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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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Actually the poll asks if chroma is ugly or not. 48% state that it is ugly, 25% are apathetic,  23% like it (smaller percentage than the apathetic ones), and 4% have no opinion. Yeah, so what happens when there are multiple options in a democracy and there is one being voted for that is far ahead of all of the others? That's right the one with the most votes wins. GG.


Uhh...actually, that's not how democracy works, but sure. Okay.

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I'm going to argue against this, the eyes are actually behind the faceplate. It's really deceptive because, well, it's supposed to be deceptive. Most of the time Chroma is holding his head down to make the dragon's snout more prominent, and he has a really thick neck that blends very well with his actual head. It's kind of similar deception to what Zephyr has, with the tubes folding in a way that are reminiscent of a folded bird neck. The part of the first picture that shows his side makes it much more obvious where the real head is. You can also see it in the picture where he breathes fire, where his actual neck is more exposed.

i think the problem is not where hes face is but dat he dont reminds or look like a dragon themed frame but an anteater themed frame

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I'm going to argue against this, the eyes are actually behind the faceplate. It's really deceptive because, well, it's supposed to be deceptive. Most of the time Chroma is holding his head down to make the dragon's snout more prominent, and he has a really thick neck that blends very well with his actual head. It's kind of similar deception to what Zephyr has, with the tubes folding in a way that are reminiscent of a folded bird neck. The part of the first picture that shows his side makes it much more obvious where the real head is. You can also see it in the picture where he breathes fire, where his actual neck is more exposed.

I'm gonna point out that this is all speculation regarding the idle position of the frame. We need to see him in game more to get a clearer idea of how he stands, moves, etc.


Hell, he probably has a animation of him having his face down(agile probably) and one (noble) of him having his head straight upward(Speculation I know, but that's what I'm betting on.).

Edited by Darkmoone1
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i think the problem is not where hes face is but dat he dont reminds or look like a dragon themed frame but an anteater themed frame

And what idpf his sklals are dragon themed, will he not be dragon themed then? Will he not look like a dragon inspired frame.

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Actually the poll asks if chroma is ugly or not. 48% state that it is ugly, 25% are apathetic,  23% like it (smaller percentage than the apathetic ones), and 4% have no opinion. Yeah, so what happens when there are multiple options in a democracy and there is one being voted for that is far ahead of all of the others? That's right the one with the most votes wins. GG.

"The reason larger samples increase your chance of significance is because they more reliably reflect the population mean."THis means 1000 people out "nearly 8 million registered Tenno"-http://www.digitalextremes.com/news/2014/03/warframe-year-1-infographic is like "an exit poll at an election just asking two people how they voted is clearly less useful than one which asks 2,000 people. In Statistics this needs to be quantified and pinned down, and you want to make your sample as accurate as possible."

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Is this still about whether Chroma is dragon enough?


In the end it doesn't matter though. My disappointment comes from the fact that when DE accounced they would be making dragon frame, I though it was impossible to make such a theme into something ugly.


When DE announced magician frame and bird frame I wasn't exactly expecting them to turn out very good looking. And (for me) they didn't, but at least the theme is fairly obvious... aka they look like something at least and the theme is consistent.


Chroma though is ugly and this comes as a shock to me. That shouldn't be possible... no matter how far you twist the theme of "dragon". And to top it off it's kinda messy design. If you're gonna really stretch the theme then at least do it in order to make something decent looking.


Hey we really wanted to incroporate all the different cultures in order to come up with something most closely resembling melted anteater.


I'm not really angry or anything... just... it's kinda funny, and a bit disappointing too. The whole release... I could just hear the disappointed trumpet sound during the reveal at Tennolive xD

Edited by LocoWithGun
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In that poll, "meh" is there because of the way it's used - "Nothing special", “Do you want to go to the party with me?” “Meh.” “What did you think about the book we had to read?” “It was meh.”


All it does is add ambiguity to the vote. The poll is meant to ask if people like the design or not. It doesn't ask the degree of good or bad it is to people, only if they like it or not. People who abstain should put "No opinion."


"Meh" has no predetermined value of affirmation, thus it should be removed from the options.

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Look at this lovely poll. Over 1000 votes and the majority dislike it. If that means nothing to you then I have lost hope for this frame and community requested frames.

Those are completely subjective opinions and DE work shouldn't be affected by them.



Exactly PapaFragolino, one small poll does not represent the entire community, so Invalid_Infinity, try not to lump us all in their as the majority. Not even a fraction goes on here.



Going off that technicality and people like me who dont care about strawpoll [but like chroma] or people who don't go to the forums and just play the game [alot of people] its... not wholly representative.  The type of people more likely to create and or vote on something like this?  Usually angry people.

Sibarian makes a good example of this.
Remember its called a vocal minority for a reason.
Anyway I hope that clears some things up; cheers!
Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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i think the problem is not where hes face is but dat he dont reminds or look like a dragon themed frame but an anteater themed frame

Thanks for your opinion on the matter, even though it was utterly irrelevant to what I was actually talking about, and you probably only told me that because you like interjecting. I'm going to mercilessly disregard it, and there is nothing you can do to stop me. 



I'm gonna point out that this is all speculation regarding the idle position of the frame. We need to see him in game more to get a clearer idea of how he stands, moves, etc.


Hell, he probably has a animation of him having his face down(agile probably) and one (noble) of him having his head straight upward(Speculation I know, but that's what I'm betting on.).

I'm actually also referring to the picture where he isn't idle (breathing fire). 

It's still kind of interesting when you think about it. It isn't a frame that looks like a dragon, it is a frame that looks like it is looking like a dragon. It's a nice little design choice, I have to say.

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All it does is add ambiguity to the vote. The poll is meant to ask if people like the design or not. It doesn't ask the degree of good or bad it is to people, only if they like it or not. People who abstain should put "No opinion."


"Meh" has no predetermined value of affirmation, thus it should be removed from the options.

"Meh" is basically the same as no opinion.

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...  Eredoc...  Look at the POSITION OF THE GOGGLES, you know those things that people wear where their eyes should be, usually?  That is the reason why he posted that, to show you where DE thinks the eyes are on that warframe, and not what you think.  Which what DE thinks is what matters here.


So just to show you how wrong you were about I compared both helmets from the front:




Doesn't show much due to the lack of depth so I decided to take a side by side comparison




So the Red line  indicates the end of the goggles, with the green line roughly estimating where the eyes could be.


I know my MS Paint skills are top notch, but disagree if you like, or better yet try it for yourself

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Exactly PapaFragolino, one small poll does not represent the entire community, so Invalid_Infinity, try not to lump us all in their as the majority. Not even a fraction goes on here.



Sibarian makes a good example of this.
Remember its called a vocal minority for a reason.
Anyway I hope that clears some things up; cheers!


 Then freaking vote!

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It's a frame pretending to be a dragon. Not a frame that is a dragon.



"Meh" is basically the same as no opinion.


In my opinion, "meh" is a bit skewed toward the negative side. "No opinion" would definitely have been better.

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