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Why Do People Think High Mastery Rank = Good?


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Personally I will prefer going to with high rank people to do stuff, Most of the high rank people know what stuff they are doing , once I was in T4 Survival , three of us are rank 18, a rank 5 and he's a trinity , he died once , I told him stay nearer to us so we can revive him.


Guess what he died the second time and he is far away from us , so I told him again please stay nearer to us, we try to revive him but hes too far away again, the third he died and the same damn thing hes so far away , I said hey dude , can you please stay together now , the best part is he start raging on me calling me noob and S#&$ , the other two mr18 suggest we extract , I was thinking it's a waste of key but oh heck , after we extract , he say we are noob and left the party.


After that incident, I will "never" invite those low rank any longer , he wasted my keys, forget it , but the gaming experience with that mr5 is a nightmare for us.

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But can a MR 10 be just as " Good " as an MR 15 ?

Once your reach around MR10, it starts to not matter as much since I've had the same mods and loadout since I was MR8. However with all of these new people that weren't here in the beginning, they could be MR 10 and still not have unlocked Pluto or have all of the necessary mods like split chamber and corrupted mods.

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Personally I will prefer going to with high rank people to do stuff, Most of the high rank people know what stuff they are doing , once I was in T4 Survival , three of us are rank 18, a rank 5 and he's a trinity , he died once , I told him stay nearer to us so we can revive him.


Guess what he died the second time and he is far away from us , so I told him again please stay nearer to us, we try to revive him but hes too far away again, the third he died and the same damn thing hes so far away , I said hey dude , can you please stay together now , the best part is he start raging on me calling me noob and S#&$ , the other two mr18 suggest we extract , I was thinking it's a waste of key but oh heck , after we extract , he say we are noob and left the party.


After that incident, I will "never" invite those low rank any longer , he wasted my keys, forget it , but the gaming experience with that mr5 is a nightmare for us.

Totally and absolutely agree, been there, done that, bought the T shirt . . . and many times.


It doesn't matter how many times us high MR rankers come here and point out this and that those who aren't of a high rank will spout their crap.

It's reflective of life, there are those that do and those full of BS who are so delusional they think they do . . .

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Maybe I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking about the MR15 test, he was just talking about mastery tests in general, many of which require no skill to complete ala using a couple simple tricks here and there. Loki is one such character that has a nicely sized bag of tricks - ergo why he mentioned it. That being said, he is certainly not alone.


And if by plenty you mean a small minority - I totally agree.


using Loki to cheat on a Mastery Test isnt indicative of skill. Pretty sure they have fixed most (not all) of these cheap tactics. Even so, a Loki cheater who at least bothered to take the test is better than someone who didnt. PPL who just refuse to take their tests should be seen as slackers of some sort, there is really no reason not to. If its not hard why not do it?

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Why can so many people here not get it. Many players have played BEFORE there is such a thing as survival (I still remember how the first survival was an event mission). Those higher ranked people are only higher ranked because they ACTUALLY PLAYED. Don't talk about "well, people could play Stephano" or "hey an MR1 can be very skilled as well". Back in the day, there was NO SUCH THING as survival, interception or excavation. To argue otherwise is to say that high MR people from the start of open beta could farm xp efficiently (ie Stephano etc), which obviously shows how delusional he/she is. Those higher MR people are LIKELY to be even higher MR now.


More time in-game = experience (that is whether they were successful or whether they failed. Failure is the mother of success). More experience = more likely able to identify tough situations and react accordingly. It is as simple as that. Whether or not a low MR person can be really good is completely irrelevant. For all I know, he/she could be MR0 with 6 forma mk1 braton, lato and skana, and have spent 1000+ hours in-game. But that is an extreme example.


Another point is about the utility of weapons. Sure, not all weapons are created equal. One could argue that settling on a few good ones is all that is needed. But what is a "good one"? Just because a person mastered many weapons does not mean that that person is incapable of using them well. A higher MR gives the opportunity to try out more weapons. Those weapons are very well capable of being "good" weapons. (Except the Spectra imho - and yes I only know this because, yes I have actually tried using it.)


Therefore a higher MR has OPPORTUNITIES to more weapons and mods, and means more TIME spent in-game, thereby giving more EXPERIENCE. More experience means better or more versatile SKILLS. (Don't try to deny that either. This is proven in various studies)

I remember that event, people were struggling to reach 30 minutes in most cases because we were all still adapting to Damage 2.0 and the altered levels, I think. There was no Nekros and for some reason, Lotus got -very- stingy with life support pods after like, the 15-20 minute mark, so you had to pray to RNGesus that you'd be getting enough of the oxygen tank drops from the dead enemies in those last few minutes before qualifying for the 30 minute event reward. There were some cases of tweaked out players going for past an hour or more and people were shocked that it could happen.

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I remember that event, people were struggling to reach 30 minutes in most cases because we were all still adapting to Damage 2.0 and the altered levels, I think. There was no Nekros and for some reason, Lotus got -very- stingy with life support pods after like, the 15-20 minute mark, so you had to pray to RNGesus that you'd be getting enough of the oxygen tank drops from the dead enemies in those last few minutes before qualifying for the 30 minute event reward. There were some cases of tweaked out players going for past an hour or more and people were shocked that it could happen.

Which is a time when noobs pressed before the 25 left mark, and without leaving it until the last moment we didn't know how far across the map we had to go for the next one . . .

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i don't know why this is still a discussion and why the OP needed to start yet another thread on MR v experience.


the simple, unarguable fact is that it is a mark of experience, like in any other game, and in the most general of terms, more experience equals a better player.


i mean, is this seriously the only game where it's contested so much? no one walks into any other MMO thinks that the levelling system doesn't mean anything do they? this is the same as any other game in that respect, you do more you level up, if you relevel gear it's not reflected because you're not gaining general experience at all, just building stronger gear.


of course anyone thinking logically would never take someones level at face value, but there isn't any other system i can think of that would be more focused, can you?

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I don't know you, never ran with you, you could say anything, so how am I to know if you might be an asset ? . . .show me your high MR and that will do all the talking I need . .

mastery rank near each profile is good idea :)

posts from experienced player have more weight then from newbie (often empty air)

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So I'm a newer player and lots of people have mastery rank requirements for squadding with them. I just got to mastery rank 6, and it isn't a problem, but it got me thinking.

Why do people care about it? Sure if there's a MR1 in my party they might not have much but a MR4+ can probably do anything you can do. Since all MR is a measure of how much of the content you've levelled up, why do people care? I can do t4 survival to 60 min or more, I have decent builds or can find them, I have corrosive projection, etc. I just haven't leveled everything because I'd rather grind for what I like first instead of leveling stuff for no reason.

Furthermore, I've played with absolutely terrible players with tons of rank, and players about my skill level with lower mr.



Given the trend of "efficient affinity farming", mastery rank means even less than it ever did. When people brag about being able to rank a weapon up from 0 to 30 in ~20 minutes, no "mastery" was gained in regards to functionality of the weapon.


So we have high mastery people that have learned how to farm efficiently. They then burn through all the content quickly. And then complain that there is nothing to do in the game.

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Given the trend of "efficient affinity farming", mastery rank means even less than it ever did. When people brag about being able to rank a weapon up from 0 to 30 in ~20 minutes, no "mastery" was gained in regards to functionality of the weapon.


So we have high mastery people that have learned how to farm efficiently. They then burn through all the content quickly. And then complain that there is nothing to do in the game.

But then you have the exclusive *MR* ranks (near max) that will still hold value regardless. Power farming is hurting Warframe.


The most relevant example I could think of is ArchAge where the XP comes mainly from quests and not farming mobs for weeks. Warframe's glaring fault is the XP-tied-to-kills progression and when Syndicates were introduced it became clear how this should be avoided. Power farming wasn't as wide spread before that because it wasn't popular and mainstream. We farmed Viver ever since it became a Corpus Interception. Mainly not for XP since it was worthless for us veterans but for T4 keys and mods (I never got Stalking Fan...RNGesus). Again, XP from kills is bad and it even widens the gap between endless and other modes. Digging yourself even deeper doesn't make sense.

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It's funny how people actually think it matters... Experience/skill wise.

Truth is, it means nothing other than how many frames, weapons/ pets, and tests you have completed.

If people say otherwise then they are pretty dumb.

People ask for higher MR maybe because they have more variety in everything you have to set up a match.

Other then that it means nothing.


I played with someone on mercury who had a mr17, he/she went down after bragging on "how good he was" 30 mins in.

I ran by him/her and let 'em just die.

Soooooo yeah. Means funk all.

I will continue to laugh at people who brag.

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Power farming hurts no one.

MR doesn't really mean much if you don't have the gear and mods to back it up.


I propose instead of MR or conclave, we rate by mods instead XD.

I have a mod rating of 20+ million or so off hand that is a lot better amirite ? :P

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Power farming, lol . . . new one on me, but then, I just play the game, what happens on my MR meter just happens. When it says I can go for the next rank I go for the next rank.

After about 16 months playing the game virtually every day I'm now trying to get to MR 15 without looking for any enhanced methods mentioned in this thread.


I'm a gamer so I just play the game.


Sure, I'm aware of all the guys who look for the shortcuts in driving games, where they can wall ride etc., the guys in FPS who look to exploit the flaws etc., in fact there are a whole load of guys who cannot game without indulging their need to "cheat", or find every exploit possible.


Then there are the guys who need to spend their gaming time being dictated to by the game by spending all their time chasing the best way to get points so that they can beat the next man in getting to the next level, why, there are no prizes, not even anyone to say "well done", and why would it be "well done" anyway ?


If the above is your bag then good luck to you, but for sure it does not make your MR reflective of your skill by way of experience,

(It's a bit like these guys who take the "big bike" test, they have never been on a motorcycle before and do a crash course in big bikes to get their test. At the end of which there are a whole load of guys let loose on big bikes without all the experience over the years where the rest of us started on 125cc and worked our way up)


My MR of 14 is all experience (after 16 months have only just got enough points to go for lvl 15), but having read here how yet again the system is exploited by those who just have to get to the end as fast as possible MR indeed is now questionable as a measure of anything.

I might be an eye candy guy who can't be bothered chasing points but the fact that "fast tracking" is possible and legit negates much of the value of MR, particularly where experience is concerned as a measure.

Edited by CaptainEras
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I disagree. In the few times I have played co-op with random newbies, they have displayed much better co-op-oriented skills than most of the higher ranked Tenno I have had the displeasure of playing with who for some reason rush the map and usually go down and die.

Negative. I can't remember the last time I found an unskilled high MR player. 

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Negative. I can't remember the last time I found an unskilled high MR player. 

i know a region where you find a lot ;))) frosts who don't use snow globe in t4defs etc.


 Basis of good a player is should never be determined by MR as some people don't feel like using every weapon or frame right away. Like me, I use new weapons/frame when I get bored otherwise I stick to what I like.

but i must be determined and mr plays very important role here

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Yes but I do, otherwise I wouldn't have brought it up . . . would I ? . .ever heard of freedom of speach ?


I'm assuming the hint about Loki is to do with invisibility ? . . try seeing any advantage in the new lvl 15 test using invisibility.


I'm an old bugger who doesn't believe in cheating myself by using shortcuts for passing a test, it's delusional, and there are plenty like me.


Sorry didn't try to offend you. I meant loki can pass like 5+ hard tests without any sweat. (I used those tricks so I know XD) so what I think is that MR requires time to build and while you build up your MR, your skill increases too (although you cheated MR tests like me lol).

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MR in no reliable way means anything.  You could have individually mastered each weapon up to get your rank, you could have xp farmed with a group while afk and ranked.  But it's a number attached to the side of your name and therefore means something to most other people.  


I personally just played a t4 survival today with a MR15 who really had no idea what was happening.  Why am I MR7 and giving this guy advice? Because it's an arbitrary number that relates to how much gear you've gotten one way or another to level 30.  You could not even own any of that gear anymore, selling it to make room for other things, or just clearing up inventory clutter.  I know what items I like, and anything I've leveled that I don't like, I don't keep it around.


So why does MR matter? Because people want players who know what they are doing for their groups.  If MR and CC weren't in game, groups would be posting "T4D 600+ GAME HOURS REQUIRED"


But those being the only way to judge another player at the moment, since we cannot see how their gear is modded, what abilities they are more favored towards, or how well those players work with others and create synergy, we look to their shiney numbers which in the end are just numbers that might represent the % that you actually may in one way or another somewhat contribute to the team effort.  Maybe.

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In my cycle actually MR was telling if you were or were not a good player.


These super easy and fast farming methods were not discovered yet, so leveling up was taking a while and you were forced to know the game better and better; the higher you MR was the higher was your knowledge of game mechanics, of tilesets, of frames and weapons, of mods...


Leveling something was meaning actually playing with that something, learning to deal with a crappy frame or weapon for at least 30 levels, which made you a better player if you ask me.


Now it's all changed, we've found better(or at least way more effective)ways to farm exp, you don't even need to hold the weapon in your hands and BAM, brought that to 30 in 20 minutes. Have you improved your skills as well as your MR after a run on Draco? Not really....


This is why now MR is definitely not=good, but once was and I still consider myself as a good player because of my MR, which means because I spent almost two years leveling and exploring before it was super easy.



MR it's not even anymore an indication of how long you've been in this game, so right now it makes no sense; I really hope it will get reworked as it's too much connected to affinity gained, which can be easily farmed, making MR meaningless.



So if you ask me why I think that high MR=good I'll answer "because that's the way it was", but since those days are gone, you're right when you say that it's not the case anymore and no one should still see it that way,

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