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Coming Soon: Devstream #45!


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After 26 pages I doubt this will be read...

Any thoughts on new solar systems? The current one with all planets unlocked is too big of a circle to see and more planets would make it worse.

Edited by BlueWhale97
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(Q) Are there any new D mods for weapons in the works, it's only one of two things needed before the mod card system finally feels fleshed out. 


(Q) Instead of simply removing base damage mods how about making variations of the mods that give damage+effect like damage+crit chance or damage+reload speed?


(Q) What are your thoughts on invincibility in Warframe, is this really ok to have in the game?


(Q) Will Nightmare mode and Tactical alerts be looked at soon? 

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Will you ever change the void reward system? Rotations, RNG are not fun at all. Especially when you get 4 dakra prime blueprints out of four runs. Especially on rarer keys like some t3 keys or t4 sabotage.

The solution would be token system: after finishing a T4 Ext mission player gets a T4 Ext token which can be traded for non-drop mods, formas, parts or blueprints. I.e. 1 token for forma, 2 tokens for mods, 3 tokens for weapon parts, 4 tokens for frame blueprints.

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Will Frost be receiving a look over soon, in terms of ability changes, stat boosts, and potential prime buffs? After all, ember did receive one recently.

If serration were to be removed, will ALL plain damage mods be removed, such as Hornet strike, point blank, and pressure point?

If damage were to scale with rank as a result, will each weapon scale differently as they do now? (Primaries get 165% extra damage at rank 30, secondaries get 220%, melee gets 120%). If not, what then?

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Will warframes ever get another set of alternate helmets? Even for the original ones? New fresh flavor?


I remember a few dev streams ago you showed some really cool concepts for Vauban alt helmets.




well, we're already getting new helmets, nova and loki were the first to get their 3rd helmets, who knows how many more there will be

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For the next major update is it possibility to have an engrossing campaign story with cutscenes that allows for character developement of npcs (syndicate leaders, Darvo/Baro, unknown tenno operative, stalker)? Any mission types that will include npcs?

If an engrossing campaign is part of the plan but not yet fully realized, would it be possible to include an indepth campaign editor with an option to allow for in game text descriptions and dialogue similar to old fashion rpg games. With this, tenno can create their own mini side quests/missions with their own stories. This in depth campaign editor could be incorporated as a high mastery rank perk or prime access perk. Any thoughts?

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I really like the Archwing section of the game. I was screaming internally when I first played it and I want to play it more! After the Balor Fomorian Attack event, no one played anymore. This is sad as some higher tier maps for Archwing requires a squad, so I'm stuck at playing with friends and clan mates at the moment Are there going to be any improvements or future plans for the Archwing? I really like playing it despite what others say, it's like Galaga on roids and I would like to play more! Also, I have problems looting on Archwing missions, I am always focusing my eyes on a distant sprite, thinking if it was a mod loot and if I should travel half the map for it. Can we get a loot mark or something?

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Will there ever be set recipes for transmutation, such as combining Diamond Skin, Flame Repellant, Lighting Rod and Antitoxin into a unique mod that is only one level (like Coolant Leak) and grants an x-amount of resistance to all damage?

Also, can you tell us what we can expect for the Lotus' final appearance (spider-lady or not)?

Edited by VulcanWolf
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Here is my questions for the team.


Hi guys cheers from Italy.


When you annunced the partnership with Multi Dynamics Games, in the statement we all read that DE is working on a new title. Can you tell us something about that?


Regarding balance in Warframe, have you read the post on the forum talking about removing Serretion, Split Chamber and flat damege mods in general? What do you think about that? There some good ideas but personally I'm opposed to this solution, because simply removing that said mods will not change the problem.


Last one, when we would have some new stuff from syndacate like new augments for warframes and weapons?


Keep up the good work!
Edited by -CM-Angus
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Question 1
Will we be expecting the Focus system on the next update?

Question 2
Will Alerts be special? Like "Research scientist located", will it be more like a special event instead of repeating the same thing as normal misison?

Question 3

When will we be expecting Passive for warframes?

Question 4
In the wallpapers, warframe were seen taking secondary and melee together, will we be at least able to equip small firearm like pistol together with glaive or smaller melee like the daggers?


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Question #1

I really like being able to re-color the gold on the Soma Prime, can we expect to do this with the older frames/weapons via patch?


Question #2

Who in the void decided it was a good idea to leave a huge bag of forma lying around for the operator to pick up?

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Seeing as how this had a positive response last time, I will just state some facts without actually asking a question, These just imply questions.


-Currently there is very little armor customization, chest armor cannot have its position changed and harkonar/dendra cannot be identical on both sides of the frame.


-Many people have thought of and suggested Baro as an alternate method for getting exclusive items such as the targris set or it.


-Throwing Melee ends up weaker than regular melee or non-customized due to exclusive mods taking up slots, it also has no proper punch-through mod.


-Continuing from this, Many slots on warframes and weapons can be used for utility (ammo, speed, effects, etc) but end up being used for raw stats instead.


-Credits are much harder to get due to the lack of Perrin capture keys, there is a new need for them due to the introduction of Baro.

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Was preparing a big post to commemorate my 1000 hours on excalibur and other things (like suggestions, sketches and so on), but it is still under construction and I think it will not hurt to have some of those in here.



1. When will old Prime Warframes (Mag, Frost, Ember) get status buffs the new Primes have?

It was promised in one of the Devstreams after Loki Prime hit the scene, but was never implemented.

2. Do you plan rebalancing Warframes, because if in the beginning they felt like a force of nature now they are just some random guys with OP guns.

3. ???

4. Profit!!!



1. To let people experience old content like events, have a shooting range and a training ground for mastery tests ([DE] Steve talked about plans for that) you can add a holographic simulation room to the Clan Dojo. So players can have fun, gain some experience points, but not the loot/event rewards.

2. Other Dojo suggestions:

- Personal room. So you can have all your Warframe loadouts hang on a wall in cryocapsules, event photos/badges lay on a desk, pad to meditate looking into the infinite of space (windows). Lock it to only one clanmate so he can decorate it without the architect role.

- Add the ability to build syndicates halls in our Dojos similar to those on the relays.

- Kubrow den/garden for out pets to hang in somewhere while not in a Liset.

- Technical stuff: Dojo Cephalon (can be in a holographic simulation room), engine rooms, docking ports etc. Dojo is a essentially a big spaceship after all.

3. New Weapons:

- Grineer design dual barrel antimaterial sniper rifle. First shot is from both barrels, then (if you continue to hold LMB) one at a time with a faster fire rate but half the damage.

- Heavy calibre automatic shotgun. Grand one, like Opticor, and with at least a 30 rounds clip plus some nice stopping power.

- GPMG with a midrange optics.

4. Doctor's Legacy:

Tyl Regor is a geneticist, so some nice event with his legacy (results of hard work) will be appropriate. Among them can be his attempt to save Grineers from genetic deterioration (and strengthen them) by splicing with Warframe DNA.

Test subjects can be Frost (provided by Kril) and Ember (provided by Sargras). And the end result (byproduct) is a halfgrineer frame with blast powers. Like:

 Tracer - projects Warframe in a direction he is aiming (Ironman style). Knocks down enemies on the way.

 Banhammer - Hits the target, ragbolls and covers it with explosives so they dmg and ragdols everyone on a path they fly away (Soul punch with explosives).

 Reroute - Team aura. Infinite ammo in a clip for 15 seconds.

 Firewall - places a defensive turret (works like Mesa ULT but does less dmg and can be destroyed).

Will add some sketches in a "1000 hours" post.

5. Add some infinite Archwing mission preferably close to a planet (or asteroid) surface. Like a defence of landing pad for a Liset hijacking those Power Cores. That will be closer to classic Warframe mechanics because you will have ground and places to hide behind. Plus regular rewards for waves of enemies. 


Best regards.

Edited by Diaemus
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Could we see more interactable environments? Eg: Corpus explosives and Vacuum controls in Eris. Elevator and tram controls in Mercury. Corpus glass walls. Would you ever consider putting more things like these in future tilesets or updating classic ones to feature more interactivity


Just a few examples:


- Gas controls in Jupiter. Emit explosive or toxic gasses into rooms or around certain choke points for the Tenno to utilize

- Corpus glass rooms. Updated so that enemies get sucked out instead of measley DoT.

- Kubrow containment field on Earth. Feral Kubrow detained on Earth for mutation can be released against the Grineer.

- Waste management on Ceres. Dumps toxic waste onto enemies on choke points or floods rooms with toxic byproducts.

Edited by KilelrDrone492
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Could we look at being given more opportunities to earn additional Warframe Loadout Slots other than the current 1 for every two mastery ranks? As the mastery rank gap gets larger, and more Warframes are released, the problem of choosing what warframes get loadout slots and what ones become forgotten becomes more problematic.


Please consider at least one the following suggestions in addition to the current method!:


 - Achievement-based loadout slot unlocks.

 - Offered by Darvo or the Void Trader.

 - Increase loadout unlock rate at higher (Rank 10+?) masteries

 - Obtainable from Syndicate Offerings. 1 per Syndicate.

 - Buyable off the market, up to a certain cap of purchasable slots.

 - Incorporate some additional slots into whatever Frankenstein monster the Focus project has become. =)

 - Any combination of the above!


I really miss playing my more niche frames like Ember, Banshee, Ash and Mag who have been elbowed out of loadout slots by my more reliable picks.

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Last stream I recall there was talk of revamping the void keys. Is there any concept to revamp loot rewards from the void? New prime parts and components will eventually cause drop rates to be spread so thin it would be nearly impossible to find what your after. Could Prime weapons/ Warframes be reduced to blueprints and be constructed by acquiring unique resources found in both the void and their mission types? Or would you lovley devs have a better idea in mind? Thanks for answering my question. P.S pleaseaddmoreappearnceslotsIneedmystufftolookmroepretty okaythanks,

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