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Please Remove Friendship Doors.


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The friendship doors are there to prevent rushers from ignoring the rest of the team and just leave everyone else in the dust. 


It's fine to rush sometimes, but if a player does it with a complete disregard of the rest of the team, it's a $&*^ move. 


The friendship doors serve a purpose, for people to play together. 


If you don't want to play together, there's always solo. The game also has clans and friends, you can combine strategy even if you cobble a team on the recruit channel, there is a chat for that. 


The doors serve plenty of purpose, they are a stop sign where "don't be a jerk" is written as a hidden message. They were also a subject of a recent hot-topic and the majority voted to keep them because they are not bothered by their existence. 

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The friendship doors are there to prevent rushers from ignoring the rest of the team and just leave everyone else in the dust. 


It's fine to rush sometimes, but if a player does it with a complete disregard of the rest of the team, it's a $&*^ move. 


The friendship doors serve a purpose, for people to play together. 


If you don't want to play together, there's always solo. The game also has clans and friends, you can combine strategy even if you cobble a team on the recruit channel, there is a chat for that. 


The doors serve plenty of purpose, they are a stop sign where "don't be a jerk" is written as a hidden message. They were also a subject of a recent hot-topic and the majority voted to keep them because they are not bothered by their existence. 



As I've already thoroughly explained, the doors aren't providing you with any benefit. In your example you bring up a situation where there is only one rusher. If there is one rusher the doors are doing nothing but crapifying the rusher's experience. They provide you with no benefit. If the doors weren't there that single rusher wouldn't be able to do anything. It takes more than one person to start the extraction timer. If there is more than one rusher your entire argument falls apart. You can claim you didn't experience any inconvenience, but the fact is that claim is false. The very act of having to stop what you're doing to activate a console just so you can proceed is an inconvenience. It doesn't add to a positive gaming experience. As I already stated, a single rusher can't do anything to hurry a four man squad with three non-rushers. Even in assassination missions the only thing the rusher can do is kill the boss and run to extraction (assuming no friendship doors pop up). That rusher can stand at extraction for twenty hours while you and your other squad mates take turns counting the amount of pixels in the rest of the level and the mission will still not forcibly change your style of play. The biggest inconvenience that the rusher's presence in extraction can cause you is the annoyance of having a small portion of your screen taken up by the message that a player is waiting in extraction. The doors literally do nothing except aid in the creation of a negative gaming experience. Your claim that there is no difference between solo and group play for a rusher is blatantly false and screams ignorance on your part.


Now, can you ACTUALLY provide a solid argument for why the doors should stay as-is that DOESN'T boil down to "I don't like rushers, these doors annoy them, so they should stay"? Because if that is the only argument you can provide, I'm going to have to ask you to leave this thread. That argument is the same one that caused the derailment of my other threads.


Oh and, if you read the OP why are you still bringing up solo play? As I stated IN RED, friendship doors are still present in solo play. They function like normal locked doors, except they don't have a puzzle. So they're basically randomly generated brief pauses that add nothing positive to gameplay. They're a minor inconvenience (at best) and any inconvenience that doesn't contribute to a better gaming experience is one that shouldn't exist. So to recap:

-The 'just play solo' argument has been completely stomped into the dirt.

-"I don't like rushers and therefore I'm in support of anything that annoys them" isn't a valid argument.

-The doors fail to achieve anything meaningful in there current state.

-One rusher can't force a group of non-rushers to extract earlier than they want to.

-If you're in a group with more than one rusher you are no longer in the majority and the doors will completely fail to benefit you (the non-rushers) while only providing a minor inconvenience for the rushers.


...... I'm not sure if this is contributing or not.

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 If there is one rusher the doors are doing nothing but crapifying the rusher's experience.

If there is no doors, rusher will crappify non-rusher experience by forcing increased spawnrates, killing bosses, annoying extraction message or even by forcing early extraction. Yet rusher can easily avoid being annoyed by frienship door by soloing while pugs can't choose who to play with.

As BrasilianJoy already said: they are "don't be jerk" signs for those who don't care about others players experience.

Even if pug can get two rushers this doesn't mean that they will not end up being alone near door in next mission and eventually "maybe I should go solo" thought will appear in their heads (but sometimes they go on forums an complain about friendship doors).


You can claim you didn't experience any inconvenience, but the fact is that claim is false. The very act of having to stop what you're doing to activate a console just so you can proceed is an inconvenience. It doesn't add to a positive gaming experience.

Just like lockdowns, slowing floors, traps an many other game elements they just a minor inconvenience. Following your logic even regular doors should be removed because they make you stop for a second before they open.

Edited by Repligon
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I partially want to do everything you stated not to in the orange text just because you said you would report somebody if they did.


On topic; I just get annoyed as hell having to stop at the door and wait for my team mates to stop killing things to open it. I agree with removing the door.

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If there is no doors, rusher will crappify non-rusher experience by forcing increased spawnrates, killing bosses, annoying extraction message or even by forcing early extraction. Yet rusher can easily avoid being annoyed by frienship door by soloing while pugs can't choose who to play with.

As BrasilianJoy already said: they are "don't be jerk" signs for those who don't care about others players experience.

Even if pug can get two rushers this doesn't mean that they will not end up being alone near door in next mission and eventually "maybe I should go solo" thought will appear in their heads (but sometimes they go on forums an complain about friendship doors).


Just like lockdowns, slowing floors, traps an many other game elements they just a minor inconvenience. Following your logic even regular doors should be removed because they make you stop for a second before they open.


No, it wouldn't and I've already explained why. Enemies only spawn where they can't be seen (when things are working correctly), one player splitting off and dashing through rooms should actually DECREASE enemy spawns (this is part of the reason why people don't like players running off and doing their own thing in survival missions) and the doors don't prevent players from dashing off as soon as they're opened. The doors don't stop players from rushing bosses before the others catch up as friendship doors rarely spawn right before a boss, so the rusher can go back to rushing as soon as the door opens and reach and kill the boss before the non-rushers catch up. As I've already explained to you friendship doors STILL SPAWN IN SOLO. And why should rushers be the ones who have to solo? What if they want to play with other people?


They fail to stop players from rushing and therefore fail as a "don't be a jerk" sign. I've already addressed the solo-play argument and from now on any time you bring it up I will tell you to re-read my previous posts. Either read my posts or stop posting in this thread.


Lockdowns add to gameplay (traps you in a room with enemies and requires you to go through a puzzle to get out). Slowing floors and traps all add to a positive gaming experience. Regular doors separate tiles and help prevent the ugliness that you sometimes see when a door way out in the distance is opened by enemies and all you can see beyond it is grey (or the skybox). And Rarely do I find myself having to pause in front of regular doors (unless I'm lagging really bad). Friendship doors legitimately make you stop what you're doing so you can press E on a door, hear Lotus say something (IIRC), and then after a slight pause finally proceed with the mission.


Or you can help them instead of "wait for team mates to stop havig fun".


Or the doors could be removed to allow both parties to have fun.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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*Reads Thread*

...WHAT IF the doors' placement was a hint that horde of enemies was on the other side? They'd be useful then, but they don't really do that now...

Well *I* Think that the latter should happen, or the doors should be removed altogether, like the OP said.

EDIT: The doors should also only need to be opened by 1 player, if my idea were to take place.

Edited by XxDeadlockerxX
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I'm not sure why the OP highlighted in red the fact that the doors appear even in solo. As a player who primarily solos, I find their presence a convenience more than an annoyance, namely because they can be opened with one player in solo and without hacking. It gives me a chance to catch my breath knowing that enemies can only attack from one direction (behind) while the door is still locked and lets me proceed when I consider myself ready. (They also give me a chance to cast MPrime at the enemies on the other side, reload my forever-reload shotgun or Soma or Supra, or whatnot without the risk of getting shot at before opening the door.)

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Maybe put a timer on these doors, like the exit timer, useful if you get a mission with an AFKer because it doesn't stop you from progressing. By that I mean, a timer from when the first person touches the door control, so if two people activate it still opens as it currently does. But if only one person touches it, a timer runs until the door opens.

Edited by (PS4)Pharen
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I'm not sure why the OP highlighted in red the fact that the doors appear even in solo. As a player who primarily solos, I find their presence a convenience more than an annoyance, namely because they can be opened with one player in solo and without hacking. It gives me a chance to catch my breath knowing that enemies can only attack from one direction (behind) while the door is still locked and lets me proceed when I consider myself ready. (They also give me a chance to cast MPrime at the enemies on the other side, reload my forever-reload shotgun or Soma or Supra, or whatnot without the risk of getting shot at before opening the door.)


I highlighted that bit because people love to hop in these threads and say 'just play solo' as if the doors don't exist in solo. When I solo and find myself needing a break (but not a game pausing break) I go stand in a corner OR I reset the alarm and just stand around while I reload. 

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People need/take breaks in this game? 

On topic though I do like the idea of it as a sign of things to come, if having that door crop up meant that you were on the edge of a special tile that would require multiple people to work through a puzzle (jumping puzzle or something else) that was timed or something that couldn't be accomplished solo then I think it would be fine, but it needs to be something more than just the door.  Objective rooms like bosses on the other side of this would be fine too, as you mentioned.

That aside, death to all doors.  If we go into lockdown, the doors should slam shut, but should be in a otherwise open status so I can energy vampire through them and copter with a laggy host.

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I agree that the doors, in their current implementation, are kind of useless. Friendship doors don't stop rushers because as soon as a team mate arrives and helps open the door, the rusher instantly copters through the doorway and mach 3. As for punishing them, the punishment is so insignificant it seems like it's poorly implemented if that is its intended purpose. Also, this game does give us the devices to go fast, and then "punishes" us for going fast? Wat do? If DE wants to prevent people from leaving their squad behind, they need to get a little more creative about it. Friendship doors aren't doing the job.


I don't think frienship doors are as big a problem as they're being chalked up to be in this thread, though. I have 680 hours in this game and have only being greatly impeded by a friendship door once. I wasn't really rushing, just going at a decent pace, and I had a low ranked player as my only squad member who wasn't making his way to the door. After, like, 5 minutes of spamming "x" on the console after trying to escort him through mobless rooms and getting no text response from him, the door opened with just me there. Bug maybe? Either way, we completed the mission and I didn't think about it again.


So I'm not against the friendship doors. In fact, I like them (just not as much in their current implementation). I just think they could serve a much better purpose than they currently do. Instead of placing them randomly in a map, like others have said, put them in front of a difficult encounter that requires 2 or more people to overcome (while excluding it during solo play). I'd like to see myself and fellow tenno feel wary when these doors crop up, just like in old first person shooters where if you see a room filled to the brim with health and ammo you know for a fact that something bad is about to happen. With this, there would be a better level of immersion and conveyance, and instead of forcing the squad to regroup, it's encouraging them to regroup (and again, friendship doors as they are now don't force people to regroup anyway because the rusher is gone the moment the door opens).

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Aw, we're here again, oh well.



To avoid some bad assumptions, I'll sum up my previous position


I'm neutral to the removal of friendship doors,

Adding some points that I didn't talk about the previous time

Friendship doors would be more justified if they were put at checkpoint/objectives

Said in some other thread somewhere, I'd wish DE would aknowledge the possibility of splitting up.



But your argumentation is still flawed/incomplete



The reasoning behind my request stems from their (the door's) failure to positively affect anyone's gameplay experience. I will explain how this applies under different assumptions:

This is presented as an objective fact


Your arguments on another note are mostly subjective

1. The doors don't work as an anti-rush mechanic.
2. They don't contribute to a positive gameplay experience. 
3. They don't benefit anyone.
4. They are still present in solo.
5. They can be reworked but until then, they should be removed.
6. Countermeasures to prevent a single fast player from ending the mission early in a full party game are unnecessary as it is already impossible for a single player to start the extraction timer when the other three are alive and not present at extraction.
7. I have no problem with friendship doors (or a better alternative) being placed right before objective tiles.

1,2,3 are subjective


5 Nothing to say I guess, can go either way depending of the person

6 Half/half, depend of the person's view on the doors actual utility, one exemple is provided in this thread though.


4 In the previous thread, the only thing about this argument which got brought out from all the debates and discussions was that you don't like waiting, which got a dubious weight as an argument.

There were a bit more but it was around the end, so I'm not sure you were following everything properly or just ignoring.




Re-read the OP. I am NOT about to start this crap again. I have already addressed this argument numerous times in the past and even preemptively addressed it in the OP. You using it can only mean you didn't bother reading the OP in its entirety. 


Also, do not start a rusher vs. non-rusher discussion in this thread. That is off topic.

I already said it in the previous one and also explained why, but nope, rusher vs non rusher is not off topic.

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the doors serve 2 purposes.... 1 they serve as an anti-rush for the tenno allowing other player to catch up to the rush happy brute forcers, and 2, they divide the mission to make sure players dont get overrun or the AI dont all die in one room. If you have not noticed the doors do not allow for AI enemies to pass through. While they seem annoying, many players dislike players who rush through levels and dont take the time to search for loot or treasure rooms.

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Aw, we're here again, oh well.



To avoid some bad assumptions, I'll sum up my previous position


I'm neutral to the removal of friendship doors,

Adding some points that I didn't talk about the previous time

Friendship doors would be more justified if they were put at checkpoint/objectives

Said in some other thread somewhere, I'd wish DE would aknowledge the possibility of splitting up.



But your argumentation is still flawed/incomplete



This is presented as an objective fact


Your arguments on another note are mostly subjective

1,2,3 are subjective


5 Nothing to say I guess, can go either way depending of the person

6 Half/half, depend of the person's view on the doors actual utility, one exemple is provided in this thread though.


4 In the previous thread, the only thing about this argument which got brought out from all the debates and discussions was that you don't like waiting, which got a dubious weight as an argument.

There were a bit more but it was around the end, so I'm not sure you were following everything properly or just ignoring.




I already said it in the previous one and also explained why, but nope, rusher vs non rusher is not off topic.


Of course, new year new thread.


I completely agree with the underlined.


1. Actually, as has already been established (by myself and several others) 1-3 aren't subjective. They don't prevent players from rushing once they're open. 

2. Name one thing that they do that contributes to a positive gameplay experience. There is a difference between a neutral experience and a good experience. 

3. Provide examples of ways that this door benefits players.

6. No, there is no depends. It is a fact. A lone rusher can not force the extraction timer to start without at least one other player present in a full party.


It isn't just that I don't like waiting, it is that these doors force you to wait (got a rough time of 1.61 seconds yesterday while in solo) for no reason. I don't mind waiting if there is a clear reason for it. Build times on weapons don't bother me as I know they're present to entice players to rush their builds. They also don't bother me because I have that rush option. With friendship doors the time spent waiting may be a lot shorter, but there is no benefit. I don't get anything out of it, nor does DE. It is just an unnecessary feature. 1.61 seconds out of every mission you play that has the doors adds up over time. If you don't play solo and are forced to wait for another player to come help open the door the wait time increases drastically.


You can make that claim as often as you'd like, it doesn't change the fact that it IS off topic. Look up, you see what feedback category we're in? I put this thread in Maps & Levels for a reason. That reason being that the topic is on the doors, not the meta.


the doors serve 2 purposes.... 1 they serve as an anti-rush for the tenno allowing other player to catch up to the rush happy brute forcers, and 2, they divide the mission to make sure players dont get overrun or the AI dont all die in one room. If you have not noticed the doors do not allow for AI enemies to pass through. While they seem annoying, many players dislike players who rush through levels and dont take the time to search for loot or treasure rooms.


The doors only require two players to open, so if there are two rushers the non-rushers end up never being able to catch up. If there is only one rusher and the other three are moving as one (slow) group the doors fail to stop the rusher from rushing off as soon as the doors open up. If the rusher was fast enough to leave them in the dust prior to the door, what's stopping the rusher from repeating those actions and leaving the non-rushers behind again? Nothing. The doors fail to prevent a rusher from leaving non-rushers behind.


I have run into hundreds of situations where the room immediately behind the door didn't contain any enemies. I have also run into hundreds of situations where there were more than one friendship door in the same mission. They also do not prevent enemies from spawning in the rooms behind you and killing you. So the entire argument that they (the doors) prevent players from getting overrun makes zero sense. And many players dislike players who don't rush and choose to take their time searching containers for the meager amount of loot that they drop. What's your point? Whether or not you or other players dislike rushers is completely irrelevant to the main topic.

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the doors <snip> divide the mission to make sure players dont get overrun or the AI dont all die in one room. If you have not noticed the doors do not allow for AI enemies to pass through. While they seem annoying, many players dislike players who rush through levels and dont take the time to search for loot or treasure rooms.

But for what reason is the mission divided up?  If they put a "buddy door" in front of every major objective, I think that would be understandable, not just for rescue missions, but for sabotage, capture, etc.  Then they would serve two better purposes:


1) Allow your team to regroup before engaging in an objective 

2) The previously-mentioned wipe out all enemies, turn off all alarms, reload/energy pad/ammo pad


Having a buddy door just slapped in the middle of a mission which leads to an empty hallway is stupid and pointless, it might as well be another door.  Hell, I've run into buddy doors that lead NOWHERE!  The objective isn't that way, extraction isn't that way, there's no rare loot inside, it's just a buddy door for the freaking sake of it.


Only two locations I know of don't have these doors: Earth and the Void [Derelict], and I may be wrong about Earth.  But these are the places that (in my opinion) are the most fun to explore because they don't just stop the player mid-mission.  


When I first saw this thread I thought "what's the big deal?" But I've become increasingly irritated every time I see these doors because they're a giant stop sign that physically forces you to stop, often for no reason other than "because."

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Yeah, there's really no point to these doors.. Rushers will be rushers anyways

sure but it stops rushers from completing the mission and everyone else has to slowly work their way to extraction. even now high rank players dual zorren though and get to extraction then yell at the lower level players trying to get xp and stuff. if you don't like the dual lockdown doors, then play solo and stop inconveniencing everyone else. 

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I partially want to do everything you stated not to in the orange text just because you said you would report somebody if they did.


On topic; I just get annoyed as hell having to stop at the door and wait for my team mates to stop killing things to open it. I agree with removing the door.

then play solo. 

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sure but it stops rushers from completing the mission and everyone else has to slowly work their way to extraction. even now high rank players dual zorren though and get to extraction then yell at the lower level players trying to get xp and stuff. if you don't like the dual lockdown doors, then play solo and stop inconveniencing everyone else. 


A lone rusher can't force extraction when in a party of more than two.


then play solo. 


As I stated in the OP, the doors are still present in solo.

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A lone rusher can't force extraction when in a party of more than two.



As I stated in the OP, the doors are still present in solo.

then what's the problem? are you seriously feeling held back that you have to press a button and stand there for 1 second? sorry that stops you from completing your rescue mission in 5.0 seconds. seriously, of all the higher rank players complaining about things in the game, pressing a button is by far the most pointless. 

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You can make that claim as often as you'd like, it doesn't change the fact that it IS off topic. Look up, you see what feedback category we're in? I put this thread in Maps & Levels for a reason. That reason being that the topic is on the doors, not the meta.

Bah, I had already explained it, but putting a bit more why not.


Actually it's all because you're basing yourself on the principle that the door are made to stop rushers.


So what I had said in the other thread was something like : as long as you consider that the doors are there to counter rushers you'll have to answer to rushers vs non rusher

Something along those line don't remember.


A little something then

When something A cause something B, you can resolve B by directly adressing B..., or sometime by adressing A, it then become a non-issue.

In effect, if there were no rusher-problem then there would be no door (on the hypothesis that that's what they're supposed to do)

But it's still not how it goes for this thread,

It's the reverse

So, the reason why it's not off topic is because an argument for people to keep the doors is that "it stops rushers", if you're removing them, then what is supposed to "stop" rushers (for these people who have problems with rushers), and thus it goes to something like as long as there is rusher problem, let's not remove the doors.

So one way to make people accept the doors removal is resolving the problem.



-And then what follow is :

Are the doors properly fulfilling their role or not

To which my humble answers are : it's subjective, [and it's "relative"]

(btw, in theory, if people are still opposing your thread, it means your arguments don't convince them)


From the previous thread, we could see some people citing "certain reasons" which made them happy to have the doors,

so you said something like "I don't see any arguments for keeping them outside of [unproper motives]"

Whatever the reason is, if for them if it's an advantage then the doors do benefit them.

(but as I said, in both this thread and the previous one, there are some people who present some utility outside of these "bad reasons")


There were something in the previous thread which led to something like : "it is an objective fact that the door make me wait", I did say something about that but I didn't develop and it got jumped I guess.

True, the door wait is a fact, but waiting being an inconvenient is an opinion.


But the subjective part is also tied with the relative part

About -from previous thread- when I said that the doors may be an incentive against rushers, adding what I got too lazy to say back then.

The incentive can be considered as a preventive counter-measure which work differently than a remedial(?) counter-measure.

Exemple : driving regulation

I'm not in every rusher's head but taking the most representating of the thing, extreme case.

Someone who usually play solo (rush solo), when pugging don't rush because of the door wait, whenever the other people seems to be non rushers.

The actual effect is hard to evaluate though, but theorically there should be some people somewhat along those line.


So depending of what people consider is the door's role that's how far it might get interpreted.





I have run into hundreds of situations where the room immediately behind the door didn't contain any enemies. I have also run into hundreds of situations where there were more than one friendship door in the same mission. They also do not prevent enemies from spawning in the rooms behind you and killing you. So the entire argument that they (the doors) prevent players from getting overrun makes zero sense.

Not directly related to my reply but since I'm here,

Two elements here,

On a normal map, with an entry and an exit you get ennemies in front of you and behind you, that's some part of the meaning in getting overrun, add when there is not just 1 entry, 1 exit but more and you might get Overrun.

In this situation, something to do is getting to a place where you can either more easiliy clean up or sometimes... a place that goes 1 way in/out for better control, a side room for exemple, though with a friendship locked corridor you're not sidetracking the mission.

On another note when there is a rusher blocked at the door, the -/3 others can regroup with the guy, and one normal behaviour when there are ennemies for both the rusher and non rusher is to clean up (after regrouping in this case).

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then what's the problem? are you seriously feeling held back that you have to press a button and stand there for 1 second? sorry that stops you from completing your rescue mission in 5.0 seconds. seriously, of all the higher rank players complaining about things in the game, pressing a button is by far the most pointless. 


I have already explained what the problem is and will not repeat myself.




If the doors aren't meant to stop rushers the entire argument here shifts to, "give these doors a meaningful purpose or remove them" which is still basically the same.


No, I can and will have a discussion on these doors failing to counter rushers without having this thread devolve into an anti-rusher vs rusher argument. I can discuss politics that counter the beliefs of other political parties without having the discussion turn into a party vs party flamewar. It just requires careful and strict moderation.


Your argument relies upon the assumption that rushers are a problem. This claim is unfounded and hasn't been outright supported by DE. Therefore it stands to reason that one should address the actual problem rather than the perceived problem that comes from a conflict of interests between players with vastly different (but equally viable and sanctioned) methods of play.


There are people who oppose the idea that the world isn't flat. People will argue against everything. The majority of the people who seem to be opposing my stance are anti-rushing players who are more against my playstyle than the actual topic of my thread (sort of like political party members opposing ideas put forth by the opposite political party because they don't like that political party).


And as I stated in my previous threads, all the 'reasons' that people provided were antagonistic (I want them to stay because it pisses off rushers) or didn't make any sense for the majority of this game (I want them to stay because it provides me with protection from enemies -despite enemies being able to spawn behind them-). And none of the remotely relevant suggestions addressed my slightly altered stance of having them removed, reworked, and then re-added in a more meaningful and experience positive form.


No, being FORCED to wait when the intent is obviously to progress (hence why the player is trying to open the door in the first place) is an inconvenience. In solo, after activated the button to trigger the door's opening you are forced to wait ~1.61 seconds. That is longer than the standard door opening time and it does add up. In non-solo where you can be forced to wait >1.61 seconds it becomes even more ridiculous. I've even had missions that spawn multiple friendship doors.


It fails to as an incentive agaisnt rushers as soon as you have multiple rushers in the same game and in those situations it still forces them to wait ~1.61 seconds. And in missions where all players are non-rushers they're still forced to wait ~1.61 seconds.


I don't see how that's relevant. And as I stated, they don't stop you from getting overrun. In fact, they often aid in players getting overwhelmed because they can completely halt a players progress when that player is attempting to flee (getting chased by stalker but can progress because the doors are in your way, it was mentioned in a previous thread IIRC).

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No, I can and will have a discussion on these doors failing to counter rushers without having this thread devolve into an anti-rusher vs rusher argument. I can discuss politics that counter the beliefs of other political parties without having the discussion turn into a party vs party flamewar. It just requires careful and strict moderation.

From, what I remember from the other thread and how it is here too, it's not where you're going, you're basically barring any mention close or far to that.


Your argument relies upon the assumption that rushers are a problem. This claim is unfounded and hasn't been outright supported by DE. Therefore it stands to reason that one should address the actual problem rather than the perceived problem that comes from a conflict of interests between players with vastly different (but equally viable and sanctioned) methods of play.

It's not me who is saying rushers are a problem, it's players, and it's players who are answering your thread and whom you are also answering to.


There are people who oppose the idea that the world isn't flat. People will argue against everything. The majority of the people who seem to be opposing my stance are anti-rushing players who are more against my playstyle than the actual topic of my thread (sort of like political party members opposing ideas put forth by the opposite political party because they don't like that political party).

There are some yes, some.


And as I stated in my previous threads, all the 'reasons' that people provided were antagonistic (I want them to stay because it &!$$es off rushers) or didn't make any sense for the majority of this game (I want them to stay because it provides me with protection from enemies -despite enemies being able to spawn behind them-).

Well, reading what I can read, the only thing I see is that what makes sense for others doesn't for you


And none of the remotely relevant suggestions addressed my slightly altered stance of having them removed, reworked, and then re-added in a more meaningful and experience positive form.

If the issue originate from another problem, and the problem is not resolved, a lot of people aren't going to accept it.

But not untrue it could work like that.


No, being FORCED to wait when the intent is obviously to progress (hence why the player is trying to open the door in the first place) is an inconvenience.

You went from a generality to a situational.


It fails to as an incentive agaisnt rushers as soon as you have multiple rushers in the same game and in those situations it still forces them to wait ~1.61 seconds. And in missions where all players are non-rushers they're still forced to wait ~1.61 seconds.

That's not how the situation I described work, and also at the root, not how a preventive effect works

Well, I do remember saying that the thing that came out from all the debates is that basically you can't stand waiting.


I don't see how that's relevant. And as I stated, they don't stop you from getting overrun. In fact, they often aid in players getting overwhelmed because they can completely halt a players progress when that player is attempting to flee (getting chased by stalker but can progress because the doors are in your way, it was mentioned in a previous thread IIRC).

In other way, you didn't read at all what I said.

You've got an awful way with going from situation A to situation B, thinking that B being a different situation and making the thing look like it doesn't work, invalidate situation A where it works.

But the point about stalker is not untrue (just as a side note it's not the case anymore)

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Correct on all points. 

But you missed on point. They can be negative to gameplay experience. 

Whether one person is rushing or not, if you're only playing with one other person, or every three other people who're in a party, they could just... Not open the door. 


Happened to me on, like, five or six seperate occasions. They think they can troll me, though? I just put the controller down and watch Youtube. I'll watch you leave within the next three hours, bruh. 

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