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Braton Or Mk1-Braton



I've seen some interesting video builds over-formaing the Braton and Mk-1 Braton and I'm thinking about doing it (already made a 6 forma Lato). But, since they are so similar, I don't know if I want to make the investment twice. Can anyone recommend overkilling one rather than the other?


I'm a bit torn.  It seems the Mk1 might be better for this because it has a damage specialization (slash), higher accuracy (40 rather than the more typical 28), and since it is the original starter weapon, making it strong has a bit more swagger to it. The Braton, on the other hand, could be modded to be more well rounded, has a more unique damage spread given that the Braton Prime also specializes in slash like the MK1, has a higher-fire rate, and can use my DoD skin (which is baller). 


Obviously there are better weapons in the game and this could be considered an extravagant waste of forma, I simply think it would be fun to have suped-up versions of the more iconic early-game set. 

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I have a nice mk1 braton build but I suggest you to do it only if you have at least 4 free forma to put in. 


moderate puncture, impact damage fairly good slash damage so against infesteds could be better. Speed build possible because there is not so much difference after buffs in the speed rate. 8.8 normal, 7.5 mk1. More magazine almost similar crit and status but the mk1 more accurate so you can use as automatic "sniper" with a good build.


PS: The prime ofc much better but if you like the challenges then doesn't listen to these pagans!

Edited by Sziklamester
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I have the MK-1 for I was told it was better than the standard. I like it but I am waiting for the Soma before I buy or build another weapon. What makes the Mk-1 better than the Braton other than skins. I care not about looks, I am all about function.

I think you got it backwards because the regular Braton is the one that can use skins, not the Mk1. The regular Mk1 Braton has lower damage, isn't viable for a critical build unlike the Braton, but a higher magazine. I don't remember which of the two has a faster rate of fire.

Edited by Rakshal
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