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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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The point was that he is supposed to be themed after a dragon. If he does not follow that theme then he needs a redesign. 


He is themed after a dragon, and he won't be getting a redesign no matter how big a fit you throw. 

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So funny thing..

there are some real life animals called dragons of one type or another.

Most folks were likely expecting something along the lines of the Smaug Giganticus https://www.google.com/search?q=smaug+giganteus+for+sale&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS628US628&es_sm=122&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=g6_7VLqMINfsoATe5IGICA&ved=0CDAQsAQ&biw=1920&bih=1075#imgdii=_

or at least the Komodo Dragon https://www.google.com/search?q=komodo+dragon&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS628US628&es_sm=122&biw=1920&bih=1075&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=q6_7VMSgIsiWoQS97oDoAw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ

but we ended up with the leafy sea Dragon https://www.google.com/search?q=sea+dragon&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS628US628&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=BK_7VM3NA4f8oATtyILoAg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=1075#imgdii=_


Now I have to ask...do you know anyone who ever said "I want to be an awesome sea dragon"?

Edited by Ronyn
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Do mind that the only ones who ever said that he would be an actual dragon were the fans themselves, who hyped themselves up on fan-art.


DE declared him to be a dragon frame. He ended up an anteater. If he had come out looking so unique that I couldn't come up with an animal to describe him yet had still failed to look like a dragon I wouldn't have cared as much. My issue is mainly that he was/is marketed as a dragon-frame, and ended up being an anteater. I'm really not seeing much of anything about his physical design that says dragon. 


  Really..? Who cares whether or not he was "marketed" as the Rhino frame? His name is Rhino and he looks like a rhino, that's the argument here.


Also DE did just that back in the days of CB they have called him the rhino frame before and have commented on his powers meaning to support that theme.


Considering that's the entire premise of OP's argument, I'd think that anyone who cared about his argument would care. Limbo's name is Limbo, does he look like that game that you play with a stick? No? Well good, because he wasn't marketed as that. And Rhino wasn't marketed as a rhino-frame. Never once did I see/hear Rhino get referred to as the rhino-frame. If Ash had ended up being released looking like a male mesa, I'm pretty sure people would have complained just as much.


Back when rhino was added I don't think they honestly marketed any warframes coming out like they have for chroma.


Oh course.


He is themed after a dragon, and he won't be getting a redesign no matter how big a fit you throw. 


The possibility of him getting redesigned is low, but not zero percent. But that is a nice attitude you have there. Maybe I should start using it whenever I see someone asking for nerfs.

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No, that's fine. If you guys want to argue visuals, then have at it. My point was more on theme and powers. DE does this thing where they call a frame a codename, but then mash in like, 3 other themes with it. "Nekros" was codenamed Necromancer, but he's got the whole hunger and nanobot theme going on. Valkyr's another good example, shes "berserker" but also catwoman, and Warcry-warrior as well. I don't give a hoot about Chroma's snoot :)


Nekros still fits the necromancer concept, they just put a scifi twist on it. Valkyr may resemble a cat, but her abilities do fit one of the ideas I would think applies to a 'berserker'.

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So funny thing..

there are some real life animals called dragons of one type or another.

Most folks were likely expecting something along the lines of the Smaug Giganticus https://www.google.com/search?q=smaug+giganteus+for+sale&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS628US628&es_sm=122&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=g6_7VLqMINfsoATe5IGICA&ved=0CDAQsAQ&biw=1920&bih=1075#imgdii=_

or at least the Komodo Dragon https://www.google.com/search?q=komodo+dragon&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS628US628&es_sm=122&biw=1920&bih=1075&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=q6_7VMSgIsiWoQS97oDoAw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ

but we ended up with the leafy sea Dragon https://www.google.com/search?q=sea+dragon&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS628US628&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=BK_7VM3NA4f8oATtyILoAg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=1075#imgdii=_


Now I have to ask...do you know anyone who ever said "I want to be an awesome sea dragon"? I don't. But hey whatever.

can one of the Alt helmets look more like one of the other style of dragon?

Edited by Ronyn
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I like how he looks. o_o His head looks like that of a Chinese dragon, while his body has the armored look of any dragon type. Not to mention those things on his shoulders that look like they could sprout into wings and dat tail.Iunno, I have no problem with him and I really can't wait to use him!

Edited by Minion135
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The possibility of him getting redesigned is low, but not zero percent. But that is a nice attitude you have there. Maybe I should start using it whenever I see someone asking for nerfs.


Art design is the one thing you're pretty much unable to change. Unless there's something mechanically wrong, like sizing or spaced-out seams, I don't think the actual aesthetics of something have ever once been changed due to community feedback.


Game balance is a different deal.

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You see guys the reason his posture has his belly sticking out isn't his posture at all! It's actually because he's a seahorse and he's pregnant! Male seahorses give birth! It all make sense now! =DDDDD

He could be a pregnant male dragon too, so a hybrid of seahorse and dragon would be a Draghorse.

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He is themed after a dragon, and he won't be getting a redesign no matter how big a fit you throw. 

I beg to differ. I have not complained about any frame before because I thought their looks fit quite well with what they did. Chroma does not fit what he does. Therefore that is an issue that needs to be fixed. I am making sure I post a topic at least once a week from this point on to make certain they hear of my disappointment with their misleading dragon frame propaganda.  

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All this crying because he doesn't look like YOUR version of a dragon is silly.  Don't like him?  Don't use him.  I don't think he looks all that bad.  In the gif of him spraying fire, he think he looks awesome.


Edit:  how do you know his looks don't fit what he does?  Have you used him?  Clearly the devs think he's great the way he is.  Make your own game with a dragon character, then you can have it exactly how you want.

Edited by (PS4)resnor
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No, that's fine. If you guys want to argue visuals, then have at it. My point was more on theme and powers. 

Indeed. The whole color/element aspect fits the dragon theme.



DE does this thing where they call a frame a codename, but then mash in like, 3 other themes with it. 

True  to varying degrees. Like how Scott said Hydroid is both the water and pirate themes and that is pretty apparent in both his look and powers.

Where Zephyr is Wind and bird themed. Things that fit together well.


 "Nekros" was codenamed Necromancer, but he's got the whole hunger and nanobot theme going on. 

Hunger...uhm what?

But anyway the nanobots represent the HOW he brings back the dead in a sci fi way.

And his look is clearly similar to the whole "frail bodied, dark hood" thing commonly used for nekromancers.


Valkyr's another good example, shes "berserker" but also catwoman, and Warcry-warrior as well. I don't give a hoot about Chroma's snoot :)

In many versions of the berzerker battlecrys of various types are common.

The cat aspect is an aditional, but it also doesnt go directly against the berzerker theme (cats are known for going zero to nutty in no time lol)..

and cats are a very popular animal with people and was actually one of the themes requested by many. 


are leafy sea dragons something people ask for on here? or anywhere?



 I don't give a hoot about Chroma's snoot :)

I absolutely can't stand it. But then it's not unheard of that one helmet will totally turn me off where another version or alt helmet with totally make me happy. So we shall see.

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I beg to differ. I have not complained about any frame before because I thought their looks fit quite well with what they did. Chroma does not fit what he does. Therefore that is an issue that needs to be fixed. I am making sure I post a topic at least once a week from this point on to make certain they hear of my disappointment with their misleading dragon frame propaganda.  

That sounds like a lot of wasted that that could be spent on something fun. Usually people avoid things they don't like, especially in games like Warframe that revolves around choice.

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I'll keep saying it. He looks epic as Hell.


The bashing regarding him is mostly coming from the same people who complain every update, regardless of what that update is.


Basically, they're the type of people to ignore until they go away, or settle down and adapt. 

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Yes that's right.


So no matter how you look at it. The name is right and fitting.



Ridiculous! Honestly! The NAME is CHROMA. NOT leafy sea horse!

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Art design is the one thing you're pretty much unable to change. Unless there's something mechanically wrong, like sizing or spaced-out seams, I don't think the actual aesthetics of something have ever once been changed due to community feedback.


Game balance is a different deal.


I think banshee had a peculiar splotch of color removed from her crotch.

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The possibility of him getting redesigned is low, but not zero percent. But that is a nice attitude you have there. Maybe I should start using it whenever I see someone asking for nerfs.

That attitude has never worked out in the entire history of Warframe, and it will not work out now either. Especially when it is the fan's fault that they had sky-high expectations for him to look like a pallet-swapped Rhino.

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I think banshee had a peculiar splotch of color removed from her crotch.


Yes, I'm sure we'll be able to get a whole frame remodeled then.


I am making sure I post a topic at least once a week from this point on to make certain they hear of my disappointment with their misleading dragon frame propaganda.  


Enjoy your warning points. 

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It resembles what I would have expected to see in an Infested Warframe. I'm sure a lot of people are gonna give it Ancient colors and call it a day. Now is it just me or are frames just getting goofier and goofier, especially the guys? I'm missing the more seriously themed aesthetics that helped bring me into the game. Of course visuals aren't everything, however, there is a line where they can begin to cut into the overall theme that's been established in a universe.


Here's what I mean. The Sentient trailer was dark and foreboding; had a nice feel to it. All the Frames there completely felt fine (even Mirage didn't seem out of place). The spotlight was given to Excalibur, the poster boy. Who better, right? That said, his spot could have been given to practically any other Warframe and it would have still felt like it belonged (yes that includes Hydroid and Mesa) there. Now let's say we replaced Excalibur with Chroma or Limbo. For a lot of people it would seem totally off, and not very Warframe, to say the least. Play it out in your head and see.


The crowd reaction, or lack there of, for Chroma's reveal spoke volumes. As does this topic. I'm all for unique approaches in art, but maybe DE should start to ease back into atmosphere that Warframe was founded on. A joke Frame here and there is fine, but let's give it a break for now.

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All this crying because he doesn't look like YOUR version of a dragon is silly.  Don't like him?  Don't use him.  I don't think he looks all that bad.  In the gif of him spraying fire, he think he looks awesome.


Edit:  how do you know his looks don't fit what he does?  Have you used him?  Clearly the devs think he's great the way he is.  Make your own game with a dragon character, then you can have it exactly how you want.

The devteam isn't exactly a large amount of people. Even if they showed the concept around the office that is still likely less than 500 people that have agreed with the design. In fact we dont even know how many in DE dislike the design anyways. Just take a look at this poll for a second: http://strawpoll.me/3807541


Over 1100 people have voted on that poll. The majority either don't care or dislike it. In other words most of the community dislikes the current design of chroma for one reason or another. Less than a quarter of the people on that poll like it. Now tell me, if the developers had involved the community at all in it's design (like they should have) then we could have avoided this issue much easier. It was a fan requested theme therefore why were we left out of the design creation? 


I'm sorry but that was a blundering error on their part and this is the consequence of that error! 

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