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Why Do People Think High Mastery Rank = Good?


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Good for you and your Vauban. You are one player out of tens of thousands. Even the few whales who are willing to spend thousands of dollars to buy everything with plat are few. The majority of high MR players are normal players who played a while and gained MR gradually.

It may not be that way on the Xbone though, since the game hasn't been around long on that console.

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Good for you and your Vauban. You are one player out of tens of thousands. Even the few whales who are willing to spend thousands of dollars to buy everything with plat are few. The majority of high MR players are normal players who played a while and gained MR gradually.

One of my good friends got to MR 14 in about month, had all of the frames but Hydroid max lvl untill he got bored and quit.. he spent 30 bucks. You mean the last 4 MR levels would of cost him thousands of dollars!?!?!! Wow.

1. I think you severly underestimating the number of people who are willing to pay to bling

2. I think your overstating the difficulty involved in aquiring a high MR

On a side note I'll say that im only MR 11.. I've been playing since late October and I dont really concern myself with chasing MR

If your MR 17 and you got there by running missions and actually mastering all of your weapons and frames over a long period of time, more power to you.. thumbs up, thats the way it should be done imho, and I understand why you'd take pride in your accomplishment.

Although I believe, if thats the case you more in the minority than you think.


Edited by (XB1)MAXsandwich
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Like most things, it's a general trend - not a concrete characteristic. Your average low mastery rank player is going to have less know-how and less experience than someone with a higher mastery rank.


Mastery rank does not represent experience/skill, but mastery rank and skill/experience level often correlate.  


Think of it like driving. Let's compare someone who's been driving a delivery truck for 10+ years, and someone who has only had their license for a few months. Obviously there is going to be some discrepancies between their driving skill level because of time behind the wheel. The guy who's been driving for a living is going to know the laws better, be more comfortable in stressful or complicated scenarios, and have a better understanding of how long periods on the road affect him.


But of course, nothing is ever so clean cut. It could be that the the delivery guy has been working for a company or self employed in such a way that he only ever has to deliver something every few days or weeks, and the guy who just got his license has lived out in the country all his life and his dad had been teaching him how to drive since he was very young.


This just goes to show you that - duh - trends do not always represent the entire population. In fact, they rarely do. But that doesn't change the fact they are still trends, and they are trends for a reason. If the general trend was that high mastery does not correlate with skill/experience level, then you wouldn't see people associating the two.

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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My two cents: If i join a T4S group and there is an MR4 with decent gear and has corrosive projection equipped I'm not going to worry (I've seen this happen before, and everything went fine). And I'd rather see that than see an MR 12 toting half mastery fodder and energy siphon or worse steel charge (why do people bother bringing steel charge to T4?).


At MR 8 I just sorta stopped chasing mastery and started maxing out my gear and every once and a while i would pick up a new weapon or frame to try it out. I've known players that stopped to do that same thing sooner and later than me, so I tend not to regard mastery as being that big of a factor. I've only recently started chasing mastery rank again and its more because its something to do (5k away from rank 15 at the time of this post).

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Like most things, it's a general trend - not a concrete characteristic. Your average low mastery rank player is going to have less know-how and less experience than someone with a higher mastery rank.


Mastery rank does not represent experience/skill, but mastery rank and skill/experience level often correlate.  


Think of it like driving. Let's compare someone who's been driving a delivery truck for 10+ years, and someone who has only had their license for a few months. Obviously there is going to be some discrepancies between their driving skill level because of time behind the wheel. The guy who's been driving for a living is going to know the laws better, be more comfortable in stressful or complicated scenarios, and have a better understanding of how long periods on the road affect him.


But of course, nothing is ever so clean cut. It could be that the the delivery guy has been working for a company or self employed in such a way that he only ever has to deliver something every few days or weeks, and the guy who just got his license has lived out in the country all his life and his dad had been teaching him how to drive since he was very young.


This just goes to show you that - duh - trends do not always represent the entire population. In fact, they rarely do. But that doesn't change the fact they are still trends, and they are trends for a reason. If the general trend was that high mastery does not correlate with skill/experience level, then you wouldn't see people associating the two.

Does the guy who lives out in the country have any chickens?

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Altough it is not rare to meet MR17-18 players that has no clue. 


"Not rare" is a bit of an exageration. From what I've experienced so far, it's even rare to meet a rank 15 player that doesn't have a clue.

Also, non-team player =/= "having no clue".


Anyway, while the MR doesn't exactly represent the players skills, it is still a solid indication. You're more likely to meet a skillfull player within the 10-18 MR range, than within the 0-9 range. Basically, the higher the MR the lower the chance you'll end up with someone who doesn't have a clue.

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The amount of times, I've invited people to my missions asking for specific builds. I would get the ones that have the frame but little to no understanding what they are doing, even if you typed it all ahead in chat before starting. This is mainly with low ranked players. I now usually only do MR10+.


I know people are going to be very judgmental about this but If I feel it works better for me and others where I can then enjoy my games then I don't regret putting a requirement.

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I got MR 17 and whenever I see "H blablalbla MRX+ or PM frame" I usually ignore them or just write inv. Usually though I tend to ignore them. Most of the time I see low lvl MR (usually equiped with Rhino :O) having funny recruit requirements.


As for MR=Skill. Like it or not MR=Experience in game. There is a bigger chance to meet low MR noob, than High MR Noob, that just how it works.





Is just one of the very, very few goals that are left after you play this game for a few months!

I went from Mr2 to 17 in about 2 months. All you need is loads of stuff to lvl up thats it. Worst problem is the oro cells and forma + crap for dojo weapons. You can easily earn plat for weapon/frame slots by simply doing voids. Heck I have all prime and non prime frames (bar exc prime because obviously didn't play then).

Edited by Xaturas
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It is better to Raise mastery rank to 18, it surely prove that you have pay your hard work in many kind of perspective.

Exclude, bad attitude and non- sportsmanship player.

Maybe one day you have reach Mastery Rank 18, and din do well in certain game, end up a MR 4 player complain you in forum. 

*** Exclude affinity or whatever booster player.

Edited by OHyeahWF
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So why is MR used to gauge a player instead of conclave? I mean, you can spam 4 with 3 other people and manage to get a high MR and have friends give you most of the gear or take a new player taxied around n such.

Conclave means you HAVE put in the time, levelled the mods, levelled the frame, and overall indicates how much beefed up equipment your bringing to the fight.

So yeah, am I missing something?

MR is like grades in school - you might be extremely good at maths but get unlucky and get like a 3 or 4 out of 10 and you'll be called a loser and people will think you suck at maths.


Also, Conclave is broken atm. S#&$ty mods that almost no good builds use give way more conclave than good mods.

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It is better to Raise mastery rank to 18, it surely prove that you have pay your hard work in many kind of perspective.

Exclude, bad attitude and non- sportsmanship player.

Maybe one day you have reach Mastery Rank 18, and din do well in certain game, end up a MR 4 player complain you in forum. 


You know, I can pay 50p to a booster and go to Draco, level up everything - literally everything - in a day and be a MR18 in less than a week ( Leveling everything up takes barely a day but well, Mastery Test threshold so ) 

So yeah, not much of a hard work. Extremely boring, but not hard.

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You know, I can pay 50p to a booster and go to Draco, level up everything - literally everything - in a day and be a MR18 in less than a week ( Leveling everything up takes barely a day but well, Mastery Test threshold so ) 

So yeah, not much of a hard work. Extremely boring, but not hard.

Sry forget to exclude those booster player.

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Sry forget to exclude those booster player.

Booster isnt exactly needed, All it does is just allows you to rank up your frame from 0 to 30 in 1 round. Otherwise it takes 2. Not much of a difference. 

Can be done, even without a booster, in a day. 

Ofc you have to grind all those resources etc to build up those frames etc. But still,


Take me for example, I can build every single weapon I need to get the XP out of, and I can level them all up in a single day and i can be a MR18 in 4 days. Plain simple

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It ultimately can mean nothing or everything. However, generally speaking lower ranks have less knowledge and it's harder to explain the strategy you want. Higher ranks will have been around the bend a few times. Skill is a different discussion altogether though, and mastery rank will not help you out there. I generally never random for anything serious like a void key, but don't mind it for stuff on the map. It can be a good way to test myself with stronger/weaker groups or different play styles. I see them as a constant source of learning. Some experiences are better than others. I dont think you can really make a complaint though if someone is honest about what they want for a group at the start.

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It ultimately can mean nothing or everything. However, generally speaking lower ranks have less knowledge and it's harder to explain the strategy you want. Higher ranks will have been around the bend a few times. Skill is a different discussion altogether though, and mastery rank will not help you out there. I generally never random for anything serious like a void key, but don't mind it for stuff on the map. It can be a good way to test myself with stronger/weaker groups or different play styles. I see them as a constant source of learning. Some experiences are better than others. I dont think you can really make a complaint though if someone is honest about what they want for a group at the start.

And then there is the Smurf accounts

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As of my experience , the high mastery rank players are way more mature than Mr 4 to 8 players . Most below Mr 4 here on your advice and accept it , if you tell them how game mechanics work (not always , one time I had a Mr 1 player at E-Gate Venus for keys obviously and he kept pushing cores in an 90% full exvacator with 20% digging left and after I tried to explain what to do he kept swearing at me oO) , but Mr 4 to 8 thinks they know Everything and that you are wrong . For example , I was invited via recruiting-chat to one round void survival , we tried to get a part at c-rotation , after 20 they said , let's go out at 35 . I replied the next time it could drop is 40 , well next c-rotation and they just laughed at me and wrote , that I know nothing for a Mr 18 player . Well we left at 35 and I still don't know if this was trolling or serious business .

Just my 2 cents , in fact what really matters is game-time , but you can't look it all up , when you are inviting people via recruiting .

So mostly high mastery ranking , at least in my opinion is pretty accurate , also high Mr implies thaadapomeone has most frames and is able to adapt to most party situations .

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As people already suggested...

Higher mastery rank = more experience (unless we're talking about someone who refruses to do mastery tests, or someone to doesn't max all weapons)

The only problem with people of high mastery, is that they all think they know better than everyone else.

The higher the mastery rank, the more likely it is to become a controlfreak.

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