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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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Yes, they should. I have researched a lot about dragons, and no, he does not look like any actual dragon design. The 'wings' are mounted on his ARMS and not his back. His head has a tiny TINY mouth at the end, not all the way down the stalk of the snout, so does NOT resemble that of any asian dragon, and the tail is more of a Lobster type tail than Trinity!

All in all, Chroma is NOT a dragon, and yes, DE should re-do him, especially after waiting 2.5 months before showing a terrible and short trailer for him.

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I think people hyped themselves up with all sorts of unreasonable expectations. I looked at the design with neutral eyes, and I dont think it's that bad.

Like Master Zareek said, people thought it would be based on some cool Oriental Celestial dragon or Chromatic European dragon. And then they got a Sea Dragon themed frame. Did everyone forget that we're getting Underwater themed tilesets ?

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I don't think the issue is that you are complaining...

It's that you are constantly campaigning for a change.


You don't actually have an argument... You have an opinion.


And that's cool...


Trying to force your opinion on to others isn't though.

Trying to force your vision on to others by lobbying for change is also not cool.

Twisting truth to fit your opinion is, likewise, not cool... That is exactly what you are doing when you make your opinion sound like objective fact.


This isn't Fox News...


The simple facts are that the same artist that designed most of the frames, designed this one.

You don't have to like that fact for it to be a fact.


If you don't like the frame, don't get it.

Say your piece and keep it moving.

I elaborated on my statements on a previous post. Read it and see where my logic leads.


EDIT: Looking back on what I have stated I really have not twisted anything to fit what I have said. I have no idea what makes you think that.

Edited by Invalid_Infinity
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Shouldnt DE remake his design after community's reaction?

In my opinion the helmet and the body should be remade

What you think?

No. A remake is unreasonable.

Alt helmets and a skin that bring it more toward many peoples expectations are reasonable. 



I think people hyped themselves up with all sorts of unreasonable expectations. I looked at the design with neutral eyes, and I dont think it's that bad.

I don't see why peoples expectations were unreasonable, there are plenty iof dragon themed characters or classes in many games that were able to please the majority of their playerbases. Why should it be so different in warframe?

nor do I think that looking at Chroma with "neutral" eyes inherently means one has to like it.


Honestly it's like you're trying to infer that if one doesn't like chroma they were unreasonable and biased...

which is just bunk.




Like Master Zareek said, people thought it would be based on some cool Oriental Celestial dragon or Chromatic European dragon. And then they got a Sea Dragon themed frame. Did everyone forget that we're getting Underwater themed tilesets ?

That argument doesn't add up. many of the Asian themed and Chromantic European dragons ARE sea dragons. 




I like Chroma. The head looks like a Chinese dragon's, the body looks armored as any dragon would be, and even on his back he looks like he could sprout wings. I like him the way he is.

His head does not look like Chinese dragons.



think of it as an oriental dragon *mushu from mulan* strapped on to a sarcophagus but i kinda like it :D

Not mushu. https://www.google.com/search?q=mushu+from+mulan&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS628US628&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=ss79VPGYAs_poAS5qIGYDg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=1075



Guys its fine to like it but come on...the dead does not look like any version of a dragon.

It's ok to just enjoy DE's unique take without pretending it has similarities it doesn't. 

Edited by Ronyn
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well some parts of the world believe that sea horses are baby dragons, and dragons become mature when they reach 100 years old etc


bypedal seahorse of death? am i the only one that thinks, using that warframe to kill enemies is going to be hilarious? D:

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I think the design team and art director should take one long look at what they're doing. It's not just Chroma, a lot of things have had dubious aesthetic designs lately. The newest Loki and Zephyr helmets, plus Mesa's alternate helmets, for example. The weapons have been pretty consistent, except for the weird texture regions that don't allow much customization. The Halikar, for example, looks vivid orange in previews. However, due to the "material" its made of, it's IMPOSSIBLE to color it something bright.


I don't think Chroma can be saved at this point, but I do hope this trend of clutter stops, and the warframes return to their original elegance.

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Yes, they should. I have researched a lot about dragons, and no, he does not look like any actual dragon design. The 'wings' are mounted on his ARMS and not his back. His head has a tiny TINY mouth at the end, not all the way down the stalk of the snout, so does NOT resemble that of any asian dragon, and the tail is more of a Lobster type tail than Trinity!

All in all, Chroma is NOT a dragon, and yes, DE should re-do him, especially after waiting 2.5 months before showing a terrible and short trailer for him.

Gotta remember, a person is inside. He can't have a mouth bigger than the person's head. Aside from the small mouth, the head looks quite a lot like that of a Chinese dragon. http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/27100000/Fantasy-Dragon-dragons-27155051-2560-1600.jpg oh hey the wings on Chroma are coming from the same spot as that dragon.

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It has tail, and U can kind of see a scale pattern on it. Muzzle maybe not that long, but still extended. Pelt has pattern similliar to that on Chroma arms and legs (especially when wet). It's clearly a water creature. This must be a water dragon then :D


Ok joking aside. What I don't see on a more serious note.

- I don't see scales. Like at all. It surely has a pelt of some patern. But what that is - that's hard to discern.

- His nose - some say it looks like a horn. For me it looks like plain old pug nose.

- Why does it's tounge stick out from that long muzzle ? ! It looks more like an ant-eater because of it.

- Tail - it has one. That's about it. It doesn't look reptilian. Actually it looks like beaver tail or ant-eater tail.

- His silhouette. It looks like a middle aged worker, after whole day of carrying goods on his back - tired of life.

Edited by tocorro
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Shrug Im not ready to judge yet, at first I didnt like zephyrs design but now I really do, I will never like hydroid but I understand his theme and design aesthetic so I would not ask them to change anything I think that chroma has a kind of cool design, granted we havent seen a 360 view of him but I like how bulky he is and hopefully his color pattern is nice so we can really make him shine! all in all hyped

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people survived limbo....they can survive chroma 






I like his design. It's something new and people forghet, we will get an alternate helmet for him. Can't wait to get him, recolor him, play with some atachements on him, maybe alternate helmet etc.


remember when mirage came out? the original helmet was awful....same case probably applies to chroma :D

Edited by Gintoki-Zero
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Chroma is a Dragon hes a chinese Dragon / Sea Dragon and theres nothing wrong with it despite all the haters there are plenty of people who like him as he is. Besides that theres a Megathread on Chroma and there was no need to make another Thread on this particular topic. And no they wont redo remodell and reskin him eevn if a super duper Grand Master player with 2759 posts wants it and im glad that it is like that.

Edited by Mikail96
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 Aside from the small mouth, the head looks quite a lot like that of a Chinese dragon. http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/27100000/Fantasy-Dragon-dragons-27155051-2560-1600.jpg

That's just it. Chroma's head doesn't look anything like that picture. That dragons head has somewhat hard, almost triangular angles.

Chroma's head has rounded, elongated with bulbous nose and bottom lip shaping.

Which is not really like Chinese dragons either.



Chroma is a Dragon hes a chinese Dragon / Sea Dragon and theres nothing wrong with it despite all the haters there are plenty of people who like him as he is. Besides that theres a Megathread on Chroma and there was no need to make another Thread on this particular topic.

he does not look like a Chinese seadragon.




well some parts of the world believe that sea horses are baby dragons, 

Technically true. Though isn't that like giving us a narwhal when we ask for a unicorn?

Edited by Ronyn
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