.


It was just me and him from the clan, other 2 were pugs. All the pugs and I used our keys.


When his time came, nothing happened. We said "hey, use your key please" and he goes "what? I dont have key".


Dude, I explained in clan chat several times it was a keyshare and nobody responded then he suddenly said in clan chat like 10 minutes later "is that keyshare still available?". 


You cant trust anyone in this game, gotta take a leap of faith basically. 


Yeah, that sucks. Get that guy out of your clan.


It's a shame that we actually have to take the leap of faith. It should be guaranteed, we should be proud of our community.

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I've been around for a while, it's not the first time it's happened to me. I'm just trying to get a reaction within the community. Thinking maybe this time we can get DE to change some things. Apparantly not.




If I did, and many others did, it would eventually get out of hand and the devs would have to do something about it. At this rate, it's the best course of action for ANY change to take place, because otherwise DE wont give a S#&$.


I'm kidding about actually being a scumbag, yo. I'm just trying to prove a point. Eventually, if it continues like this, more and more people will do the same. The community will just become another S#&$ty mmo community (I'm probably over-exaggerating though).


And here I am, giving away my spare keys for xmas/new years. I'm so sorry.

To think that one of my keys could've been used to get some poor noob Mesa.... and h-he was just using to scam peeps out of their own keys.


I am become Death, the destroyer of Recruiting.



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And here I am, giving away my spare keys for xmas/new years. I'm so sorry.

To think that one of my keys could've been used to get some poor noob Mesa.... and h-he was just using to scam peeps out of their own keys.


I am become Death, the destroyer of Recruiting.




Lol, wut


That's cool and all, but you don't brag about being generous, man.


Also, calling me a noob? Is that how it is?


M8, 1v1 me on europa, i'll rek u swer on me mum.

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While it is true that people who ditch from keyshares with their own intact is not really any form of scamming it is something that goes back to an old issue with people leeching these groups for parts.


Nobody wants to make an agreement only to learn that in the end one person was just using you. It's scummy and does need some form of system in place to help prevent/deter these people from doing so.

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I agree that something needs to be done about this, but a reputation system would likely be very messy and may be exploited in some way against undeserving players


It's sad to think, but you're probably right. There's likely no way around the problem unless a keylock system is made, but even that has it's issues.

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Lol, wut


That's cool and all, but you don't brag about being generous, man.


Also, calling me a noob? Is that how it is?


M8, 1v1 me on europa, i'll rek u swer on me mum.



You said you were over-exaggerating. I took it to the next level.

I said that I gave my key to noobs. I don't recall us trading anything recently.


MR18 bruh

Not really interested in watching you hit 4 with Ash :/


Now run along and continue farming that thing we all got weeks ago.

We had clans/friends and a plan.

2 keys each or no dice.

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This is why I always laugh at people asking for keyshares. If I ask someone to join me for say T4 Sabotage, that's it. Never will I force a person to use their items unless they say it themselves, they are willing to use it.


Had this thing earlier today, Had an empty space for a 4th to Alad V. I invited this random person. He then stated "I'm going last, I got scammed 3x today". I replied with, this isn't a keyshare, I gave you a free spot. Only have 1 key anyways to try for systems. Did mission got a duplicate mesa helmet. He stayed in squad, I told him that was only try I had and we were done. He then repeated his story and asked for next person to use their key. Got me annoyed he was asking for more, even tho at second try which my friend used his key with. We got last item.


I found this funny of him to say, I've still got my key. Do you want to use it?

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You said you were over-exaggerating. I took it to the next level.

I said that I gave my key to noobs. I don't recall us trading anything recently.


MR18 bruh

Not really interested in watching you hit 4 with Ash :/


Now run along and continue farming that thing we all got weeks ago.

We had clans/friends and a plan.

2 keys each or no dice.


I know sarcasm is hard to spot when it's in text on a screen, but man... just.... calm down.


I get it, your epeen is huge and you want everyone to know. That's cool, bruh. Take it elsewhere.

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This is why I always laugh at people asking for keyshares. If I ask someone to join me for say T4 Sabotage, that's it. Never will I force a person to use their items unless they say it themselves, they are willing to use it.


Had this thing earlier today, Had an empty space for a 4th to Alad V. I invited this random person. He then stated "I'm going last, I got scammed 3x today". I replied with, this isn't a keyshare, I gave you a free spot. Only have 1 key anyways to try for systems. Did mission got a duplicate mesa helmet. He stayed in squad, I told him that was only try I had and we were done. He then repeated his story and asked for next person to use their key. Got me annoyed he was asking for more, even tho at second try which my friend used his key with. We got last item.


I found this funny of him to say, I've still got my key. Do you want to use it?

PMing the person "hosting" a keyshare is an agreement that they will use their key and are obligated to do so by entering the squad. If they leave the party after using other people's keys, they have essentially lied to the rest of the squad. For boss keys, you need to run the key multiple times so people who join, unless they've been told they don't need a key, are expected to contribute their key.
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