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Coming Soon: Devstream #45!


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Will there be a way to stop other clans from cheating on rails? Such as having an alternate account and joining on the side that they are fighting,just to have their clanmates kill them over and over. Therefore losing the rail much quicker. There should be a way for clans to have clans on clan matches only,without community help. Like a true rivalry.

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At the moment the newer weapons require 2 weapons to build. For example, Tipedo needs a bo and a kunai.

Shall we be expecting more weapons like thins and frames?


Also, In warframe we are suppose to be ninjas and play stealthy, are there any plans to make all warframes just as stealthy as Ash and Loki?

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1) What is the plan for the next syndicate update? Any new augment mod or weapon?


2) What is the plan to address the vote from the popular community threads?


3) Is there any plan of updating the reward pool of various mission, including void?



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THe PS4 have the Obsidian Packs, the XB1 now have the first Prestige pack.


Will the PC have any pack like that? And don't say Rubedo and Phased skins, I mean something with the same "theme" of those packs: Warframe/Weapon skin and a little Platinum value.

Yeah, it was called the Founders Program.

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The expanded list of topics I want to see covered... (minimized for convenience)

Resolution of power creep. The only challenge in this game for veterans is found in infinite game modes.We are able to trivialize all enemies through the highest level zones in the game in under a second of gunfire from a decent weapon, and can destroy armies of enemies with the press of #4.



In short, level 40 heavy grineer units (Bombards) typically die within less than a second of gunfire from a decent weapon. If you're using the same build on an Mk-1 Braton, it will only take 4 seconds. Radial Javelin and other nukes can still clear any and every non-endless mission with max range and max efficiency.


"Press 4 to win/survive", the case of radial damage abilities. Enemy scaling plays a part in this since any hit from a well-geared player tends to annihilate the map if it's a non-infinite mission. In the case on infinite gameplay, the situation changes--we do not kill enemies using radials, but still choose to spam them due to how deadly enemy hits are. The constant crowd control is really our only means of survival in infinite content, hence the unpopularity of damage warframes compared to utility warframes. Between trivializing all non-endless content, and being the only margin of survival due to short stun in endless content, radial damage abilities need a look into how to make them more helpful beyond their damage falloff, as well as how to lessen their destructive effect in non-infinite content. Also, abilities #1, 2, and 3 for said warframes need an investigation as to why spamming #4 is more favorable than using any of those abilities. It usually has to do with having an X-ray hit everything within a 2*pi*r^3 sphere, which is simply exponentially more effective for only a linear cost.


A reduction in the grind. I've never seen this many players post burn-out and rage threads. A likely source is the way our gameplay focus shifted starting from August of last year, pushing into now. Syndicates give us a daily grind, but the most stressful grind is probably Baro Ki'Teer, the void trader. Players are pushing themselves to play nothing but void in their time to save up to buy his entire inventory when he shows up, and the stakes are high since it is assumed everything he will have for sale is new for that particular appearance. The new importance to grinding void keys is also putting stress on the methods used to obtain keys. That said, changes should be made to the merchant, such as a price reduction, more time between his appearances, and appearances where he is carrying a duplicate of a previous merchant stock, giving loyal players less to worry about when he appears.


The reintroduction of limited availability mods, and the improvement of second-best options.Limited edition event content is always annoying to players who've missed them, but the most major ones are the mods acquired in said events. Only Lethal Torrent and the Cicero Crisis (toxin/status) mods have been introduced back into the system, but plans need to be made to introduce the sets for Tethra (shock/status), Breeding Grounds (fire/status), Cryotic Front (ice/status), and the slash and puncture sets (120% physical damage type). The antiquated mods that generally gave status and physical damage in the past are showing their age compared to the power creep. If you've missed the event to get the 120% puncture mod, the second best option is 30%, which simply isn't worthwhile. Similarly, the standalone status mod is only 15% for most weapons, which is very lackluster compared to the magnitude found on the combination event mod. The physical damage mods should be boosted to 100%, and the standalone status mods should be boosted to 100-120% to compare with the event standards and give those latecomers an inferior but tolerable base of mods to work with in case they missed events.


False choices. It's great that the developers see that base damage and multishot as they are implemented in the game now are must-have staples to our builds. However there are similar mod problems in warframes. Steel Fiber isn't worthwhile on all but a few warframes, most notably Valkyr. Fleeting Expertise may as well be a core mod given that the way it increases our ability use persistently, and allows us to use our abilities for a very small cost. You wouldn't really prefer (Primed) Flow over this, you'd simply choose to use it alongside FE. We wouldn't use Diamond Skin or Antitoxin over ability mods or Redirection/Vitality, and not many of us use Rush given the prevalence of coptering.


Difficulty modes and progression. There is no non-infinite zone which could challenge veterans, and neither is there an incentive to progress through the game if we could just request a taxi. What we need are fine mechanics for progression, such as those found in this thread.



Enemy scaling, variety, and intelligence. I've already mentioned how trivial most enemies are as of now, that problem will get fixed eventually. Afterwards, what of their scaling? Grineer armor scaling makes this faction obscenely durable compared to anything else in the game. Scaling for grineer armor is all the scaling anyone needs to be concerned with. The rate at which they become bullet sponges is too severe. When damage between players and enemies is balanced, this armor scaling should be revisited to put grineer on more equal terms to the other factions. Once that's done, some work could be done to give enemies more cooperation within their ranks to pose a greater obstacle, as well as grant more enemies a range of movement that can compare to our own.


Coptering, Wall-vaulting, air melee, sprinting, sliding, and movement in general. We definitely have more movement than our enemies, and probably more movement than what was intended in the scheme of maps. However, the amount of grind in this game's long term sense of progression is making quick completion a necessity. Air melee allows us to move quite freely in case coptering is removed, but there is still something to desire in our movement compared to the game. It seems as if the maps and enemies were built around a cover-shooter mentality, but our movement is more akin to platforming games than it is to shooter games. The game becomes a kind of shooting gallery / platformer combo, and the advertising of this game seems to imply the game should be more akin to a more ground-based playstyle that emphasizes gunplay and stealth more than the current scheme of rushing everything with coptering and power spam.


Is stealth ever really an option? No. This is completely forgivable in infinitely scaling mission types (survival/defense/interception), but kind of questionable in other game modes. Our enemies are not really dangerous enough to want to avoid, their ability to detect us usually voids most attempts at stealth for non-invisible players, enemies spawn constantly without notice, and in general it is far more profitable to smash everything in the first place. This kind of gameplay is okay for the audience who doesn't want any more than this, but some players do want a more tactical mission than simply rescue, which is pretty good but can still be rushed quite expediently. At least the option to play with stealth is there within that one room.


Is there a reason to play anything but void and some choice resource farming nodes? No. There is no reason to play the excellent rescue game mode if you're not donating specters to alliance rails. We only play on planets in the solar system to gather resources periodically. Progressing through the star map is tedious, unrewarding, and meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Most of us haven't even played Corpus Hijack, and releasing an event would only solve that for a week before we don't touch it again. The game on the larger scale needs more fun, incentive, and reward, and less forced grind.





ER MER GERD SPOILER-CEPTION (a spoiler with in a spoiler with in a spoiler... etc.)

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THe PS4 have the Obsidian Packs, the XB1 now have the first Prestige pack.


Will the PC have any pack like that? And don't say Rubedo and Phased skins, I mean something with the same "theme" of those packs: Warframe/Weapon skin and a little Platinum value.

...You must be joking...


Guess you've never heard of the Founder's Pack and that the Prestige Packs were a form of consolation since there's no way for console players to obtain those items.


If they made a PC exclusive Prestige Pack, it would be laughable. What's it going to look like? the Steam Logo? Have a bunch of Lotus prints on it? I guess non-founders have to have a way to make their bland Excalibur look cool too... Wait... Proto-Armor. If it needs to be PC exclusive to be fair, get over it. You already have Rubedo Rhino and Phased Vauban.

Edited by Kestral9999
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With the steady addition of new resource types, will the market cost for blueprints (and perhaps complete weapons) and the foundry requirements to build the finished item be looked at.

Are there any plans to make Nav coordinates actually useful? For instance combining them with recovered datamasses to open up a derelict Grineer/Corpus ships (the crew exterminated/reactor sabotaged by a previous tenno mission) to raid for loot caches. They could also have been used in the crafting of Vey Hek and Mutalist Alad locator keys)

Will we be able to donate resources to a Clan Vault?

Are there any plans to improve the Archwing map? eg into an actual 3d radar ball.

Are there any plans to increase the number of planets/nodes in the star chart.  With the bigger moons e.g. Titan, Io, Ganymede etc, functioning like Europa.  How about making Neptune a Gas Giant like Jupiter into a Gas City tile set (blue/purple skybox).  What about adding ship/asteroid/surface missions to planets that are currently dominated by a single tileset type. Particularly with the introduction of more/new tile set types.

Will the Syndicate Leaders take over Lotus' announcements in a syndicate mission in the future?  You are working for them in this instance and not Lotus.

Can we have a Kubrow bed decoration for the Liset? It must be cold and uncomfortable sleeping on that metal floor.

Can we have the ability to move weapon polarity slots around even if the weapon hasn't been forma'd. Some weapons have polarities in annoying places (eg a D in slot 1).

Will the imbalance of Weapon Mod polarities be revisited. Loads of - and V, but few D.

Can we have the Corpus ship tannoy announcements back when the ship/outpost isn't alerted to our presence (and add different announcements when it has been).

In old versions, a faction could randomly invade your mission.  Could this be reinstated if the mission node you are currently playing is actually invaded by another faction.

Can the syndicate reputation bonus be applied based on your actual rank with that Syndicate rather than based on what sigil your wearing (you'd still need to wear any one of that Syndicates sigils to get the reputation though)

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Q: The new update for World on Fire keeps the original's power duration. Is this intentional, or a bug?

     The new WoF mechanics make the ability far less useful, as it now costs much more to use without the benefit of the ability lasting past the user's energy capacity. Other than that, I really enjoy the boosts to the ember's stats.


Q: Has any consideration gone into Syndicate-themed skins?

     Perhaps even base the skins on the warframes that have augment mods for a particular syndicate (i.e. Red Veil skins for Ash, Ember, Zephyr, Loki, Mesa, Saryn, Volt, Nekros)


Q: Syndicate primary weapons?

     I've heard rumors floating around about new syndicate primary weapons, even going so far as to describe a "Rakta Ignis" for the Red Veil. Is there any credence to these rumors?


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Will there be a System to temporarily downgrade the rank of a mod for a certain loadout?

Otherwise you would have to have multiple versions of one mod with different ranks.



You have maxed Serration but you only have 10 free mod points in your loadout. So you can't use it or you would have to have another version of serration that is not maxed but fits into your loadout.


P.S. Saw this question asked in chat during the last Devstream

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With the addition of damage reduction powers on the newer warframes, many of the older warframes have been displaced and no longer suits the tank roles defined on their official page.  Is there any chance the older frames can be revisited and have their defensive abilities balanced for high level content?  1200 ferrite health is depleted in half a second in a T4 mission, while the 95% damage reduction from some of the newer powers (or complete invulnerability of Hysteria) lasts the entire duration.

Edited by Holeypaladin
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•What will be the next prime warframe? (I'm hoping for Banshee honestly)


•Will there be new lore available soon?


•Are there any items besides prime armor and mods that we can expect to see from the trader in the future?

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On March 6th of this year, the Dawn probe will finally reach Ceres, the first probe to do so. Has there been any thought to doing a special event on this day? Nothing fancy, but it would be interesting to celebrate this real world event in a game where Ceres is a playable location.

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•What will be the next prime warframe? (I'm hoping for Banshee honestly)


•Will there be new lore available soon?


•Are there any items besides prime armor and mods that we can expect to see from the trader in the future?


1. Sorry, but if the pattern follows, the next Prime is a male frame, people are betting on Ash and Volt


2. Dear Hayden I hope so

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-We didont know yet what the "BRICK" red text means...

-Also, please make mesa diferent... (in a way that the ulti escales with enemy level / change the 3rd ability so mesa doesnt die so easy)

-PLEASE, arage the drop tables of hydroid, or make it more easy to farm for beacons (or less beacons requierd)(i have maked that "tryangulator" 5 times and still need the hydroid systems!!(since it is so hard to do a key-share run, i have to do all the keys...)


--think abaout warframes that arent used so much; my idea is to make some abilitys escale with enemy level...*---

*please dont over-power them all



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Will we be seeing more functionality in the dojo? To elaberate, I'd like to be able to access all the features offered in my ship, in the dojo, maybe a special room to build to have these features, will we be something like this in the near future? i feel like the dojo me and my clanmates worked very hard on is very neglected.

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