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Rushers Are Douches


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devs made it so half the team requiered for timer cause they also see rushers as a problem, atleast have to common sense to stand outside the invisible line that trigger the timer and leve the others catch up, or go help them, if you want to rush, go to solo mode or private mod and have a race with your friends wich the winner gets nothing.

Edited by BloodHungryKitten
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One of the first things I learned in this game is to play with friends. This is an awesome game solo or with friends, but it's an awful game to PUG. I only open it up on defense missions because I need the help, and only if I have no other friends playing atm.


I'm okay with it this way, as that's how it's been since I started.

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 The gameplay don't give any reason to complete missions faster, but rewards you if you open every lockers and take time to complete missions (mods, credits, crafting components ..). If  you can't understand that, you guys got real problems

end mission rewards don't scale with time spent on the mission. so the shorter the mission, the greater the reward (proportionally). plenty of a reason to rush.

"If  you can't understand that, you got real problems"

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I find threads like these useless sadly, both sides could apply the same rules/reasons to each other.

Rusher? Play solo, you tard.

Slow? Play solo, you tard.

Couldn't be bothered about this tbh. If I rush I go with my rusher friends, if I want to relax and murder some Grineer, I'll go with the slow friends.


Good luck with this I guess.

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Wouldnt say douches or anything regarding rushers, to each his own i guess.

I personally dont rush, since i feel that im not running in a marathon.

Only problem is when people get left behind & the countdown finishes (i always tend to wait for all to complete the mission together)

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Wow never seen so much butthurt over one opinion. I'm not saying that you should go at a slow pace. But if you are in a high level area, it's common decency to try and kill some enemies as you run along. And to address one comment here, no my stats are always highest. Even when I rush to the end, I kill as many as I can to make it quicker for the people behind me. That, IMO is not 'rushing'. That's all I'm saying.

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I usually play with the same team, we rush if its low level and kill literally everything when its high lvl (or kappa defense mission).


The only problem i have when i join a random group is... when people are soooooo freaking slow!
I dont necessarily mean that they kill everything. But rather how they only know to sprint and walk... (equip some sprint mods then pls)
I think a majority of ppl know how to wallrun, slide melee through the missions, right?

So when i rush through the level with these random groups, i end up killing everything before they get there....

Cause waiting at the extract doesnt help so i need some time to kill and walking slow is definitely not my style since i play ash/nyx.

Edited by Blackchaosvortex
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He's just venting, and what he said happens. I don't understand why he gets down voted so much.

Is this how this community is? Down vote someone just because their opinion doesn't appeal to you?


And some guy said it is possible that, the rush team got ahead and killed everything, it is the slower team that when they got there, enemies have already re-spawned. As much as this may be true, it is not for my case. 80% of the time I got the highest kill count, all thanks to the trash rushers left for me to take care of. They are just simply rushing.


I rush at times, but not because of...Well whatever reason rushers rush. I rush, just so that I would be there before the counter ends, simply to ensure I'll get my reward when half the team decide it's too much work to get one step out of the extraction zone so the timer wouldn't count.


PS. Rhinos got a hard time catching up with others during his early levels.

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I only rush when the host has some horrible connection to me and i'm lagging something awful. I'm not gonna abort mission and go private and I can't force myself to be host so if the host is half way across the world, sorry but I'm not gonna sit there with 1000 ms ping and hit a enemy 8 times till it registers once, I'm just gonna rush it get it over with and be done with it.

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Also if you want to speed run, either find people to speed run with or go solo. Rushing is douchey when the people you are with don't want to keep up and leave everything behind.

Same goes both ways...

if you want to do your own thing, find people who play the same style or go solo.

Dont expect people to play your style of play just because you play online.....

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I thought I'm not a rusher, just an Ash user with max rush mod.


Now I'm leveling a Rhino, and still get to extraction faster than my team. So I must reconsider my stance. But I kill stuff that's unlucky enough to get in my way fo' sure. :-]

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Have you noticed how Lotus is all "Hey go grab the artifact guys" then "OK cool go leave now"? That's because those are your OBJECTIVES. The enemies are obstacles, not targets, unless you're playing extermination or defense.


This is why people keep crying over not getting mats/mods/cores.

They run through the missions and dont get anything.




Rushing gets you credits the fastest.


If you want mods or resources, do defense missions instead.


"Looting" levels, especially containers, is horribly inefficient and boring. If you prefer to play that way, fine, but don't expect others to just go "Oh, sure, go ahead, waste my time all you want."


If you want to be efficient.... why are you even joining games with people? Since they are going to slow you down anyway...

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I have never seen a single player rush to the end without killing a thing. If you're going to run through a level with out killing a thing play solo. It's easier no waiting in elevators or at dual lock doors.


I am quite tired of both arguments. the fact is it is easier to rush solo than to not rush and solo. So all of you please stop the bloody arguing about 4 minutes of slightly inconvenient game time.

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I went into an alert mission where the objective to kill the 4 miner tanks. I was with one other person at the time went to kill a tank in another area. While I killed the tank there, the other team kills the other tanks and then go to extraction. Appearently, the tank I was at was not near the exit like the others so they get there first. The mobs all spawn when I killed my tank and I also ran out of ammo, so I died. No one came to help me and I got 0 credits on an alert. Welp, that's my story.

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Only reason I was downvoted so much is because I didn't make myself clear. Don't misunderstand me. Rushing is fine. But if they are high level enemies, they will chase you. And stop at the doors. Then the people behind you CAN'T run through without fighting. I personally hate it when I have to play with people who walk instead of sprint or who just generally lag behind. What people read when I started the thread was "I GO SLOW AND EVERYONE SHOULD GO SLOW LULZ". People really shouldn't be so subjective by assuming things I never said.

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Only reason I was downvoted so much is because I didn't make myself clear. Don't misunderstand me. Rushing is fine. But if they are high level enemies, they will chase you. And stop at the doors. Then the people behind you CAN'T run through without fighting. I personally hate it when I have to play with people who walk instead of sprint or who just generally lag behind. What people read when I started the thread was "I GO SLOW AND EVERYONE SHOULD GO SLOW LULZ". People really shouldn't be so subjective by assuming things I never said.


You bring up a valid point, its probably not enjoyable if you are left with the clean up crew. However if your subject title is Rushers are Douches I think you'll attract the type of people that will be attracted to the bait you left out.

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You bring up a valid point, its probably not enjoyable if you are left with the clean up crew. However if your subject title is Rushers are Douches I think you'll attract the type of people that will be attracted to the bait you left out.

Good point. Like I said though, I just needed vent. Maybe I should take a lesson from my own handbook and not be so subjective.

Edited by Tetrinomicon
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Good point. Like I said though, I just needed vent. Maybe I should take a lesson from my own handbook and not be so subjective.


If you can't beat them join them.  See what it's like on the other side.  Equip your frame with rush mods.  It's better to be able to play both playstyles, so instead of complaining of feeling left out, you can adapt to different situations.  There are situations where it's just not smart to stick around, because you've got two players that start the countdown at extraction. You DO have to develop the skills to keep up with the team.

Edited by sushidubya
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I like to rush, even more on maps that have 0 resources that will benefit me.  The resource drop rates for anything are soooo poor that you are better off rushing through with minimal amount of looting, and then going to a proper farming map later on.  It's more about efficiency, versus wasting vast amounts of time with very little reward.


I take out most light armored units, sometimes ancients are not worth the ammo to bring down, and I tend to avoid disrupters.  It is not my fault that silly noobs cannot survive, or make their way through the same sets of enemies that I just did.  Most warframes have crowd control abilities, or you can easily equip a heavy melee weapon with a good knockdown effect.  Also, weapons can be equipped with mods, such as ice damage, that drastically slow down enemies, making them easy to avoid.


If you cannot survive on your own, then go to an easier level, or keep up.  Don't run off on your own and expect your teammates to run halfway across the ship to save you.


A mission should not take 20-30 minutes to play through.  Most people don't have the attention span for that.  Many multiplayer games will limit match time to 10 minutes.  After 15 minutes, it just gets old.  If you want everyone to play the game EXACTLY like you do, then go join a clan.


The game mechanics give you a lot of speed options, so I'm going to take advantage of them.

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Hi, I just needed to vent. People who rush to the extraction point once an objective is complete are douches. Don't get me wrong; go ahead and sprint all the way there. But at least TRY to take out some enemies. Otherwise they clump at the doors and make it impossible to run past. So you have 1-2 people trying to fight through ALL the enemies on a map. Is anyone else with me here or am I alone in thinking this? I hate it when players just run past all the enemies, then I have to clean up after them because by the 5 seconds it takes to get there, the enemies have all blocked up a door. This is a team game right?

Save you ultimate to those doors full of enemies, problem solve :3   <------learned at the hard way >.>

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I hate it when players just run past all the enemies, then I have to clean up after them because by the 5 seconds it takes to get there, the enemies have all blocked up a door. This is a team game right?


I know that feel...

What's with all the downvotes?


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 If you want everyone to play the game EXACTLY like you do, then go join a clan.


Could rushers not do the exact same thing? Go join a clan of people that like to rush through the game?


This is a co-op game. The idea is to team up together. Not run off and leave your team mates in the s**t. 

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Sence the changes to the game I no longer really have a problem with rushers only few times I dont host myself and those time I just rush with them. But the times I host we some times go in to crawl speed making the rusher having to wait alittle extra (not that long tho 2-3min maybe wich is a eterinity for a rusher) as a payback from before the change. =P


Ps. Oh some times when saying crawl speed in the chat after they rushed a elavator before the rest of the team you might be lucky to slow them down to happend one or two times.

Edited by Emolition
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