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Rest In Peace Charlie Hebdo Journalists


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It's a bad day for freedom of speech in our modern society.


My thoughts go to the civilians and policemen's families who died.




C'est un triste jour pour la liberté d'expression.


Mes pensée vont aux victimes de ce drame.

Edited by Deidaku
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I saw the article at the headline of BBC news. It's just all sorts of messed up. 


Excuse my language, but I @(*()$ hate extremists.

No one likes extremists......except extremists ....and even that's not always true....


Language excused :)


all that for 1 drawning...i'd better not post it here in case I may offend more people but it's really stupid to kill people over something as trivial as that

Edited by Deidaku
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I'm praying that this event doesn't spur people to commit hate crimes against Muslims in retaliation. Events like this tend to spark Islamophobia, which only perpetuates violence further.



france is getting more and more islamophobic by the day and it's scary.

There's a writer called micher Houllelbecp who wrote a super islamophoic book about franc ebeing taken over by a muslmim brotherhood  president who would install charia law in france.....complete paranoïa

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I'm praying that this event doesn't spur people to commit hate crimes against Muslims in retaliation. Events like this tend to spark Islamophobia, which only perpetuates violence further.

It'll happen. No matter how much we try to make sure the Islamic aren't to blame in their entirety, people and their simple mindedness will just say "All the islams are terrorists" even though nearly every single muslim country condemns any form of terrorism.

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I'm french, I learned about this while working, I couldn't even believe this happened

I grew up as a teen reading this newspaper & "le canard enchainé" (wiki it if you don't know)

I can't believe such things can happen in my country, not chauvinism but I thought this could only happen in dictatorships/countries at war...


It'll happen. No matter how much we try to make sure the Islamic aren't to blame in their entirety, people and their simple mindedness will just say "All the islams are terrorists" even though nearly every single muslim country condemns any form of terrorism.


don't underestimate people, though a reaction like this from some of them is inevitable, but news here point that people do know the difference between religious people & fanatics.


we can but hope, I don't believe much in god(s) personnally, but I would pray for these poor people

I can only feel deeply saddened that some people are uneducated/not rational enough to commit those kind of acts

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I'm praying that this event doesn't spur people to commit hate crimes against Muslims in retaliation. Events like this tend to spark Islamophobia, which only perpetuates violence further.


I live in France and..it's not pretty, a lot of people are ready to jump on the occasion and the young retards who pretend to be muslims aren't helping either

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Today, we said farwell to twelve defenders of the freedom of speech. The whole France remained silent at 12am. All our thoughs are directed towards Charlie Hebdo.


What about us ?


We are Tennos, we remain silent. But as silent we are, our mind is growing with all the power of our inner voice. Not only for us, but also the whole world.


Because our words are stronger than the rifle.

Because our ink is stronger than the fire.

Because our pencils are stronger than the lead.


Kill a few, a thousand more will arise. Shall the free minds spread, shine and remain unrestrained.

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