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Once the relay hubs comes to PS4 and XBox One, you'll have a void trader named Baro Ki'Teer visit one of the relays from time to time with rare mods and cosmetics. Usually on a 10 day cycle (7 days away, 3 days present).


You'll be able to turn in all those excess prime parts you got running for one particular other part to one of the two consoles per relay for Ducats, a new currency only used by Baro, to purchase those legendary rarity mods which are quite more effective than their standard counterparts.


A maxed Flow gives you +150% Energy? A maxed Primed Flow gives you +275%. Likewise, if you're not interested in the Primed mods, you can still get unique cosmetics for a pittance in comparison.


Depending on rarity, sold prime parts / blueprints range from 10 to 50 Ducats per piece. Primed Flow cost 350 Ducats, if I remember right.

Edited by Wiegraf
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I'm very interested, thanks for the info.  How strong do you have to be to defend the hubs?


It's not hard to do the event and get points its more of a community thing where people have to take down a fomorian before it takes the relay down. so what you can do is just do those missions and hope many do the same.

A good thing is to at least max out some archwing gear and get some mods before the event possibly starts. I was pretty unprepared for a archwing event and leveled my gear and got mods throughout the event.

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I'm very interested, thanks for the info.  How strong do you have to be to defend the hubs?


you don't have to be too strong but the problem is that it was a community effort.  It is up to people running the mission over and over to take out the attacking ship.  But you only get a reward for attacking it once.  Which...as you can see from the PC event, was a bit of a problem.


I had no problems running the missions with a Odonata in the 20's with a handful of mods and a nearly complete Imperator.  However, I found the key was to not bother with the mobs down the center.  I always flew in off to the left avoiding all of the riffraff and most all of the Zeppelin that can capture you in a shield/web thing.   Take out the left shield generator on the Fomorian ship, then fly along the surface of it to avoid its lasers and take out the right one.  Then fly downwards to the open slots where the generator lives.


Then...wait for your slow-arse teammates to take all damn day to get into the generator chamber so you can all attack it.

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haha. thats how I started the event. You just need to take the time, get some mods and level your gear. Makes it a lot more enjoyable later on. And pick up the itzal archwing as soon as you can after release. That thing is a blast to play with, teleporting all over the place.

And remember, melee is your friend

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Wait i's a archwing? I like archwing but I actually hate playing it. This just killed my whole mood.



I feel as it's too difficult :/


Oh, it gets 'better', we needed 300 Cryotic per Fomorian Disruptor plus 4 Isotopes (new resource, drops fairly frequently in any mission on a planet that currently has an attacking Balor Fomorian ship) and some common resources to craft.  I assume PSN and XBOX will have similar requirements.  You spend one Disruptor per mission.


So farm some Cryotic ahead of time as well maybe.

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Oh, it gets 'better', we needed 300 Cryotic per Fomorian Disruptor plus 4 Isotopes (new resource, drops fairly frequently in any mission on a planet that currently has an attacking Balor Fomorian ship) and some common resources to craft.  I assume PSN and XBOX will have similar requirements.  You spend one Disruptor per mission.


So farm some Cryotic ahead of time as well maybe.

Farming T3 mobile defense keys out of excavations.  Why?  Because of this, and because not getting the Scindo prime blade is the height of my day...

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The cryotic will send you on a bit of a farm from time to time. a simple mission will net you about 1300 if you don't want to go too far and that will give you 4 disruptors, you will need 4500 cryotic for the 15 disruptors you need to get all points (and more if you want to do nodes multiple times or want to do additional nodes)

Isotopes are no problem, just run Killiken on venus when a fomorian is at the venus (vesper) relay and go for 20+ waves and that will net you a LOT of isotopes.

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have fun with those... unless they are changed before a update is pushed to the consoles. Lets say that the t4 versions can be a bit problematic.


Oh, I can't wait! I am actually dreading their implementation on PS4 based on the amount of grief I see on these forums about them. At least they have been improved a little bit right? Thankfully you PC players do all our testing and most of our complaining for us. We don't know what broken lights are either. 


Edit: One more thing, hopefully the Nullifiers don't cause anyone to quit. Sometimes PS4 gets a little lonely as it is.

Edited by (PS4)renosis
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Oh, I can't wait! I am actually dreading their implementation on PS4 based on the amount of grief I see on these forums about them. At least they have been improved a little bit right? Thankfully you PC players do all our testing and most of our complaining for us. We don't know what broken lights are either. 


Edit: One more thing, hopefully the Nullifiers don't cause anyone to quit. Sometimes PS4 gets a little lonely as it is.

You are welcome xD Needed as well really as getting even a hotfix through the psn curators is problematic to say the least. what ould be fixed on pc in potentially under a hour (has actually happened before, on console it would take at least a week...

on the edit, don't think so, one who quits because of them must have a lot of other issues with warframe that are way bigger then some irritating enemies. So don't worry about that too much.

On the nullifiers though.

the first problem is that they have a shield that moves with them (like arctic eximus) and nullifies any warframe power and blocks all weapons. while a warframe power literally does nothing to anything inside of that shield the way to take them (and anything inside) down is by:

1. melee inside the bubble (without any defensive skills as the bubble removes them).

2. shooting at the shield to make it smaller until it pops.

The problem with 2 is that damage does not matter, only the amount of hits do. so while a soma takes it down quikly. A opticor has no chance to take it down quickly and that is the first problem, you need fire rate or something like a shot gun, slow single strike weapons wont do.


The second problem is simple, a t4 nullifier can one shot a standard caster frame...

Edited by Airwolfen
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You are welcome xD Needed as well really as getting even a hotfix through the psn curators is problematic to say the least. what ould be fixed on pc in potentially under a hour (has actually happened before, on console it would take at least a week...

on the edit, don't think so, one who quits because of them must have a lot of other issues with warframe that are way bigger then some irritating enemies. So don't worry about that too much.

On the nullifiers though.

the first problem is that they have a shield that moves with them (like arctic eximus) and nullifies any warframe power and blocks all weapons. while a warframe power literally does nothing to anything inside of that shield the way to take them (and anything inside) down is by:

1. melee inside the bubble (without any defensive skills as the bubble removes them).

2. shooting at the shield to make it smaller until it pops.

The problem with 2 is that damage does not matter, only the amount of hits do. so while a soma takes it down quikly. A opticor has no chance to take it down quickly and that is the first problem, you need fire rate or something like a shot gun, slow single strike weapons wont do.


The second problem is simple, a t4 nullifier can one shot a standard caster frame...



Ya that is awful. That kind of ruins the use of many weapons, specifically in solo play. I guess you could bring a side arm to mitigate if you wanted to use a slow weapon as primary or vice versa. 


As for the PS4 hotfixes, we can get some quickly. There are often 3 or 4 that go out after a patch, anywhere from an hour later (if it is game breaking) to a week later. I don't know if these get cleared by Sony, or if they have some kind of "window" after an update. These hotfixes are only downloaded through Warframe's Launcher, where as the major update is pushed out through PSN and then the Launcher. Maybe they can only modify the main executable through Sony Certification and the can adjust all the other data files through Warframe Launcher.

Edited by (PS4)renosis
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You need ducats to buy the primed mods too, you get those by running voids and selling off your primed parts for them. The primed mods are all fairly pricey, so you should save up to get them.


Are these Primed mods a one time deal? Will the void trader come back and offer Primed Continuity again if say you couldn't raise the Ducats to get it?


Can you get the Primed mods through transmutation?


Also what do you mean by expensive? I like to think I have a lot of prime parts. I run a lot of void. I used to sell most of the extras (keep 5 sets or so of each prime item, but sell anything above 5 sets) off for credits, but I stopped as soon as I first heard about the void trader coming out on PC.

Edited by (PS4)renosis
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