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Energy 2.0: The Anti-4 To Win And A Bit Of Balancing


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In essense "I'm going to be mad and say you're wrong". Dude, whatever you want to think is whatever you want to think. Guns are good for single target DPS, they rule outright. Powers are good for area damage, that's the point of an AoE. You wanted to compare guns and powers, so we did. I gave you examples of guns that slow 75% or even freeze enemies. You get CC/Utility from procs and punch through, not as much as powers, but it's still something.


They're both good at what they do. One makes sure whatever you're aiming is overkilled to the extreme at can't aim back, and the other whacks a whole area to kill or stunlock your targets.

Instead of answering you shoot back garbage talk


I think ive made my point clear here


Guns havnt caused nearly the amount of controversy as powers and for good reason

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You know what was a neat energy system? MegaMan: Maverick Hunter X. Specifically, Vile.

X's weapon energy handled a lot more like current WarFrame energy. He had a LOT of it, but every time he used a weapon a little bit of that energy would deplete and he could only restore energy by grabbing weapon energy capsules.

Vile's energy handled much differently. All of his weapons consumed energy (he didn't have a "normal" attack like X's buster that was free). His maximum energy was much smaller, but it regenerated at a very quick rate. Weapons that were incredibly powerful consumed huge chunks of the gauge, and then required him to wait until it was nearly full before he could use them again. Weaker, faster weapons would cost him considerably less energy and allow him to spam them repeatedly for minutes on end, sometimes without actually draining the meter (because his regen was equal or slightly faster).

If Warframe adopted an energy system like Vile's, it would be interesting. Make all the basic abilities much cheaper, make the 4's SUPER expensive. This way, a Tenno has a choice between spamming his cheaper abilities, or going 4-only and having to wait a bit between each cast.

Admittedly, this would put a "cooldown" on abilities, and this would severely hamper Tenno on endless missions or other missions where lots of enemies are thrown constantly at you for no reason.

To be fair, though, that doesn't mean cooldowns are a bad idea. It means difficulty in the game needs to be tweaked because it's too freakin' demanding. The fact that enemies are thrown like that at you on endless missions is NOT good. It's entirely the reason 4spam exists, which is bad because 4spam trivializes everything that isn't an endless mission, meaning it is a very real problem with the game.

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You know what was a neat energy system? MegaMan: Maverick Hunter X. Specifically, Vile.

X's weapon energy handled a lot more like current WarFrame energy. He had a LOT of it, but every time he used a weapon a little bit of that energy would deplete and he could only restore energy by grabbing weapon energy capsules.

Vile's energy handled much differently. All of his weapons consumed energy (he didn't have a "normal" attack like X's buster that was free). His maximum energy was much smaller, but it regenerated at a very quick rate. Weapons that were incredibly powerful consumed huge chunks of the gauge, and then required him to wait until it was nearly full before he could use them again. Weaker, faster weapons would cost him considerably less energy and allow him to spam them repeatedly for minutes on end, sometimes without actually draining the meter (because his regen was equal or slightly faster).

If Warframe adopted an energy system like Vile's, it would be interesting. Make all the basic abilities much cheaper, make the 4's SUPER expensive. This way, a Tenno has a choice between spamming his cheaper abilities, or going 4-only and having to wait a bit between each cast.

Admittedly, this would put a "cooldown" on abilities, and this would severely hamper Tenno on endless missions or other missions where lots of enemies are thrown constantly at you for no reason.

To be fair, though, that doesn't mean cooldowns are a bad idea. It means difficulty in the game needs to be tweaked because it's too freakin' demanding. The fact that enemies are thrown like that at you on endless missions is NOT good. It's entirely the reason 4spam exists, which is bad because 4spam trivializes everything that isn't an endless mission, meaning it is a very real problem with the game.

Seems like a reasonable idea

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Instead of answering you shoot back garbage talk


I think ive made my point clear here


Guns havnt caused nearly the amount of controversy as powers and for good reason

Haha, garbage talk? I answered your question. Everything I said about guns and powers is true.



You know what was a neat energy system? MegaMan: Maverick Hunter X. Specifically, Vile.

X's weapon energy handled a lot more like current WarFrame energy. He had a LOT of it, but every time he used a weapon a little bit of that energy would deplete and he could only restore energy by grabbing weapon energy capsules.

Vile's energy handled much differently. All of his weapons consumed energy (he didn't have a "normal" attack like X's buster that was free). His maximum energy was much smaller, but it regenerated at a very quick rate. Weapons that were incredibly powerful consumed huge chunks of the gauge, and then required him to wait until it was nearly full before he could use them again. Weaker, faster weapons would cost him considerably less energy and allow him to spam them repeatedly for minutes on end, sometimes without actually draining the meter (because his regen was equal or slightly faster).

If Warframe adopted an energy system like Vile's, it would be interesting. Make all the basic abilities much cheaper, make the 4's SUPER expensive. This way, a Tenno has a choice between spamming his cheaper abilities, or going 4-only and having to wait a bit between each cast.

Admittedly, this would put a "cooldown" on abilities, and this would severely hamper Tenno on endless missions or other missions where lots of enemies are thrown constantly at you for no reason.

To be fair, though, that doesn't mean cooldowns are a bad idea. It means difficulty in the game needs to be tweaked because it's too freakin' demanding. The fact that enemies are thrown like that at you on endless missions is NOT good. It's entirely the reason 4spam exists, which is bad because 4spam trivializes everything that isn't an endless mission, meaning it is a very real problem with the game.

We tried cool downs before, and it really was annoying and useless in closed beta because people would just clear a room, be it with powers or guns, and just wait for their abilities to come off of cool down. How would extended duration builds or high efficiency builds be affected by these? Remember also that not all frames are targeted for their ults, Frost's Globe or Mag's Pull or Nekros' Desecrate, to name a few. Giving Frames innate regen sounds interesting though.

Edited by AlphaHorseman
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I think the major problem is min/max. Look at Saryn, I love her but if build her to excel on Miasma you have to give up entirely to Contagion and Venom. Only Molt with his augment has reason to be used. 


That said, a huge NO to cooldown for warframe abilities.

Edited by -CM-Angus
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I think the major problem is min/max. Look at Saryn, I love her but if build her to excel on Miasma you have to give up entirely to Contagion and Venom. Only Molt with his augment has reason to be used. 


That said, a huge NO to cooldown for warframe abilities.

As a Saryn main who has played this warframe for over 362 hours and growing, I still say nuke builds should be limited. You ruining all of your other abilities and augments to cheese the game should come with a penalty of a sort, especially when the gameplay "playstyle" is just pressing 4 to harm things with a radial X-ray nuke.


Radial damage abilities do need a form of limitation--they are bad passive abilities which remove your skill-based gameplay participation, diminish the value of skill in this game compared to modding, and often destroy non-infinitely scaling enemies in the solar system and void with no challenge until you go deep into infinite content--only 3 game modes out of many.


Alternatively, the developers in DE can overhaul all aspects of combat--enemies, weapons, mods, damage types, statuses--to fit radial abilities more appropriately in the scheme. As of currently, even the weaker radial damage abilities have the power to completely trivialize all non-infinite content.

Edited by MechaKnight
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As a Saryn main who has played this warframe for over 362 hours and growing, I still say nuke builds should be limited. You ruining all of your other abilities and augments to cheese the game should come with a penalty of a sort, especially when the gameplay "playstyle" is just pressing 4 to harm things with a radial X-ray nuke.


Radial damage abilities do need a form of limitation--they are bad passive abilities which remove your skill-based gameplay participation, diminish the value of skill in this game compared to modding, and often destroy non-infinitely scaling enemies in the solar system and void with no challenge until you go deep into infinite content--only 3 game modes out of many.


Alternatively, the developers in DE can overhaul all aspects of combat--enemies, weapons, mods, damage types, statuses--to fit radial abilities more appropriately in the scheme. As of currently, even the weaker radial damage abilities have the power to completely trivialize all non-infinite content.

All of these things are true. However maybe what we need to do is find a way to limit these powers which provides the ability to continue using them as is(i'll be it a weaker form, I still contend that they are much too powerful to be in constant use without necessity of performing any other action and without limitation) but as compensation implement the charge mechanic to allow even greater potential damage than now to occur IF said user "builds up" a charge of some kind to execute a world shattering smack down of epic glorious wrath? This way ults can scale much further into the game as well as maybe even have additional affects that the constant cast aoe skill cannot get? At that point they could even add mods to allow the faster charging of say "CATACLYSMIC" ult charge rate. This would in turn open up new build variety for various caster styles.


Thus increasing caster power at the same time combating the mindless use of ults?


Powers would be intact for general usage(you may have to hit it a few more times to do the job but the purpose is still served) however we then in return get meaningful skills we can use much later into content.


This I believe would service to maintain the validity of builds and hopefully be a soft deterrent on endlessly spamming 1 skill.  


Thus 1 thing needs to be changed versus utterly wrecking every other system from the ground up.

Edited by geninrising
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Its not


If it were then guns wouldve gotten the Viver treatment long ago

Isn't it funny that DE reverted those nerfs to Trinity, Excal, and Mag? Yes, they did. I still answered your question. If it wasn't the answer you wanted, that's not my problem.




As a Saryn main who has played this warframe for over 362 hours and growing, I still say nuke builds should be limited. You ruining all of your other abilities and augments to cheese the game should come with a penalty of a sort, especially when the gameplay "playstyle" is just pressing 4 to harm things with a radial X-ray nuke.


Radial damage abilities do need a form of limitation--they are bad passive abilities which remove your skill-based gameplay participation, diminish the value of skill in this game compared to modding, and often destroy non-infinitely scaling enemies in the solar system and void with no challenge until you go deep into infinite content--only 3 game modes out of many.


Alternatively, the developers in DE can overhaul all aspects of combat--enemies, weapons, mods, damage types, statuses--to fit radial abilities more appropriately in the scheme. As of currently, even the weaker radial damage abilities have the power to completely trivialize all non-infinite content.



Oh Saryn is fun. Remember that maxing out any frames power using Corrupted Mods already places restrictions on the entirety of a WarFrames kit. You are able to specialize and maximize one aspect of your frame, but you also minimize other aspects as the sacrifice. So you're pretty much specialized, although the use of the specialization is dependent on what a player goes for. You sacrifice much for it.


They destroy these enemies on high level content with a maxed build for it. Not always do they. A Radial Javelin built from a new player on Apollodorus isn't going to be able to kill anything on Pluto. End-game builds for nukes, yeah, they'll kill everything outside of endless (except for t4, in some nukes cases, i.e. Frosts Avalanche and Mag's Crush). But those are end-game builds for nukes, not everyone has them. Vets, sure, the rest of the community wouldn't. Or are still building their powers. 


I like your alternative though, it seems to be a great way to grow the game rather than hurt the game. Not for nukes, but upgrading and diversifying all those things overall. It would do well to grow the variety and depth of the game to do those things.

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For the 3 Warframes I currently use, this is the amount of times I usually use them, from greatest to least


Valkyr: 4,1, and 2 and 3 which I never use


Nova: 1 as much as possible, 3, 4, and I almost never use 2


Zephyr: 1, 4, 3, 2 I almost never use

Why not use warcry?


Isn't it funny that DE reverted those nerfs to Trinity, Excal, and Mag? Yes, they did. I still answered your question. If it wasn't the answer you wanted, that's not my problem.

Almost as funny as the map changes and changes to the way Interceptions work?

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We sort of need to be able to spam abilities because of the number of enemies thrown at us by DE. We need to change both, energy and enemy spawns in order to balance it.


Then we'd also need to start getting more exp per enemy since there will be less of them, unless DE wants to turn warframe into a Korean mmo.

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Really wish people would stop suggesting cooldowns as a way to "fix" abilities.

There were cooldowns, they were bad.

What's bad about cooldowns? 


If we can no longer chain stun entire maps of enemies, then it's conceivable that DE would rebalance the exp and drop tables as well as the enemy AI to create an overall more entertaining game.


Imagine of Warframe had the same difficulty level as Halo Firefight. It'd be way more fun, but it's really not something that's going to happen as long as we still have unlimited spam.


At the very least we need an overheat system so that we can't spam back to back to back for ever and onward


Edited by Vallerian
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Exactly, they aren't hurting the players, they're changing up the game and improving the game.

You take it as hurting the players?


Why do you push everything to the most negative it could be


The glass isnt half full


They arent hurting the players


Theyre helping the game

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What's bad about cooldowns? 


If we can no longer chain stun entire maps of enemies, then it's conceivable that DE would rebalance the exp and drop tables as well as the enemy AI to create an overall more entertaining game.


Imagine of Warframe had the same difficulty level as Halo Firefight. It'd be way more fun, but it's really not something that's going to happen as long as we still have unlimited spam.


At the very least we need an overheat system so that we can't spam back to back to back for ever and onward


We had cooldowns, they were easily exploited and bad for the flow of the game. Not to mention you're pretty much telling  casters "go screw yourselves."


We can still achieve balance, it's the year of Quality, they're already working on it. Not to mention we have numerous enemy types that resist our powers, like the Nullifiers, Eximi, infested Healers, and even they drain our energy.


Fun is dependent from player to player. You may think that is fun, but not everyone else will. Plus, this isn't Halo.


Again, telling casters "go screw yourself."


You take it as hurting the players?


Why do you push everything to the most negative it could be


The glass isnt half full


They arent hurting the players


Theyre helping the game

You nerf something, that's pretty much hurting the game.


They are helping the game along, but not by nerfing frames and abilities outright.


I'm looking at is as the glass is half full.


"Why do you push everything to the most negative it could be", you say that and then put "the glass isn't half full".

Edited by AlphaHorseman
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You nerf something, that's pretty much hurting the game.


They are helping the game along, but not by nerfing frames and abilities outright.


I'm looking at is as the glass is half full.


"Why do you push everything to the most negative it could be", you say that and then put "the glass isn't half full".

How is nerfing hurting the game?If anything it helps the game


You have to admit that some things are just OP


For example invincible iron skin


I put the glass isnt half full as in thats the way youre seeing it by the way

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Your argument is focused on a different aspect from this:




My suggestion is to first see this argument about the mods which I believe helps show that your argument, while good, has a flaw.  It's really not about the energy issue, but the lack of plausible mods and builds that use anything more cost effective than the "spam 4 to win" tactic.

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You nerf something, that's pretty much hurting the game.


They are helping the game along, but not by nerfing frames and abilities outright.

No, look... 

You've got to take a step back and grasp the concept of game-balance for a moment. 


In the most simple terms I can explain it: 

Balance is not used to enforce play-styles on others, it's to allow a multiple play-styles to co-exist without one them becoming the obvious dominant choice. 



Balance is a tool that includes both buffs and nerfs, both are to be used carefully when you fine-tune your mechanics, and while both are capable of hurting the current game-state, they are also capable of helping the current game-state.


This game was given steroids a long time ago and as a result, a multitude of potential gameplay choices has completely been left behind because some completely outshine the others. 


Nerfs are not the Grinch of gaming, and I have no idea why you've come to believe this.

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No, look... 

You've got to take a step back and grasp the concept of game-balance for a moment. 


In the most simple terms I can explain it: 

Balance is not used to enforce play-styles on others, it's to allow a multiple play-styles to co-exist without one them becoming the obvious dominant choice. 



Balance is a tool that includes both buffs and nerfs, both are to be used carefully when you fine-tune your mechanics, and while both are capable of hurting the current game-state, they are also capable of helping the current game-state.


This game was given steroids a long time ago and as a result, a multitude of potential gameplay choices has completely been left behind because some completely outshine the others. 


Nerfs are not the Grinch of gaming, and I have no idea why you've come to believe this.

This guy^


And to answer


Bias and personal gain

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How is nerfing hurting the game?If anything it helps the game


You have to admit that some things are just OP


For example invincible iron skin


I put the glass isnt half full as in thats the way youre seeing it by the way

Oh gosh, they aren't nerfing the players, they're adding in more challenges that help to challenge the tools we have! They aren't negating all the hard work players put into their frames, they're giving them reasons to use those frames and those weapons.


Yeah, I'll admit the invincible Iron Skin is OP. The invincible Trinity Blessing was too. Haha, it was fun to play with, but seeing it go was something I had to admit was a solution since being invincible made things a bit too easy. I felt both bad and good for the Trinity players though, bad because they weren't OP anymore, good because they didn't need to keep mashing the button to keep us alive.


Ok, I'm looking at this as we have powers that work (not all of them well, but that takes time), and I like how they work, because I can customize them to my hearts content to serve the purpose I put them to. The change to make it where I have to deal with cool downs, or penalties for using my powers, or limitations to the ways I customize my powers outside of the ones that already exist, pretty much tells me "screw you for being a caster, change your style to how we want it". So, in essence, yeah, you're right, I'm seeing this as the glass is half empty because I can't see how the rest of this is half full.



No, look... 

You've got to take a step back and grasp the concept of game-balance for a moment. 


In the most simple terms I can explain it: 

Balance is not used to enforce play-styles on others, it's to allow a multiple play-styles to co-exist without one them becoming the obvious dominant choice. 



Balance is a tool that includes both buffs and nerfs, both are to be used carefully when you fine-tune your mechanics, and while both are capable of hurting the current game-state, they are also capable of helping the current game-state.


This game was given steroids a long time ago and as a result, a multitude of potential gameplay choices has completely been left behind because some completely outshine the others. 


Nerfs are not the Grinch of gaming, and I have no idea why you've come to believe this.

Sure, I can see what you're getting at. Things like the Trinity Immortal Blessing Nerf, (sadly my) Frost Invincible Snow Globe nerf, to give examples. I can see why they did those, immortality pretty much ensured you couldn't be killed so long as that skill stayed up. I still can't see how nerfing the availability of powers makes it so the rest of the game looks nicer. They make up half of the game. They give the game some of its uniqueness. They give the WarFrames their uniqueness, outside of looks. Whacking the availability of powers just tells people "We are making this more of a shooter, and you have to deal with it" when abilities are the other half of the story. Lemme ask you, what field do you feel is the one that is getting outshined by powers? Why?


This guy^


And to answer


Bias and personal gain

Oh please, sounds like someone's a little bitter.


I like my powers, I like using my powers, there's nothing wrong with that.


"Personal gain"? What am I gaining from this? "Bias"? Oh please, that's the best you got? I gain nothing from this, I gain nothing more from the system as to how it is now. I do, however, lose my ability to play as a caster when things like this come into play. And that, no, I won't support and I will argue against.

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I also like using powers, just not to where that becomes the only style. Also, I hate to see one ability buffed while all the other abilities suffer due to corrupted mods. This causes the one ability spam that is famous for several frames. Casters are fun, and I like the concept more than any other, but I feel sorry for those players that cannot hang due to their lackluster and poor croud control. The enemy numbers become too vast for a non-caster frame to handle.

While I do not agree with cool downs, the only way to make them work is to increase their effectiveness so that players can last until the abilities come off of cooldown. Even then it feels clunky. I appreciate the casting system as they have it set up now. Though a more consistent income of energy would be nice, rather than running out of energy completely and then being full of energy seconds later.

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Oh gosh, they aren't nerfing the players, they're adding in more challenges that help to challenge the tools we have! They aren't negating all the hard work players put into their frames, they're giving them reasons to use those frames and those weapons.


Yeah, I'll admit the invincible Iron Skin is OP. The invincible Trinity Blessing was too. Haha, it was fun to play with, but seeing it go was something I had to admit was a solution since being invincible made things a bit too easy. I felt both bad and good for the Trinity players though, bad because they weren't OP anymore, good because they didn't need to keep mashing the button to keep us alive.


Ok, I'm looking at this as we have powers that work (not all of them well, but that takes time), and I like how they work, because I can customize them to my hearts content to serve the purpose I put them to. The change to make it where I have to deal with cool downs, or penalties for using my powers, or limitations to the ways I customize my powers outside of the ones that already exist, pretty much tells me "screw you for being a caster, change your style to how we want it". So, in essence, yeah, you're right, I'm seeing this as the glass is half empty because I can't see how the rest of this is half full.



Sure, I can see what you're getting at. Things like the Trinity Immortal Blessing Nerf, (sadly my) Frost Invincible Snow Globe nerf, to give examples. I can see why they did those, immortality pretty much ensured you couldn't be killed so long as that skill stayed up. I still can't see how nerfing the availability of powers makes it so the rest of the game looks nicer. They make up half of the game. They give the game some of its uniqueness. They give the WarFrames their uniqueness, outside of looks. Whacking the availability of powers just tells people "We are making this more of a shooter, and you have to deal with it" when abilities are the other half of the story. Lemme ask you, what field do you feel is the one that is getting outshined by powers? Why?


Oh please, sounds like someone's a little bitter.


I like my powers, I like using my powers, there's nothing wrong with that.


"Personal gain"? What am I gaining from this? "Bias"? Oh please, that's the best you got? I gain nothing from this, I gain nothing more from the system as to how it is now. I do, however, lose my ability to play as a caster when things like this come into play. And that, no, I won't support and I will argue against.

Negating what hard work? When a frame comes out and people rush to buy it knowing that itll be changed then complain that they spent money?


Entitlement certainly isnt an excuse in that case


How about older frames like say....Trini-


Wait so you know they were OP and needed change but youre still defending this ?


Im not understanding why. Fun certainly isnt it. Player choice cant be, its restriction choice as much if not more than it creates it


Theres just no reasonable way it can stay as is


There has to be a happy medium between power fantasy and game balance


Hitting 4 for 30 minutes while others sit and watch is not that


There really is nothing that outshines powers and it should be that way but not to the point where powers are go or be  left beind


You like having and using powers? Im sure alot of people do when they play the game for them and earn several times more exp in minutes on certain nodes than you can get anywhere else


Theres the personal gain


Your post is also a bit dodgy


Why not answer instead of brushing it off


Suspicious of things is this cat

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Sure, I can see what you're getting at. Things like the Trinity Immortal Blessing Nerf, (sadly my) Frost Invincible Snow Globe nerf, to give examples. I can see why they did those, immortality pretty much ensured you couldn't be killed so long as that skill stayed up. I still can't see how nerfing the availability of powers makes it so the rest of the game looks nicer. They make up half of the game. They give the game some of its uniqueness. They give the WarFrames their uniqueness, outside of looks. Whacking the availability of powers just tells people "We are making this more of a shooter, and you have to deal with it" when abilities are the other half of the story. Lemme ask you, what field do you feel is the one that is getting outshined by powers? Why?

The powers are still there even if they are less spammable than before, they don't lose their uniqueness unless they remove abilities completely, which they won't.


But fair enough I can give you an example. 


Active Participation in the game is outshined by powers.

I can watch Mythbusters on TV while spamming Miasma on T4D for 30 minutes, because I don't actively have to participate in the game, I can have a completely relaxed posture and over half my focus can be shifted elsewhere while I am supposed to be focused on the game. 


When I rush head-first into a room and get faced with 50 guns pointed at my forehead, I normally wouldn't expect to be able to survive that, nor should I be able to if I haven't prepared for such a situation before-hand, or if I don't find something to break the LoS between me and the enemy quickly. I should DIE, because that's what I get for being an idiot and rushing into a room completely un-knowingly of what's in there. 


However, thanks to Warframe ridiculous unlimited power-spam, I can rush into the center of a room, press a button, kill/incapacitate everything, move to the next room, press a button, kill/incapacitate everything, move to the next room, etc. 

Here's all the things I am not doing when I am doing the above: 
Watching my flank, prioritizing targets while aiming for potential weak-spots to save TTK, doing evasive maneuvers, seek for ways to break LoS, judge which weapons I'll use to do the job, etc.


There's no planning here, there's no tactics or skillful play, the furthest tactics go is bring Frost or Limbo for Defense and then pick the frames of your choice to spam their abilities, caster or no. 


I don't need to worry about that cluster of enemies flanking me and my teammates at the moment, I know that I can press a button and the enemy currently attempting to flank me, along with any enemy inside my kill-radius, is dead. You no longer need situational-awareness to look out for certain priority targets that could make your life difficult, you just need to know when enemies are inside your kill-radius.


In defense for instance, all I have to worry about is Bombards, and that's IF the frost didn't bring a large enough bubble. Otherwise, I just have to wait till I can activate my Miasma and everything will be dead. I don't even need frost for this, I can cast Miasma through walls, I can simply find a piece of cover and cast from there. 


There is no sense of danger or threat in the game, because I have this amazing power that I can just activate once and everything the enemy throws at me will be completely trivialized or vaporized.  


Now in the range between lv. 1 to 35,(The star-map) why would I use a gun? I can press one button and it will annihilate everything. I didn't need to use my gun, since I could just activate the anti-life equation, and save the ammo. Sure I might use the gun to take out a couple of stragglers but that's it.

The only case I'd have to use my gun is if I am a frame that can't do that, but then I probably have hard-CC that stops enemies from fighting back completely so I can pick off targets completely at my own leisure.


I want to be participating in the game, how am I supposed to be when DE gives me all this power to the point where I don't even need to be participating in order to play? Sure I may have joined a squad and a game, but that's as far as my participation goes. Beyond that, it's all fours. 

Nerfing yourself deliberately is not a solution to this problem, as all that will happen is that I'll be running around with a gun while everybody else is throwing disco-balls of death killing everything before I get a chance to, the best I can do is pick off stragglers. Players cannot police their own power, it has never worked and it never will. 


All this applies to Hard-CC as well, why would I worry when I know the enemy can't fight back? They might as well have become lobotomized to the point where I'll feel like a bully more than a badass exo-suited warrior. 

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