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Coming Soon: Devstream #45!


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1. Is there a chance/plans for more complex command system for companions, something based on "if statement", for example "If shields = 0, then use Shield Regen" - something like Dragon Age: Origins tactics for NPCs.


2. Long time ago (Devstream 20, around 42 minutes :P) Steve said, that he thinks that "something was lost" with removal of randomly generated mods and there are some "carefully considered ideas" that maybe some kind of "variations" will be reintroduced - is it still a thing, or was it scrapped?


3. What would you consider good and interesting reward for players who managed to get everything that is in game? What reward would you consider worthy for those hinted (in last Devstream overview) 8-players missions. Or how do you think you could reward players for running same missions many times, even if they already obtained all items that were...well, obtainable in it?

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Hello, my questions:


1) LORE. Can you share some plans how are you planning to expand lore of WF? Personally I think wf has a lot of potential in this area and I feel the amount of lore stored in the events, few quests and few codex entries is not enough.


2) RAKTA balistica buff(s)?


3) Can we expect more ARCHWING stuff? and by that I mean mostly archwing missions and new mission types?


4) Can expect any time soon SYNDICATE related COSMETICS? i.e. syandanas, armor sets, etc. obtained through reputation.

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Q1. The Europa (ice planet) tilsets have turned out very nicely. Great work! Any plans on expanding the solar system by turning other Jupiter or Saturn moons into mission sectors too? For example Io and Titan. What about Earth's moon?


Q2. Why are the Skana and Lato the only starter weapons which aren't Mk-1 variants of more potent weapons? Both are quite prominent in your promotional material (just take the Excalibur statue for example), wouldn't it make sense to give people more reason to keep on using them beyond early level?


Q3. How many people on the team are working on the Warframe and weapon balancing? Is it only Scott or is there a team for that? With the ever increasing number of weapons you add to the game, it seems like a sisyphosian* task for just one man to balance all that, while also being responcible for other parts in development.


*In case the name confuses someone. Sisyphos is a figure in greek mythology, forced to push a stone up a hill only to see it roll down again, having to repeat that action every day.


Q4. While the various special moves of the melee stances look very impressive (congrats to the animation team), they often suffer from leaving the player exposed to enemy attacks during lengthly animations.

Are there any plans to balance out this weakness and drawback of melee combos?


Q5. Why do you put new backround lore regarding the Orokin into the Warframe descriptions instead of giving it it's own section in the codex?


Q6.Has the idea of introducing a manual knockback recovery option, aka. "manual handspring", gone anywhere or have you dropped the concept for now?

I recently got the Handspring mod and it shows that the animation for such an option is allready in game.


Q7. How exclusive are event weapons which are reskins of regular types, like those under the Wraith and Vandal label?

Meaning, will these ever be rewarded again or are they exclusive to those who earned them during past events, similar to the original founder pack items?

If they are rewarded again, what prices would those get who allready have one?


Q8. Based on her design it looks like Mesa finger and thumb are supposed to become fused to her Peacemaker to use them. Currently the pistols just float in mid air using the normal pistol animation.

Do you plan on actualy giving the Peacemakers the right animation anytime soon?

Edited by Othergrunty
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I have a proposal and a question.

Can you give some drop to the last syndicate mob (the ones that come like stalker), since at the moment the give non?

Also, are you planning to do something about the C rotation both in void and normal games? Getting natural talent's in normal mission for the hundred time or getting a forma's bp or more cores..

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A few things: 


Retired / Event Weapons: any plans to bring them back? I know many people, including myself, have come to the game later on. My account is as old as the Fusion MOA event, but I only began playing actively around Cryotic Front because of real life stuff going on. Rumor had it for ages that stuff like Wraith weapons could potentially return, and with the Imperator Vandal being an event reward, Vandal weapons are potentially viable too. Tethra mods repeated and were fairly difficult - something like producing blueprints and parts for the various items as drops in a future event would be nice, as it would allow repeats of powerful weaponry and what is essentially locked mastery rank. Related: please, for the love of all that is Saryn, bring back the Snipetron in some capacity. I can hope that the Wraith weapons and retired weapons will return because of them being dropped in multiple ways over the game's lifetime, but calling the Snipetron just a hybrid weapon or something to make it fit with the lore would be a lot better than simply killing it off forever. 


With regard to Saryn, are there any plans to balance her powers? Currently, Miasma is the only viable power for anything other than momentary distraction and the stun is often a better panic button than Molt, especially since it does significant damage, can easily be buffed, and the stun effect lasts longer than Molt's survivability at higher levels. Venom and Contagion are, unfortunately, virtually worthless at high level play, and while the augments for her make her a little better, I feel a little balancing would go a long way toward making her a more useful frame in lieu of just a speed nuker. 


Archwing is fairly repetitive and bare bones now, with low RNG: any plans to vary the gameplay with additional mission types, and potentially adjust drop rates? I've run over 100 missions to get the Velocitus and am still missing one part. 


Syndicate primary weapons: viable and being considered? Some weapons would lend themselves well to Syndication, such as the Dera or Karak, but this would fly in the face of general weapon balance since they could be considered straight upgrades. On the other hand, they are significantly easier to obtain than some Prime weapons, so mileage may vary. 


And for something totally different: 


Has DE ever considered doing articulated figures for Warframe? The game is very popular now, and profit margin on things such as figures can be extremely high if done correctly. Something similar to an S.H. Figuarts figure with potential option kits would allow DE to do figures of multiple frames (in default or Immortal schemes) with a few weapons, maybe even the same ones from their bundled sets in the market, and making the weapons interchangeable would push people to purchase more to boot. 

Edited by Vaikyuko
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-Can we expect to see Primes (or, rewards from the end mission droptables) to the third Resource Cache in Void Sabotage missions? Maybe making it unrevealable until extraction, like it happens for Corrupted Mods, as many people suggested? 

-Any plans about PBR update for older Primes? (No, I just can't stand gold, I'm sorry).

-When are shotguns getting some love? I mean, the normal Point Blank is even weaker than Pressure Point (+90% vs +120% damage statwise), and we had to wait for its Primed version for it to be as good as a Serration mod..

-Login Rewards 2.0 and Mastery Rank Rewards: when and how? 


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I really think that kubrows need a little extra work for them. Like being able to "train" them to allow certain tactics such as target prioritizing.
Or maybe even train them to be stronger, making them hit harder but become slower aswell. Something like that.

Also it would be awesome to get armour for the kubrows. Something more in the cosmetics then just the fur patterns. (which are still awesome by the way)

And last, the races of kubrows need a bigger difference then just 2 skills. It kind of feels irrelevant to actually have a certain race.

Someone made a very good point and I would like to point this out aswell, the prime accessories. They are usually awesome but the problem is that not everybody (me included) wants the boosters that come with them which drive the price up pretty badly. So it would be greatly appreciated if that could be removed making it so that we just buy the accessories or add platinum instead of boosters to make it so that we can choose what to spend it on instead of being "forced" to get boosters

Just my thoughts, hope you take a look a at it and ofcourse I'm no pro game developer so sorry for any unthoughtfull suggestions ^_^

Edited by Gylza
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Q:I want to get prime Accessorys but dont need the boosters, will there be options in the future, like platinum instead of boosters ? Because its like i paying for something i want the accessorys and charge extra for something i dont want boosters

Edited by MrKage
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- Can you show us anything new regarding the upcoming Relay Station rooms (concept art or how it will work) ?


- What about a "chat design 2.0" (because the current design is kinda old) 


- You mentioned several movement and parcour-ish things you want to rework/add to the game. (parcour 2.0, movement 2.0)

What about a rework of the dodge function? 

(e.g. double-tap the movement key -w a s d- instead of "aim+wasd+shift" or even special animations for each Warframe... like frost sliding on ice or ash making a short range teleport)


edit: - We just got new Noggle-statues... but

How about other ways to obtain special Bobbleheads? (e.g. reach mastery rank 15 to get lotus; kill 1000 people with ember prime using the 1st ability to get Ember Prime Noggle with animated fire)

more about this here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/350168-suggestion-noggle-statues-15-some-additions-and-thoughts/?p=3905935

Edited by Fabpsi
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Will fallen outta the meta/weak frames receive buffs?

Such as hydroid->good 4 but pool is really useless and a good way afking which has happened often to me.

Oberon->received a buff in U14 but needs a change to his 2 he is slightly on the weaker side

Rhino->why run tank when you can do Zephyr/mirage combo with eclipse and turbulence two frames that work well and have good amounts of crowd control and offense stats

Also i heard frost is falling out of the meta is it true?

Will prime series be discontinued for frames and the non prime frames receive their own series like Harbringer Nekros or Tempest Zephyr or Venom Saryn?

Also will Excalibur prime ever return? Or just be able to farm for in a quest of some sort?

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Can we wait to see the U16 hype train site this week?



When we will see tileset changes on each planet? It's hard to find ice tilesets on Venus, you know :p


About new tilesets, how about infested jungle (Eris), and archwing fields (Jupiter)? The Corpus Gas City are awesome and all, but that giant towers really look like a nice place to fly around, and the special halloween alert with that visual effects on Earth really make me feel like in a forest filled with creatures ready to kill me (that's what happened :p)



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Are there plans to do more contests like the current Gun & Blade Challenge?


I'd love it if this would become more of an ongoing thing, because unlike with some of the other contests, everyone has the necessary tools to create an entry. And both trying to compete and browsing the submissions are a nice diversion.

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Can We have Inventory Option inside Dojo, So I can see what we  have and Sell the things we  have without leaving the dojo to check.

Can we have a search option inside the Inventory  to make it alot easier while trading. 

Supra Buff on the way ?

Is nightmare mode getting any love ?  


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