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Hallway Heroes.


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Is it considered being a Hallway Hero if I hold the line in a certain area, but as soon as I see the pod start to take a hint of damage (or an ally goes down), I double back to protect it (or rez them so the point is safe)?


Depending on the map, I tend to run my Valkyr on Hysteria mode and while I keep the mobs back in a bunch (for both allies to rush up and mop them up / keep the point safe), but for the most part I keep an eye on the point and ally health at all times when not "pulling an X-23/Wolverine Berserker  barrage". I tend to hold a hall or doorway that is close to it, but far enough away that any stray bullets are nowhere near the defense point.

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Is it bad practice to let them die and fail the defense mission or protect the pod and let them use up there revives.


I wish i had a lasso or something to keep people from wandering to far. dying and half the team has to go pick them up now because to many things to fight for one person.


Worse when its the host and the migration kills us cause they left.


As a self proclamed hallway hero, as I never stay with the group during survivals, and usually run ahead on all other missions that aren't defense, if you die being a hallway hero, you deserved to die and you deserve to have to use a revive. 

Get gud, go home or stay with the group. If you're going to hallway hero and die, you're absolutely useless; you're bad and you should feel bad. 


I'm no hypocrit, either. When I hallway hero, I don't die. And if I do, I don't want my teammates to pick me up. I should've done better. 

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Is it considered being a Hallway Hero if I hold the line in a certain area, but as soon as I see the pod start to take a hint of damage (or an ally goes down), I double back to protect it (or rez them so the point is safe)?


Depending on the map, I tend to run my Valkyr on Hysteria mode and while I keep the mobs back in a bunch (for both allies to rush up and mop them up / keep the point safe), but for the most part I keep an eye on the point and ally health at all times when not "pulling an X-23/Wolverine Berserker  barrage". I tend to hold a hall or doorway that is close to it, but far enough away that any stray bullets are nowhere near the defense point.


Yes, yes it is. Stay at the pod so others at the pod get the xp, some of the action and don't have to run across the map and back for their loot. If it's an agreed team set up, sure, I guess... otherwise - hallway heroing is hallway heroing.

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Is it considered being a Hallway Hero if I hold the line in a certain area, but as soon as I see the pod start to take a hint of damage (or an ally goes down), I double back to protect it (or rez them so the point is safe)?


Depending on the map, I tend to run my Valkyr on Hysteria mode and while I keep the mobs back in a bunch (for both allies to rush up and mop them up / keep the point safe), but for the most part I keep an eye on the point and ally health at all times when not "pulling an X-23/Wolverine Berserker  barrage". I tend to hold a hall or doorway that is close to it, but far enough away that any stray bullets are nowhere near the defense point.


Depending on the situation, that personally doesn't bother me and can easily see how it's tactful. It's not like you have to be standing RIGHT NEXT to someone in order to get EXP.

Edited by I-Like-to-Play-Fair
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They either learn to play with other people or they die where they fall. Simple, if other team mates decides to revive it is up to their discretion.

Or they learn to play solo and not die.


№1 rule for hallway heroes: no greed

№2 rule for hallway heroes: use damn enemy radar.

№3 rule for hallway heroes: troll harder. If someone looks for vauban or nekros for t4 surv run, sign in, then, during 5s start countdown, switch to something more apropriate, like Ash, Rhino or even Ember. And have fun.

Possible consequences - you will be in too many people ignore list, and unable to find good party for t4 content.

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I wouldn't mind reviving since no one is perfect, but I'll totally ignore someone saying "HELP" on squad chat if the pod isn't holding up good, or something similar in that context.  Ask your mom to play WF with you if you need babysitting.

Edited by Grifs
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Doesn't take long to save another player, and all defense missions are just "bomb this wave". I guess people use defense to justify being jerks to others in game. Pods have way to much health, and the only way for it to actually be destroyed is if everyone on the team is garbage.

On some levels are are smaller and the enemy damage doesn't scale right so i'll see the health go down very fast.


I can't help but go rescue people but i get sad when the objective suddenly dies on my way back. I would use my heal and hope the two other people would cover but they are also away.

Edited by Lancars
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Doesn't take long to save another player, and all defense missions are just "bomb this wave". I guess people use defense to justify being jerks to others in game. Pods have way to much health, and the only way for it to actually be destroyed is if everyone on the team is garbage.



obviously this guy hasnt seen a Heavy Gunner breathe on a pod and MISSION FAILED

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Here are my rules when we run with a Frost Bubble Comp:


1. If you step outside the bubble, and die, I will t-bag you.


2. If you step outside the bubble, and die, I will pretend to revive you...and then t-bag you at the last second.


3. If you step outside the bubble, I will be constantly pressing lasers.


4. If you step outside the bubble, I will be constantly pressing laser, and if you die, I will t-bag you.


5. If you step outside the bubble, I will be constantly pressing lasers, and if you die, I will pretend to revive you...and then t-bag you at the last second.


These 5 rules have brought me great joy when playing WF and has helped players understand a particular strategy in place. I strongly suggest doing abiding by these rules. If the player receiving the "t-bag" starts to grief...then simply say "well, you shouldn't have stepped outside of the bubble."


P.S. I manly play as Rhino Prime in T4 Defense. That's a pretty massive t-bag to be receiving...just sayin.

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Here are my rules when we run with a Frost Bubble Comp:


1. If you step outside the bubble, and die, I will t-bag you.


2. If you step outside the bubble, and die, I will pretend to revive you...and then t-bag you at the last second.


3. If you step outside the bubble, I will be constantly pressing lasers.


4. If you step outside the bubble, I will be constantly pressing laser, and if you die, I will t-bag you.


5. If you step outside the bubble, I will be constantly pressing lasers, and if you die, I will pretend to revive you...and then t-bag you at the last second.


These 5 rules have brought me great joy when playing WF and has helped players understand a particular strategy in place. I strongly suggest doing abiding by these rules. If the player receiving the "t-bag" starts to grief...then simply say "well, you shouldn't have stepped outside of the bubble."


P.S. I manly play as Rhino Prime in T4 Defense. That's a pretty massive t-bag to be receiving...just sayin.

If you are playing a Rhino Prime in T4 defence, you are not using tatics.

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What do you mean by that? Since when was providing excellent CC and boosting the team's damage not using TACTICS.

Mediocre CC and same damage boost. He doesnt bring much in the end game, there are better frames at what he does.



You can argue that how much you want, but Rhino is mid tier frame that is attractive to new players.

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Here are my rules when we run with a Frost Bubble Comp:


1. If you step outside the bubble, and die, I will t-bag you.


2. If you step outside the bubble, and die, I will pretend to revive you...and then t-bag you at the last second.


3. If you step outside the bubble, I will be constantly pressing lasers.


4. If you step outside the bubble, I will be constantly pressing laser, and if you die, I will t-bag you.


5. If you step outside the bubble, I will be constantly pressing lasers, and if you die, I will pretend to revive you...and then t-bag you at the last second.


These 5 rules have brought me great joy when playing WF and has helped players understand a particular strategy in place. I strongly suggest doing abiding by these rules. If the player receiving the "t-bag" starts to grief...then simply say "well, you shouldn't have stepped outside of the bubble."


P.S. I manly play as Rhino Prime in T4 Defense. That's a pretty massive t-bag to be receiving...just sayin.

This is terrible advice, especially with nullifiers around now. Only low wave defense and terrible players rely on Snow Globe as anything more than a damage buffer for the defense pod.


Having players take heat off the snow globe is a GOOD thing, as the snow globe dies quickly under enemy fire in later waves.


Addendum: Using lasers, EVER, cements this as terrible, terribad, aproach. T-bagging players in general is uncalled for. This is just a flimsy excuse to troll other players. Rhino Prime main is no surprise.

Edited by IlluminaZero
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This is terrible advice, especially with nullifiers around now. Only low wave defense and terrible players rely on Snow Globe as anything more than a damage buffer for the defense pod.


Having players take heat off the snow globe is a GOOD thing, as the snow globe dies quickly under enemy fire in later waves.


Addendum: Using lasers, EVER, cements this as terrible, terribad, aproach. T-bagging players in general is uncalled for. This is just a flimsy excuse to troll other players. Rhino Prime main is no surprise.


If you need to take heat off the snowglobe, then you need to get a better frost on your team.


And there are plenty of instances where teabagging a downed person in your cell ot their corpse is highly warranted.


Used to be that lasers were never to be used in a serious run.  Lasers do have a place now, oddly.  They're very useful against high level nullifiers.  Though that's the only time I would ever seriously consider using them.  Outside of comedy purposes or punishing idiots.

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Here are my rules when we run with a Frost Bubble Comp:


1. If you step outside the bubble, and die, I will t-bag you.


2. If you step outside the bubble, and die, I will pretend to revive you...and then t-bag you at the last second.


3. If you step outside the bubble, I will be constantly pressing lasers.


4. If you step outside the bubble, I will be constantly pressing laser, and if you die, I will t-bag you.


5. If you step outside the bubble, I will be constantly pressing lasers, and if you die, I will pretend to revive you...and then t-bag you at the last second.


These 5 rules have brought me great joy when playing WF and has helped players understand a particular strategy in place. I strongly suggest doing abiding by these rules. If the player receiving the "t-bag" starts to grief...then simply say "well, you shouldn't have stepped outside of the bubble."


P.S. I manly play as Rhino Prime in T4 Defense. That's a pretty massive t-bag to be receiving...just sayin.

I'm ok with rules 1 and 2, but not 3,4,5. If they run out and die, shame on them. I'm not going to kill them. 

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If you need to take heat off the snowglobe, then you need to get a better frost on your team.


And there are plenty of instances where teabagging a downed person in your cell ot their corpse is highly warranted.


Used to be that lasers were never to be used in a serious run.  Lasers do have a place now, oddly.  They're very useful against high level nullifiers.  Though that's the only time I would ever seriously consider using them.  Outside of comedy purposes or punishing idiots.

Snowglobe doesn't scale. Enemies do. If you think Snowglobe is some type of god mode that just shows that you need to play to higher waves.


If Snow Globe is alive in high waves it is not because of Frost, but because the team has good CC to keep heat off the snow globe. Especially obvious with Radial Disarm, where snow globe basically becomes a radial mass slow aura. Chaos, where most enemies aren't even shooting at the globe. Or Molecular Prime, where most enemies won't even REACH the defense objective.


There are better way to express discontent than teabagging. Even if teabagging were warranted... Teabagging players for not being stupid and/or lazy is not one of them.

Edited by IlluminaZero
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Snowglobe doesn't scale. Enemies do. If you think Snowglobe is some type of god mode that just shows that you need to play to higher waves.


If Snow Globe is alive in high waves it is not because of Frost, but because the team has good CC to keep heat off the snow globe. Especially obvious with Radial Disarm, where snow globe basically becomes a radial mass slow aura. Chaos, where most enemies aren't even shooting at the globe. Or Molecular Prime, where most enemies won't even REACH the defense objective.


There are better way to express discontent than teabagging. Even if teabagging were warranted... Teabagging players for not being stupid and/or lazy is not one of them.

Or you can recast Bubble every 3 seconds as it does have 3 seconds immunity.

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Sometimes it's kind of a shame for a lowly loki to revive a full on rhino prime with boltor prime, dikana and synoid gammacor everytime . :/

You seem to be implying that Loki is not master race. Or that Rhino + Boltor Prime/D nikana has an element of prestige associated with it. But that cannot possibly be right.


And besides, Valkyr and Limbo are better revive bots as well. Likely aren't teabagging dudebros either.

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Loki master race...

...anyway, yeah, I'm not staying inside your bubble all day if I'm M Priming. I don't have three hours to do 40 waves. By the time I let em get close, the prime will wear off. Even I delay the M Prime.

Plus even as Frost staying glued to the pod is boring until wave 40. I only stayed glued because I gotta spam it.

Also Valkyr GOAT reviver lol. Mah fave

Edited by (PS4)sycamotree
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Clearly, the best way to deal with these guys are

1) valkyr's ripline. 

2) getting a radiation proc(you know what'll happen next)

3)ignore them

4)banish them

5)switch teleport

6)nova's teleport thingie

7)vauban's bounce every time they try to leave

8)running up next to them and purposely fail a mission, have them blame you, call them a HH noob, and then ditch that ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** of a scrub.

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