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Would Veterans Be Interested In A "legacy System" Where Mentoring Newer Players/frames Would Result In Exclusive Rewards?


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Hang with me a moment, this is a brainstorm on how to keep Veterans involved without the dreaded term "power creep" entering the discussion.

If you could get a wide variety of exclusive cosmetics for helping a new player reach milestones in-game, would that intrigue you?

Would it have to include exclusive buffs?

It's almost like "prestige" in that shooter except it requires co-op.

Goals (that you get credit for so long as they are obtained in-game as mentor-student) like:

Rank a frame from 1 to 30

Build 3 Warframes

Build your first Prime Warframe and level to 30.

Build your first Prime Weapon and level to 30.

A set number of experience points.

It's a rough idea, but does it have merit? Do any veterans like this idea? I want you to stick around AND have fun (oh and extending the level cap and making it harder to level is ok by me...)

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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I will do almost anything that would give me exclusive <insert item here>.

Make it a cosmetic & I will move mountains for it. Especially if it looks good.

TL;DR yes.

agreed +1 a lot of people wpuld sacrifice their first born for exclusive cosmetics and if it helps new players that's even better Edited by swihart91
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Honestly, a system like this would be designed to keep old revenue coming in (like an annuity business, sort of) and bring in newer players and money on a regular basis so that all would enjoy continued growth of the game. Even if Veterans with old frames sponsored Veterans with new frames, I'd have no problem with it if it made them enjoy the game in a new way.

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No, players should be helping each other out of kindness, not for "shiny things".

I have a feeling I'm gonna be in the minority.

The people who already help would continue to do so they just get recognition for it and more people will also start to help which will decrease the learning curve of this game, I cant be thankful enough to the person who told me T opened the chat window when I first started haha

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As much as I would love exclusive items ,I do not need them to help players. I do that because it isn't easy being the new Frame in this cold system.

So if DE said they'd do it that is fine but it isn't needed.IMO.


Some people will "go through the motions" so it can be exploited...But that matters little to me.

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I'm probably going to be in the minority here... but I wouldn't want to see this.

Mainly because it's the quickest way to destroy that new player.


He jumps straight to being carried through the quickest and most efficient way to attain the listed goals by the vet. 

Given the parts to build his Prime items. And essentially marginalized to rapidly rank up his weaponry / warframe.


This is (in my opinion) a recipe for disaster.

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I'd be fine with a mentoring system that DIDN'T reward people. People should just be helping other people where they can anyway.

EDIT: IF ANYTHING, I'd probably only has that RNG is a little kinder to people who help others out. So;
Raise the Stalker/Zenuka/Grustrag Three showing up from 1.5% to maybe 3-5%?
Rare Prime Parts from the Void have a higher % to drop.
Rare mods/resources have a slightly higher % to drop more
Etc. etc.
That would be all I ask, if anything.

Edited by PickleMonster21
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If there's a reward then no. Forced 'voluntary' work is the worst.

If you are in the mood for helping there should be a place to pickup help requests. If you are not then you shouldn't try to.

Counter-argument: no one is forcing anyone to play any particular style in this game. It's a possible horizontal style of play. That's like saying I should be angry that I have to time sink hours and then am forced to run T3-4 Void missions to get prime drops. Of course I'm not. It's a choice to invest more time, money, and effort.

Enjoy going for the carrot or not, but let others do as they wish.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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I'd say I'm very iffy about this idea.

On the one hand, I embrace a system that rewards people for helping newbies. There isn't enough of that anywhere.

On the other hand, if the system is not really specific about certain factors, then I can see it easily being abused by people for free stuff.

Primarily, this system needs to have strict rules on what the mentor can or can't do in every mission, to encourage them to actually teach their apprentices instead of just doing everything for them. If the mentor does too much work for the apprentice, they shouldn't be allowed the rewards.

Perhaps the system could be a quest-line you undertake, and each mission would have a "quest" for you as a mentor.

The first quest could require you to teach the apprentice advanced movement abilities like wallruns and long jumps. Extraction would become available once the apprentice had completed each task the required number of times.

There would also be quests where the apprentice should do things like scoring stealth kills, hacking consoles, and making successful parry moves. Basically each quest would be you confirming that the apprentice has been taught about a specific feature or set of features in the game and making sure they successfully utilize each feature.

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actually I believe DE said they were thinking of working on a system where veteran players that volunteered could guide lowbie players that asked for help.


whether there was a reward or not was not mentioned.


think it was in one of the live streams some time after #38 I think

Edited by RIOTx
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I'd be fine with a mentoring system that DIDN'T reward people. People should just be helping other people where they can anyway.

EDIT: IF ANYTHING, I'd probably only has that RNG is a little kinder to people who help others out. So;

Raise the Stalker/Zenuka/Grustrag Three showing up from 1.5% to maybe 3-5%?

Rare Prime Parts from the Void have a higher % to drop.

Rare mods/resources have a slightly higher % to drop more

Etc. etc.

That would be all I ask, if anything.


This ^ is a good mentor system. ANYTHING that increases drop chances in this game are beneficial for both veteran and rookie.

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