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Coming Soon: Devstream #45!


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Would you guys consider adding a "Hard Mode" difficulty option for all the regular missions?


I've been playing Warframe for quite a while now and I would love to have the option to replay through the entire star map with my best gear, especially if these "Hard" missions came with a slight resource drop chance increase. You know, being allowed to play through a "difficulty level 35-40" version of Mercury or Earth, fighting much stronger enemies and bosses that require more than a few Opticor blasts to kill.


Veteran players are all busy doing Void missions right now and it would be great to see all these people getting back into the matchmaking pool as a result.

Edited by Bleako
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will we be seeing any actual Orokin-related enemies that are not Corrupted besides the Orokin Drones and the deadly lasers?

i find it a bit limiting that the Neural Sentry can only rely on the prowess of random individuals it corrupts


can we get Syndicate-specific quest lines?

i feel its a good way to delve deeper into the lore of each syndicate and the troubles they face.


it seems there isnt alot of faction division with the infested. you see Grineer-based Infested on Corpus-controlled worlds and vice versa. with the likely introduction of more Infested types, will we see better faction division among planets? this includes the Derelicts.


with gradual advancements of the Archwing feature imminent, can we also have Archwing missions in the void?

ever since the beginning of Update 15, i always wanted to assault an Orokin tower.


will we ever see anymore Orokin-related content besides the Towers and the Derelicts?

there had to have been more to the Orokin than that.


is Hayden Tenno related to the Zariman, the ship that seems to be tied with the lore of certain Warframes?


how soon can we expect to see full-body lotus, female Corpus, and reworked Kela?


can we get more lore out of codex scans for various enemies and things in the same way you give out lore for Prime Warframes?

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Could you make the hijacking mission on Europe almost endless? It's a lot of fun to sit/stand on the tracked vehicle and kill corpus. Maybe you could implement a reward every 1000 meters with a randomly generated route.



Edited by -S-O-Yetili
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I've noticed warframes tend to follow the (lack of a better phrase) standard three rpg roles of tank, dps, and healing/support. While many frames are excellent in their roles, it feels like the tank role is kind of lacking in my opinion. While most of the tank frames are durable (or invulnerable in Valkyr's case), I can only think of one tank frame with an ability to draw fire away from the more fragile members of the team (Saryn's Molt), and the other frames with provoke mechanics are more in line with support than tank (Loki's decoy, and Nyx's absorb). 


My question is: Do you have plans to add a tank frame with a taunt/provoke mechanic that can draw enemy fire away from teammates, or tweak existing tank frames to have this ability?

Edited by Regulus1990
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Question: Not that i expect this to be chosen, that in itself is highly unlikely given how many questions have already been asked. But What is the team's thoughts on Shotguns (and shotgun type weapons) regarding how to bring them up to par with their, well i'd say intended use but that's a bit presumptuous of me, So Bring them up to par with their nature? What changes would you each make to them if you could each only make a single change? I know a single change is not going to fix the issue with them, but this is more for conversation than anything. buffing damage is a quick sloppy fix but not a true solution in the long term. I'm interested to hear the response from the entire couch. 


Forever praise be to the Lotus who guides us through the eternity of war and balance.

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Here's my Year-of-Quality-question:

Skills visual effects, particle system alpha level:

Are you considering to improve the display options, for instance adding an alpha level slider so we can tone down the  skills visual effects?

Sometimes depending on my friends color selection i've had hard times to see anything through some skills visual effects (i. e. Snowglobe) instead of asking my friends to pick another color i would appreciate it, if we could adjust the  alpha level via options.

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Q:Will i be able to choose between something else than boosters like platinum for accessory pack in prime access? I want the accessorys but i dont want the boosters, so im paying for something i want and getting charged more for something i dont want boosters

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Hello DE, I started really playing Warframe around U14, and really dug Vor's Prize. What are your thoughts about integrating a full campaign into the game, with repeatability, difficulty, and awesome cutscenes? I'd love to see your world flushed out more, and having a campaign mode could give new players some direction in the game as well as explaining more of the game's mechanics. Thoughts?


P.S. Been loving your game, and will most likely continue to love it regardless. Keep up the outstanding work.  :)

Edited by Dauntershi
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Would a game-mode or faction, or some other form of combat where rather than fighting countless hordes of enemies, we are faced with a small number of extremely smart, powerful, and durable troops ever exist? Think something like multiple, slightly weaker Stalkers. I feel that a game mode where we are matched against power rather than numbers would be a great way to spice up the game.

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Will there ever be more utility hacking?
For example, opening storage containers/rooms, enabling or disabling enviromental hazards, causing lights-out or gravity disruption events, "-1" alert status, etc.

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When will we see an event on the scale of the Gradivus dilemma but with the syndicates? it would be great to have such a great idea be implemented.

The syndicates don't really have a role in the solar system, they just don't seem to matter to the Grineer/Corpus.

Edited by mishmashmarsh
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There any chance the chat system is getting a rework?

It seems silly that you have to port-forward ports just to be able to use the in-game chat. A lot of my friends and others who I've played with have an issue with this due to their inability to do such a thing. College students living on campus etc who enjoy the game, but simply can't use it's full community driven aspect due to the fact that the chat simply wont load without opening certain ports. No trade chat/clan chat/ or anything else is possible for us players who opening ports simply isn't an option. Is it possible to have the chat work through the same system the actual game uses to connect you to one another? Would really like to see some improvement made so that a lot of it's members can utilize the game's entirity to it's fullest. 

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