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Iztal Arcwhing



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I personally don't have it yet... Hard to farm Tellurium when I'm not at home... but Blink in AW Interception is awesome. Other abilities I'll have to try out to put word in, but the added mobility alone from Blink makes me think this will be my most used AW.

Edited by AXCrusnik
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I'm not sure if it's worth buying it, but sure it's worth farming for it. The only mobility-based Archwing as for now. Its skills are awesome too. When you're playing Interception you can move between the radio beacons in no time, you can pick up drops easily (plus dealing damage to nearby enemies) with Cosmic Crush and you can safely revive any ally with Penumbra. Ah, you can deploy drones that fight for you too. So yes, it's definetely worth the Tellurium grinding.

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IMO, Iztal is the best archwing in the game at this point...not only do you have a good balance between offensive and defensive abilities, the abilities themselves also have great alternate uses (most obvious one being you can ress friends without much harassment from the enemies when you use the cloak) 

Get the iztal, it's well worth the time and effort

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It's awesome, that's all there is to it :D


- most stamina: check

- fastest sprint speed: check

- biggest energy pool: check

- ~650m blink when modded: check

- automatic energy / mod collection when clicking 3: check

- cloak which you can use for everything but moving (blink doesn't break stealth) and cloaks your allies: check

- squishy: erm... check...



and the weapons? well... everything works, really.

Cloak allows you to just sit at the cap and shoot everything, but it also allows you to sit some distance away and snipe without getting harassed.

Itzal's mobility also allows you to make good use of shorter range weapons.

Edited by Alighierian
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Blink is the ultimate movement ability. However adding a range mod can make blink go too far for any combat useability.


Penumbra is perfect for reviving or staying static to safely engage in ranged combat.


Cosmic Crush is a perfect loot collector with medium damage output. It can be used in combination with Penumbra to suck enemies in your proximity to you and easily dispatch of them with a few melee blows.


Fighter Escort is a fire and forget ability. It can deal decent amounts of damage, but falls off rather quickly against higher level armored units. It's real value, in my opinion, lies in the drones ability to deflect some attacks and spare you from getting hit by a few missiles.


In my opinion, pretty much the best archwing out there right now. The stats may seem low, but its abilities offer great survivability if used right, especially in conjuction with Itzal's great maneuverability and speed. You can use pretty much any weapon right now and it'll go well with Itzal. (That excludes Corvas because Corvas is ultra trash tier.)

Edited by Storchenbein
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Iztal is like the Loki of archwing if you ask me


first skill lets you blink about 200m in the facing direction

second skill invis lets you revive people easly, and people around you get to get invis as well

third skill is very questionable if its worth using or not (Could cause death and such)

fourth skill makes little turrents that follow and attack enemys, and they deal a AOE damage when they die


its also super fast and has a total of 500 Stamina 

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I want it so bad


So a few questions

I know it's clantech which is awesome , no RNG involved


1-obviously , is it worth it?

2- Weapons that go well with it?




PS; how many AW slots do we have by default?


Itzal is a glass cannon, but in my opinion it is the most powerful Archwing by far - Instantaneous teleportation, PBAoE group invisibility, spammable PBAoE that also draws in power ups and drops, and automatic support drones. You can make a Fomorian run in just over a minute with a min-maxed Itzal on, and heaven help anything that gets in your way.

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It's definitely worth getting if you like archwing, and just about any weapon works well with it. Like Alighierian said, the shooting doesn't disable the cloak, though moving does. Just keep in mind that it's a toggle ability, and thus has energy drain over time. And Blink allows you to quickly close distance for melee. But you'll want to practice targetting an enemy to get the most out of it, as you can overshoot if you don't target something.

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It's definitely worth getting if you like archwing, and just about any weapon works well with it. Like Alighierian said, the shooting doesn't disable the cloak, though moving does. Just keep in mind that it's a toggle ability, and thus has energy drain over time. And Blink allows you to quickly close distance for melee. But you'll want to practice targetting an enemy to get the most out of it, as you can overshoot if you don't target something.

sweet .

glad I potatoed my velocitus :)

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Well i have used it. it works very well on interception if you are using energy siphon, the 1st ability will allow you to bascially sword dash in space, but its so fast its like teleporting, with maxed out mods on that archwing you can go about 500 meters minumn, The 4th ability is also really good on interception, since you can have drones gaurd you, while you take out other enemies.The 3rd ability is amazing, sucks all health or energy orbs in, ammo, and deals damage and sucks in enemies. The second ability i dont suggest, its a channeled invisaiblity ability. I dont suggest using Iztal on sabatoge mission, unless they add the formian ship tilesets(like in the eyes of blight event), becuase you can nuke the cores in corpus ships with warhead on the Eyltron. 

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Just remember you'll need 4 tellurium to make the itzal pieces so you'll need to do some archwing (probs interceptions) post patch to pick those up. It's not hard in interceptions where you're taking out hundreds of enemies, esp with an elytron in the group.


But yes itzal is quite a step up from the Odonata. Personally I'm not sure whether I prefer it over the Elytron, but it is a damn sight easier to get without paying plat. It's an ability heavy frame like the elytron, but with the amount of energy pickups you get in space that is a good thing, the Odonata your best use of energy after the frontal shield is just channelling melee for more damage.

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As everyone who has will tell you it's a lot of fun to use.  I used it to farm the last piece of Elytron and it makes Uranus Interception remarkably easy.


Only problem is the Elytron feels like a slug afterward.


I've been running the event with mine and a four Froma Velocitious clearing the way for everyone else.  The drawback to this is waiting in the core for five minutes while the rest catch up.



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